01 - BWM Convention 压载公约

MEPC.252(67) BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.1
PSC Guidelines for BWM was adopted at MEPC 67, to be used in association with BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.1 – Sampling and Analysis Guidance for Trial Use
Seriously affecting human health, cause damage to local aquatic life and local economies 严重地影响人类建康,破坏当地水中生物,环境生态,与地区经济
The effects costs millions of dollars to deal with each year 从而带来每年千万美元以上的损失
Implementation dates in BWM 2004 are different, and part of contents are not relevant, hence A.1088(28) need to be amended, so as BWM 2004 in due course
Management System (AMS) – as of 19 May 2016 到 2016年 5月 19日,USCG接受了57 套压载水处理系统为“替代处理系统” (AMSor IMO type approved BWTS: using UV technology – 27, using electrolysis – 16 得到 IMO 型式认可的BWTS : 使用紫外线 – 27,使用电解 – 16
Xian Dong ZHANG


2 1 年 l 月 01 1
E t dt n S r lN .2 ) xr e i o ( ei O 1 8 a i a
No e e 01 v mb r2 1
会 对 新 的海域 带 来一 定 的危 害 , 以需要 通 过一 定 所 的 灭 活 措 施 . 消 除 新 的物 种 对 海 洋 的侵 害 和 破 以
[ 稿 日期 】0 1 0 — 3 收 2 1— 5 0 [ 者 简 介 ] 广 临 (9 2 ) 男 , 科 , 级 工 程 师 , 期 从 事 船 舶 轮机 设 计 和 项 目管理 工 作 。 作 邱 16 一 , 本 高 长
大多 数 I MO公 约 的缔 约 国。航 运 、 业 以及海 洋 养 渔
殖业 为 中 国 的经济 , 别 是东 部 地 区 的经 济 高速 发 特
展作 出了 突 出的贡 献 。在 经 济 繁荣 的 同 时 , 沿海 地 区的海 域 也遭 受 了污 染 和过 度 开发 之苦 , 环境 保 护 也 成 为 了关 系 国家命 运 的头 等 大事 。 目前 , 有好 几 个 由 G F U D ( 合 国开 发计 划 署 ) I 支持 E 、N P 联 和 MO
[ 图分类号 】6 1 中 U6. 6
[ 献标 志 码 ] 文 A
[ 章 编 号 ]0 1 42 (0 1 增 刊 一 0 4 0 文 10 — 6 4 2 1 ) 04 — 5
Re e r h o r e tS t a i n a d De eo m e t f l s a e s a c n Cu r n iu to n v l p n l t o Ba a W t r M a a e e t y tm n g m n se S

英国劳氏船级社船舶入级标准和规那么第4章铸钢件第1节一般规定1.1 范围本节对拟用于制造船舶、其它海洋构造物、机械、锅炉、受压容器和管系的铸钢件作出一般规定。
1.2 制造铸钢件应在英国劳氏船级社认可的铸造厂制造。
1.3 铸件质量所有铸件不应有不利于正常使用的外表或内部缺陷。
1.4 化学成分所有铸件应采用镇静钢制造。
1.5 热处理所有铸件应按本章有关节中的要求进展热处理。

建造日期压载水容量(Cap )船型/吨位标准执行日期压载水置换标准*1)2016年Cap.<1,500m3液货船:DWT<3400散货船:DWT<4200杂货船:DWT<4100或压载水性能标准*2)以前*3)压载水性能标准*2)2017年或以后*3)液货船:压载水置换标准*1)前现有船2009年以前1500m3≤Cap.≤5000m33400<DWT<15000散货船:4200<DWT<14200杂货船:4100<DWT<14000或压载水性能标准*2)2014年以*3)压载水性能标准*2)2015年或以后*3)压载水置换标准*1Cap.>5,000m3液货船:DWT>15000散货船:DWT>14200杂货船:DWT>140001)或压载水性能标准*2)2016年以前*3)压载水性能标准*2)2017年或以后*3)液货船:DWT<15000新船2009年或以后Cap.<5,000m3DWT 15000散货船:DWT<14200杂货船:DWT<14000压载水性能标准*2)2009年或以后2009年或以后,Cap.≥5,000m3液货船:DWT>15000散货船:DWT>14200压载水置换标准*1)或压载水性能标准*2)2016年以前但2012年以前杂货船:DWT>14000压载水性能标准*2)2017年或以后2012年或以后Cap.≥5,000m3全部压载水性能标准*2)2012年或以后主流技术:1、电解法(14家);1电解法(14家)2、紫外线方法(13家)N IMO (G9)形式认证(G8)O.产品名称制造商处理方式基本认证最终认证认证国1Pure Ballast Alfa laval Tumba AB(瑞典)过滤器+UVMEPC56MEPC56挪威*2SEDNA Haman AG/Degussa GmbH (德国)过滤器+杀菌剂MEPC54MEPC57德国*3ELECTRO CLEEN TECHCROSS INC.(韩国)电解次亚+中和剂MEPC54MEPC58韩国*4Oceansaver ballast water Management SystemOCEAN Saver AS(挪威)过滤器+脱氧(N2)+电解次亚+中和剂MEPC57MEPC58挪威5CleanBallast!RWO GmbH Marine WaterTechnology(德国)过滤器+电解次亚+中和剂MEPC55MEPC59德国6NKO3 Blue BallastSystem NK Co.Ltd., (韩国)臭氧MEPC56MEPC59韩国Hitachi Plant Technologies 7日立压载水水净化系统Hitachi Plant Technologies ,Ltd (日本)凝集剂+磁气分离MEPC57MEPC59日本8Greenship BWMS Greenship Ltd.(荷兰)过滤器++电解次亚MEPC58MEPC59PANASIA CO LTD (9GloEn-Patrol PANASIA CO., LTD.(韩国)过滤器+UVMEPC57MEPC60韩国10JFE-BWMS(JFE BallastAce)JFE 工程技术(株)TG 东亚合成过滤器+制剂次亚+中和剂MEPC58MEPC6011Resource Ballast T h l i S t Pesource Ballast Technologies Pty+MEPC57MEPC60Technologies System (Ltd )(南非)过滤器超音波+电解次亚12HHI BWNS(Ecoballast)现代重工(韩国)过滤器+UVMEPC59MEPC6013Hyde Marine USA(美国)过滤器+UVN.A N.A 英国14NEI Treatment SystemUSA(美国)N.AN.A利比里亚在马绍尔群岛g PureBallast系统AOT单元尺寸(高x宽x长)重量(kg)备注PureBallast2502m x0.8m x1m430 kg PureBallast5002m x0.8m x2m860 kg PureBallast10002m x0.8m x4m1720 kg08m2580kg PureBallast15002m x0.8m x6m2580 kg PureBallast20002m x0.8m x8m3440 kgg PureBallast25002m x0.8m x10m4300 kg体积大功率消耗及操作费用(USD/m 3)System Capacity m 3/h Power Consumption NominalOperating Cost $/m 3Hyde Guardian 60110.0183Hyde Guardian 150140.0093Hyde Guardian 250160.0064Hyde Guardian 300240.0080Hyde Guardian 350320.0091Hyde Guardian 400360.0080Hyde Guardian 500480.0064Hyde Guardian 640520.0081Hyde Guardian 750650.0069Hyde Guardian 900850.0058Hyde Guardian 10001000.0052Hyde Guardian12501140.0064It’s simply good business, now!Typical Unitor BWT pipe flow arrangementA Wilh. Wilhelmsen group companyDN Size150200250300350400450500600Flow rate [m³/h]220400600100012001600200025003500[L x 2772 3000 x 3001 x 3201x 3200 x 3200 x 3504 x 3500 x 3500 x DimensionsØmm]x 480x 540x 605x 665x 720x 770x 825x 875 x 995Energy consumption KW7777710101010Pressure difference[bar]<0,5<0,5<0,5<0,5<0,5<0,5<0,5<0,5<0,5Total Weight[Kg]60568581596510851215135517752225杀菌效果好,对环境不会造成污染 维护、使用成本低,经济性好结构紧凑,形式灵活,布置方便 操作简单,维护方便按用途不同,可分为:按用途不同可分为: 干货船液货船工程船。

指 南 第二 章 概 述 了有 关强 制执行压 载
水 处 理 的 监 管 规 定 ; 三 章 介 绍 了与压 载 第
水 管 理 有 关的压 载 水处 理 技 术 。 第 二 、 三 章 还 对 这些 压 载 水 技 术 的 第 背 景 和 评 估 情 况做 了介 绍 , 括 它们 的技 包
术特 点 、 测试 情 况 和 审批 状况 。
供 应 商 的详 细资 料 在指 南 的第六 章 .
巴拿马运河 :新船 闸迎百年庆典
为 迎 接 2 1 年 巴 拿 马 运 河 的百 年 庆 04 典 , 河 管 理 局 正 对 这 条 贯 通 大 西 洋 和 运 作 为 闸 门钢 结 构 的供 应 商 , 国现代 韩 重 工 在 2 1 年 底 委 托 博 世 力士 乐 公 司 设 0 0
公 布 的 《 载 水 处 理 系 统 : 舶 经 营 者 采 压 船 购 、 装及 操 作指 南 》中的 “ 安 船东 和管 理 者 实 际指 导 ” 分。 部 此 外 , 三 月号 的 《 运与 环境 》中, 在 航 劳埃 德 船 级社 还 向运 营 商们 提 供 了挑 选 压 载水 处 理 系统 的1 个 步骤 。 O
工程 师学会 前 主席 Macs n :“ r o说 u 如果 不考 虑资金 因素, 目无疑是可行 的。 他 还说 , 项 ”
由于不 了解项 目的细节 , 是 否有 运河 闸门 像
得 不 取 消 。 一 些 石 油 公 司讲 . 卸 石 油 据 装 需 要 另花费 时 间, 运费 会 因此变得 很 高 。 埃 尔 多 安 总 理 说 . 年 有 1 3 亿 吨 每 .9
Ge n mi 说 :“ 对 于运 营 商来说 是 re s t h 这

德国劳氏船级社规范德国劳氏船级社(GL)入级和建造规范II 材料和焊接金属材料(摘要)2009版第1章原则和试验第1节材料制造和试验原则A 范围1 本材料规范适用于德国劳氏船级社(GL)入级或已申请入级的船舶、近海装置和其他结构物的建造、修理以及装备用的材料和产品。
B 其他有关标准和文件1对于未在本规范中规定要求的产品的性能,则应遵照对该产品适用的标准执行,或如果适用,遵照制造厂遵守的材料说明书或交货说明书执行。
C 对制造厂的要求1凡是本规范所述及的材料和产品,只有经本船级社认可的工厂才能进行制造。

简明海事执法英语第一章基础词汇及常用语第一节船舶种类名称1. cargo ship 货船2. general cargo 杂货3. multi-purpose ship 多用途船4. passenger ship 客船5. oil tanker 油船6. LPG(liquefied petroleum gas ) Tanker 液化石油气船7. LNG(liquefied natural gas) Tanker 液化天然气船8. bulk carrier 散货船9. chemical tanker 化学品船10. ro-ro cargo ship 滚装船11. ro-ro passenger ship 滚装客船12. container ship 集装箱船13. refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏船14. high speed craft 高速船15. ferry 渡船16. barge 驳船17. tugboat 拖轮18. timber carrier 木材船19. livestock carrier 牲畜船第二节船员名称管理级船员Management level1. captain (master) 船长2.Chief engineer 轮机长(老轨)3.Chief officer/mate 大副4.Second (first)engineer 大管轮操作级船员Operational level1.Second officer/mate 二副2.Third officer/mate 三副3.third engineer 二管轮4.Fourth engineer 三管轮支持级船员Support level1.Boatswain 水手长2.Sailor 水手3.A.B.(able bodied seaman)全能水手4.Radio officer 报务主任5.Motor man 机工6.Carpenter 木匠7.Purser 管事,事务长8.Chief cook 大厨第三节船舶部位名称船舶概况Ship’s particulars1.ship’s name 船名2.LOA (length overall)总长3.breadth 型宽4.depth 型深5. max. height from keel 龙骨以上最大高度6.call sign 呼号7.horse power 主机功率8.speed 航速9.type 种类10.when built 建造年月11.summer full load draft 夏季满载载重线12.fresh water allowance 吃水余量13.TPC(tonnes per centimeter immersion)吨、厘米吃水14.DWT(dead weight tonnage) 载重吨位15.TEU(twenty feet equivalent unit 20) 20英尺标准箱16.IMO number IMO 编号17.ship owner 船东18.operator 经营人19.trim 纵倾20.list 横倾21.port side 左舷22.starboard side 右舷23.longitudinal 纵向24.transverse 横向25.horizontal 水平26.vertical 垂直27.centre line 中心线甲板概况Deck’s particulars1.bow/fore 船首2.stern/aft 船尾3.keel 龙骨4.bottom shell plate 船底外板5.side shell plate 舷侧外板6.frame 肋骨7.man hole 人孔8.collision bulkhead 防撞舱壁9.chain compressor 制链器10.chain locker 锚链舱11.rat guard 挡鼠板12.rope/line 缆绳13.handrail 栏杆14.accommodation ladder 舷梯15.rope ladder 软梯16.scuttle 舷窗17.sky light 天窗18.free board 干舷19.draft mark 吃水标志20.main mast 主桅21.load line mark 载重线标志22.fore mast 前桅23.after derrick post/king post 后桅24.bridge 驾驶台25.funnel 烟囱26.radar mast 雷达桅27.derrick boom 吊杆28.ventilator 通风筒29.wire 钢缆30.capstan 绞盘31.gangway/gangway board 舷梯/上下面船跳板32.mooring winch 绞缆机33.windlass 锚机机舱概况Engine room’s particulars1. incinerator 焚化装置,焚烧炉2. sludge 沉淀物,淤积物3. waste 废物,垃圾4. purifier 滤清器,净化器,清洁器5. bilge 舱底污水6. separator 分离器7. filter 过滤器,过滤8. sewage 生活污水9. fuel oil tank 燃油舱10. daily tank 日用柜11. settling tank 沉淀柜12. lubricating oil 润滑油13. cylinder 汽缸14. piston 活塞15. auxiliary engine/auxiliary machinery 辅机16. cooling water 冷却水17. boiler 锅炉19. steering gear 操舵装置,舵机20. emergency generator 应急发电机21. rudder 舵22. propeller 螺旋桨23. helm 舵轮第四节其他常用词汇时间Time1. year 年2. month 月3. day 日4. hour (h./hr.) 小时5. minute (min.) 分钟6. second (sec.)秒长度Length1. metre (m)米2. decimeter (dm)分米3. centimeter (cm)厘米4. millimeter (mm)毫米5. kilometer (km) 千米6. foot,feet 英尺7. sea mile, nautical mile(n mile) 海里8. knot (kn) 节月份Month1. January (Jan.)一月2. February (Feb.) 二月3. March (Mar.) 三月4. April (Apr.) 四月5. May (May) 五月6. June (Jun.) 六月7. July (Jul.) 七月8. August (Aug.) 八月9. September (Sept.) 九月10. October (Oct.) 十月11. November (Nov.) 十一月12. December (Dec.) 十二月星期Week1. Monday (Mon.) 星期一2. Tuesday (Tue.,Tues.) 星期二3. Wednesday (Wed.) 星期三4. Thursday (Thu.) 星期四5. Friday (Fri.) 星期五6. Saturday (Sat.) 星期六7. Sunday (Sun.) 星期日第五节与船员的简单对话与甲板值班船员对话1. How do you do? (How are you?) 你好!2. I am fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢!3. I’m very glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你4. Hello, good morning! 早上好!5. Good afternoon. 下午好!6. Good evening. 晚上好!7. Who are you? 你的身份?8. We are officers from MSA. 我们是海事官员。

目录2012 年1 月1 日起生效 (1)1 1.2009年移动式近海钻井装置构造和设备规则(2009MODU规则)A.1023(26) (1)2 2.通过散货船和油船目标性船舶建造国际标准的决议MSC.287(87) (1)3 3.原油船货油舱涂层保护性能标准的决议MSC.288(87) (1)4 4.原油船货油舱涂层保护替代措施性能标准MSC.289(87) (2)5 5.1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.290(87) (2)6 6.1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.291(87) (3)77.消防安全系统国际规则(FSS规则)的修正案MSC.292(87) (3)88.国际救生设备规则(LSA规则)的修正案MSC.293(87) (4)99.国际海运危险货物规则的修正案 MSC.294(87) (4)10公约附则VI修正案MEPC.176(58) (5)1111.《国际船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理公约》(BWM公约) (5)1212.IACSUICC6(新,2011.04)被批准可用于酸类的衬里—IBC规则15.11.2 (7)1313.IACSUISC70(Rev.3,2010.10)货油舱通风系统和电气设备的选择(Reg.II‐2/ (7)1414.IACSUISC89(Rev.3,2011.02)货舱通风 (7)1515.IACSUISC178(Rev.1,2011.04)货船的应急消防泵(FSS规则第12第2.2.1.3条) (7)1616.IACSUISC179(Rev.2,2011.03)散货船前部处所的排水 (7)1717.IACSUISC239(新,2010.6)认可的非易燃材料绝缘(Reg.II‐2/3.2.3) (7)1818.IACSUISC242(Corr.1,2011.08)非传统的船舶方向控制装置应用SOLAS有关操舵装置能力和功能要求的统一解释 (8)1919.IACSUISC243(新,2011.03)到达车辆处所、滚装处所和特种处所外部关闭通风系统的通道(SOLASII‐2/ (8)2020.IACSURE22(Rev.1,2010.9)船上使用的可编程电子系统 (8)2121.IACSURF44(Rev.2,2010.10)油轮艏尖舱压载系统 (8)2222.IACSURG3(Rev.4,2011.03)液化气体货物和处理用管道 (8)2323.IACSURI2(Rev.2,2010.11)极地航行船舶结构要求 (9)2424.IACSURL4(Rev.3,2011.03)链锁装置的关闭 (9)2525.IACSURL4(Rev.3Corr.1,2011.08)链锁装置的关闭 (9)2626.IACSURM45(Rev.2,2011.02)机舱通风 (9)2727.IACSURM53(Rev.2,2011.01)内燃机机轴计算 (9)2828.IACSURS8(Rev.4,2010.12)舷门和尾门 (9)2929.IACSURZ3(Rev.5,2011.04)船底外部及相关项目的周期检验 (9)3030.IACSURZ24(Corr.1,2011.07)滚装船舷门和内门检验要求 (9)131.IACSURZ11(Rev.4,2011.03)限制船和增强检验程序(ESP)符号.....................................92012 年2 月1 日起生效.. (10)1.MARPOL公约附则VI修正案—对IAPP证书附录格式的修MEPC.194(61).................102012 年4 月1 日起生效.. (10)1.MARPOL附则I修正案—新增第8章MEPC.186(59) (10)2.1974SOLAS公约修正案MSC.282(86).......................................................................102012 年7 月1 日起生效.. (12)1.《2010年国际实施耐火试验程序规则》(FTP规则)MSC.307(88) (12)2.1974年国际海上人命安全公约1988年议定书修正案MSC.308、309(88) (12)3.《国际消防安全系统规则》(FSS规则)修正案MSC.311(88) (12)4.IACSUISC191(Corr.1,2011.11)检查通道技术规定(MSC.158(78)) (12)5.IACSUISC223(Rev.2,2011.07)MSC.215(82)决议通过的SOLAS第II‐1/3‐2条中《所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所保护涂层性能标准(PSPC)》的应用 (13)6.IACSUISC244(新,2011.05)救生艇主要释放装置艇钩的负荷试验(IMORes.MSC.81(70),Part2,Ch.5.3.4) (13)7.IACSUISC245(新,2011.06)应急消防泵穿过机器处所的吸入管(SOLASII‐2/ (1)38.IACSUISC246(新,2011.06)舵机试验 (13)9.IACSUISC247(新,2011.09)开放式甲板应急舱口盖(SOLASReg.II‐2/13.1) (13)10.IACSUISC249(新,2011.10)执行SOLASII‐1,Regulation3‐5andMSC.1/Circ.1379 (13)11.IACSUISC250(新,2011.10)货舱消防设备(Res.MSC.268(85),IMSBCCode) (13)12.IACSUISC252(新,2011.10)二氧排放控制及保护处所警报激活(FSSCode5.2.2.2)1413.IACSURM42(Rev.4,2011.06)舵机 (14)14.IACSURS21A(新,2011.05)舱口盖、舱口围板及货船关闭装置船材尺寸估算 (14)15.IACSURS21A(Corr.1,2011.10)舱口盖、舱口围板及货船关闭装置船材尺寸估算.1416.IACSURZ7(Rev.19,2011.06)船体入级检验 (14)17.IACSURZ7.1(Rev.7,2011.07)一般干货船船体入级检验 (14)18.IACSURZ7.2(Rev.3,2011.06)液化气体船船体检验 (14)19.IACSURZ10.1(Rev.18,2011.03)油船船体检验 (14)20.IACSURZ10.2(Rev.28,2011.03)散货船船体检验 (14)21.IACSURZ10.3(Rev.12,2011.03)化学船船体检验 (15)22.IACSURZ10.3(Rev.13,2011.07)化学船船体检验 (15)23.IACSURZ10.4(Rev.10,2011.07)双壳体油船船体检验 (15)24.IACSURZ10.5(Rev.10,2011.03)双壳体散货船船体检验 (15)25.IACSURZ10.5(Rev.11,2011.07)双壳体散货船船体检验.............................................152013 年1 月1 日起生效.. (15)1.1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.291(87) (15)2.经修正的《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》修正案MSC.317(89) (15)3.《国际海运固体散装货物规则》(IMSBCCode)修正案MSC.318(89) (16)4.《国际救生设备规则》((LSACode)修正案MSC.320(89) (16)5.MARPOL附则IV修正案——指定波罗的海为特殊区域MEPC.200(62) (16)6.MARPOL附则V修正案(经修订的MARPOL附则V)MEPC.201(62) (16)7.MARPOL附则VI修正案(第13条和14条以及附录VII的修订)MEPC.202(62) (17)8.MARPOL附则VI修正案(引入船舶能效条款)MEPC.203(62) (17)9.IACSURZ7.1(Rev.8,2011.10)一般干货船船体检验 (17)10.IACSUISC251(新,2011.10)周期性无人值班机舱内应急舱底吸入阀的控制(SOLASII‐1/48.3)..........................................................................................................................172013 年7 月1 日起生效.. (18)1.1974SOLAS公约修正案MSC.282(86) (18)1 2.通过1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.291(87)....................................................182013 年9 月27 日起生效 (18)1.MARPOL公约附则IV—防止船舶生活污水污染规则....................................................182014 年1 月1 日起生效.. (18)1.经修订的MARPOL公约附则III MEPC.193(61) (18)2 2.《国际船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理公约》(BWM公约).....................................192014 年7 月1 日起生效.. (19)3 1.1974SOLAS公约修正案MSC.282(86).......................................................................192015 年1 月1 日起生效.. (19)1.MARPOL公约附则VI修正案MEPC.176(58) ................................................................192015 年7 月1 日起生效.. (19)1.1974SOLAS公约修正案MSC.282(86) (19)2.关于与SOLAS规则II‐2/12要求的等效喷淋系统认可导则的修正案(第A.800(19)号决议MSC.284(86).........................................................................................................202016 年1 月1 日起生效.. (20)1 1.通过1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.291(87) (20)2 2.MARPOL公约附则VI修正案MEPC.176(58) (20)3.《国际船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理公约》(BWM公约)......................................212016 年7 月1 日起生效.. (21)1.1974SOLAS公约修正案MSC.282(86) (21)2.通过1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.290(87)....................................................212017 年7 月1 日起生效.. (21)1.1974SOLAS公约修正案MSC.282(86) (21)2 2.通过1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.290(87)....................................................212018 年7 月1 日起生效.. (22)3 1.1974SOLAS公约修正案MSC.282(86).......................................................................222020 年1 月1 日起生效.. (22)4 1.MARPOL公约附则VI修正案MEPC.176(58) ................................................................222020 年7 月1 日起生效.. (22)1.通过1974年SOLAS修正案的决议MSC.290(87) (22)2012 年1 月1 日起生效1. 2009 年移动式近海钻井装置构造和设备规则(2009MODU 规则)A.1023(26)2009年移动式移动式近海钻井装置构造和设备规则(2009 MODU CODE) IMO 最早于1979 年以A.414(XI)决议案采纳移动式外海探勘装置的结构与设备章程,后于1989 年以A.649(16)决议案予以修正,本次大会又采纳A.1023(26)决议案,取代A.649(16),并适用于2012年1月1日以后安放龙骨者。
压载水技术:争奇斗艳 殊途同归

物理处理法物理处理方法通过不同手段分离、排除或灭杀海水中的危害性生物与物质, 主要手段包括紫外线、超声波、加热等,破坏、抑制微生物和细菌的存活条件。

)5 0 0 0 m 2 0 0 9 年1 月1 日~ 2 0 1 0 年1 月1 日 2 0 1 0 年之后 2 0 1 0 年1 月1 q ̄ I 2 0 1 2 年1 月1 日 2 0 1 2 a z 1 月1 日之后 <5 0 0 0 m <5 0 0 0 m >5 0 0 0 m >5 0 0 0 m
2 0 1 6 年1 月1 日之前
2 0 1 6 年1 月1 日开始 2 0 1 2 年1 月1 日开始
4 8
2 0 1 3 / 6
D2 标 准适 用 的 时间 的解 释 :追 溯 性适 用 ;对 于 不 同年 份建 造 、不 同 压 载水 容量 的船舶 适用 的 时间不 同 ;不优 惠条款 。
D 1 和D 2 标 准适 用的 时间表 ( 表2)
表2 D1 和D 2 标准 适用 的时 间表
建造 日期 压载能力 1 5 0 0 m ~ 5 0 0 0 m 2 0 0 9 年1 月1 日之前
<1 5 00 m
符合Dl 更换标准 2 0 1 4 年1 月1 日之前 2 0 1 6 年1 月1 日之前 2 0 1 2 年1 月1 日之前
符合D2 处理标准 2 0 1 4 年1 月1 日开始 2 0 1 6 年1 月1 日开始 2 0 1 2 年1 月1 日开始 2 0 1 0 年1 月1 日开始
处 ,按 照本组 织制 定 的导则 进行 压载水 更换 。
2) 根据 本条第 1 . 1 款不 能进行 压载 水更 换的 船舶 ,其压 载水 更换须 考
虑第 1 . 1 款 所 述 的导 则进 行 并 尽可 能 地远 离 陆地 ,在 任何 情 况下 距 离最 近
陆地不 得少 于5 0 海 里和 水深 不得 少于2 0 0 米。

USA 汽体排出控制系统
USCG 合格证书
US 油船检查证书
对 92 年 2 月 1 日及以后建造的船舶,备有要求的损坏控制图吗?
SOLAS、MARPOL 及载重线公约的现行版本
设备登记(表格 R)(LR 表格 2131)
经批准的货船无线电装置登记(LR 表格 2116 或 2138)
运输危险货物符合证明(SOLAS74 规则Ⅱ2/S4)
检查项目 船员数量和编制与安全配员证书一致 船上人员的数目不超过批准的救生设备的安全设备证书所述的 数目 表 6: 生活设施
检查项目 居住舱室、餐厅、医院/病房,清洁和适于居住,无任何侵扰, 以及所有的门能适当关闭。 在寒冷地带有暖气。通风包括便所抽风机在工作。 所有的生活区有充足的照明 卫生间/沐浴间/洗涤间/洗澡间清洁,处于良好的工作状态,供 应热水,无泄漏,无缺陷/破损/设备丢失,去卫生间的门良好。泄水 无堵塞,地板/瓷砖无损坏。 船上没有过多的垃圾 在船员居住处所没有贮存船舶物料和设备 没有把医院用于船员生活舱室 药箱放置适当,有关于药物/设备的使用说明。 表 7: 食品和伙食
船舶起重设备和货物操作设备,注册(LA.1 或 CG.1(LR 表格


防火、探火和灭火要求第一节通则1.1 适用范围1.1.1 1.2条和本章其它各节的要求适用于小于500总吨的货船(不包括液化气运输船和化学品液货船)、登记长度为12m及以上但干舷长小于45m的渔船和未装设推进机器的船。
1.1.2 可以考虑采纳由船籍国政府规定的和批准的消防安全措施以代替1.1.1,但这些措施应能提供劳氏船级社可以接受的等级的消防安全性。
1.1.3 对本章没有提及的结构和布置要点应作符合所涉及火灾危险的特殊考虑。
1.1.4 1.2条和本章其它各节的要求不适用于国际航行的500总吨及以上的货船、所有客船、液化气运输船和化学品液货船。
1.1.5 1.2条和本章其它各节的要求不适用于国内航行的500总吨及以上的货船、所有客船、液化气运输船和化学品液货船。
1.1.6 船籍国政府有责任使1.1.4和1.1.5的防火、探火和灭火要求生效,但在下列情况下劳氏船级社将负责使之生效:(a) 签约政府授权劳氏船级社应用1974年国际海上人命安全公约或Torremolinos议定书的要求和代表他们颁发适当的证书;或(b) 船籍国政府不是1974年国际海上人命安全公约或Torremolinos议定书的签约国;或(c) 船舶或渔船已入级为限止或特殊服务于国内水域,且船籍国政府没有国家规定。
DNVoGL 船级社发布了有关自主和远程操作的船舶指南

NAVIGATION航海8Industrial Highlight 业界看点DNV·GL 船级社发布了一项新入级指南,其涵盖自主和远程操作船舶,以帮助建立围绕这些新技术的安全文化。
DNV·GL 海事首席执行官称,无论其以决策支持、远程操作或自主形式,自动化程度增强有可能提高航运安全、效率和环境绩效。
该指南涵盖导航、船舶工程、远程控制DNV·GL 船级社发布了有关自主和远程操作的船舶指南中心和通信等事项。
(刘昭青 编译)交付期,且避开索马里海盗和印度洋海盗的威胁。
两艘冰级3 6000吨多用途船是为进一步满足日益增长的冰区航行需求,为客户提供更便捷、优质的服务而新造的,属于CCS Ice Class B1冰级,相当于劳氏船级社LR Ice Class 1A,该冰级船可通行0.8米厚的当年冰航区。

根据MEP C 58上压载水审议组的审议结果,压载水管理系统已经基本达到船队履约的需要。


英国劳氏船级社船舶入级规范和规则英国劳氏船级社(Lloyd's Register)成立于1760年,是全球最古老、最有影响力的国际船级社之一,总部位于英国伦敦。
BalClorTM 压载水管理系统实船应用及管理

摘要:根据2004年国际海事组织制定的压载水公约,本文综述了符合压载水公约标准的BalClorTM 压载水管理系统的原理、组成、结构、特点。
通过实船的使用和典型故障分析总结、归纳该系统的管理要点,旨在为BalClorTM 压载水管理系统的使用提供技术参考。
关键词:压载水管理系统压载水公约 D-2标准典型故障分析○引言船舶压载水和沉积物的无节制排放导致有害水生物和病原体的转移,对环境、人体健康、财产和资源造成损伤或损害。
船舶压载水处理系统的安装时间表:船舶类型船舶建造年代压载能力(m3)执行标准执行日期现有船舶Existing Ships <2009 <1500 D-1/D-2 ≤2016D-2 20171500-5000 D-1/D-2 ≤2014D-2 2015>5000 D-1/D-2 ≤2016D-2 2017新造船舶New Ships ≥2009 <5000 D-2 20092009-2011 ≥5000 D-1/D-2 ≤2016D-2 2017≥2012 ≥5000 D-2 2012(D-1:压载水置换标准;D-2:压载水处理标准)D-2标准实施时间表重新计划(A28次大会决议草案,替代原A.1005(25))船舶建造日期压载水容量(m3) D2标准强制实施日期2009年前 1500-5000 在2014年的交船周年日后的首次换证检验时5000 在2016年的交船周年日后的首次换证检验时2009年及以后但在公约生效前 <5000公约生效后的首次换证检验时2009年及以后但在2012前≥5000 在2016年的交船周年日后的首次换证检验时2012年及以后但在公约生效前≥5000 公约生效后的首次换证检验时压载水系统的选择涉及面广。
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Ballast Water Management1 Introductionnotes2 Descriptivecriteria3 Assessment4 Information to be submitted■Section 1: IntroductionShipping transfers approximately 3 to 5 billion tonnes of ballast water internationally each year and it is estimated that at least 7,000 different species of aquatic organisms are being carried in ships’ ballast tanks around the world each day.Ballast water is essential to control trim, list, draught, stability, or stresses of a ship, ballast water and may contain aquatic organisms or pathogens. These organisms and pathogens s which on discharge in a port or terminal have the potential to survive and become established and in doing so may pose a threat to indigenous animal and plant life, the marine environment or humans.Although other vectors have been identified as being responsible for transferring organisms between geographically separated water bodies, ballast water discharge from ships is one of the most prominent.In order to avoid the transfer of unwanted aquatic organisms or pathogens in ballast water ships are required to undertake ballast water management. Ballast Water Management is defined as means, mechanical, physical, chemical, or biological processes, either singularly or in combination, to remove, render harmless, or avoids the uptake or discharge of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens within Ballast Water and Sediments. In order to manage ballast a ship is required to either carry out ballast water exchange at sea or treat the ballast water to defined standards.1.1 ObjectiveThe Ballast Water Management ShipRight procedure provides a means to indicate to port state, charterers and insurers and other interested parties that a ship has in place ballast water management procedures that have been assessed to a recognised standard that not only complies with the standards in the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments (the BWM Convention) and the applicable associated guidelines but also that the procedures have been assessed for design and safety considerations.In addition the procedure provides a means for complying with the various national and regional ballast water regulations.1.2 ApplicationThis procedure sets down the criteria for assignment of the optional ShipRight descriptive note BWMP. The requirements are additional to other relevant requirements of Lloyd’s Registers Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships including the Common Structural Rules.Compliance with any additional requirements that may be imposed by the Administration with whom the ship is registered and/or by the regional, national or local regulations within whose territorial jurisdiction it is intended to operate the ship are the responsibility of the Owner.1.3 Ballast Water Exchange MethodsThe ballast water management method or methods selected for a particular ship is the Owner’s responsibility. The method selected must be one or a combination of the three IMO recognised ballast water exchange methods, i.e. sequential, flow through or dilution method.All methods of ballast water exchange and treatment have advantages and disadvantages, and associated safety issues. When deciding on a particular method or combination of methods of ballast water exchange for a particular ship the safety issues associated with the method selected for the ship or tank and those associated with the ship are to be taken into account.For new ships, as far as is practicable the design is to be such that ballast water exchange is facilitated and that the safety issues associated with the exchange method or methods to be use are minimised.For existing ships account is to be taken of any modifications that may be required or considered necessary in order to facilitate ballast water exchange and the safety issues associated with the exchange method or methods to be used minimised.Any installed or modifications to structural and piping arrangements may require approval for compliance with the applicable Rules and Regulations.■Section 2: Descriptive notes2.1 BWMP descriptive notesShips complying with this Procedure will be eligible to be assigned the BWMP descriptive note together with one, or a combination of the following associated supplementary characters dependant upon the method or methods of ballast water management used onboard provided that the applicable criteria in Section 3 are complied with.The eligible ballast water management methods are as follows:Sequential method (S)a process by which a ballast tank intended for the carriage of ballast water is first emptied and then refilledwith replacement ballast water to achieve at least a 95 per cent volumetric exchange.Flow-through method (F)a process by which replacement ballast water is pumped into a ballast tank intended for the carriage of ballastwater, allowing water to flow through, overflow or other arrangements.Dilution method (D)a process by which replacement ballast water is filled through the top of the ballast tank intended for thecarriage of ballast water with simultaneous discharge from the bottom at the same flow rate and maintaining a constant level in the tank throughout the ballast exchange operation.Treatment method(T)a ballast water treatment system approved in accordance with regulation D-3 of the BWM Convention. Example:ShipRight BWMP (S) indicates that the ship uses the sequential method.ShipRight BWMP (S+F) indicates that the ship uses the sequential and the flow-through methods combined. Lloyd’s Register is to be advised of any modifications to the ballast water system or the ballast water management plan that that does or may effect compliance with these procedures and that may affect the assignment of the ShipRight BWMP descriptive note.■Section 3: Acceptance criteriaRequirements3.1 GeneralIt is a prerequisite of this procedure that the ship has a Ballast Water Management Plan that has been developed in accordance with and found to comply with the requirements of regulation B-1 of the Convention and the International Maritime Organisations (IMO) - Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of Ballast Water Management Plans MEPC.127 (53). In addition for ships using ballast water exchange the IMO Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange MEPC.124(53) are to be taken into account when developing the plan.The Lloyd’s Register Model Ballast Water Management Plan can be used for the preparation of the plan. At the specific request of the Owner, or the Shipbuilder a ballast water management plan can be prepared by Lloyd’s Register.Where a new Ballast Exchange sequence is to be introduced in an existing ballast water management plan, the new sequence must be submitted to Lloyd’s Register for review and approval, as necessary.The ballast water management plan is to contain one or more ballast water exchange sequences in a format similar to the example in Appendix 1. The ballast water exchange sequences are to indicate for each sequence, at the start of the sequence, at the end of the sequence and at intermediate stages of each sequence including the worst case for each of the following:•Longitudinal strength. Checks against the assigned permissible still water bending moments and shear forces, see 3.2.•For bulk carriers, the longitudinal strength assessment for hold flooded conditions need not be carried out during the exchange sequences.•Intact stability, where required checks against the required values as indicated in the stability booklet. The effects of the combined free surface moments are to be considered, see 3.2.•Ballast inertia. For new construction, ballast inertia aspects of bulk carriers are to be considered according to the ShipRight Structural Design Assessment Procedure when applicable. For bulk carriers in service, ballast inertia aspects are to be considered using maximum lifetime accelerations and assuming a 100% filling level of theballast hold with adjacent topside and/or hopper tanks empty, as submitted in the BEP, or the acceptable sea state is to be defined.•Sloshing Where deemed necessary by Lloyd’s Register or at the owners request, sloshing aspects are to be considered according to the Rules for Ships and the ShipRight Structural Design Assessment Procedure Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment.•Minimum draught forward c hecks against the minimum draft forward as indicated in the ship’s plans and/or loading manual. Where not otherwise defined, this is to be taken as 0,045L or as the draught forward of anapproved condition.•Propeller immersion. Checks that at all stages of any exchange sequence the top dead centre of the propeller will remain below the still waterline.When the propeller immersion criterion can not be satisfied during an entire ballast sequence a note is to be included in the ballast water management plan in the section dealing with ‘Operational or Safety Restrictions’ as follows “the Master is advised that the propeller will not be fully immersed during some stages of ballast water exchange”. In addition in the appropriate sequence in the Ballast Exchange Sequences a similar note is also to be made against the ballast exchange sequence(s) where full propeller immersion is can not be achieved.Bridge visibility forward. Checks that bridge visibility is maintained in accordance with SOLAS V/22.It is recognised that not all ships in service comply with SOLAS 1974, Chapter V Safety of Navigation Regulation 22 Navigation bridge visibility.Where bridge visibility can not be maintained at all stages of an exchange sequence a note inserted in the ballast water management plan in section dealing with ‘Operational or Safety Restrictions’ that the Master is advised that where the bridge visibility criterion in SOLAS V/22 can not be complied with during some or all stages of the exchange sequences the Master is to take due account of the guidance given in section 5.5 to 5.8 of IMO resolution MEPC.124(53) and in addition with effect from1 January 2010 to comply the revised SOLAS V/22 as adopted by the IMO in resolutionMSC.202(81).3.2 Assessment of Longitudinal Strength, bending moments and shear forces and intact stabilityAt all times during ballast water exchange the shear forces and bending moments and intact stability criteria are to be within the limits stated in the approved loading manual and/stability booklet.It is not a condition of assignment of the BWMP notation that all ships undertaking ballast water exchange have onboard a loading instrument approved for Longitudinal Strength, bending moments and shear forces and intact stability however it is preferable.For a loading instrument to be accepted as approved it is to meet the following criteria:The ship has the class notation LI or the descriptive note LI or where the entry “Loading Instrument (C)” or “Loading Instrument” appears in the Hull Memoranda. A loading instrument approved for the calculation of Longitudinal Strength, bending moments and shear forces may also be accepted.If the ship has a stability and/or longitudinal strength calculation program or module has not been accepted or certified by Lloyd’s Register there is an option to have the stability and/or longitudinal strength calculation program or module certified in accordance with standards acceptable to Lloyd’s Register.Flow Through Method. Strength and Stability Approval is not normally required when the flow through method is the only method used. However when for example a peak or other tank that is normally partially filled is required to be pumped up for exchange purposes using the flow through method and then discharged to the normal partially filled level on completion approval of longitudinal Strength, bending moments and shear forces and intact stability maybe required.Dilution Method. Strength and Stability Approval is not normally required when the dilution method is the only method used.Flow through and Dilution Methods Combination. Strength and Stability Approval is not normally required, except where for example a peak or other tank that is normally partially filled is required to be pumped up for exchange purposes and then discharged to the normal partially filled level on completion.Sequential Method. When the sequential method is used, or is used in combination with flow through or dilution method,approval of longitudinal strength, bending moments and shear forces and intact stability for each ballast water exchange sequence will be required. Where a ship has a loading instrument approved for strength and stability Lloyd’s Register may accept the results from a loading instrument approved for longitudinal strength, bending moments and shear forces and intact stability in lieu of the above. Where the loading instrument is approved for longitudinal strength, bending moments and shear forces only, Lloyd’s Register may accept the results from a loading instrument for these aspects however approval of intact stability for each exchange sequence will be required.3.3 Assessment criteria for each methodIn addition to the general requirements in 3.1 and 3.2 the following criteria will be assessed for assignment of the relevant ShipRight descriptive note. Refer to Section 4 for details of the plans and information to be submitted.3.3.1 ShipRight BWMP (T)For the assignment of the ShipRight BWMP(T) descriptive note the criteria given in this section are to be satisfied.The installed ballast water treatment system is to be approved in accordance with the IMO Guidelines for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems MEPC.125(53) as may be amended or;The installed ballast water treatment system is a prototype treatment system installed and under a programme approved by the Administration in accordance with regulation D- 4 of the Convention and has been or is undergoing approval inaccordance with in accordance with the IMO Guidelines for Approval and Oversight of Prototype Ballast Water Treatment Technology Programmes MEPC.140(54).3.3.2 ShipRight BWMP (F)For the assignment of the ShipRight BWMP (F) descriptive note the criteria given in this section are to be satisfied.New construction:The scantlings of the tank boundary structure are to be determined using a tank head equivalent to the full distance to the top of the tank excluding hatches, but not less than the distance to the deck at the side on which the overflow pipe is fitted.Where the overflow discharge pipe is fitted below the freeboard deck, the head is to be taken not less than the full distance to top of the discharge pipe or the distance to the ship operating draft, whichever is greater.For applicable formulations, see Pt 4, Ch 1 and Table1.9.1 of the Rules for Ships, for deep tank and watertight bulkheads in general. For double hull oil tankers, Pt 4, Ch 9, Table 9.6.1 for inner hull and longitudinal oil tight bulkheads remains applicable. For oil tankers and bulk carriers where the Common Structural Rules (CSR) are applicable CSR Oil Tankers Section 8 paragraph 2.5 or CSR Bulk Carriers Chapter 6 Sections 1 and 2 apply.Ships in service:The flow-through method is not to be utilised, unless the tank boundary structure has been confirmed as being acceptable using a tank head as defined for new construction above, and any structural modifications found necessary have been carried out. For applicable formulation, see Pt 4, Ch 1, Table 1.9.1 of the Rules for Ships for deep tank bulkheads in general. For double hull oil tankers, Pt 4, Ch 9, Table 9.6.1 for inner hull and longitudinal oil tight bulkheads remains applicable. For oil tankers and bulk carriers where the Common Structural Rules (CSR) are applicable CSR Oil Tankers Section 8 paragraph 2.5 or CSR Bulk Carriers Chapter 6 Sections 1 and 2 apply.It is not permitted to connect ballast tanks, which were not previously connected, unless the tank boundary structure is checked and found satisfactory or any necessary structural modifications are carried out.All cases:The flow-through method will only be accepted for partially filled peak tanks, provided that inadvertent exceedance of the design partial filling levels will not result in hull girder bending moments and shear forces or stability criteria exceeding the permissible values.At the specific request of the Owner, Lloyd’s Register can calculate the pressure drop of the pipework and match it to the ballast pump capacity curve.The following recommendations are to be complied with as far is reasonable and practicable:Inlet and outlet piping connections to be located as far apart as practicable, in order to improve circulation.A larger discharge pipe located in a remote position opposite from the filling pipe and a smaller discharge pipe is to be located in a position closer to the filling pipe, to improve circulation.The total sectional area of the ballast water discharge pipes is to be arranged to be not less than two times the sectional area of the filling pipe, in order to mitigate the risk of overpressure.The use of two ballast pumps simultaneously is not recommended due to the risk of overpressure, unless the system is designed for the simultaneous use of two pumps.Distribute one ballast pump to several tanks, in order to mitigate the risk of overpressure.Where overflow pipes are fitted to hatch coamings, it is recommended that they are fitted to the side coaming with a closing plate hinge arrangement and to be arranged to discharge downward.Manholes on upper deck may be used as overflow discharge, provided that a blank flange with a seat can fitted to the manhole cover arranged so that a portable overflow pipe with 90° elbow can be connected during the flow-through operation to direct the water away from the deck.Ballast water is not to be discharged from an air pipe head with float type closing appliance, unless a blank flange with a short distance piece is fitted below the air pipe head, which is to be removed during the flow-though operation.3.3.3 ShipRight BWMP (S)For the assignment of the ShipRight BWMP (S) descriptive note, the criteria given in this section are to be satisfied.The following are to be complied with:Ballast holds and large ballast tanks are to be equipped with pressure/vacuum valves or other means acceptable to Lloyd’s Register, in order to mitigate the risk of a large drop in pressure, due to the rapid change in the contents of the tank during ballast discharge by gravity. Pressure/vacuum valves valves, where fitted, are to be maintained in good working order, as a faulty pressure/vacuum valve for example by being blocked or failing to lift may result in hatch cover damage.During the intermediate stages of ballast water exchange, the machinery’s operating design characteristics (angles of inclination) are not to be exceeded.In addition the following recommendations are to be complied with as far is reasonable and practicable:If two ballast pumps are used for filling purposes the ballast water management plan is to contain a note that, when the fill level reaches 80–90 per cent, one of the pumps is to be stopped, in order to mitigate the risk of over-pressurisation.Where operational limits are specified, at least two independent pumps are to be fitted. The pumps are to be arranged such that, if one pump fails, then the stand-by pump is immediately available for operation.Sequences with partial fill level are to be avoided. Where at the end of a sequence a tank remains partially filled, conditions at ±10 per cent of the partial fill level are also to be assessed, since it is practically difficult to match the specified partial fill level whilst ship motions are experienced.Exchange sequences are to be developed such that the still water bending moments and shear forces do not exceed 85% of the permissible values, in order to account for small deviations in service.3.3.4 ShipRight BWMP (D)For the assignment of the ShipRight BWMP (D) descriptive note the criteria given in this section are to be satisfied. Where the dilution method of exchange is used adequate provisions are to be made for appropriate pumping and piping arrangements to facilitate simultaneous loading and unloading of ballast water at the same flow rate.Arrangements are to be made to continually monitoring of the ballast water level in the tanks to ensure a constant level is maintained to avoid the possibility of overfilling the tank or reducing the level in the tank.■Section 4: Information to be submitted4.1 GeneralThe following plans and information are to be submitted in all cases:(a) A copy of an approved ballast water management plan meeting the requirements in Section 3.1; or(b) a plan to be approved by Lloyd’s Register to meet the requirements of 3.1, a minimum of two copies are to besubmitted Lloyd’s Register will retain one copy of the ballast water management plan.(c) Ballast pumping and piping arrangements.(d) Air and sounding pipes arrangements.(e) Specifications and capacity curves for ballast pump and general service pump, if used for ballast transfer.(f) General arrangement and capacity plan.(g) Ballast tank and pump capacities and estimated emptying and refilling times.(h) A copy of the approval certificate for the loading instrument.(j) A copy of the ships approved loading manual.4.2 Specific requirements for the ballast water management options defined in Section 3In addition to the plans and information in 4.1:(a) For the assignment of ShipRight BWMP (T):A certificate confirming the system has been approved in accordance with in accordance with the IMO Guidelinesfor Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems MEPC.125(53) as may be amended issued by a flagadministration signatory to the Convention or by Lloyd’s Register or by a member of the International Association of Classification Societies issuing the approval certificate on behalf of a flag administration signatory to theConvention.Approved plans or diagrams of the treatment system installation, and arrangements including piping systems, connections to the ballast system, treated ballast water outlet points and sampling point(s).(b) For the assignment of ShipRight BWMP (F):For bulk carriers confirmation that that the topside and hopper tanks are or are not interconnected.(c) For the assignment of ShipRight BWMP (S):For ships in service, for the assessment of ballast inertia: approved midship section with end connection details, ballast hold volume data or curves, metacentric height, service speed and block coefficient.4.3 Optional Assessment CriteriaWhere Lloyd’s Register, at the specific request of the Owner, is to certify the stability and/or longitudinal strength calculation program or module, the information required by Lloyd’s Register’s document entitled Approval of Longitudinal Strength and Stability Calculation Programs is to be submitted.Where Lloyd’s Register, at the specific request of the Owner, is to calculate the pressure drop of the pipework and match it to the ballast pump capacity curve, the following information is to be submitted:Ballast supply piping dimensions.Overflow pipe length and size.Piping components fitted to the ballast supply line, i.e. bends, T-connections, type and number of valves.Pump capacity curve.Air vent head flow capacity curve.4.4 ModificationsPlans and particulars of proposed modifications to the ballast system or other modification to the ship which may affect the BWMP descriptive note assigned to the ship are to be submitted for approval before any work commences and the work is to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans to the Surveyor’s satisfaction.Ballast Water Management 2009/01Lloyd’s Register 10Appendix 1 Example Ballast Exchange Sequence TableAllowable limitsMin fwd draftStab’ CriteriaMax allowa ble SW BM MAX allow SW SFProp fully immers at Voyage : From: To:Expected weather:M %%MActual ValuesFo/Do/L o/Fw MtDraft Aft M Trim MDraft Fwd Stab’ CriteriaSW BM %SW SF % Prop. Immer %.InvisLe ngth MEst’ed Time Hours RemarksSequenceAP Tank No Tank No Tank No Tank No Tank No Tank No Tank No F.P.TInitial ConditionStep 1:Step 2:Step 3:Step 4:Total Time HoursBallast Water Management 2009/01Lloyd’s Register 11 The colouring of the cells where the criteria are not satisfied can enhance understandingAbbreviationsES - Empty at startFS - Full at startFL - FillingD - DischargingFE - Full at endEE - Empty at endX% - Percentage fullPercentage of tank level or symbols such as those presented below may be used asnecessary where greater detail is required , additional symbols can be defined Notes Examples Note 1: The master is advised that the propeller will not be fully immersed during this step/sequence Note 2: The master is advised that bridge visibility forward will be reduced during this step/sequence Note 3 The master is advised to verify that tanks shown as "e" or "e" are totally empty and tanks shown as "f" or "f" are totally full, at the start and end of the step/sequence Note 4: Where two ballast pumps are used for filling purposes, when the full level reaches 80% - 90%, then one of the pumps is Note 5: The indicative times for ballast exchange by flow-through method of …tanks(s) id…are provided separately For conservative reasons, where at the end of a step / sequence a tank remains partially filled, additional conditions at ± 10 % of the partial fill level are also be assessed, since it is practically difficult to match the specified partial fill level whilst ship motions are experienced Aim to develop sequences where the still water bending moments and shear forces do not exceed 85% of the permissible values, in order to account for small deviations in service, so that the master and the appointed ballast water。