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Part 1初中核心词汇复习

1.ill adj生病的,有病的

关联词组:fall ill生病:feel ill感到不适;seriously/badly ill病重


①表示"生病的"意义时,ill通常只作表语,跟在系动词后面,例如be/become/get/look/seem ill;


A vet helps sick pets and other animals.兽医帮助生病的宠物和别的动物。

词性转换:illness=sickness n.疾病

2.imagine v.想彖:设想

(1) imagine + 需词或代词:The house was just as she had imagined it•这房子正是她所想象的。© imagine + that/wh-从句(that可省略),表示“胡乱猜想……;认为

Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest.闭上眼睛,设想自己在森林里。

(3)imagine + doing 想象做某事:Imagine doing a horrible job like that!想象一下做那种可怕的工作吧!(J) imagine sb. /sth. (to be) •••: The boy imagined himself (to be) a pilot.那个男孩想象自己是一名飞行员。

词性转换:imagination n.想象:imaginative adj•富有想象力的;imaginable adj.想象得到的;可想象的3・ immediately adv.立亥lj, 立R卩

用法:immediately常常和一些词搭配使用,比如:immediately after/following在 .......... 之后立即:

immediately before irt .. 之前立H卩;immediately behind/above/be 1 ow/in front of sth•后而

/上而/下而/前而紧挨着 ... :the seat immediately behind the driver驾驶员正后方的那个座

词性转换:immediate adj.立刻的,直接的

同义词:immediately=at once二:right away

4.important adj.重要的

关联词组:play an important role起到重要作用

用法:important后面可接介词for/to>表示"对...... 很重要”;常用语It is important (for sb.) to do sth•结构,表示“(对 ..... 来说)做某事很重要":It is important to follow the doctor' s


词性转换:importance n.重要性,价值;importantly adv.重要地

5.improve v.改进,改善,提髙;变得更好


Many wines improve with age (= get better as they get older ) •很多葡萄酒年代越久越香醇。

词性转换:improvement n.改进,改善,提髙;improv* adj•改良的,改进过的:improved technology

6.include v.包括,包含

® include接动词的话,要接doing sth:

Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone.你的职责是打信件和接电话。

©include A in/on B把A列入B的一部分,把A算入B:

You should include some examples in your article.你应该在文章里举一些例子©


Hundreds were k订led, including many women and ch订dren.数百人被杀,包括许多妇女和儿童。

词性转换:inclusion n.包含:内含物:inclusive adj•包括的,包含的

反义词:exclude v.不包括,排除

7.increase v.(使)增加:增长;n.增加,增长

动词用法:increase可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。常用结构有:increase (sth.) (from A) (to B), 指“增加到”,表示结果;increase (sth. ) (by sth.),指“增加了……”,表示幅度。例如:

The population has increased from million to million.人口已从120 万增加到了180 万©

The population has increased by million.人口已增加到了60 万©

名词用法:increase作名词时,常用结构有:an increase in sth•在某方而增长:an increase in population 在人口方面增长:on the increase iE在增加(增长):China' s population is on the increase.中国的人口正在增长。

词性转换:increasing adj.越来越多的:渐增的:an increasing number of…越来越多的 ........

反义词:decrease v.卜•降

& industry n. I:业,行业,产业

关联词组:food/car/paper industry 食品/汽车/造纸工业;heavy/light industry 重/轻工业:service
