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1. 务必提前两小时到达机场。(Sure )

Be sure to arrive at the airport two hours ahead of time.

2. 希望能尽快收到你的来信。(hope)

I hope to receive your letter as soon as possible.

3. 在移动的公交车上看书对眼睛有害。(harm )

Reading in the moving bus does harm to one’s eyes.

4. 在户外在运动真是让人神轻气爽.

It is refreshing to do exercise in the open air.

5. 务必爱护公共财产。(Do)

Do take care of public property.

6. 我非常荣幸能代表班级同学在升旗仪式上发言。( honor)

I feel it a great honour for me to make a speech on behalf of my classmate at the flag-raising ceremony.

7. 过去的20年见证了上海的飞速发展。(witness)

The past ten years have witnessed the rapid development of Shanghai.

8. 参加婚礼的宾客名单涵盖了英国政界领袖和时尚界名人。(range )

The honorable guests attending the wedding range from the political leaders in Britain to celebrities in fashion.

9. 为什么不向班主任请教呢?

Why not turn to your class teacher for help ?

What about/ how about asking your class teacher for help ?

10. 你为什么不早告诉我发生了什么?

Why didn’t you tell me what had happened to you earlier? (责备)

11. 昨晚那家商店发生了火灾。(break out)(无被动)

A fire broke out in the shop last night.

12. 网络犯罪的问题近些年引起了广泛的关注。(concern)

The problem of Internet crime has aroused a wide concern in recent years.

13. 低碳生活日益受到年轻人的推崇。

The low -carbon life is getting more and more popular with young people.

14. 微博因其快捷,方便,高效而受到各个年龄层次人的欢迎。

Micro blogging is popular with people of different ages because of its high speed , convenience and efficiency.

15. 很难说服汤姆放弃自己的想法。

It is hard / difficult to persuade Tom to give up his idea / opinion.


1. 千万不要在阳光下晒太久,否则你的皮肤会晒伤。(expose )

Don’t expose yourself to the sunlight for too long a time, or your skin will be burnt.

2. 务必按照化学老师的指导做实验,否则容易引发事故。(or )

Be sure to do the experiment according to the chemistry teacher’s directions, or accidents are likely to happen.



1. 据报道这次地震给当地居民造成了重大损失。

It’s reported that the earthquake caused a heavy loss to the local residents.

2. 显而易见,坏习惯会危害个人发展。

It is obvious that a bad habit will do harm to a person development.

2. 让他印象深刻的是这个学校几乎所有的学生都能讲一口流利的英语。(impress)

What impressed him was than almost every student in the school could speak fluent English.



The local government has made it clear that it will rescue the missing college student in the valley at any cost.

3. 如能在你回家的路上帮我寄这个包裹,我将不胜感激。(appreciate)

I would appreciate it if you could help me to post the parcel on your way home.


异常的气候表明我们的生存环境正日益恶化,这提醒我们要行动起来,保护我们赖以生存的地球。The unusual climate suggests that our living environment is getting worse and worse, which /reminds us to take action to protect the earth we are living on.


1. 两周以后她才从事故的恐惧中恢复过来。(before )

It was two weeks before she recovered from the horror of the accident.

2. 他大学毕业已有两年之久。(since)

It is two years sinc e he graduated from university.

3. 附近又开了许多商店,附近的居民感觉购物更方便了。(… it …)

Many more shops have been opened along the street, so the residents nearby f eel/ find/ think it more convenient to do shopping.

4. 尽管各国政府已作出了不懈的努力,但要应对日益严重的全球变暖问题还需制定更有效地措施。Although governments of different countries have made continuous effort, more effective measures should be made to solve the increasingly serious problem of global warming.


1. 酒驾的司机必须五年才能重新申请驾照的法律从五月一号起成效。

The law came into effect on May 1st that it will be five years before drunk-driving drivers reapply for a driving license.

2. 他有可能赢得这场比赛吗?(possibility)

Is there any possibility that he wins the race ?


1. 直到他收到罚单,他才意识到自己违章了。(aware )

Not until he got the fine ticket was he aware that he had broken the traffic rules.

2. 只有通过共同的努力我们才能取得最终的胜利。(Only)

Only through the joint effort can we win the victory in the end.

3. 这道题目如此复杂几乎没有学生能够做出来。(Such)

Such a complicated problem was it that almost nobody could work it out.

4. 只有通过不懈的努力,才能梦想成真。(effort )

Only by making continuous effort, can you realize your dream.
