英语四下 How’s the Weather Today教学设计

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Lesson 11 How’s the Weather Today?



本单元重点学习十二个月份的表达、序数词第一至十二的表达、节日的具体日期,以及描述天气的名词和形容词。本单元的内容与生活息息相关。在教学过程中,教师应联系实际生活,引起学生的学习兴趣。本课内容,主要学习有关天气的词汇,以及运用这些词汇表达天气的情况。学生在第十课已经学过有关天气的名词如sun rain wind snow cloud及句子,对如何描述天气情况有了初步的认识。本课要求在此基础上进行进一步拓展。



(2)能听懂,会说:How’s the weather.? It’s rainy/…





2. 教学重点

(1)认读rainy、windy、sunny、cloudy等词汇,并能运用这些词汇描绘天气, (2)运用句子How’s the weather? It’s ….进行交际。

3. 教学难点

How’s the weather? It’s rainy/windy/sunny/cloudy.进行交际。



StepⅠClass Opening (3 minutes)

1、(S-S)学生学唱歌曲《Rain,Rain , Go away.》


StepⅡNew Concepts( 30 minutes)

1、①、PPT呈现太阳动态:Look!The rain goes away, and what’s coming? Ss: The sun.


②. T-S:How’s the weather? It’s sunny. 教师领读weather, 指出ea读/e/;ther 读// 板书,红笔强调字母y,学生黑板上画太阳

③.教授新词sunny 示范发音推火车练习男女生分组练习发音,教师纠正发音How’s the weather? It’s sunny.

④T-S How’s the weather? It’s sunny.


⑤出现三幅sunny图片,T-S How’s the weather? It’s sunny.


Where are they on a sunny day?

What are they doing on a sunny day?

How do you feel on a sunny day?

⑦Talk about what can you do on a sunny day?

How do you feel on a sunny day?


T-S Where is the sun? The sun is behind the cloud.

引出cloud. 师引导:How’s the weather? It is cloudy.


逐排练习clou d→cloudy纠正/au/ /i/ 的发音,

教师引导学生观察How many clouds are there? 提醒cloud 变复数为clouds./z/ ③出示三幅阴天图片

T-S How’s the weather? It is cloudy.

④.Boys ask and girl answer.

⑤Ask and answer with your partner

⑥talk about what can you do on a cloudy day?

Do you like a cloudy day?

How do you feel on a cloudy day?

3、①教师运用课件中的风声,让同学们猜测What’s this?


生答It’s the wind. 让同学们模拟风声强调wind /w/ 的发音

T-S:How’s the weather?

It is windy.

师板书, 红笔强调字母y学生黑板上画风


T-S How’s the weather?

It is windy.

③.Boys ask and girl answer.

④.Ask and answer with your partner

⑤Talk about what can you do on a windy day? How do you feel on a windy day?

4、①ppt 呈现雷声闪电,接着出现下雨

T-S What’s coming down? It’s the rain.

T-S How’s the weather?

It is rainy.


②出现三幅rainy.图片,T-S Is it sunny? No, it isn’t.

Is it windy? No, it isn’t.

Is it cloudy? No, it isn’t.

T-S How’s the weather?

It is rainy.

复习旧知raincoat, umbrella,警告Don’t stand under the tree on a rainy day. ③.继续出现下雨图片Boys ask and girl answer.

Talk about what can you do on a rainy day?

5、①出现snowy 的图片,T-S Is it rainy? No. It’s snowy.


T-S: How’s the weather?

It is snowy.
