



经济应⽤统计习题集-new加权算术平均数:1、计算算术平均数、中位数、众数、⽅差、标准差、离散系数分数⼈数组中值频率累计次数(分)(⼈)(%)以下以上70—80 2 75 3.2 2 6280—90 7 85 11.3 9 60 90—100 10 95 16.1 19 53 100—110 16 105 25.8 35 43 110—120 14 115 22.6 49 27 120—130 10 125 16.1 59 13 130—140 3 135 4.8 62 32、某市场调查公司的⼀项消费者调查资料如下表:A、B两品牌空调消费者满意度调查消费者平均满意度(1—5分综合权重项⽬品牌A 品牌B (0—1)性能 5 4 0.6外观 3 4 0.15价格 5 4 0.15售后服务 4 3 0.10问:对以上两个品牌进⾏综合评估,说明哪⼀品牌的消费者平均满意度更⾼些?3、某企业6⽉份奖⾦如下:要求:计算算术平均数、众数、中位数并⽐较位置说明⽉奖⾦的分布形态4:极差某商场两类商品半年净收⼊如下:SE:(万美元/⽉)23 32 -10 55 10 100 PM:(万美元/⽉)29 36 32 46 31 355:⽅差与标准差(1)总体⽅差与标准差某项⼼理测试(被试者年龄18—35岁)分数如下表:测试分数(分)被试者f 组中值 Xf (X-112)2f 40—60 160—80 480—100 12100—120 16120—140 9140—160 5160—180 3合计 50 27.2(2)样本⽅差与标准差随机选出15名学院学⽣,问他们昨晚睡眠的⼩时数,得到的数据是5 6 6 8 7 7 9 5 4 8 11 6 7 8 7计算样本⽅差和标准差(3)标准化系数的应⽤:6、离散系数(1)对10名成年⼈和10名幼⼉的⾝⾼(厘⽶)进⾏抽样调查,结果如下:成年组:166 169 172 177 180 170 172 174 168 173幼⼉组:68 69 68 70 71 73 72 73 74 75(2)股票A五个星期的平均价格分别为57、68、64、71、62股票B五个星期的平均价格分别为12、17 、8、15、13试评价哪种股票的价格风险更⼤?第4章抽样分布课堂练习抽样分布:全部可能样本统计量的概率分布叫做抽样分布。















































△定+ △安-调+ △过 ≤ δ
在对定位方案进行分析时,可以假设上述三项误差各占工 件公差的1/3。
△定≤ δ/3
1. 造成定位误差的原因
⑴定位基准与设计基准不重合,产生基准不重合误 差△不。 ⑵定位基准与限位基准不重合,产生基准位移误差 △基(也叫定位副制造不准确误差)。
合成时,若设计基准不在定位基面上(设计基准 与定位基面为两个独立的表面),即基准不重合误 差与基准位移误差无相关公共变量。
△定=△基+△不 合成时,若设计基准在定位基面上,即基准不重 合误差与基准位移误差有相关的公共变量。
+ - 确定方法:
定位基面与限位基面接触,定位基面直径由小变 大(或由大变小),分析定位基准变动方向。
本例中∆定1 > ∆定2 > ∆定3 。
基准位移误差 △基=0
①工件孔与定位心轴(或销)采用间隙配合的定位误 差计算 △定 = △不 + △基
工件以内孔在圆柱心轴、圆柱销上定位。由于孔与轴有配 合间隙,有基准位移误差,分两种情况讨论:
a.心轴(或定位销)垂直放置,按最大孔和最销轴求得孔 中心线位置的变动量为:
△基 = δD + δd + △min = △max =孔Dmax-轴dmin (最大间隙) b.心轴(或定位销)水平放置,孔中心线的最大变动量



实验 三线摆法测量物体的转动惯量转动惯量是刚体转动惯性大小的量度,是表征刚体特征的一个物理量。







一.实验目的1. 学会用三线摆测量物体的转动惯量。

2. 学会用积累放大法测量扭摆运动的周期。

3. 验证转动惯量的平行轴定理。

二. 实验仪器DH4601转动惯量测试仪,计时器,圆环,圆柱体,游标卡尺,米尺,水平仪三. 实验原理图1是三线摆实验装置的示意图。




根据能量守恒定律和刚体的转动定律均可以导出物体绕中心轴OO ’的转动惯量(推导过程见附录):2002004T H gRr m I π=(1-1) 式中各物理量的含义如下:0m 为下盘的质量r 、R 分别为上下悬点离各自圆盘中心的距离0H 为平衡时上下盘间的垂直距离0T 为下盘作简谐运动的周期,g 为重力加速度。

将质量为m 的待测圆环放在下盘上,并使待测圆环的转轴与OO ’轴重合。

测出此时摆运动的周期1T 和上下圆盘间的垂直距离H 。

那么,可以求得待测刚体和下圆盘对中心转轴OO ’的总转动惯量为:212014T HgRr m m I π)(+=(1-2) 图1 三线摆实验示意图如果不计因重量变化而引起的悬线伸长,则有0H H ≈。

那么,待测物体绕中心轴OO ’的转动惯量为:])[(2002102014T m T m m HgRr I I I -+=-=π (1-3) 因此,通过长度、质量和时间的测量,便可以求出刚体绕某轴的转动惯量。

第二章 化学动力学new

第二章 化学动力学new

4பைடு நூலகம்
§2.2 浓度对反应速率的影响
2.2.1 化学反应速率方程(rate equation) 1.质量作用定律:在一定温度下,基元反应 的速率与反应物的浓度以其在反应方程式中
aA + bB = C
a b A B
r kc c
ln 2 k
[例 2-2] 放射性 Co所产生的强辐射,广泛用于癌症
[ 例 2-3] 实验测得在某温度时,溶解在 CCl 4 中的 N2O5分解反应为:N2O5→2 NO2+1/2O2
mol dm-3 s1
2.2.2 简单级数反应速率方程的积分形式
1.零级反应 A→产物 dcA 0 r kcA k dt ① 零级反应速率常数意义:单位时间内反应 物的浓度减少量
L-1· s-1 单位:与速率相同, mol·
3.反应级数(reaction order)
速度方程中浓度项的指数a、b 分别为反应物A、B的 级数,其和为反应的总级数,简称反应级数。 ① 反应级数:表示浓度对反应速率影响的程度。
② 基元反应: 反应级数与反应分子数(系数)一致。
③ 非基元反应 : aA+bB→gG+hH
r kc c



锡膏印刷检测项目:少锡、多锡、连锡(短路)、偏位等 自动贴片检测项目:缺件、错件、错位、极性错误、破损等 回流焊接检测项目:少锡、多锡、连锡(短路)、假焊等 波峰焊接检测项目:少锡、多锡、连锡(短路)、假焊等
1.3 为什么使用AOI
由于电路板尺寸大小的改变提出更多的挑战,因为它使手工检查更加困难。 为了对这些发展作出反应,越来越多的原设备制造商采用AOI。
·校准定位坐标 ·加大锡膏量,增加安 放元件的压力 ·减小锡膏中助焊剂的 含量 ·增加锡膏金属含量 ·减小钢网孔径,增加 刮刀压力 ·调整回流焊温度曲线 ·检查刮刀压力、速度 ·调整回流焊温度曲线 ·加强元器件的筛选
序号 缺陷项目
·安放位置不对 ·锡膏中助焊剂使元件浮起 ·印刷锡膏厚度不够 ·加热速度过快且不均匀 ·锡膏不足 ·焊盘和元件焊接性能差
2、 AOI检查原理
彩色 摄像机
右图所示的红色、绿色、蓝色三段环形照明 处于不同的高度对电路板进行照射。在环形照明 的中心线上,垂直方向设置彩色3CCD摄像机, 摄取电路板的图像
平坦的部分将正上方向照射来的光 线向正上方向反射
QC针对箭头所指位置 需依照PCB板上实物元 件位置确认该焊点是否 焊接正常 QC针对箭头所指位置 需将图片与样品图像中 的丝印进行对比,异常 时通知相关人员处理 QC针对箭头所指位置 需将丝印和极性与样片 图像进行对比,异常时 通知相关人员处理



7 2010 3 30 1、2 课题Unit 3 Purchase and payment教学目的与教学要求目的:Master the Words, phrases and difficult sentences in the passage.要求:Command the skill of making reservations, and the usage of grammar 教学重点与教学难点重点:How to make reservations and write registration form难点:The understanding and usage of Subjunctive Mood教学主要内容I. Check the exercises.II. Applied WritingIII. Sentence writing.(the Subjunctive Mood)IV. Finish exercise课后作业与思考题1. Review all the language points in unit four.2. Prepare unit five总结分析教学过程教学环节与时间分配1. My name is Vanessa Saunders.我名叫雯妮莎桑德斯。

2. I have visited China sixteen times since 1978.1978年以来,我已来过中国16次。

3. I have been conducting tradeshows and setting up tradeshow exhibitions for a variety of international clientsa. conduct: vt.引导,经营。

Eg. The headmaster conducted us round the school.校长带引我们在学校里参观了一圈。



英语效能作业四年级上册马兰头小学----------程静敏目录第一单元作业第二单元作业第三单元作业第四单元作业第五单元作业第六单元作业期中、期末综合实践作业第一单元至第六单元测试题期中、期末测试题Unit 1 《MY CLASSROOM》研究性作业必做题1.读一读下列词并写出汉语。

1、board _________2、picture_________3、floor ________4、 fan________5、 clean ________6、 sweep________ 选做题2.选择正确答案。

1、Turn ____the light ,please !A、 underB、 onC、 in2、We have ____new classroom.A、theB、 anC、 a3、We have five new ____.A、 chairB、 chairsC、 chaires4、 Let me ____the window.A、 sweepB、 put upC、 clean5、 What is this?It is a ____.A、 beeB、 eggC、 orange思考题填一填____oor ____at____ook ____gg ____pple第一课时强化性作业必做题1、根据英文写中文。

选做题(1)、连词成句1、new my desk is this2、six lights new we have3、and go have a book let’s4、the door near it’s5、in the classroom what’s思考题(2)、选择正确的答语。

A.Nice to meet youB.Good morningC.It is near the doorD. Oh,really?let us go and have a look( )1. Good morning( )2.We have a new classroom( )3.Where is my seat?( )4.This is Zhangpeng.第一课时巩固性作业必做题1、根据图片写单词选做题1.看图片,选择正确的单词将句子补充完整。


(2)研究原则 ① 学科的思想性与学科的科学性相结合的原则; ② 理论联系实际的原则; ③ 批判与吸收相结合的原则。
三、学科发展的历史 1.学科领域兴起与开拓 教育经济学在西方萌芽于20世纪20年代,产生于50年代,形成于60 年代,70年代和80年代后又有了新的发展。 (1)学科产生的理论根源 西方教育经济学是社会经济增长和经济发展新的经济理论影响下的 产物。其具体理论根源主要表现在两个方面: ① 西方人力资本理论是教育经济学产生和形成的直接理论来源。 ② 计量经济学的进步与发展,直接导致了西方教育经济学的诞生。 (2)生产发展和科技进步对学科产生的影响
3.中国教育经济学的产生与发展 中国教育经济学从20世纪80年代开始逐步涉及与展开。其形成与发 展经历了以下几个时期:
(1)引进、吸收、借鉴时期。这一时期主要是介绍西方教育经济学 的发展状况和研究成果。
(2)建立中国教育经济学倡导时期。这一时期主要是一些学者、专 家和政府工作人员倡导建立中国教育经济学,研究中国的实际问题。
4.3 考研真题与强化习题详解 第5章 教育与科学技术的关系
5.1 复习笔记 5.2 课后思考题详解 5.3 考研真题与强化习题详解 第6章 教育服务与教育服务贸易 6.1 复习笔记 6.2 课后思考题详解 6.3 考研真题与强化习题详解 第7章 教育结构与经济结构 7.1 复习笔记 7.2 课后思考题详解 7.3 考研真题与强化习题详解 第8章 教育投资 8.1 复习笔记 8.2 课后思考题详解 8.3 考研真题与强化习题详解
① 研究教育的社会经济价值,说明教育的经济意义。 ② 研究教育领域内基本经济规律所起的作用和所表现的特点。 ③ 研究教育发展与劳动力再生产的相互关系。 ④ 研究教育投资、教育成本、教育规模经济、教育经济效率和教育 经济效益的原理、原则、计算模式和数量指标,以及具体计量模式和方 法。说明它们各自的具体内容与发展规律。 ⑤ 研究教育与社会主义市场经济体制的关系。 (2)学科研究的意义 ① 通过教育经济学的研究,可以提高对教育具有战略地位的认识, 从而提高教育的经济功能与经济效益。 ② 通过教育经济学的学习与研究,可以变革人们传统的教育观念, 使人们意识到教育具有生产性,教育投资是生产性投资。 ③ 通过教育经济学的学习与研究,可以为教育改革提供理论依据和 实证资料。 ④ 通过教育经济学的学习与研究,促进教育科学数量化,防止教育 工作中的盲目性、随意性,减少教育的人力、物力、财力的浪费,提高 教育效率和经济效益。 ⑤ 通过学科的学习与研究,为科学地制定教育发展战略及规划提供 依据。


2015-1-14 38
第三节 人口与环境的科学发展 • 一、人口增长对环境的影响
• (一)直接影响: • 表现:第一、生物圈遭到破坏 • 第二、人类的生存环境恶化
• (二)间接影响:
• 表现为: • 第一、人口增长造成对森林、草场的破坏 • 第二、人口增加导致能源消费的增加,造成空气 的严重污染 • 第三、人口的增长及工业化的发展,也造成了环 境的恶化
2015-1-14 36
• 京、津、沪、辽、 冀、鲁、苏、浙、 闽、粤、桂、琼12 个省市区,土地面 积约占全国的14%, 人口却占到41%,人 口密度远远高出内 地和边远地区。
2015-1-14 37
• 在生产力布局上,由于东部地区人力资源丰富、 加上原有基础设施比较好,交通便捷,科技力量 较强等因素,在生产力布局上应优先发展。 • 中部腹地的存在人口和劳动力数量过多,质量相 对不够高的矛盾,在生产力布局上,需要依据具 体情况在劳动密集、技术密集、资金密集型产业 中做出合理选择。 • 西北广大边远地区有着地广人稀、自然资源丰富 的优势,也有人才短缺、交通不便、基础较差的 不利条件,需要将人口与经济条件结合起来,可 持续发展需另辟蹊径
• 大力发展生活资料生产(关系民生的衣食住行生活资料生 产)产业。如粮食类生产,我国人口占世界人口总数的 19%,而耕地面积约占世界总耕地的7%,我国的人均耕地 面积仅为1.4亩,不到世界人均耕地面积的一半
(二)生产年龄人口与生产资料的科学 发展战略 • 1--14岁为少儿人口组; • 15~64岁,成年或生产 年龄人口组; • 65岁及以上,老年人口 组。
2015-1-14 20
• 第五、产生持久的环境压力



说明1:“Z”的两端应看成射线 说明2:“Z”的两条射线规定为平行的
19 2020/1/14
首先确认,是否能很容易的得到简单情 况的解
重点分析:当规模扩大到N时,如何枚举出所 有的情况,并且要确保对于每一种子情况都 能用已经得到的数据解决。
一把钥匙有N个槽,2<N<26槽深为1,2,3, 4,5,6。每钥匙至少有3个不同的深度且相连的槽 其深度之差不得为5。求这样的钥匙的总数。
34 2020/1/14
/forum/read.php?tid=2294&pa ge=1&toread=1
仔细阅读,耐心品味,关键掌握从n-1到 n的推导过程。
35 2020/1/14
Any question?
36 2020/1/14
1290 献给杭电五十周年校庆的礼物
1297 Children’s Queue 1438 钥匙计数之一 1465 不容易系列之一 1466 计算直线的交点数 1480 钥匙计数之二 2019 蟠桃记 2018 母牛的故事 2041 超级楼梯 2042 不容易系列之二 2044~2050 (10/5专题练习)
17 2020/1/14
趁热打铁, 来个差不多的
18 2020/1/14
附加思考题(还没加到OJ): “佐罗”的烦恼
说起佐罗,大家首先想到的除了他脸上的面具, 恐怕还有他每次刻下的“Z”字。我们知道,一 个“Z”可以把平面分为2部分,两个“Z”可以把 平面分为12部分,那么,现在的问题是:如果 平面上有n个“Z”,平面最多可以分割为几部分 呢?



Mr. Green had an unusual ___: he was first a sailor, then an office clerk, and ended up as a school teacher.A. professionB. occupationC. positionD. careerThe slides were ___ on t o a large screen.A. projectedB. thrownC. castD. emittedHe often takes the trouble ___ his all-English dictionary when he does reading.A. to consultB. consultingC. to be consultingD. to having consultedNobody ___ my ticket before I got on the train.A. examinedB. surveyedC. inspectedD. investigatedIn order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal, expansion joints are fitted which ___ the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely.A. relieveB. reconcileC. reclaimD. rectifyAt the beginning of the day, we all ___ in the main hall to be addressed by the head teacher.A. piledB. assembledC. joinedD. accumulatedThe wind has ___ from north to south.A. shiftedB. convertedC. alteredD. transformedI prefer to receive information in an ___ manner rather than in visual means.A. audibleB. oralC. auralD. aerialThey seldom paid us high ___, even if we did our best to do the job.A. complementB. complimentC. complicationD. comprehensionHe went back home without having ___ any success.A. completedB. achievedC. finishedD. accomplishedAnn has a wheelchair that was ___ designed for her.A. speciallyB. especiallyC. specialD. especialWhen he began speaking in English, the little girl looked at him ___ amazement.A. onB. ofC. inD. outEvery one of them agreed to attend the meeting ___ Mary.A. except forB. besideC. exceptD. besidesA complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should result ___ new operating procedures.A. inB. onC. upD. ofThe police are trying to find ___ the identity of the woman killed in the traffic accident.A. outB. withC. inD. onThe children were all ___ at the feats (绝技) of Superman.A. exclaimedB. shockedC. stunnedD. amazedYou’d better relieve her ___ some of her housework.A. ofB. inC. withD. aboveMan’s biological clock decides at which hours he can work at peak ___.A. efficientB. efficiencyC. efficienceD. effectiveThese tables showing the ups and downs of the world economy in the 1980's were complied ___ the basis of careful observation and detailed studies.A. withB. offC. inD. onScience and technology are the first ___ force.A. produceB. productC. productiveD. productionKeys:1-5 DAACA 6-10 BACBB 11-15 ACCAA 16-20 DABDCUnit 71. Those who look at goods in shop windows with no of buying are called window shoppers.A. inventionB. intentionC. attentionD. prevention2. The new books were neatly on the table.A. turned outB. turned downC. laid outD. laid down3. After failing four times, I passed my driving test.A. eventuallyB. frequentlyC. extremelyD. reluctantly4. You should this opportunity to practice your oral English.A. take care ofB. take advantage ofC. take outD. take off5. John is the only one that has the to get into the house.A. efficiencyB. foundationC. determinationD. privilege6. It is already eleven o' clock. I he will not come tonight.A. suspectB. disappointC. proposeD. inspect7. In the past two years, Myra has come to see her mother only .A. sincerelyB. fortunatelyC. possiblyD. occasionally8. Our shop only the very best quality products.A. electB. acceptC. checkD. select9. From the dark clouds it was that it would soon rain.A. dependentB. elementaryC. currentD. evident10. We have a lot of pictures for you to choose from. You can select the one which is most to your .A. adviceB. tasteC. sourceD. choice11. The children are longing the winter holiday.A. atB. forC. toD. of12. Jane was that she would get the promotion for her good management.A. positiveB. sincereC. reasonableD. humorous13. The foreigner the moon cake and found it very delicious.A. arrangedB. disciplinedC. qualifiedD. sampled14. He talks about Rome he had been there before.A. as well asB. as long asC. as ifD. as soon as15. Jimmy didn't bring the letter to the old lady. Instead, it was someone who did it.A. anotherB. elseC. otherD. or else16. He won the race, and , he broke the world record.A. what's moreB. what's worseC. insteadD. after all17. It's a pity that many judge people by .A. benevolenceB. appearanceC. observationD. inspection18. Mr. Smith is near-sighted that he often mistakes one thing another.A. toB. atC. fromD. for19. It seemed that the poorly dressed man was among those wealthy shoppers.A. in placeB. out of placeC. in positionD. out of position20. The woman was lucky enough to be saved from the fire.A. elderB. elderlyC. olderD. agingKeys: 1-5 BCABD 6-10 ADDDB 11-15 BADCB 16-20 ABDBBThieves ________ the bank of thousands of dollars.a. ruinedb. robbedc. stoled. broke2.I was persuaded to ________ all my savings in a business enterprise.a. depositb. investc. directd. afford3. The change was so _______ that we hardly noticed it.a. gradualb. necessaryc. continuous b. intense4.The toy boat turned over and sank to the ________ of the pool.a. basisb. basec. groundd. bottom5. I was so excited to see snow that I _______ to the cold.a. Opposedb. indifferentc. contraryd. accustomed6. He has expressed his desire to retire on the ______ of falling health.a. causeb. reasonc. groundd. excuse7. The car _________ him over , but he was not seriously hurt.a. pushedb. carriedc. gotd. ran8. With the help of hi roommates he has made great _______ in his study.a. progressb. improvementc. developmentd. advance9.Helen wished to ________ the leading role.a. designb. changec. playd. acquire10.He was poor but proud, and _______ every offer to help.a. jumped atb. counted onc. turned downd. took back11.They watched him intently in complete ______ for two or three minutes.a. interestb. silencec. doubtd. favor12.Try to avoid travelling in the _______ hour.a. leisureb. rush exact d. free13. After the students put up Christmas decorations, the classroom ________ a holiday appearance.a. took onb. put inc. gave outd. kept up14.The news of his wife's death was a terrible _______ to him.a. obstacleb. disasterc. shockd. resistance15. The meeting was _______ when the chairman fell ill.a. held trueb. cut shortc. made sured. fallen flat16.The car ______ up at the traffic lighta. stoppedb. turnedc. camed. drew17. As I like the photo I had it _______.a. lengthenedb. enlargedc. widenedd. developed18. These bananas _______ rather hard.a. tasteb. sensec. feeld. touch19. Be carefully you don't _______ on the ice near the door.a. swingb. slipc. slided. break20. I didn't feel too bad really, I only had a _______ attack.a. mildb. gentlec. smalld. weakKeys: BBADB CDACC BBACB DBCBA。




























(0481)《大学英语B》复习思考题Part I Use of EnglishDirections: In this part, you will read some incomplete dialogs. After each of them, there are 4 choices. Choose one best answer to complete each of them.1. Scarlet: I'd like to buy a ticket to Detroit.Clerk:Scarlet: I am not sure. What is the differenceA. Round-trip or One-wayB. Go ahead.C. What can I do for youD. Are you living in Detroit2.Tommy: How is everything with youJohn:A. And youB. On top of the world, thanks.C. Yeah, it’s beautiful.D. Can’t complain.3. Larry: Why not stay here a little longerMary: I’d love to, but I really have to go. Thank you for inviting me.Larry:A. Well, hope to see you again.B. On top of the world, thanks.C. Pleased to meet you.D. It is easy to get to your place.4. Larry: I hate the nasty weather in this season of the year.Amy: No wonder you look so depressed.Larry: Yeah,A. I can't agree more.B. I feel under the weather.C. Thanks for saying that.D. It is none of your business.5. Janet: Can we talk for a secondAmy:A. Sorry, I am busy at the moment.B. Where shall we meetC. Sure, is there anything wrongD. What can I do for you6. Jamie: I am taking my final examination tomorrow.Lily: Oh, reallyA. Congratulations!B. Good luck!C. You made it.D. May I help you7. General Manager: I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us carry on with our discussion.Johnny: Okay.General Manager: Next topic is about…A. My pleasure.B. I’m glad to hear that.C. Let’s get to the point.D. Cheers!8. Doctor:Patient: I am a teacher for a training center.Doctor: Do you often get tiredPatient: Yes, sort of.A. Where do you workB. How do you feel nowC. What is your jobD. What is you address9.Jack: Would you mind passing me the paper for me ,HenryHenry: , here you are.A. Sure, my pleasure.B. Yes , I mind.C. I’d like to help, but I am afraid that I can not.D. Not at all.10.John: Mary ,this is Joe’s brother David.Mary: I’m very glad to meet you.David: It’s a pleasure to meet you.Mary:David: It’s really d ifferent from what I expected.John: Don’t worry . You:ll get used to it in no time.A. How is JoeB. How do you like Florida so farC. Would are you doing so farD. Would you like some tea11.Jason: So, Annie, what do you doAnnie:A.I am cooking some fruit pie for the buffet.B.I am free now. What can I do for youC. I am an actor.D. How do you do12. Interviewer:Interviewee: Not at all. Go ahead please.A. What’s your major in universityB. Would you mind if I ask you several questionsC. How did you get to know our companyD. Why do you chose our company13. Lisa:Ben: I have been working as an accountant for years.A. What’s your occupationB. What’s your workC. What about working for our companyD. Can you tell me where you are from14. Paul:Jason: Phew! These bags are so heavy that I cannot go on one more step.Paul: Just put them down. Let me open the door.A. Here you are!B. Here it is!C. Here we are!D. Okay, see you tomorrow.15.Casey: HelloFred: Hi, StaceyCasey: This is Casey.Casey: Stacey, a guy.Stacey: Hello This is Stacey speaking.Fred: This is Fred.A. You got the wrong person.B. I am not she.C. Who is this speakingD. She is in the kitchen. Just a minute, please.16. Susan (wife): It is a beautiful day. Let’s do something.Andy (son):Nathan(father): I’m sorry, but I’m busy today. I have to work.A. No, I am not feeling like doing anything.B. How about going to the beach togetherC. I can go roller lading with Jack.D. What shall we do17. Tom: Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.Jim:A. I don’t .B. I won’t.C. I can’t.D. I haven’t.18. Sandy: It’s lovely today .Shall we go and play footballBob: When shall we meetA. Yes, we shall.B. It’s very kind of you.C. You are all right.D. That’s a good idea.19. Mary: Happy birthday to you, Kate. This is for you.Kate:A. Thank you so much. How nice of you!B. How much is itC. Sorry, I haven’t got any gift for you.D. Oh, it’s a watch.20. Salesgirl: Good morning! What can I do for youCustomer: Yes, please. Can you suggest some light and cool materialSalesgirl: What about that white cotton T-shirtA. How much do you sell a T-shirtB. Have you any smaller sizeC. I’m afraid this T-shirt is too big for me.D. I’d like to buy some T-shirt.21. Lucy: Have a nice journey home and doRose: Thank you, I certainly will.A. let me help you with your math.B. happy birthday to you .C. remember me to your mum.D. not forget to post the letter.22. Jim: Well, why not try some easier storiesTom:Jim: Maybe you can go to the school library for help.A. I am sure these materials will improve my English.B. I really want to be the best one. How can IC. Where can I get themD. So I think this is the reason why we’d better use easier ones.23. Wendy: I am going to New York for my new life.Jason: Well,A. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.B. New York is very exciting.C. That’s right.D. A very expensive place.24.Charles: How’s you aunt now She must be well and healthy.Mary: Well, actually, she passed away two weeks ago.Charles:A. Oh, it was easy.B. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I didn’t know.C. It is OK. Please don’t bother yourself.D. Everyone has to die some day.25. Brad: Can you stop at the supermarket on your way home to pick up some things Susan:Brad: It is only a few things. Can you buy some milk, some flour, and some eggs A. Sure, I am glad to do that. B. Well, I’m really very busy today.C. Cool! Another partyD. Which supermarket26. Henry: Hello, honey. I’m home. What’s for dinnerWendy: It’s Monday. Sweetie. On Mondays, we have spaghetti. Remember Henry: Spaghetti againA. Cool, my favorite.B. I don’t want spaghetti to night.C. This is what I expected.D. Me, too.27. Andy (father): It smells great in here. I am hungry.Susan (mother):Teddy (son): Me, too, and thirsty.A. What about you, TeddyB. You are always hungry.C. Please come with me.D. What do you want28. Susan: Teddy,Teddy: My stomach hurts. I feel sick.Andy: He doesn’t look well. Maybe we should go home.A. What would you like to drinkB. What do you think of the hamburgerC. What’s the matterD. Are you full29. Terry: I’m thirsty.Robert: Me, too.Terry: Let’s get something to drink.Robert: Good idea.Terry:Robert: That’s okay with me.A. Let’s go.B. Who will pay the billC. Where shall we goD. Why don’t we go to that coffee shop over there30. Tom:Rose: Fine, thank you.A. How is everything with youB. How do you doC. What has happened to youD. What can I do for you31. Terry: Will you do me a favorJack: Yes,A. Please.B. I’ll glad to.C. I like it.D. I’ll be glad to.32. Wendy: Thank you for everything you have done for me during my stay here. John:A. All right. Good-bye.B. You are welcome.C. It’s very kind of you.D. No, thanks.33. Lily: Are you going back to your hotel, Mr. Smith If you are, I can give you a lift. Smith: It’s very kind of you, but they’re sending a car for me.A. Thank you.B. See you later.C. Good-bye.D. Thank you just the same.34.John:Mr. Smith: How do you doPierre Dubois: Hello.Mr. Smith: What’s your impression of the United StatesPierre Dubois: Well, I can’t get over how different the weather is here.Mr. Smith: Oh, you’ll get used to it soon!A. Good morning, Mr. Smith.B. Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.C. Mr. Smith, I’d like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.D. What can I do for you, Mr.Smith35. A: Have a nice weekend!B: Thanks. You too!A:B: Well, my family’s away and I can’t afford to do much. What about you A: Oh, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet.A. Where are you goingB. Can we eat rogether on the weekendC. Do you have any plansD. Are you going to spend the weekend with your family36. Lisa: I am sorry; I can’t find the book you want to borrow. I’ve looked for it everywhere. Jack: I am sorry to have troubled you.A. It doesn’t matter.B. Don’t be worried.C. Thank you just the same.D. OK.37. Karen: What a wonderful game! Congratulations, Ben.Ben: Karen.A. Thank you.B. No, no, I didn’t play well.C. The same to you.D. Nothing to me.38. Lucy:Teddy: It’s quite warm and nice.A. What’s the temperature todayB. What’s the weather like outC. What’s the weather todayD. What’s the day today39. Salesgirl: What can I do for youCustomer: Would you show me some pensSalesgirl: Certainly. What about these pensCustomer: This one looks nice.A. I’ll look for it.B. I’ll take it.C. I’ll buy them.D. I’ll get some of them.40. Terry: Oh, hi, Caroline.Caroline: Hello, Terry.A. How do you doB. Can I help youC. What’s the matterD. How is everything41. Peter: Excuse me. I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Peter Green.Paul: How do you do I’m Paul Jamison.Peter:A. That’s all right.B. It’s nice to meet you.C. It’s nice to have met you.D. Sorry, I don’t know.42. Mrs. Castle: Terry!Terry: Yes, mum.Mrs. Castle: I’m trying to write a letter.Terry: Oh, sorry, I’ll turn it down.A. You’d better not to play your radio so loud.B. Anything elseC. Would you mind not playing your radio so loudD. I hope you don’t mind playing your radio so loud.43. Man: Excuse me, could you tell mw where the Hospital is, pleaseWoman: The hospital Let me see. Oh, yes. It’s on Market Road, opposite the Asia Hotel. Man:A. Is it far from hereB. How far is it from hereC. How can I get thereD. Is it neat here44.Tim: My brother fell off his bike and broke his leg.Peter: Is he feeling better nowA. That’s too bad.B. He is too careless.C. I’m sorry to hear that.D. He should be careful.45. Bob: I just heard that the tickets for tonight’s show had been sold out.Terry: Oh no!A. I was looking forward to that.B. It doesn’t matter.C. I know it alr eady.D. It’s not at all interesting.46. A: What did he toB:A: He is a tall man. B. he did very well.C. He was a scientist.D. He was well.47. Bill: Hello, Kate.Kate: Hello, Bill,Bill: I’m going to do some shopping in the town.Kate: I’m going to catch a train. I’m waiting for a bus.A. What’s the matter with youB. Good-bye.C. Nice to have seen you here.D. Nice to see you here.48. Mrs. White: You have a beautiful garden.Mr. Brown:Mrs. White: Do you do all the work yourselfMr. Brown: Yes.A. Yes, but I don’t enjoy working here.B. Thank you. I enjoy working in the garden.C. Really But I don’t think so.D. I’m afraid not.49. Librarian:Student: I’d like to borrow The Lost Necklace in English.A. What do you wantB. What are you going to doC. Can I help youD. Can you help me50. Lily: Do you mind if I read the text aloud hereJack:Lily: Thank you very much.A. Yes, I do.B. No, I don’t.C. Yes, I don’tD. No, I do.Part II Vocabulary and structureDirections: In this part, you will read some incomplete statements. After each of them, there are 4 choices. Choose one best answer to complete each of them.1. Fares are cheap; they ______, I’m told, for almost a hundred years.a. haven’t been risenb. haven’t raisedc. haven’t risend. haven’t being raised2. Don’t make a fuss, he’ll soon get ______ his disappoint ment and be cheerful again.a. overb. out ofc. awayd. through3. He has no alternative but ______ and ask his brother for assistance.a. to gob. goc. goingd. will go4. Even when stranded in an isolate village by snow, ______.a. it seemed my journey was still excitingb. my journey still seemed excitingc. I still thought my journey excitingd. my journey was still thought to be exciting5. “Let’s go, Tom. It’s time we ______.”“All right, Mary. I’ll finish it in a few seconds.”a. play baseballb. played baseballc. will play baseballd. are playing baseball6. After a while, he left Newton’s to start ______his own as an illustrator.a. forb. withc. asd. on7. Jim took his golf bag out of the car, wishing he had ______ freedom as Mr. Smith.a. so muchb. so manyc. as muchd. as more8. No sooner ______ the parrot flew out and settled in the same tree as the cat.a. had Mary opened the cage thanb. Mary opened the cage thatc. did Mary open the cage whend. Mary opened the cage when9. ______, you would have seen my nephew –– a very outstanding and promising boy.a. Had you arrived earlierb. If you arrived earlierc. Did you arrive earlierd. Unless you had arrived earlier10. ______ told by the doctor to stop smoking, Mr. Smith carried neither matches nor cigarettes.a. Had beenb. Have beenc. Having beend. Has been11. Although ______ French, he attended the course.a. he was knowingb. he is knowingc. having a knowledge ofd. knows12. Elizabeth, ______ Jane very soon communicated the chief of all this, heard it in silent indignation.a. whob. whomc. with whomd. to whom13. A law was even passed in one state of America ______ short skirts.a. forbiddenb. to be forbiddenc. be forbidd. forbidding14. It is very improbable they should meet at all ______ he really comes to see her.a. lestb. for fear thatc. untilld. unless15. Women wearing the gowns were said to look ______ they had just stepped out of bed.a. asb. thatc. as thatd. as though16. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see youagain if you ______.a. willb. doc. haved. married17. The composers soon began to write musical dramas about Bible stories ______ in Church.a. to performb. performingc. to be performedd. be performed18. It ______ a fine day, we went for a picnic.a. tob. bec. beingd. for19. At least he was there in time to tell his adventures to Jim while Jim did ______ of the work.a. three–fourthsb. three-fourthc. threes-fourthsd. threes-fourth20. For two hundred years before Johann Sebastian Bach was born, ______ had been musicians.a. the Bachb. the Bachsc. the Bach’sd. the Bachs’21. It’s very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon______.a. as he will comeb. as he shall comec. he comesd. as he comes22. It is essential that a child ______ loving attention.a. receivesb. is givenc. must be givend. should be given23. The person ______ I speak is a gentleman and a stranger.a. of whob. of whomc. whod. whom24. ______ he had been ill, I enquired about him.a. Learnedb. To learnc. Having learntd. Learnt25. Eventually they went on strike and achieved a reduction in hours to ______.a. a 52-hour weekb. a 52 hours weekc. an hour 52 weekd. 52 hours week26. You want to tell me, and I have no objection ______ it.a. to hearb. to hearingc. hearingd. having heard27. ______ everything else, art changes with time.a. Likeb. Comparedc. As withd. With28. “I ______ poetry as the food of love,” said Darcy.(be used to doing sth. Be used to sth.; used todo sth.)a. have been used to consideringb. have used to considerc. use to considerd. use to considering29. He continued after a pause, ______ Bingley join the group.a. seeingb. seenc. to seed. on seeing30. Not that I mean to find fault ______ you, for such things I know are all chance in the world.a. tob. forc. withd. on31. This book is borrowed from the library. You ______ all over it.a. shouldn’t have scribbledb. ought to not have scribbledc. need not scribbled. have not to scribble32. Harry wishes to be a doctor. Can you tell me what ______a. are you aiming atb. are you aiming forc. you are aiming atd. you are aiming for33. ______ in his scientific research, he had no time left for recreational activities.a. Having absorbedb. Absorbedc. Absorbingd. Be absorbing34. He read the newspapers regularly so he ______ about the world situation.a. was well informedb. has well informedc. well informedd. was well informing35. In the year A.D 79, a volcano erupted in ______ is now Italy.a. whatb. whichc. thatd. where36. I’m reading the novel ______ my husband recommended to me.a. whatb. of whichc. that whichd. that37. Ms. Franklin just called the office and said she ______ within the hour.a. arrivingb. is arrivingc. will arrived. would arrive38. He acted as if he ______ in England before.a. has never livedb. had never livedc. never livedd. would have never lived39. I know you’re pla nning to travel this summer, but do you know ______a. how much cost it will beb. how much has it costc. how much it will costd. how much will it cost40. His son must have a real talent ______ into fights.a. for to getb. having gotc. gettingd. for getting41. The stolen jewels must be recovered ______.a. at any costb. to any costc. with any expenditured. no matter any expenditure42. John was so worn out that he just ______ down and slept for 24 hours.a. liedb. laidc. lay b. had lain43. In the discussion, one speaker held that, since we live in a money-oriented society, the averageindividual cares little about solving ______.a. anyone else’s problemsb. anyone’s else problemsc. anyone else problemsd. problems of anyone’s else44. I raced through my breakfast and dressing, all thought of weariness ___ as my wife hurriedlypacked my bag.a. goneb. goingc. had goned. went45. You ought to go by plane, ______a. ought youb. shouldn’t youc. won’t youd. don’t you46. He has not been to Paris yet, and ______.a. I haven’t eitherb. I have neitherc. neither I haved. either have I47. If she ______ to come tomorrow, I would tell her everything.a. wasb. isc. wered. be48. He will finish the job quickly ______.a. if he applies himself to the taskb. if he applied himself to the taskc. if he will apply himself for the taskd. if he apply himself for the task49. The line was busy; someone ______ the telephone.a. must have been usingb. must be usingc. should have been usingd. must use50. We can make use of the money only ______ respect of instructions from the manager.a. forb. withc. tod. in51. In his first formal address to the College Paul ______ his general intentions.a. outlinedb. outputc. outletd. outbroke52. Please do n’t ______ what I say! My taste in films is not very reliable.a. go throughb. go back onc. go overd. go by53. John hasn’t been working hard and I dare to say that he will not ______ his examinations.a. get overb. get acrossc. get down tod. get through54. The window was open, but the rain ______ the air as effectively as a curtain.a. shut downb. shut upc. shut outd. shut away55. I’m not quite sure of it, for I ______ him saying that he was closing down his shop.a. caughtb. dislikedc. advisedd. overheard56. He was a most ______ man, who attended Mass in the local church every other week.a. optimisticb. piousc. jealousd. muscular57. Since the couple could not ______ their differences, they decided to get a divorce.a. correspondb. apologizec. frustrated. reconcile58. He thought he could prevent himself from being influenced by theopinion that ______ him.a. surrenderedb. sustainedc. surroundedd. subdued59. When she thought no one was looking she opened the cupboard and took a few sweets ______.a. on the wholeb. on the slyc. on second thoughtd. on the side60. The students felt a ______ of achievement in their writing ability at the end of the semester.a. senseb. mindc. thoughtd. sentiment61. Conditions everywhere have been seriously worsened, owing to the postwar ______ in pieces.a. liftb. promotionc. raised. rise62. Cowboys ______ their ropes round and round above their heads before throwing them.a. whirlb. windc. rotated. reel63. The policeman had to ______ with the criminal in order to get the handcuffs on him.a. consultb. wrestlec. argued. compete64. Soon after we gathered in all the wheat crop, we began to ______ it by using a machine.a. thrashb. shieldc. shedd. thresh65. There is a ______ resemblance between Jane and Mary, who are just in the same class.a. inspiringb. strikingc. excitingd. overwhelming66. The king ______ over a great variety of peoples and lands for as long as forty years.a. reignedb. governedc. controlledd. mastered67. Every year at sunrise on a May morning the choir gather on the top of the tower to sing a ______.a. tuneb. rhythmc. prayerd. hymn68. The check––out girl always puts the bread on top of the other groceries so that it does not get______.a. depressedb. condensedc. squeezedd. squashed69. A ______ of experts gave its opinion on ways to solve the traffic problem.a. panelb. parcelc. patrold. penal70. The bank of the river was covered in ______.a. moodb. mossc. mockd. moisture71. Your duties will ______ putting the children to bed.a. concludeb. excludec. included. involve72. All of them are ______ at Lana’s achievement.a. amazedb. interestedc. fondd. proud73. In USA Peter had to earn a _____ as a motorcar salesman.a. lifeb. lot of moneyc. livingd. diet74. Students should develop a good ______ about tests.a. attitudeb. activityc. hobbyd. grade75. As the general came the soldiers quickly ______.a. took upb. emerged upc. lined upd. played up76. An elliptical expression has words ______.a. missingb. disappearingc. losingd. vanishing77. Last week he went to the ______ register to withdraw money.a. cashb. chequec. priced. value78. The publishing company intends to ______ a new series of educational books.a. bring outb. bring toc. bring upd. bring on79. After the baby’s mother died her aunt took the duty to ______ her.a. bringb. nursec. take cared. look80. In ______ times the most important examinations were spoken, not written.a. primitiveb. ancientc. ancestrald. parental81. I’m ______ in this argument: I don’t care who wins.a. naturalb. centralc. neutrald. middle82. They ______ him that he and his Party had the full support of the Openshaw Branch.a. suggestedb. assuredc. showedd. ensured83. Owing to a previous ______, I shan’t be able to come.a. attainmentb. engagementc. investmentd. endorsement84. Is there a French word that is the exact ______ of the English word ‘home’a. substituteb. neutralityc. equalityd. equivalent85. He was ______ on the grass and had evidently ______ there all night.a. laying… lainb. lying… laidc. lying… liedd. lying… lain86. Tell the children to ______ the fire.a. put offb. put outc. put asided. put down87. She passed me in the street, but took no ______ of me.a. attentionb. watchc. sightd. notice88. My new teacher is both ______ and encouraging towards me.a. gentleb. hoarsec. indifferenced. temperate89. My wife’s health will not ______ this cold damp climate.a. stand up forb. face up toc. stand up tod. be faced with90. Mike was not upset ______ by the storm.a. at leastb. at the leastc. in the leastd. at most91. A good student must ______ what he reads with what he sees around him.a. combineb. contactc. related. connect92. Crime is certainly on the ______ in many big cities.a. raiseb. increasec. growthd. ascent93. You have ______ my name from your list.a. emittedb. admittedc. omittedd. remitted94. This newspaper doesn’t pay enough attention to ______ affa irs.a. exteriorb. externalc. interiord. elastic95. The newcomer ______ himself in the large leather chair.a. satb. keptc. installedd. sank96. Every citizen in a democratic country may ______ the protection of the law.a. claimb. providec. insistd. supply97. My face turned white and my body wasted away owing to ______ of proper food and exercise.a. lackb. littlec. needd. short98. The coach says that players must be in bed by midnight, and that rule is ______ tonight.a. in evidenceb. in earnestc. in placed. in effect99. There was ______ often minutes between the two parts of the concert.a. a periodb. a spacec. a restd. an interval100. Only experts can ______ the old coins that are dug up in our town.a. determineb. datec. decided. declarePart II Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are some reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answersmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Test OnePassage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to get rid of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem – how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well that no fuel is needed to make the campus’s six buildings comfortable.Some parts of most modern buildings – theaters and offices as well as classrooms – are more than sufficiently heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter. The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called “heat recovery”. A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University’s system is the first to recover heat from buildings and reuse it in others.Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students send out more heat than female students, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces. It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard-working overweight male genius.1. What is characteristic of the buildings on Johnstown campus of the University of PittsburghA. They are more comfortable to live in than other buildings.B. They collect body heat to regulate the temperature inside.C. They use light bulbs to heat the classrooms.D. They consume less fuel to keep the classrooms cool.2. According to the passage, the technique of heat recovery is used ________.A. to provide a special form of air-conditioningB. to provide heat for the hot water systemC. to find out the source of heatD. to collect heat and reuse it3. The phrase “the hottest prospect” in this passage refers to ________.A. the person who suffers most from heatB. the person who needs more heat than othersC. the person who gives off most heatD. the person who make better use of body heat。

RF Circuit Design(Topic 5)_new

RF Circuit Design(Topic 5)_new

, C
1 2f C X
设计一個工作中心频率400MHz,频宽40MHz的50-75Ω的T型阻抗转换器 。(Rs = 50Ω , RL = 75Ω)
R Rsmall (Q 2 1) 5050 X P1
, X S1 Q RS 500,
Rsmall = MIN( RS,RL )
R Rsmall (Q 1)
, X S1 Q RS
R Q2
R , X P1 Q
R 1 RL
, X P2
, X S 2 Q2 RL
X 2 fC
1 2 fC X
为了进一步简化匹配网络的设计工作,我们可 以在Smith圆图中画出等Qn 线。 由Smith圆图的基本式: 1 z 1 分开实、虚部,得:
r jx (1 R jI ) /(1 R jI )
分子分母同乘以分母的共轭,则有: 2 1 R I2 2I r jx j 2 2 (1 R ) I (1 R ) 2 I2
Matching Theory3
射频/微波电路的阻抗匹配也是交流电路阻 抗匹配问题。 在频率更高的情况下,分析问题的方法有其 特殊性。
射频/微波电路中通常使用反射系数描述阻抗, 用波的概念来描述信号大小。 需要用反射系数来分析最大功率传输条件即阻 抗匹配状态
f=400MHz, RS = 50Ω,RL = 25Ω RS>RL, Q=1, XS= RL/Q=25Ω, XP=QRS=50Ω 根据如下拓扑计算,L=XS/2πf=9.95nH, C=1/2πfXP=7.96pF



思考题——美国概况Chapter 8. Country and People1.How many states are there in the United States? Which one is the largest and which one is thesmallest?2.Why does the United States have an ideal location for trade?3.Look at a physical map of the United States and find out and name the main mountain ranges, riversand lakes in the United States.4.What are the benefits of the lakes, rivers and seacoasts of the Unites States?5.How many types of climate can be found in the United States? What are they?6.What is the population of the United States? Which three countries have the largest populations inthe world?7.Where do most of the Americans live? Which are some of the biggest cities in the U. S?8.How did the black people come to the United States? What was their fate in the U. S. ?9.What is a Hispanic? Are there any groups of Hispanics which have great influence on the UnitedStates? Which are the groups?10.Say something about the three immigration waves.11.What is another trend in the population movement? What are some of the consequences of thistrend?Chapter 9. American Political System and Government1.Under what circumstances was the U. S. Constitution drafted?2.What is a federal system?3.How are the powers of the Federal Government separated among three branches of the governmentand what checks does each of the three branches exercise on the other two? What was the underlying idea as the founders saw it?4.How can the Constitution keep pace with the growth of the nation?5.What is the Bill of Rights? How did it come into being?6.What are the qualifications for a U. S. President? What are the powers of the President?7.What do you know about the Judicial Branch? How does the judicial system work?8.Tell briefly the history of the two-party system in the United States. What are the characteristics ofthe two major parties in the United States today?9.What has contributed to the decline in the influence of major American parties in recent decades? Chapter 10. American Economy1.Briefly discuss the factors that contributed to the fast growth of the American economy. Whatproblems does it have today?2.What kind of economic system does the United States have? What are its characteristics?3.What are the main crops grown in the United States? How important are they to the economy of thecountry?4.Why is the Midwest the most important agricultural region of the United States?5.List the problems American agriculture is faced with.6.Where are the major industrial regions of the United States? Describe briefly some of the economicactivities that take place in at least two of these regions.7.Why is the Midwest regarded as the nation's leading centre of heavy industry?8.How important are the Middle Atlantic states to the economy of the United States?9.What advantages does the American South have in developing its industry?10.Describe briefly the exports and imports of the United States. Why is the economy of othercountries often affected when the American economy is in trouble?Chapter 11. American History1.Who were the first Americans? How did they come to America? How was America discovered byEuropeans in the 15th century?2.Why did the early settlers come to America? Who were the pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? Whatwere the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development?3.Say something about the Boston Tea Party, the Paul Revere Ride and the Shots at Concord andLexington.4.What was unusual about the Articles of Confederation? What was the struggle at the ConstitutionalConvention? How was the conflict solved?5.What were the contributions of President Theodore Roosevelt?6.What were the important measures of Wilson's New Freedom?7.How serious was the great Depression? Give a few examples.8.What is the root cause of the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union right after theSecond World War? What was the American policy towards the Soviet Union?9.What is the Truman Doctrine? Why did the United States put forward the Marshall Plan?10.Who was McCarthy and what was McCarthyism? What do you know about the Alger Fliss case?What role did the court play in the spread of anti-Communist hysteria?Chapter 12. American Education1.What is the general view of Americans on education?2.What are some of the characteristics of American education?3.How are primary schools run in the United States? What are some of the subjects taught in primaryschools?4.What is the typical organizational pattern for elementary and secondary schools?5.Which was the earliest institution of higher education in the United States? Say something about thedifferences of colleges and universities.6.What are the three principal functions of institution of higher education? How are the institutionsfunded? How are they run?7.How are students admitted to an institution of higher education? What is meant by ''openadmission''?8.What do you know about tuition for higher education in the United States? What is the curriculumfor an undergraduate student? What is the content of general education?9.What role does the community college play? What functions does it perform? Why is it important inAmerican higher education? What is the guiding principle of such a college?Chapter 13. American Cultural Life and Festivals1.Who was the only writer in colonial period still read today? And what is he famous for?2.What is the story of "Rip Van Winkle" about?3.What is The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn about? Why is it important?4.What is the '' Lost Generation'''? Why is Hemingway considered an important writer in the 20thcentury?5.What is Jazz? And what is Country and Western music?6.What are the popular activities in the United States during the New Year's Day celebration?7.Why do American people respect and love President Abraham Lincoln and President GeorgeWashington?8.What are the practices for Valentine's Day?9.How do American children celebrate Easter Sunday?10.What are the similarities and differences between Memorial Day and Veterans' Day?11.What is the origin of Thanksgiving Day?Chapter 14. Cities and Tourism1.How many parts can Disneyland Park be divided into? What are they?2.After getting to know the famous cities in U. S. which city you want to visit most? Why ( have yourown answer)3.List what you consider to be the five most interesting places to visit in China? Why? (Have yourown answer)。



肱动脉、 肱动脉、桡尺动脉
肱v. 桡n. 骨间后a. 骨间后 桡a. 肱a. 正中n. 正中 骨间总a. 骨间总 骨间前a. 骨间前 尺n. 尺a.
前臂的动脉(前面观) 前臂的动脉(前面观)
1)掌浅弓 superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓 由尺动脉的末端和桡动脉的掌浅支吻合而成。位 置较浅,弓的顶点相当于掌中纹处。分支要有小 指尺掌侧动脉和三条指掌侧总功脉,后者至掌指 关节附近,又各分为两条指掌侧固有动脉,分别 供应第2~5指的相对缘。因此,手指出血可沿手 指两侧压迫止血。 2)掌深弓 deep palmar arch 掌深弓 由桡动脉的末端和尺动脉的掌深支吻合而成。约 平腕掌关节处,由弓的远端发出三条掌心动脉, 与指掌侧总动脉吻合。
耳后a. 耳后 枕a. 颈内a. 颈内 迷走n. 迷走 颈外v. 颈外 颈外a. 颈外 颈总a. 颈总 颈外a. 颈外 咽升a. 咽升 面a. 舌a. 甲状腺上a. 甲状腺上
颞浅a. 颞浅 上颌a. 上颌 枕a. 颈内a. 颈内 脑膜中a. 脑膜中 下牙槽a. 下牙槽 面a. 舌a. 颈外a. 颈外 甲状腺上a. 甲状腺上 颈总a. 颈总
胰的血液供应 主要来自胰十二指肠上动脉(来自肝总动脉 主要来自胰十二指肠上动脉( 分支胃十二指肠动脉)、胰十二指肠下动脉 分支胃十二指肠动脉)、胰十二指肠下动脉 )、 (来自肠系膜上动脉)和脾动脉的分支胰背 来自肠系膜上动脉) 动脉、胰支、胰尾动脉和胰大动脉。 动脉、胰支、胰尾动脉和胰大动脉。
喉上n. 喉上 甲状腺上v. 甲状腺上 颈内v. 颈内 甲状腺中v. 甲状腺中 甲状腺下v. 甲状腺下 喉返n. 喉返 头臂v. 头臂 上腔v. 上腔





关键词新课改初中数学新课程作业A Brief Discussion on the Issue of Homework in New Curriculum of Middle School Mathematics//Lin Xiting Abstract In the background of new curriculum reform,it is the basic guarantee of improving teaching quality to enhance hom-ework innovation through settling various obstacles.Starting from such problems as unsuitable guidance materials and diversified homework for different students,this paper attempts to further explore corresponding strategies from the angle of scientific homework,accurate homework,innovation of homework assessm-ent,and so on.Key words new curriculum refom;middle school mathematics; new curriculum;homeworkAuthor's address Baoan Experimental School of Shenzhen City,518000,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China通过学情调查,目前学生对于数学作业的主要观点是:练习不要太难,计算不要太繁;题型多样、灵活;重复的练习少一些,作业少而精;题目新颖、趣味性强;有一定的思维容量,但通过努力能解决;老师的评价以鼓励为主,多一些肯定;要有耐心,加一些针对性的评论,指出不足,督促警示等。

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的形成原理? 的形成原理?
第三章 自然电位测井
1. 简要说明Cw>Cmf情况下砂泥岩剖面上自然电动势 简要说明C 画出砂泥岩剖面SP形成的等效电路图, SP形成的等效电路图 2. 画出砂泥岩剖面SP形成的等效电路图,并据此写 出SP的表达式。 SP的表达式。 的表达式 3. 影响SP测井曲线的主要因素是哪些?在储集层SP 影响SP测井曲线的主要因素是哪些?在储集层SP SP测井曲线的主要因素是哪些 典型特征是什么?什么是泥岩基线? 典型特征是什么?什么是泥岩基线? 分析说明用SP测井曲线求V 的原理及有利条件? SP测井曲线求 4. 分析说明用SP测井曲线求Vsh的原理及有利条件?
测井解释练习作业(声感组合) 测井解释练习作业(声感组合)
有一淡水泥浆砂泥岩剖面产油井,给出微电极、声波时差、 有一淡水泥浆砂泥岩剖面产油井,给出微电极、声波时差、普通电 阻率、感应电导和自然电位综合测井图。已知R =0.2欧姆米 欧姆米, 阻率、感应电导和自然电位综合测井图。已知Rw=0.2欧姆米,砂岩骨 =1.68架Δtma=180μs/m,流体Δtf=620μs/m,压实校正系数Cp=1.68-0.0002h (h为深度,单位:米)。试对1250~1330米井段进行解释: 为深度,单位: )。试对1250~1330米井段进行解释: 试对1250 米井段进行解释 在图上划分出渗透层,并按顺序编号; (1)在图上划分出渗透层,并按顺序编号; 填写“测井解释成果表” (2)填写“测井解释成果表”。 说明: 说明: 声波时差” 感应电导”由图中读出,电导率不作校正; (1)“声波时差”和“感应电导”由图中读出,电导率不作校正; m=n=2; (2)a=0.81, b=1, m=n=2; 渗透率k计算公式如下( 均为百分数, =30%) (3)渗透率k计算公式如下(φ和Swirr均为百分数,Swirr=30%):
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
第四章 侧向测井
成正比, 成正比,并
侧向测井为何又称为聚焦测井? 侧向测井为何又称为聚焦测井?其电极系与普通电阻率测井相 比,主要的改进或设计思路是什么? 主要的改进或设计思路是什么? 侧向测井视电阻率Ra可近似看成与主电极的 侧向测井视电阻率Ra可近似看成与主电极的 Ra 据此说明影响Ra的因素和侧向测的适用条件。(查阅) Ra的因素和侧向测井的适用条件 深浅侧向电阻率曲线重叠时,是否一定可用“油层有正幅度差、 深浅侧向电阻率曲线重叠时,是否一定可用“油层有正幅度差、 水层有负幅度差”来区分油水层?为什么? 水层有负幅度差”来区分油水层?为什么? 比较三、 比较三、七、双侧向测井电极系的设计、测量原理及探测特性 双侧向测井电极系的设计、 (分层能力、探测深度)?(查阅) 分层能力、探测深度)?(查阅) )? 微侧向、邻近侧向、 微侧向、邻近侧向、微球形聚焦测井都是测量 查阅) 较。(查阅) 电阻率的方 法,试从受泥饼影响、探测深度、分层能力等方面进行简单比 试从受泥饼影响、探测深度、
第六章 声波测井
滑行波是怎样产生的,产生条件是什么? 1. 滑行波是怎样产生的,产生条件是什么?仪器设计中常采取什么 措施使滑行纵波成为首波? 措施使滑行纵波成为首波? 试述单发双收声速测井原理及双发双收对井眼不规则的补偿原理。 2. 试述单发双收声速测井原理及双发双收对井眼不规则的补偿原理。 在声波时差测井曲线上何为“周波跳跃”现象, 3. 在声波时差测井曲线上何为“周波跳跃”现象,产生的原因及其 主要应用是什么? 主要应用是什么? 4. 水泥胶结测井CBL和声波变密度测井VDL怎样定性判断固井质量? 水泥胶结测井CBL和声波变密度测井VDL怎样定性判断固井质量? CBL和声波变密度测井VDL怎样定性判断固井质量 套管井及裸眼井中的声波全波列一般分别包括哪些波, 5. 套管井及裸眼井中的声波全波列一般分别包括哪些波,其到达接 收探头的顺序分别是什么? 收探头的顺序分别是什么? 怎样利用声波时差和全波列测井资料求取孔隙度? 6. 怎样利用声波时差和全波列测井资料求取孔隙度? 判断超压地层、 设计钻井泥浆、 7. 怎样利用声波测井资料 ①判断超压地层、②设计钻井泥浆、③估 算岩石的力学参数? 算岩石的力学参数?
第八章 中子测井
试述中子与物质的相互作用,并列举相应的测井方法。 1. 试述中子与物质的相互作用,并列举相应的测井方法。 热中子或超热中子计数率与地层孔隙度φ 仪器源距L 2. 热中子或超热中子计数率与地层孔隙度φ 、仪器源距L有 什么关系,试说明为什么。 什么关系,试说明为什么。 3. 地层中天然气的存在对中子孔隙度测井、中子伽马测井、 地层中天然气的存在对中子孔隙度测井、中子伽马测井、 密度测井等有何影响? 密度测井等有何影响? C/O能谱测井的主要应用是什么 能谱测井的主要应用是什么? 4. C/O能谱测井的主要应用是什么? 采用饱和淡水石灰岩刻度时,不同岩性地层的φ 5. 采用饱和淡水石灰岩刻度时,不同岩性地层的φN、φD与 地层的真孔隙度φ有何关系?这一关系的主要应用是什么? 地层的真孔隙度φ有何关系?这一关系的主要应用是什么? 中子寿命测井的基本原理和主要应用是什么? 6. 中子寿命测井的基本原理和主要应用是什么?
义及获取方式? 义及获取方式?
第二章 普通电阻率测井
1. 什么是阿尔奇公式,其主要应用及重要意义?符号意 什么是阿尔奇公式,其主要应用及重要意义? 确定以下电极系的记录点、电极距和电极系名称: 2. 确定以下电极系的记录点、电极距和电极系名称: (1)A3.75M0.5N (2)N2.25M0.5A 微电极测井包括哪些微电极系? 3. 微电极测井包括哪些微电极系?分别测量什么介质的 电阻率?为什么微电极测井可以划分渗透层? 电阻率?为什么微电极测井可以划分渗透层? 梯度电极系测井曲线在地层界面处有什么典型特征? 4. 梯度电极系测井曲线在地层界面处有什么典型特征? 标准测井一般包括哪些测井项目,主要应用是什么? 5. 标准测井一般包括哪些测井项目,主要应用是什么?
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第七章 伽马测井
沉积岩石的天然放射性主要是什么原因形成的? 1. 沉积岩石的天然放射性主要是什么原因形成的?岩石中主 要的放射性核素有哪些? 要的放射性核素有哪些? 伽马射线与物质的相互作用主要有哪些, 2. 伽马射线与物质的相互作用主要有哪些,这些作用与伽马 射线能量有什么关系? 射线能量有什么关系? 自然伽马测井的主要应用是什么? 3. 自然伽马测井的主要应用是什么? 4. 试以检查封堵效果为例说明放射性同位素测井的测量原理 和解释方法。 和解释方法。 密度测井主要的物理原理是什么? 5. 密度测井主要的物理原理是什么?为何采用双源距补偿测 井方法? 井方法? 简述密度测井石灰岩刻度的原理? 6. 简述密度测井石灰岩刻度的原理?
第五章 感应测井
试简要描述感应测井的基本原理, 1. 试简要描述感应测井的基本原理,并说明感 应测井几何因子理论的要点。 应测井几何因子理论的要点。 简要说明纵向、横向各几何因子的物理意义, 2. 简要说明纵向、横向各几何因子的物理意义, 并据此理解0.8 0.8米六线圈系的纵横向探测特性 并据此理解0.8米六线圈系的纵横向探测特性 的改进。 的改进。 比较侧向测井和感应测井的主要影响因素, 3. 比较侧向测井和感应测井的主要影响因素, 并据此说明二者的适用条件,理解双感应并据此说明二者的适用条件,理解双感应-聚 焦测井和双侧向-Rxo测井组合的适用条件 测井组合的适用条件。 焦测井和双侧向-Rxo测井组合的适用条件。