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1.ability n.能力;才能

Our ability to think and speak makes us different from other animals.

2 abroad a.& ad.到(在)国外

This song is very popular, both at home and abroad.

3 absent a.缺席,不在Several students are absent from school today.

4 accent n.口音,音调He speaks with a strong southern accent.

5 accept vt.接受Please accept my sincere apologies.

6 ache n.疼痛I have aches and pains all over my body.

7 achieve vt.达到,取得He hopes to achieve all his aims soon through hard work.

8 advertisement n.广告The newspapers nowadays are full of advertisements for cars.

9 advise vt.忠告,劝告,建议Health experts advise citizens to eat more green food.

10 agreement n.同意,一致;协定,协议They have made an agreement about the project.

11 airline n.航空公司;航空系统

Both domestic and international airlines are quite busy during the holidays.

12 among prep.在……中间;在(三个以上)之间

Global warming is causing great concern among scientists.

13 ancient a.古代的,古老的

This book is about the ancient civilizations of Asia.

14 ant n.蚂蚁

Ants live in large groups.

15 anyway ad.不管怎样This method probably won’t work, but let’s try it anyway.

16 appear vi.出现

The sun appeared on the horizon.

Under such pressure, she still appeared very calm.

17 army n.军队My father joined the army when he was 16.

18 Atlantic a.大西洋的

Scientists from both sides of the Atlantic will meet next month in New York.

19 attention n.注意,关心

We should pay more attention to the needs of older people .

20 available a. 可得的

These tickets are available for only one month.

The lawyer is not available now.

21 avoid v.避免,躲开,逃避

Measures must be taken to avoid the risk of fire.


1 background n.背景

The kids in this class are from different family backgrounds.

2 balloon n.气球

Can you help me blow up these balloons?

3 bamboo n.竹

Bamboo is pandas’ favourite food.

4 basic a.基本的

Some poor families are unable to meet their basic needs.

5 bee n.. 蜜蜂

If a person is quite busy, we would say he is as busy as a bee.

6 beyond prep. (表示位置) 在……的那边

What lies beyond the mountains?

The articles about finance are beyond me.

7 biscuit n.饼干

She often eats biscuits after lunch.

8 bitter a.有苦味的;痛苦的,难过的;严酷的

This food has a bitter taste. \ My grandpa often mentions his bitter experience.

9 blood n.血,血液

I’m going to give blood this afternoon.

10 blow v.吹;刮风;吹气

The wind has blown my hat off .

11 boss n.领班;老板

As a secretary, her job includes taking the boss’s phone calls.

12 bottom n.底部;底

Some eat is left at\in the bottom of your cup.

13. brain n.脑(子)

You should use your brains.

14 breath n.气息;呼吸

Take a deep breath and then relax.

15 burn v.燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑 n.烧伤;晒伤

The house was burned to the ground.

16 butterfly n.蝴蝶

Butterflies usually have large wings with beautiful colours.


1 cancel vt.取消

He forgot to cancel his doctor’s appointment .

2 ceiling n.天花板,顶棚

The new houses have very high ceilings.

3 chairman n.主席;会长The chairman announced the opening of the meeting.

4 chairwoman n.女主席, 女会长;女议长

5 chalk n.粉笔

Teachers usually writes on the blackboard with chalk.

6 chant n. & v

Chants with simple melody are welcomed by kids.

He chanted a prayer.

7cheat v.骗取,哄骗;作弊

He always thinks that the ads on TV are trying to cheat the audience.

Don’t cheat on the exam.

8 cheer n.& vi.欢呼;喝彩

You can hear the cheers of the students. \ The good news cheered us all.

9 chest n.箱子;盒子;胸部

He has chest trouble.

The medicine chest should be put out of \ beyond the reach of children.

10 choice n.选择;抉择

The store offers a wide choice of fruit and vegetables.

11 circle n. vt.圆圈将……圈起来

They sat in a circle round the fire.\ Teachers are used to circling students’mistakes in red ink. \ The birds were circling around above the lake.

12 clap vi.拍手;鼓掌

Everybody clapped their hands after the performance.

Let’s give the gold medal winner a clap.

13 clone n.克隆(无性繁殖出来的有机体群)

It is possible that we will be able to clone human beings in the future.

14 coach n.教练;马车;长途车

We got a professional basketball coach to help us train the team .

15 coal n.煤;煤块

This is the second largest coal mine in the country.
