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多年后,爱弥拉回忆当时的情况说:“他第一次与我通信,并且我自 愿和他订婚。”后来,他上了大学,给爱弥拉写过许多信,可是她一 封也没有收到,因为她的父亲以他俩年纪太轻为理由,把他的信全部 扣起来了。爱弥拉说没有别的原因禁止他们通信。传记作家相信,她 父亲是一个固执的里士满市民,很可能以他们是狂热的青年为借口来 反对两人的感情。爱弥拉在十七岁那年嫁给了谢尔顿(Shelton)先 生,她直到婚后都不知道这位未来的诗人曾给她写过信。 这种“无情的不幸”,不仅是对爱伦·坡,对与他通信交流情 感的爱弥拉,都是爱的被剥夺和爱的消逝,尤其是对爱伦·坡这样一 位“痛失佳人的多情男子”来说,真是何等的悲郁啊!这种悲郁是人 性所共有的,使诗人能以自己的体验来传达出这人类共同的真切情感。 所以不难理解,《乌鸦》发表后,几个星期里,不但诗句在人们中间 广泛传颂,且一行行地被引用,模仿的诗作也频频出现,甚至迷住了 像伊丽莎白·芭蕾特这样的大诗人,还超越了美洲大陆,感动了一些
And what do you think the image-raven shows us?
秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥 流水人家。 古道西风瘦马,夕阳 西下,断肠人在天涯。
秋思 白朴 孤村落日残霞,轻烟老 树寒鸦一点飞虹影下, 青山绿水,白草红叶黄 花。
Meaning changing
无论是凶是吉,“乌鸦反哺,羔羊跪乳”是儒家以自然界的的动物形 象来教化人们“孝”和“礼”的一贯说法,因此乌鸦的“孝鸟”形象 是几千年来一脉相传的。《本草纲目·禽·慈鸟》中称:“此乌初生, 母哺六十日,长则反哺六十日,可谓慈孝矣。”但乌鸦是否真的具有
据戴维·赖因出版于1960的《埃德加·爱伦·坡:内 在模式》(David Rein: Edgar Allan Poe: The Inner Pattern)所说,诗中的丽诺尔,原型是萨 拉·爱弥拉·罗埃斯特(Sarah Elmira Royster)。 1826年,爱伦·坡进里士满弗吉尼亚大学前后,7 月13日,他与邻居的女儿爱弥拉·罗埃斯特认识, 他深深地爱上了她,希望与她结婚。那年,爱弥 拉只有十五、六岁,但已经订婚。那时,爱伦·坡 虽然像他一贯的性格,沉默寡言、外表忧郁,但 对任何感兴趣的事又表现得满腔热忱、易于冲动。
Backgrounds of The Raven
Virginia ,Poe’s wife ,died of tuberculosis at only 24.Poe wrote this poem during her illness of TB when he felt she would die someday because TB ,at that time ,was a incurable disease.
露·同类相动》中引《尚书传》:“周将兴时,有大赤乌衔谷之种而 集王屋之上,武王喜,诸大夫皆喜。” 古代史籍《淮南子》《左传》 《史记》也均有名篇记载。
Actually before Tang dynasty the raven had a meaning of luck and people thought they were prophets, but after Tang the raven has become an ill-omen symbolizing loneliness ,mystery ,sadness and even death which is similar to the image in The Raven.
The raven
Raven: a kind of ominous bird that symbolizes death
With whole black feathers ,the raven ,almost in silence except saying one word-nevermore, seemed to be a grim ghost from the Night’s Plutonian shore ,The unlucky bird made the speaker scarcely worried that his friends would leave him again and his hopes would break .It also beguiled him into an illusion of forgetting pain ,but eventually the raven like a demon caused the speaker’s soul lifted-nevermore.
The analysis of some images
The raven and the demon
Edgar Allan Poe
Some Important Images
Can you tell us some poems related to the raven ?(in Chinese)
Professor David Rein considered the beautiful Sarah Elmira Royster ,Poe’s neighbor, was the prototype of the Lenore .They loved each other when Poe was young ,but Sarah’s father opposed them ,so they were pitifully taken apart .And that’s the lost beauty .Maybe it’s the reason why Poe ghastly scared his friends or we can say his wife would leave.