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• 多少天台人, • 不识寒山子。 • 莫知真意度, • 唤作闲言语。
• Most T'ien-t'ai men • Don't know Han-shan • Don't know his real thought • And call it silly talk.
• 寒山自述诗: • 时人见寒山, • 各谓是疯颠。 • 貌不起人目, • 身唯布裘缠。 • 我语他不会, • 他语我不言。 • 为报往来者, • 可来向寒山。
• 细草作卧褥, • 青天为被盖。 • 快活枕石头, • 天地任改变。
• Thin grass does for a mattress, • The blue sky makes a good quilt. • Happy with a stone under head • Let heaven and earth go about their
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• 寒山顶上月轮孤,照见晴空一物无。 • On top of Cold Mountain the lone round
moon • Lights the whole clear cloudless sky.
• 细草微风岸,危樯独夜舟。 • 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。 • 名岂文章著,官应老病休。 • 飘飘何所似?天地一沙鸥。
When men see Han Shan They all say he is crazy And not much to look at— Dressed in rags and hides They don't get what I say And I don't talk their language All I can say to those I meet Try and make it to cold mountain.
• writing of my feelings ,traveling by night • slender grasses,breeze faint on the shore; • here, the looming mast,the lonely night boat. • stars hang down on the breadth of the plain, • the moon gushes in the great river's current. • my name shall not be known from my writing, • sick, growing old, i must yield up my post. • wind-tossed, fluttering—what is my likeness? • in heaven and earth, a single gull of the sands.
• 微风吹幽松,近听声愈好。 • Light wind in a hidden pine— • Listen close – the sound gets better.
• 碧涧泉水清,寒山月华白 • Spring water in the green creek is clear • Moonlight on Cold Mountain is white