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21st_century_skills_english_map.doc 的翻译

21st Century Skills Map 21世纪技能地图

DESiGnED in CooPErATion wiTh ThE nATionAl CounCil of TEAChErS of EnGliSh该设计的合作全国委员会英语师范

This 21st Century Skills Map这个21世纪技能地图

is the result of hundreds of结果是数百

hours of research, development小时的研究,开发

and feedback from educators从教育工作者和反馈

and business leaders across和商界领袖在

the nation.The Partnership伙伴关系的nation.The

has issued this map for已发出此地图

the core subject of English.英语的核心科目。

This tool is available at此工具可在

The Partnership advocates for the integration of 21st Century Skills into K-12的K - 12的伙伴关系成为品牌的拥护者为一体的21世纪技能

education so that students can advance their learning in core academic subjects.教育,让学生可以提前学习的核心学科。

The Partnership has forged alliances with key national organizations that represent the core academic subjects, including Social该伙伴关系结成联盟,其核心学术学科国家重点组织代表,包括社会

Studies, English, Math, Science and Geography.As a result of these collaborations, the Partnership has developed this map to研究,英语,数学,科学和Geography.As一个协作的结果,其中伙伴关系已经发展到这个地图

illustrate the intersection between 21st Century Skills and English.The maps will enable educators, administrators and policymakers路口之间的地图说明21世纪技能和English.The将使教育工作者,管理者和决策者

to gain concrete examples of how 21st Century Skills can be integrated into core subjects.获得核心科目具体的例子,如何把21世纪技能可以集成。

A 21st Century21世纪


B Skill Definition乙技能的定义

C Interdisciplinary Themeç跨学科的主题

Sample Student学生范例


An example from the English 21st Century Skills例如,从一个技能21世纪的英国

Map illustrates sample outcomes for teaching地图显示的结果为教学标本

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.批判性思维和解决问题。

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305177 N丘奇大街,305室

Tucson,AZ 85701亚利桑那州图森85701


Publication date: 11/08出版日期:11/08


lEArninG & innoVATion SKillS学习与创新技能

Creativity and innovation创造力和创新**

Demonstrating originality展示创意

and inventiveness in work和创新工作

*Developing, implementing*制定,实施

and communicating new和交流的新

ideas to others别人的想法

*Being open and*公开和

responsive to new and顺应新

diverse perspectives不同的观点

*Acting on creative ideas*代理的创意

to make a tangible and使有形和

useful contribution to有用的贡献

the domain in which the在其中的域

innovation occurs技术创新会发生

4th Grade四年级

ouTCoME: Demonstrate originality and结果:原创性和示范

inventiveness in work.创造性的工作。

EXAMPlE: After reading several trickster例子:当阅读一些骗子

folktales, such as Coyote Stories or high John高约翰民间故事,如狼的故事或

tales, and viewing two or three cartoons,故事,看两个或三个卡通,

students write their own contemporary version学生自己写当代版

of a trickster story and present them as stop-一个骗子的故事,现在阻止他们的,

motion or claymation films.议案或claymation电影。

EXAMPlE: Students collect a variety of例子:学生收集各种
