易经 英语简介



Each line is either solid (yang —) or broken
(yin --). The combinations are determined by the numerical manipulation of divining sticks, originally yarrow stalks, or milfoil蓍草.
Duke Zhou’s Philosophy of Life
At this stage, Yijing emerged as a philosophy
of life. It was no longer just a book for divination. Each situation, symbolically represented by either the hexagram as a whole or a single line in the hexagram, signifies a moral situation in life. The Judgment frequently depicts possible options in any given situation along with their possible outcomes.
The disclosure of philosophical insights
embodied in the texts of the Zhou-Yi transformed it from a text of divination into a text of philosophical wisdom.
natural elements: heaven (乾), earth (坤), water (坎), fire (离), wind (巽), thunder (震), mountain (艮), and lake (兑).



九三: 君子终日乾乾,夕惕若厉,无咎。
In the third line, undivided,(we see its
subject as) the superior man active and vigilant all the day,and in the evening still careful and apprehensive. (The position is) dangerous,but there will be no mistake. 每卦每爻的译句的主语都是由爻位充当的,所以开 头都是 “the first line”,然后“the second line”,依此类推。 爻位主语之后,经常是冗长的宾语从句表达爻辞内 容。翻译中带括号。
小组成员:王丹妮 林泽玲 霍雪婷(155翻译班) 指导老师:陆道夫 教授 课程教材:《英译中国文化经典精读教程》
小组成员 王丹妮 林泽玲 霍雪婷 翻译方向155班
《易经》题目英译对比 《易经》词语英译对比
邵乃读,曾于中国外交部和中国驻 外使馆工作多年。他用了二十余年 研究《易经》,写出《正本清源说 易经》一书。根据这一书,又出版 了中英双语本《易经新注》,此书 出版后在国内市场取得良好反响。
理雅各:The Book of Changes 贝恩斯:I Ching or Book of Changes
Ki”,表示箕子作为王公大臣的身份,并采用归化 和异化结合的方法,使译文既贴近原语言文化又易 于被不同文化背景的受众理解和接受。



周易的英语介绍演讲稿The English Introduction of Zhouyi。

Good morning, everyone. Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to share with you the English introduction of Zhouyi, also known as the Book of Changes. Zhouyi is one of the oldest Chinese classic texts and a foundational work of the Confucian and Taoist philosophies. It is a book of wisdom and divination, offering insights into the nature of the universe and the principles of change and transformation.Zhouyi consists of 64 hexagrams, each composed of six stacked horizontal lines, with each line representing yin or yang. These hexagrams are used for divination, providing guidance on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, health, and decision-making. The interpretations of the hexagrams are based on the principles of balance, harmony, and the cyclical nature of change.The English translation of Zhouyi has been widely studied and appreciated by scholars and practitioners of Chinese philosophy and divination around the world. It has been praised for its profound insights into the human condition and its ability to offer practical wisdom for navigating the complexities of life.In the English introduction of Zhouyi, it is important to convey the essence of the text while also making it accessible to a global audience. This involves not only translating the words but also capturing the cultural and philosophical nuances embedded in the text. It requires a deep understanding of both the Chinese language and the English language, as well as a sensitivity to the spiritual and philosophical dimensions of the text.The English introduction of Zhouyi serves as a bridge between the ancient wisdom of China and the modern world, allowing people from diverse cultural backgrounds to access the timeless teachings of this profound text. It provides a window into the rich heritage of Chinese philosophy and spirituality, offering valuable insights and guidance for contemporary life.In conclusion, the English introduction of Zhouyi is a testament to the enduring relevance and universal appeal of this ancient Chinese classic. It is a testament to the enduring relevance and universal appeal of this ancient Chinese classic. It is a testament to the enduring relevance and universal appeal of this ancient Chinese classic. It is a testament to the enduring relevance and universal appeal of this ancient Chinese classic.Thank you for your attention. I hope that this brief introduction has piqued your interest in the wisdom of Zhouyi. Let us continue to explore and appreciate the profound insights it offers for the enrichment of our lives. Thank you.。



Shi Yi/Yi
Zhuan [易传]----during the time of Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius is traditionally said to have written the Shi Yi, a group of commentaries of the I Ching.
[九]----the solid line represents Yang, the creative principle. principle.
open line represents Yin, the receptive
Yin[六]----the Yin Yang
Ching was lucky to survive after the Qin Empire’s Burning of books and burying of scholars because of the divination factors. Chinese civilization, as with early Western civilization, accepted various pre-scientific explanations of natural events, and the I Ching has been cited as an example of this. Thus it interpreted natural events through reading based on symbols expressed in the trigrams and hexagrams.



易经英语的两种说法《易经》常见的英语说法是“I Ching” 或者“The Book of Changes”。

一、“I Ching”1. 翻译与解释- 直接音译为“I Ching”,这是《易经》在国际上被广泛认知的一种称呼。



2. 使用情况- 在学术研究领域,当学者们专门从东方文化、哲学、占卜等多方面研究《易经》这部经典著作时,常使用“I Ching”。


- 在一些文化交流活动中,如果想要强调《易经》的独特性和原汁原味的东方文化内涵,也会使用“I Ching”。

3. 例子- “The concepts in I Ching have influenced Chinese culture for thousands of years.”(《易经》中的概念已经影响了中国文化数千年。

)- “Many Western scholars are interested in studying I Ching.”(许多西方学者对研究《易经》感兴趣。

)- “I Ching is regarded as a profound philosophical work in the East.”(《易经》在东方被视为一部深奥的哲学著作。

)- “The divination system in I Ching is very unique.”(《易经》中的占卜系统非常独特。

)- “Some artists get inspiration from I Ching.”(一些艺术家从《易经》中获取灵感。

)- “I Ching contains rich wisdom about life.”(《易经》包含丰富的人生智慧。

)- “The study of I Ching can help us understand ancient Chinese thinking.”(研究《易经》有助于我们理解古代中国人的思维。

今文经学 英文

今文经学 英文

今文经学英文The study of ancient Chinese literature, particularly the Yijing (Bookof Changes), holds significant importance in Chinese culture and scholarship. 这是古代中国文学研究的重要组成部分,对于中华文化和学术界有着重要的意义。

The Yijing is considered one of the Five Classics of Confucianism and has been influential in various fields such as philosophy, divination, and even modern psychology. 这部作品被视为儒家经典之一,在诸如哲学、占卜甚至现代心理学等领域均产生了深远影响。

Through its rich symbolism and complex system of hexagrams, the Yijing has been a source of wisdom and guidance for countless individuals seeking to understand the world and their place in it. 通过其丰富的象征意义和复杂的六十四卦系统,易经为许多人提供了智慧和指导,使他们更好地理解世界及其在其中的位置。

It is not merely a book, but a living tradition that continues to evolve and adapt to the changing times. 它不仅仅是一本书,更是一种生生不息的传统,继续演变和适应不断变化的时代。

One of the key principles in the study of the Yijing is the concept of change and transformation. 易经研究的关键原则之一是变化和转化的概念。



Yao (爻)
Each trigram consists of three lines.
The line is usually called Yao .
QIAN Trigram
KUN Trigram
d a y
solid Hard moving
broken feminine still
The idea that any can be described in terms of two basic elements is beautiful in its simplicity and forms the foundation from which the Yi Jing was constructed.
Yao Embodiment
Yang yao:
Heaven Male Emperor Hard Strong Odd numbers 3579
Yin yao:
Earth Female Civilian Soft Weak Even numbers 2468
6 7 7 9 6 2
6 7 7 9 6 2
当一个事物发展到极致的时候, 他就要产生变化
How does the trigram take shape?
Eight Trigrams
• Eight trigrams called BaGua in Chinese language. • By putting together three lines, Yin and Yang, in all possible combination to represent the eight basic elements.



易经英文介绍The Book of Changes, also known as I Ching or Yi Jing, is an ancient philosophy and fortune-telling text from China dating back to the 10th century BCE or earlier. Widely accepted as an incredibly influentialtext and source of wisdoms in the East, it is still widely studied and practiced today.The Book of Changes is based on the idea of yin and yang. Yin, represented by a broken line, and yang, represented by a solid line. Eight trigrams — three solid lines and three broken lines — are each associated with one of the Chinese element and natural phenomenon: Heaven, Earth, Fire, Water, Thunder, Wind, Mountain, and Lake. Bylylater organized into 64 hexagrams — each composed of two adjacent trigrams, indicating development, progress, and changes.The philosophy of I Ching dictates that through a process of self-examination and ritualistic divination, people can better understand the implications and potential of their decisions. Divination typically involves drawing three coins — which are thought to have a 50/50 chance of landing heads or tails — and assigning heads to yang and tails to yin. By consulting the I Ching oracle to interpret the sequence of yin and yang produced from these coins, a person can get an indication of their past, present, or female.Throughout the years, The Book of Changes has served as a guide for those seeking clarity in decision making, direction in life, and advice on how to handle life’s unpredictable twists and turns. It is a source of wisdom for life-altering decisions, business, and relationships as well as refreshing perspectives on life’s mundane moments. In The Book of Changes, the power of insight, patience, spirituality, and compassion reigns. The Book of Changes is a truly timeless book of wisdom.。



四书The Four Books《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》The Confucian Analects 《孟子》The Works of Mencius|《论语》The Confucian Analects 学而时习之,不亦说乎?It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments.温故而知新,可以为师矣。

If a man will constantly go over what he has acquired and keep continually adding to it new acquirements, he may become a teacher of men.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。

Study without thinking is labor lost. Thinking without study is perilous.君子周而不比,小人比而不周。

A wise man is impartial, not neutral. A fool is neutral but not impartial.知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。

To know what it is that you know, and to know what it is that you do not know, —that is understanding.辜鸿铭译|《孟子》The Works of Mencius故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨、饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。





Abstract:James Legge's translation and research on The Book of Changes aroused much attention and criticism after its publication. In the history of transmitting The Book of Changes to the West, his translation and research has been a milestone,inspiring Chinese and Western scholars who were and are engaged in the research and translation of the Chinese ancient classics in many ways. The essay intends to probe into James Legge's translation of The Book of Changes per se, including his academic preparation before translation,the motivation of translating The Chinese Classics including The Book of Changes,the investigation of the basic texts and other reference books,as well as the evaluation, the format and characteristics of his translation of the book,so as to interpret his thoughts on Yiology.Key words:James Legge; The Book of Changes; translation; cultural transmission; Yiology理雅各与《易经》及其英译研究自其《易经》译本问世以来便引起了各界人士的广泛关注和评论,至今不息。



典籍里的周易思想总结英语The Summary of the Thinking of the Book of Changes (I Ching)The Book of Changes, also known as I Ching, is one of the oldest classics in Chinese history. Its origins can be traced back to the Zhou dynasty, over 3000 years ago. The Book of Changes contains profound wisdom and insights into the nature of the universe, human existence, and the fundamental workings of life. In this essay, I will summarize the key thoughts and ideas presented in the Book of Changes.1. Changes and the Yin-Yang Principle:At the heart of the Book of Changes is the idea that everything in the universe is subject to perpetual change. This concept reflects the ancient Chinese belief that the world is an interconnected web of interdependent forces. The two primary forces are Yin and Yang, representing opposing but complementary aspects of existence.Yin signifies darkness, the passive and receptive, while Yang represents light, the active and creative. These opposing forces are constantly in flux, balancing and harmonizing each other.2. The Hexagrams and Divination:The Book of Changes is structured around a system of 64 hexagrams, which are composed of six stacked solid or broken lines. Each hexagram represents a certain state of affairs or a specific situation. Through the process of divination, individuals can consult the Book of Changes to gain insights and guidance for making decisions. Divination involves casting yarrow stalks or coins and interpreting the resulting hexagram. The Book of Changes teaches that by understanding the patterns of change, onecan make wiser choices and align oneself with the flow of the universe.3. Threefold World and the Doctrine of Correspondence:The Book of Changes describes the universe as consisting of three realms: Heaven, Earth, and Human. This threefold world reflects the ancient Chinese belief in the harmonious relationship between these realms. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things. The doctrine of correspondence teaches that there is a correspondence and resonance between the three realms. By observing the patterns in nature and the heavenly bodies, humans can gain insights into their own lives and the world around them.4. Ethics and Virtue:The Book of Changes places great importance on ethics and moral cultivation. It teaches that true virtue lies in aligning one's actions with the principles of the universe and following the path of righteousness. It emphasizes the cultivation of qualities such as compassion, sincerity, humility, and integrity. The book teaches that by embodying these virtues, individuals can achieve harmony and balance within themselves and in their relationships with others.5. Balance and Harmony:The Book of Changes suggests that balance and harmony are the keys to a fulfilled and meaningful life. It teaches that excessive attachment to any one extreme can lead to imbalance and disharmony. It encourages individuals to seek a middle way, to find balance between Yin and Yang, and to harmonize theirthoughts, actions, and emotions. It also emphasizes the need to adapt to change and flow with the currents of life, rather than resisting or trying to control them.In conclusion, the Book of Changes offers profound insights into the nature of the universe and human existence. It teaches the importance of embracing change, understanding the interconnectedness of all things, cultivating virtue, and seeking balance and harmony in life. The wisdom and teachings of the Book of Changes continue to be relevant and applicable in our modern world.。





《易经》的英文翻译是《BOOKS OF CHANGE》,易经之于外国人而言,就是一本关于叙述改变的书,当然我们也是这样理解,可是经过这几节课的学习,我更习惯用容易这样字面浅显的意思来理解。
















周易坤卦英文译本The Kun hexagram, also known as the Receptive, is the second of the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching, an ancient Chinese text used for divination and philosophical guidance. It represents the earth and embodies the principle of nurturing and support.In its essence, the Kun hexagram suggests a time for receptivity and patience. It advises us to be like the earth, which quietly supports all life, offering stability and nourishment without demanding anything in return.The lines of the hexagram offer various insights into the nature of receptivity. The first line speaks of lying close to the earth, symbolizing the beginning of a period where one should be cautious and open to learning from one's surroundings.The second line indicates a time of difficulty, where the need for support is great. It is a reminder to seek out those who can provide the necessary assistance during challenging times.As we move to the third line, the hexagram suggests that one may find themselves in a position to offer support to others, much like the earth does for the plants that grow upon it.The fourth line speaks of coming to the surface, which can be interpreted as a time to take action and make one's presence known, after having been grounded and receptive.The fifth line, being in the center of the hexagram, represents a time of great influence and power. It is a position where one's nurturing and supportive nature can have a profound impact on others.Finally, the sixth line warns of the potential for overextension. It is a reminder that even the earth has its limits and that one should be mindful of not spreading oneself too thin.In summary, the Kun hexagram is a powerful reminder of the importance of being receptive, supportive, and patient in our interactions with the world around us. It encourages us to be like the earth, offering a foundation for growth and stability to all that we encounter.。



Nature. 2005 Jun 2;435(7042):673-6, there is a paper which shows clearly that ‘Oxytocin increases trust in humans’. Indeed this is the title of the study. Kosfeld M, Heinrichs M, Zak PJ, Fischbacher U, Fehr E.
The Sky spring summer autumn winter
Richard Bertschinger © 2010
The True People of Old
I HAVE HEARD IT SAID THAT in those times there were people of real substance, true men of old. They lifted and raised up the skies and earth, and grasped Yin and Yang in their hands. Their out-breath and in-breath were pure energy, as alone they stood there, guarding the mind; their muscles and flesh as one. Thus their longevity was able to wear out the skies and earth, unending, and they represented the arts of health.
What is the Point?
Places of low resistance and high conductivity…., within the EMS, in the region of micro-voltage. And the charge at these points can change and be affected extremely rapidly. Notably by „external‟ factors such as …‟emotion, perspiration, movement, and respiration‟…… „which can dramatically affect the reliability of electrodermal measurements.‟ I would add to this, that if the practitioner is palpating with her or her finger-tip, then their own emotion, perspiration, amount of movement and respiration will also affect the charge.




26、我们像鹰一样,生来就是自由的 ,但是 为了生 存,我 们不得 不为自 己编织 一个笼 子,然 后把自 己关在 里面。 ——博 莱索

27、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时 间再长 ,也还 是没有 制约力 的。— —爱·科 克

28、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。 ——马 克罗维 乌斯

29、在一切能够接受法律支配的人类 的状态 中,哪 里没有 法律, 那里就 没有自 由。— —洛克

30、风俗可以造就法律,也可以废除 法律。 ——塞·约翰逊
61、奢侈是舒适的,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿
















三、伏羲创造八卦图对气象学的诠释《易经》的英文翻译是《BOOKS OF CHANGE》,当今的气象学不仅仅利用了夜观天象之类的手段,更是利用到了先进的科学技术来对天气进行实时的监控,以便收集更精确地天气状况以及预测未来的'天气走势。






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About The Book of Changes

The Book of Changes is actually a new inquiry into the essence of the world and all the individual existence. A new perception of the world: two basic elements or poles: yin (阴) -- yang (阳) —
The Book of Changes (易经)
The origin of I-Ching
王(rule)天下也,仰者观象(phenomenon) 于天、俯者观法(rules and laws)于地,观 鸟兽之文(lines and veins),与地之宜,近 取诸身,远取诸物,于是始作八卦,以通 神明之德、以类万物之情”。

韦编三绝 (Confucius broke The Book of Changes many times for he read it with such high frequency that the thread had to be replaced and renewed again and again. )
大肠 (large intestine)
辰时(7点-9点):胃(stomach) 巳时(9点-11点):脾(spleen)
午时(11点-13点) :心 (heart) 未时(13点-15点) : 小肠 (small intestine) 申时(15点-17点) : 膀胱 (urinary bladder) 酉时(17点-19点) :肾 (kidney) 戌时(19点-21点) :心包 亥时(21点-23点) :三焦
A metaphysical perception of physical world ( astrology )

The Book of Changes was firstly a book of astrology. It starteines and textures on turtle shell to interpret the changes of the world. Later it was broadened and became a classic of Confucius’ reading and was listed the first great work of Confucius’ classics.
I-Ching and directions
北 东北



Other perspectives: ① day ( hour change) ② month and season (season change) ③ body part
《易传· 说卦》: “乾为首 ( head ), 坤为腹 ( belly ), 震为足 ( foot ), 巽为股 ( thigh ), 坎为耳 ( ear ), 离为目 ( eye ), 艮为手 ( hand ), 兑为口 ( mouth )

乾 震
三个阴爻,像地earth; 上面一个
阳爻,下面两个阴爻,像山mountain; 个阴爻,像水water;离

中间一个阳爻,上下两 下面两个阳

上面两个阳爻,下面一个阴爻,像风wind;兑 爻,上面一个阴爻,像泽lake;

春夏养阳(nurture the power of Yang) ,秋冬养 阴(nurture the power of Yin): 春养肝(liver),夏养
子时(23点-1点): 胆
丑时(1点-3点):肝 (liver) 寅时 (3点-5点): 肺 (lung) 卯时 (5点-7点) :
I-Ching and Health Maintenance
《易传· 文言· 乾》 提出了人身( human body )小宇宙
( mimesis of the external universe ) 之论:“大人者,与天地 合其德( in accordance with the rules and laws of the heaven and earth ),与日月合其明 ( in concordance with the change of light of the sun and moon ),与四时合其序 ( in harmony with the advance of time ),与鬼神合其凶。”