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过了些时候,一次我偶然生起一大堆火煮东西,煮完后我就去灭火, 忽然发现火堆里有一块陶器的碎片,被火烧得像石头一样硬,像砖一样红。 这一发现使我惊喜万分。我对自己说,破陶器能烧,整只陶器当然也能烧 了。 于是我开始研究如何控制火力,给自己烧出几只锅子来。 我当然不知道怎样搭一个窑,就像那些陶器工人烧陶器用的那种窑; 我也不知道怎样用铅去涂上一层釉,虽然铅我还是有一些的。我把三只大 泥锅和两三只泥罐一个个堆起来,四面架上木柴,泥锅和泥罐下生了一大 堆炭火,然后在四周和顶上点起了火,一直烧到里面的罐子红透为止,而 且十分小心不让火把它们烧裂。我看到陶器烧得红透后,又继续保留了五 六小时的热度。后来,我看见其中一只虽然没有破裂,但已开始溶化了, 这是因为掺在陶土里的沙土被火烧溶了,假如再烧下去,就要成为玻璃了。 于是我慢慢减去火力,那些罐子的红色逐渐退去。我整夜守着火堆,不让 火力退得太快。 到了第二天早晨,我便烧成了三只很好的瓦锅和两只瓦罐,虽然谈不 上美观,但很坚硬;其中一只由于沙土被烧溶了,还有一层很好的釉。
翻 译 特 色
翻 • 纾年已老,报国无日,故日 译 为叫旦之鸡,冀吾同胞警醒 • 以振动爱国之气 特 • 为振作志气,爱国保种之一 色 助-《黑奴吁天录》
It happened after some time, making a pretty large fire for cooking my meat, when I went to put it out after I had done with it, I found a broken piece of one of my earthenware vessels in the fire, burnt as hard as a stone, and red as a tile. I was agreeably surprised to see it, and said to myself, that certainly they might be made to burn whole, if they would burn broken. This set me to study how to order my fire, so as to make it burn some pots. I had no notion of a kiln, such as the potters burn in, or of glazing them with lead, though I had some lead to do it with; but I placed three large pipkins and two or three pots in a pile, one upon another, and placed my firewood all round it, with a great heap of embers under them. I plied the fire with fresh fuel round the outside and upon the top, till I saw the pots in the inside red-hot quite through, and observed that they did not crack at all. When I saw them clear red, I let them stand in that heat about five or six hours, till I found one of them, though it did not crack, did melt or run; for the sand which was mixed with the clay melted by the violence of the heat, and would have run into glass if I had gone on; so I slacked my fire gradually till the pots began to abate of the red colour; and watching them all night, that I might not let the fire abate too fast, in the morning I had three very good (I will not say handsome) pipkins, and two other earthen pots, as hard burnt as could be desired, and one of them perfectly glazed with the running of the sand.
林 纾
清末民初时期 民国时期 建国后
明 末 清 初 时 代
梁启超 严 复 林 纾
生 平 简 介
福州人 桐城派 1882年 穷秀才——举人 七上春官,屡试屡败 走上文学创作 母亲逝世、妻子病故 开始翻译生涯
《巴黎茶花女遗事》 《黑奴吁天录》 《埃及金字塔剖屍记》 《黑太子南征录》 《脂粉议员》 《鲁滨孙飘流记》 《天囚忏悔录》 《离恨天》 《戎马书生》 《美洲童子万里寻亲记》 林纾、王寿昌合译(1895) 林纾、魏易合译(1905) 林纾、曾宗巩合译(1905) 林纾、魏易合译(1909) 林纾、魏易合译(1909) 林纾、曾宗巩译 林纾、魏易合译(1908) 林纾、王庆骥合译(1913) 林纾、陈家麟合译(1920) 林纾、曾宗巩合译
近代翻译史的先驱 不忠于原文
文 言 文 译 本
通 俗 小 说
翻 译 特 色
• 郝岚--《林译小说论稿》 • 拟古体文
翻 译 特 色
Fra Baidu bibliotek
• 他心目中自认为较为通俗、 较随便、富于弹性的文言, 他虽然保留若干古文成分。 但比古文自由的多;在词汇 和句法上,规矩不严密,收 容量很宽大 ——钱钟书,1981