2019-2020年上学期 淮安市淮阴区东城开明中学Unit 7单元测试

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7上Unit7 Shopping Mall 单元测试


班级__________姓名___________ 得分:_______


()1.There_________ ___________ clothes shop and some other shops down the street.

A.is; a

B. are; /

C.have; /

D.has; a

()2. There isn’t__________ milk in the fridge. Would you like to buy_______?

A.some; some

B. any; some

C.some; any

D.any; any

()3. The dress is so beautiful and its price is not________ too,so I’ll take it.

A. high


C. cheap


()4. How smart you are today!The shirt___________ you very_________.


B.fits; well

C. matches; much

D.matches; well

()5.---Can I________ some money___________ you?

---Sorry,I don’t have any with me.

A.borrow; to

B.lend; to

C. borrow; from

D.lend; from

()6. I want to buy a new pen different__________.

A. from Millie’s

B. from Millie

C. to Millie’s

D. to Millie

()7. This pair of shoes is too large. Would you please show me_________?

A. another one

B. another

C. another pair

D. another shoe

()8. Millie is_________ her hair clip,but she can’t__________ it.

A.looking for; find

B. finding; look for

C. looking for; look at

D. looking at; find

()9. This game is very__________ and he’s_________ in it.

A.interesting; interesting

B.interested; interested

C. interested; interesting

D.interesting; interested

()10.---Do you hear the_________ of meat?---It’s not low. Let’s buy some vegetables.





()11.He_________ at home.__________ he is not. You can ring him up.

A. maybe; May be

B. may be; May be

C. may be; Maybe

D. maybe; Maybe ()12.There are __________ in the reading room,but some aren’t ___________ for the students to read.

A. enough books; easy enough

B. enough books; enough easy

C. books enough; easy enough

D. books enough; enough easy

()13. ---I’m thinking about buying a lantern. __________ is a good one?

---Less than 20 yuan,I think. You can make it out of pumpkins.

A. How many

B. How much

C.How old

D.How expensive

()14.Don’t make him_________ all the time. Tell him_________ a rest.

A. work; have

B. work; to have

C. to work; to have

D. to work; have ()15.---It's a fine day today! Shall we go swimming?

---__________! But we need to be home before six o'clock.

A.Have a nice time

B.Not at all

C. You are right

D. Good idea


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