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【3.1 3.2】湛江市大学生就业政策执行存在的问题分析

【3.3 3.4】大学生就业政策的评估






本文研究了关于公共政策执行的理论,涵盖了公共政策执行的定义,公共政策执行的影响因素等,采用了文献研究法和问卷调查法,共调查了湛江市本地四所高校2015 届毕业生150 名,目的在于调查分析高校毕业生就业政策的执行情况,如是否因为毕业生的专业、性别和学历等而影响就业政策的执行,还通过调查毕业生对就业政策内容的获取渠道、了解程度和评价来分析就业政策的执行情况,以及毕业生对就业政策提出相关建议等等。




The rapid growth of Chinese economy, the labor market change is big, theincreasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand of employment, thegraduates employment situation has become increasingly serious. So reasonable useand configure graduates resources related to social stability, harmonious, influence thecomprehensive construction well-off society overall. Now Zhanjiang's long-termstrategy and policy to promote employment actively promote employment, but its dueto reasons of government function on the execution, the economy uncertain, executiveability, the reason of the difference of the target group, make full employment is beingchallenged, mainly reflected in the employment policy subject and object recognition,employment policy implementation, employment policy enforcement mechanism andemployment policy execution environment and other factors. Study helps to promoteemployment and promote the policy making and policy implementation, to solve theproblem of Zhanjiang college graduates employment, has very important practicalsignificance.

This paper studies the relevant theories of public policy

implementation, such asthe meaning of public policy implementation, the main factors influencing the publicpolicy implementation, the influence factors of public policy execution, etc., used theliterature research and questionnaire survey, a total of 2015 graduate survey Zhanjianglocal four universities, 150, aims to analyze the implementation of its policies for theemployment of university graduates graduate will because specialty, sex andeducation background of differences between the different;Another kind is aimed atgraduates employment policy content and channels of information and knowledge,through the analysis of the college graduates for employment policy implementationevaluation and satisfaction;Finally a kind of subjective question is an open question,the purpose is to come to college graduates employment policy system to its aspect ofopinions and Suggestions.

This paper has through five parts to study, the first is to analyze the influencefactors of public policy implementation theory and its implementation, tease out basispoints. Again from the second part analyses the history of the college students'employment policy in our country, specific instructions before enrollment expansionand expansion of employment policy, and analyzes each stage of the employment policy. The third part of the specific analysis of the current situation of theemployment policy execution in Zhanjiang , problems and
