
阿里业务必修课一.询盘分析及回复一:客户是如何发询盘的:1.输入关键词看到页面只看主图不点开直接发------这样后台是没有访客记录的2.比价群发----你会收到阿里通知说该客户把邮件发给了几位供应商3.输入关键词,查看了你的产品,然后再发的询盘-----后台有访客记录二: 四步分析询盘买家质量1.国家信息:知时差:回邮件用闹钟定时。


这是为什么呢?是邮件内容太多无针对性?内容太少买家没兴趣?还是我们的英语水平需要再提高?客观言说:以揣测上都可能会影响到但只是片面的影响;就好比饭吃得急了会噎住喉咙,可是否会因噎废食呢?当下电子商务运用日渐广泛深入,买家通过给出的平台寻找感兴趣的中国供应商时,往往不会只针对一家厂商发送询盘,如何才能积极跟进初次询盘促成订单,让我们在完成初步的询盘筛选后一同来关注询盘跟进技巧.一、询盘为泛问所有产品内容大多如下:We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more information and samples about your products and price list?回复可参考如下:Dear Sir/ Madam,Thanks for your inquiry at .We are professional supplier for XX(产品名) at competitive price, located in XX(公司地址). By now our products have been exported to XX(出口国别或地区). Here is the attachment with some pictures & price of our products that may suit your market requirements. Also you’re welcome to check our website(xxx) for more details and select your interested products.We’re sincerely looking forward to developing business with you, If any comments, we would be glad to discuss in details through MSN:XXX \ mails or any way you like. (附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品或通过搜索初略客户市场需求后可推荐的产品类型)泛泛咨询时,往往真实购买意图一般,除非其正好需要/感兴趣您现在的产品或您挑选出的主打产品。

以下为相关步骤的范例:1、当买家光顾你店铺, 询问产品信息时:重点:跟买家初次打招呼,要亲切、自然并表示出你的热情。
尽量在初步沟通时把产品元素介绍清楚,范例参考:Hello, my dear friend.Thank you for your visiting to my store, you can find the products you need from my store . If there are not what you need, you can tell us, and we can help you to find the source, please feel free to buy anything! Thanks again.2、鼓励买家提高定单金额和定单数量, 提醒买家尽快确认定单时可参考:Thank you for your patronage, if you confirm the order as soon as possible, I will send some gifts. A good news: Recently there are a lot of activities in our store. If the value of goods you buy count to a certain amount, we will give you a satisfied discount.3、交易进行中,通知买家去参看物流情况时,可参考:The goods you need had been sent to you. It's on the way now.Please pay attention to the delivery and sign as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.4、当完成交易,您表示感谢,并希望他下次能够再次回头时,可参考:Thank you for your purchase, I have prepared you some gifts, which will be sent to you along with the goods.Sincerely hope you like it. I'll give you a discount, if you like to purchase another products.5、推广新产品,采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。

4. 没有提到交易条款和细 节,说明还没有真实采购 意向。
买家不内行,大供应商的优势减弱,所以这是您和大公 司同行竞争的好机会。 买家在一个小而封闭的好市场,比如东欧或西非 , 所以您如果能 切入进当地市场,竞争会很小,机会会很大。
总 结 建
即使看起来很没诚意的询盘,仍然有很多种 积极的可能因素,建议对这类询盘的第一封 回复,不提供详细产品信息,不报价,提简 单的问题引导,吸引买家回复,并了解更多 买家的真实情况,再作进一步跟进。
尝试提问了解买家的购买力,比如询问买家之前是否有从中国 采购过。 要表达出自己对买家的潜在价值,以吸引住买家回复您提出 的问题。
0 2
0 3 0 4
侃价是外贸谈判的必经之路,不对价格提要求不代表价格好谈,对价 格提了要求不代表一定谈不下来,记得不要冒失报价撞买家的枪口, 而要先了解买家的专业度和购买力,以此来决定自己的报价策略。
第一封回复率通常是决胜的关键。 对不同类型的询盘要采取有针对性的回复方式。 判断您回复的邮件有几成再被回复的可能? 希望今天我们对第一封询盘的思路整理,能让您对第 一封回盘更加心中有数。
一:情况不明的询盘 Nhomakorabea二:一开始就谈价格的询盘
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0 3
[总结建议] 进入采购阶段的询盘有两个宗旨,产品对口,有信心拿下的,要一次 到位发出一份有煽动力的报价,如果产品并不是特别强,能与客户维 系上长远的关系,也会是一个大收获。。
第一封来盘可能是群发、偶发、甚至错发的, 第三封来盘可能可以进入实质的谈判阶段,而这中 间的桥梁就是第二封来盘。 为了得到买家的第二封来盘,您要做的就是写好您 的第一封回盘,真正与买家建立起一对一的联系, 不宜过急过躁急于求成,也不宜拖沓敷衍节奏过慢, 找到吸引买家的点,这是共通的法则。

如何回复买家的第一次询盘一:针对所有产品询价的邮件回复,交向客户做公司简介Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from HongKong XXX international group, it's very nice tocontact withyou.We are very pleased to receive your below email, thanks for yourinteresting and kind attention. XXX international group was establishedin 2001, but with ten years of valuable experience in the rubbermainly engaged in manufacturing various rubber products, motors andaccessories. Pls visit our website: to check moreand detailed items.Enclosed pls find our products poster and specifications for your reference.We are the real munufacturer of auto accessories in China, we also acceptOEM/ODEM order and package.If you have any interesting on our products, pls feel free to let me know, we will provide you the best priceand service.Best regards,XiaoA二:针对某款产品询价的邮件回复参考模板- A:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contactwith you.We are very pleased to receive your below enquiry about Rearview Mirror, thanks for yourinterest andkind attention.Model #XY-010 Rearview Mirror is our new model and very hot sell productwhich has perfect design andtwo colors(blue, light blue) options for customers/ Model #XY-090 car key camera is our hotsell product which has perfect design and very good quality. Enclosed pls find our bestquote anddetailed specification(products catalogue), you can find more products from it.If you have any interest and need samples for testing, pls feel free to let me know. We arelookingforward y our soonest feedback.Best regards,XiaoA参考模板- B:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it'svery nice to contact with you. We are very pleased to receive your belowemail, thanks for your interest and kind attention. XXX is theprofessional manufacturer of security system products in China,specializes in the development and promotion of Mini-Camera program invarious appearances such as MP3, Lighter, Digital Watch,Sunglasses, Button, USB Flash Drive, Mini pen, ID Card, Car Key, Car DVD and Car GPS. Plsvisit our website: to check more and detailed items.Regarding to Car DVD , pls see the specification as below:TD717:7 inch car DVD playerDetachable FaceTouchScreen/BLUETOOTHRDS/Ipod control/USB/SDcar DVD/ car video/7"Model number TD717Title: 7 inch car DVD player T ouch Screen double din detachable face/touchscreen/BLUETOOTH/TV/USB/SD/RDS/FM/AM/Ipod control car DVD/car Video/ in dash car DVDMain Function: Touchscreen/bluetooth/TV/SD/USB/RDS/FM/AM/Ipodcontrol/detachable face panelGeneral information:Screen Type sharp TFT touchscreen removable/detachable face panel/ face offScreen size 7 inchAspect Ratio 16:9 or 4:3TV system PAL/ NTSC/AUTOResolution 480(H)x3(RGB) x234(V) pixelsPower DC 10.8V-15.8Vworkingtemperature 0-60 °CLoad dependence 4 ohmweight 3.0kgDimensions 178(W) x 169(L) x100(H)mmAudioInformation:Power output 4 x50W Max. outputlevel 2Vrms(+_3dB) FM frequency 87.5-108MHzAM frequency 522-1611KHz Videoinformation:Video System PAL/ NTSCDefinition >500lines Signal noiseratio > 90dB Vidio outputlevel 1.0Vp-p75 OHM3D displayer YESLanguages( OSD) English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese Languages( Subtitle) English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese and Latin Format compatible DVD/DVD-R/DVD-RW/CD/VCD/MP3/CD/CD-R/CD-RW/MPEG4/SVCD/Xvid/Jpegs/DivxAdditional information:Bluetooth A2DP ,touchscreen keypad, volume control, dail and answer callIpod support ipod and screen controlGPS Optional, can built-inPayment Information:Payment method paypal, T/T or L/CMOQ: 1Dropship AvailableWarranty 1 YearLead time Sample available any time, bulk orders T.B.CShipping Method TNT/Fedex/DHL/UPS or Shipping companyIf you have any interest, pls feel free to let me know. We are looking forward to hearingfrom you soon.Best regards,XiaoA三:针对OEM/ODM 产品询价的邮件回复Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contactwith you.We are very pleased to receive your below enquiry about xxx, thanks for your kind attention.However, we are sorry to tell you that we have no the same Gps DVD model you sent to me,butwe've promoted our new model #XY-070 DVD which is our hot sell product with perfect design and verygood quality. Enclosed pls find our best quote and detailed specification(products catalogue),you canfind more products from it. But if you insist on your own model, we canstill open the new tooling for you, as we have strong R&D capability andaccept OEM/ODM orders.If you have any interest and need samples for testing, pls feel free to let me know. We arelookingforward y our soonest feedback.Best regards,XiaoA四.:针对非我司产品的询价的邮件回复参考模板 - A:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contactwith you.We received your below enquiry about Waterproofing material, but can you advise what's theproductsexactly? Are they car cover or waterproof? And can you send us some productsphotos and specifications which you are looking for?Best regards,XiaoA参考模板- B:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contactwith you.We received your below enquiry. However, we are not the watch factory, we are theprofessionalmanufacturer of security system products in China, specializes in thedevelopment and promotion of Mini-DV program in various appearances suchas MP3, Lighter, Digital Watch, Sunglasses, Button, USB Flash Drive, Minipen, ID Card, Car Key, Car DVD and Car GPS.If you are intrerested in our products, pls visit our website: to checkmore anddetailed items. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,Xiao A五:打样规则:Dear customer ,Nice to get your prompt feedback, tks a lot.We really would like to support your businesswithour perfect service and good quality products. Thanks for your interest in our Car DVD.However, in orderto control our factory cost, we've set the sample policy long time for each customer:Sample(1-5PCS)should be charged 130% of the unit price, but the sample fee could berefunded after placing new order(qty reaches 500Pcs, MOQ: 50Pcs). So if youwould like the sample for testing or show, we will sendyou after you paid the sample fee total, but donot worry about it becausewe will refund the money after you placing new order. I think it deservesto pay this sample, because our good quality product will not make youdisappointed.We sincerely hoping could start business with you in coming days soon. If it's ok, pls adviseyour shippingaddress and Fedex account no., we will arrange the sample after your paying, tks a lot.Best regards,XiaoA六:客人觉得产品价钱和运费过高,应该如何回复:Dear customer ,I am sorry, the shipping cost is lower than the fact, the total G.W ofthe goods would be around 30Kgs, and i asked the cheapest shippingcompany for you.For the products price, what we quoted to you is our lowest price, our goods has very goodqualtiy whichcannot be compared with the rubbish goods from other factories. I believe you will be veryhappy to seeour perfect quality goods and considerate service.Aboved pls double check, i am waiting for your feedback, tks.Best regards,XiaoA七:不确定客人是否找的是我们公司所生产产品种类,应该如何回复:Dear customer ,This is XiaoA, sales supervisor from our company.We've received below email from you, pls note we are the professionalmanufacturer of security system products in China, specializes in thedevelopment and promotion of Mini-Camera program in variousappearances such as MP3, Lighter, Digital Watch, Sunglasses, Button, USBFlash Drive, Mini pen, ID Card, Car Key, Car DVD and Car GPS. etc. Pls visitour website: to check more and detailed items.Pls double check if you are looking this kind of products. If you have any interest about ourproducts, plsfeel free to let me know.Best regards,XiaoA八:客户不愿意支付首次样品费及运费,应该如何回复:Dear customer,This is XiaoA.I am sorry to tell you that our company has the sample policy:1.Sample(1-5PCS) should be charged 130% of the unit price, but thesample fee could be refunded after placing new order(qty reaches 500Pcs,MOQ: 500Pcs).2.Sample shipping chgarge should be freight collected or prepaid by customer.If anybody donot wanna to paying for the samples, that will be fine, it's no neccessary tomake anybusiness with each other, because the customer cannot afford any cost on future business. Wedonot likethat kind of customer, because we donot see his sincerity and honesty to dobusiness.Best regards,XiaoA九:向潜在客户进一步推荐公司的产品,宣扬公司的研发能力:WORD格式Dear customer,I sent your photos of car key camera to our engineer, the internal structure and pcb boarddesign is sameas ours, this is the copy model of ours, only difference with the color, ours isin blue(as attachedfile"Internal structure of car key camera"), and yours is in red. However, there have lotsof factories to copyand produce the same model products. But you should pay attention to distinguish the factoriesquality,capability and service, which are the most important to the buyers.We are the manufacturer in China with strong technology and development capability,specializing indeveloping the Mini video cameras and security monitoring products for our customer from theshapedesign, internal structure, pcb board, tooling, manual packaging, pop poster, sell, and after-sales technicalsupport of one-stop service. Enclosed pls find our ID design of car key camera.If you have any interest on our products, pls let me know. I believe we will be your bestsupplier choice tocooperate on the busienss.Best regards,XiaoA专业资料整理。



下面是小编为你整理的有关询盘回复的范文,希望对你有用!有关询盘回复的范文1可以针对首次来信没有明确需求,联系信息不全的客户Dear Mr. Amir,Many thanks for your inquiry dated(of) ____ from .In order to let us make more correct quotation accordingly, please kindly tell us the e_act model number you prefer after checking our website of .Besides, to help us offer the best price, please also introduce your company as many details as you can. Such as your company foundation time, how many workers, major product lines, company website and last year's sales turnover if possible. More details better price.Waiting for your early reply.Best RegardsAmy可以针对首次询盘比较明确,且联系信息较全的客户。
Dear Mr. Naresh,So glad receiving your enquiry for our Barbies' collection from dated ___. Thanks a lot.We are a leading manufacturer in children’s wear in China and our products have been e_ported to customers all over the world such as ____. The Barbies Collection is the most popular style in our factory, selling fast.However, detailed price list for the skirts and long pants willbe sent to you based on your specific further product description such as color, specification, special design requirement etc. Please check the following styles photo which should be suitable for your Indian market and tell us more requirements on the e_act skirts and long pants.Please do not hesitate to contact us if any question and we are waiting for your reply.Best regards,Amy有关询盘回复的范文2可以针对首次询盘,需求明确,要求报价的客户。

下面是小编为大家整理的阿里巴巴询盘回复范文,一起来看看吧!阿里巴巴询盘回复范文一Dear__________,Thank you for your inquiry dated __________regarding__________.Please find the detailed product information as follows:Product Description: __________Specifications: __________Packaging: __________Price: __________Payment terms: __________We look forward to hearing from you soon and processing your first order.Sincerely,__________阿里巴巴询盘回复范文二Dear,We are a joint venture specializing in the . We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We are looking forward to your prompt reply.Sincerely,$objec t.salesname:阿里巴巴询盘回复范文三Dear,We have refreshed our online catalog at , and now it covers the latest new products, It covers the latest new products available from stock.We believe that you will find something attractive to our product line. Once you have had time to study the supplement, If you are interested in any product pls do not hesitate to let us know. We would be very happy to send you samples for close inspection.We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,。

不同的询盘有不同的回复技巧,接下来让我们分享一下方法吧!一、买家询盘为泛问所有产品询盘格式通常如下:We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more informationand samples about yourproducts and price list?可参考如下模板回复:Dear Sir/ Madam,Thanks for your inquiry at . We are professional supplier for plush toys at competitive price, located inNanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Here is the attachment with some pictures of our products that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website, and select the products that you’re interested in.We have great interest in developing business with you, should you have any inquiries or comments,we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:XXX\ mails or any way you like.(附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品) 客户泛泛咨询时,往往真实购买意图一般,除非其正好需要/感兴趣您现在的产品或您挑选出的主打产品。


在回复之前我们首先要做好两方面的准备:◆报价资料的准备:a) 物流:寻找合适的货代或船公司能带来良好的服务及优惠的价格。
b) 价格:针对不同贸易术语、不同港口给出不同报价,并能根据原材料及汇率的变动及时调整报价。
c) 交货期:不同产品的生产期限,便于在下单前给出合理的交货期,避免后期延误。
d) 产品:了解产品结构、技术参数等,沟通时可以向买家体现您的专业度。
e) 包装:内包装、外包装、装箱量等,如20”和40”分别能装多少。
f) 图片:备有各种产品的图片。
g) 样品:备有各类产品的样品,可随时给需要的客户寄样。
◆沟通的准备:a) 了解目标市场的风俗习惯,如节假日、国庆日等,便于沟通时拉近距离;b) 了解不同国家的语言习惯,便于根据不同人群给予针对性回复;c) 学会从买家的文字风格判断买家的性格脾气。
d) 尽可能开通多种沟通方式,如国际长途电话、传真、专业独立的企业邮箱、在线聊天工具,如MSN、TradeManager。
电子邮件写作要领a) 使用统一的信纸,如把公司LOGO或公司名称作水印的信纸等。
外贸阿里巴巴询盘怎样回复 英文询盘回复技巧大全

3内容1开头,dear加他们的名字或者其他,自己感觉2简单说下他的询盘we are pleased to receive your inquiry hear that you are interested inour。

询盘分析 询盘处理 后期跟进
• 1.公司名称 • 2.邮箱格式 • 3.国家和地区 • 4.90天数据行为 • 5.邮件内容
• 1、明确目的型 • 2、潜在客户型 • 3、无明确目标型 • 4、垃圾类型
• 1.精 - 不求多但求精(专业) • 2.准 - 准确的回复客户的需求 • 3.投“客”所好 • 4.亮点
如何专业有效的分析和回 复询盘
• 辛辛苦苦发了那么多产品,好不容易来了询盘, 给客户回复了却没有下文?怎么破?
• 为什么有些买家联系了几次就没音信了?
• 简单的自己和公司介绍,专业回复客户问题,给 出客户方案推荐,报价
• 1.记录非常重要 • 2.二次及多次跟进很重要 • 3.多渠道跟进 • 4.筛选出重点跟进
• 1.内心要强大,小宇宙要炽热 • 2.keep hungry,stay foolish • 3.保持对行业信息的高度敏感 • 4.学会控制情绪 • 5.努力克服性格上的弱点 • 6.努力学习谈判技巧 • 7.有一定的抗压能力 • 8.排除外界干扰 • 9.善用时间
4月22号询盘--4月24号回复-7月11号第一个样品单 8月6号第 一个大货单
• 邮件内容来看--潜在客户型
• 后台信息--有客户的公司名(邮箱前缀相符)。 免费会员1年,8位会员的客户,有效询盘发出9 条,供应少一次回复率65.6%

Thanks&Best Regards Angie
Angie, I am so excited to receive the samples we discussed in Verona. Please update me on the status, as we need these samples right awy.
Usually the sample cost at Century is $69 per piece. So the total amount of the 23pcs samples is $1587.
While the highest free sample fee Century would like to bear for our VIP client like you is $1500. It means $87 has exceeded.
Dear R,
Thank you very much for your kindly reply.:)
We are so glad to hear that you like the Century style of design and attention to detail. And Century is sure to offer you the first quality samples as always. Also we are very happy for the positive feedbacks you have got and will get from your large clients.

这些不仅很好地展示公司文化,也体现了你的personality, professional.2)惯用邮件字体大小,字体颜色。
客户常用的字体包含:Arial, Times New Rorman, Sylfaen, Calibri; 字体颜色尽量用黑色,部分客户也用浅蓝等其他颜色。
客户询盘类型大抵可以分为以下几类, 我们一一分析。
几款潮流的垃圾询盘:① This message was sent to 20 suppliers. 这种询盘属于群FA询盘,看内容而定,如果客户有提到我们相关的产品或者您有足够的空余时间,回复无妨;反之,直接拉黑。
② Dear Supplier,We are very interested in purchasing from your company. Can your company supplyin large quantity? As our company is very interested. Kindly get back to me with the following information: MOQ, PRICE, FOB PRICES/ PORT/ Delivery Time.. 这类询盘看似非常详尽,但是基本上你回复后,他们都会回复你,叫你click某网址,登陆账号密码。


Ⅱ如何回复询盘1. 及时1), 第一时间回复2), 根据时间差重点回复港、台、日、韩、澳大利亚马上回复印度上午11点之前回复中东下午一点前回复欧洲下午三点前回复美国、加拿大、墨西哥及美洲、拉美国家,下午下班之前回复3), 不能回复或不能完整回复的对由于种种原因暂时不能回复的,应尽早给客人邮件告诉他可以什么时候回复他提出的问题,而不是置之不理对于不能完整回复的,应把可以回复的问题先告诉客人,另外告诉一个确切的日期来回复剩余的问题2. 全面完整专业1),读完询盘有一个整体概念国家和地区:欧洲、美国对质量要求比较严格,可以承受较高的价格,讨厌讨价还价印度巴基斯坦对质量基本无要求,只要价格优惠,就可能做成生意,基本每次联系都要求降价,可以承受的价格低中东拉美对质量有一定要求,价格也比较挑剔,但可以承受比印巴略高的价格中间商和最终用户:看对方是一个进出口公司还是一家经营此产品的批发商、分销商或者零售商产品和用途:即使完全相同的东西,由于用途不同,价格也不同用来焊轿车和铁壶的两块同样的焊铁价格可能差十几倍甚至几十倍2),作答客户提出的问题主题Quotation about XXX(产品或者公司名称)Price about XXXX(产品或者公司名称)正文应清晰、简练、有条理,最好在最前方插入发送邮件的时间结尾注明自己的公司3),深入了解自己的产品3. 报价区别报价1),高价法适用于欧美的客户,新产品,或者是对方是一个门外汉,迫切想通过一次生意来了解这个行业或者产品。
这样的客户只有用接近或者就是成本的价格来吸引他们的注意,然后在最后时刻以一些交货期、付款方式的种种理由,把价格提升到市场价格来,客户在你们那里耗费了那么多时间,而且价格也是可以接受的市场价格,自然会委曲求全的3),一般报价法对所有客户都可以采用的报价方法Ⅲ询盘回复的原则1. 亮点突出,吸引客人2. 语言简练,表达清楚3. 首位呼应,诚恳礼貌Ⅳ询盘回复的要素1. 题目2. 开头3. 正文简单自我介绍报价—品名、规格、包装、价格、价格条款、有效期、起定量/订单量、交货期、付款方式、单证要求(必要时可附上产品图片)4. 结尾二.怎样把客户领进家门心理分析1. 采购商客人一般不会马上给你下单对完全陌生的两家公司,自然要通过较长时间的相互了解,了解你们公司的实力,产品质量,而这一切都是靠一个专业的业务员来完成的。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
如何回复买家的第一次询盘一:针对所有产品询价的邮件回复,交向客户做公司简介Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from HongKong XXX international group, it's very nice to contact with you.We are very pleased to receive your below email, thanks for your interesting and kind attention.If you have any interesting on our products, pls feel free to let me know, we will provide you the best price and service.Best regards,XiaoA二:针对某款产品询价的邮件回复参考模板- A:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contact with you. We are very pleased to receive your below enquiry about Rearview Mirror, thanks for your interest and kind attention.Model #XY-010 Rearview Mirror is our new model and very hot sell product which has perfect design and two colors(blue, light blue) options for customers/ Model #XY-090 car key camera is our hotsell product which has perfect design and very good quality. Enclosed pls find our best quote and detailed specification(products catalogue), you can find more products from it.If you have any interest and need samples for testing, pls feel free to let me know. We are looking forward your soonest feedback.Best regards,XiaoA参考模板- B:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contact with you. We are very pleased to receive your below email, thanks for your interest and kind attention. XXX is the professional manufacturer of security system products in China, specializes in the development and promotion of Mini-Camera program in various appearances such as MP3, Lighter, Digital Watch, Sunglasses, Button, USB Flash Drive, Mini pen, ID Card, Car Key, Car DVD and Car GPS. Pls visit our website: to check more and detailed items.Regarding to Car DVD , pls see the specification as below:TD717:7 inch car DVD player Detachable Face TouchScreen/BLUETOOTH RDS/Ipod control/USB/SD car DVD/ car video/7"If you have any interest, pls feel free to let me know. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards,XiaoA三:针对OEM/ODM产品询价的邮件回复Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contact with you. We are very pleased to receive your below enquiry about xxx, thanks for your kind attention.However, we are sorry to tell you that we have no the same Gps DVD model you sent to me, butwe've promoted our new model #XY-070 DVD which is our hot sell product with perfect design and very good quality. Enclosed pls find our best quote and detailed specification(products catalogue), you can find more products from it. But if you insist on your own model, we can still open the new tooling for you, as we have strong R&D capability and accept OEM/ODM orders.If you have any interest and need samples for testing, pls feel free to let me know. We are looking forward your soonest feedback.Best regards,XiaoA四.:针对非我司产品的询价的邮件回复参考模板- A:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contact with you. We received your below enquiry about Waterproofing material, but can you advise what's the products exactly? Are they car cover or waterproof? And can you send us some products photos and specifications which you are looking for?Best regards,XiaoA参考模板- B:Dear customer,This is XiaoA, the sales supervisor from XXX Industry Co., Limited, it's very nice to contact with you. We received your below enquiry. However, we are not the watch factory, we are the professional manufacturer of security system products in China, specializes in the development and promotion of Mini-DV program in various appearances such as MP3, Lighter, Digital Watch, Sunglasses, Button, USB Flash Drive, Mini pen, ID Card, Car Key, Car DVD and Car GPS.If you are intrerested in our products, pls visit our website: to check more and detailed items. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,Xiao A五:打样规则:Dear customer ,Nice to get your prompt feedback, tks a lot.We really would like to support your business withour perfect service and good quality products. Thanks for your interest in our Car DVD. However, in order to control our factory cost, we've set the sample policy long time for each customer:Sample(1-5PCS) should be charged 130% of the unit price, but the sample fee could be refunded afterWe sincerely hoping could start business with you in coming days soon. If it's ok, pls advise your shipping address and Fedex account no., we will arrange the sample after your paying, tks a lot. Best regards,XiaoA六:客人觉得产品价钱和运费过高,应该如何回复:Dear customer ,I am sorry, the shipping cost is lower than the fact, the total G.W of the goods would be around 30Kgs, and i asked the cheapest shipping company for you.For the products price, what we quoted to you is our lowest price, our goods has very good qualtiy which cannot be compared with the rubbish goods from other factories. I believe you will be very happy to see our perfect quality goods and considerate service.Aboved pls double check, i am waiting for your feedback, tks.Best regards,XiaoA七:不确定客人是否找的是我们公司所生产产品种类,应该如何回复:Dear customer ,This is XiaoA, sales supervisor from our company.We've received below email from you, pls note we are the professional manufacturer of security system products in China, specializes in the development and promotion of Mini-Camera program in various appearances such as MP3, Lighter, Digital Watch, Sunglasses, Button, USB Flash Drive, Mini pen, ID Card, Car Key, Car DVD and Car GPS. etc. Pls visit our website: to check more and detailed items.Pls double check if you are looking this kind of products. If you have any interest about our products, pls feel free to let me know.Best regards,XiaoA八:客户不愿意支付首次样品费及运费,应该如何回复:Dear customer,This is XiaoA.I am sorry to tell you that our company has the sample policy:1. Sample(1-5PCS) should be charged 130% of the unit price, but the sample fee could be refunded after placing new order(qty reaches 500Pcs, MOQ: 500Pcs).2. Sample shipping chgarge should be freight collected or prepaid by customer.If anybody donot wanna to paying for the samples, that will be fine, it's no neccessary to make any business with each other, because the customer cannot afford any cost on future business. We donot like that kind of customer, because we donot see his sincerity and honesty to do business.Best regards,XiaoA九:向潜在客户进一步推荐公司的产品,宣扬公司的研发能力:Dear customer,I sent your photos of car key camera to our engineer, the internal structure and pcb board design is same as ours, this is the copy model of ours, only difference with the color, ours is in blue(as attached file"Internal structure of car key camera"), and yours is in red. However, there have lots of factories to copy and produce the same model products. But you should pay attention to distinguish the factories quality, capability and service, which are the most important to the buyers.We are the manufacturer in China with strong technology and development capability, specializing in developing the Mini video cameras and security monitoring products for our customer from the shape design, internal structure, pcb board, tooling, manual packaging, pop poster, sell, and after-sales technical support of one-stop service. Enclosed pls find our ID design of car key camera.If you have any interest on our products, pls let me know. I believe we will be your best supplier choice to cooperate on the busienss.Best regards,XiaoA(整理:盖世汽车网)。