



Western Culture: An Introduction(西方文化导论)Chapter 1 Culture in Ancient Greece (古希腊文化)1.Cradle of western civilization (西方文明的摇篮)---Ancient Greek“We are all Greeks.”------Percy Bysshe Shelley (珀西·比希·雪莱)When Shelley said “We are all Greeks”, he is expressing his buy-in(认同)to the then current belief that European culture could trace its roots back (追根溯源于)to the Greek ideals and customs. This would include everything: architecture, education, medicine, our basic myths and memes, government, etc.2.Phases of development )(发展阶段)Delphi 特尔斐(希腊古都)Three Ages:ca.3000-1200 BC, the Heroic Age(英雄时代)(ca. 1200-750 BC), the Greek City-State (希腊城邦)and the Persian Wars(波斯战争)(ca. 750-480 BC), the Golden Age (黄金时代)(Ca. 480-430 BC).Bronze Age Civilizations of the Aegean (ca. 3000-1200 BC):1.1Minoan[miˈnəuən] civilization 克里特文明flourished between 2000-1400 BC, when itseems to be absorbed or destroyed by the Mycenaeans.The most famous of the leg ends of Minoan culture is Minotaur [ˈmaɪnətɔ:(r)] 人身牛头怪/弥诺陶洛斯, a being “part man and part bull”.Where did the Renaissance start with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture?In Florence 佛罗伦萨(意大利都市名)and Venice()意大利港市.1.2Mycenae[maiˈsi:ni:]迈锡尼/Mycenaean [maisiˈni:ən] culture (ca. 1600-1200).By 1600 BC, the Mycenaeans had established themselves in the Aegean(爱琴海).Around 1200 BC, the Mycenaeans attacked Troy, a commercial stronghold on the northwest coast of Asia Minor小亚细亚半岛. The ten-year-long war between Mycenae and Troy would provide the historical context for the Iliad [ˈɪliəd] (伊利亚特)and the Odyssey [ˈɒdəsi](奥赛德). ------ Homer(荷马), the blind Greek poetTrojan war (特洛伊战争)------ Penelope’s web 珀涅罗珀的织物;故意拖延的策略;永远做不完的工作1.2.1The Heroic Age (ca. 1200-750 BC): after 1200 BC, more powerful, iron-bearing tribes of Dorians (多利亚人约于前1200-1000年间从巴尔干半岛北部迁入希腊,后来建立了斯巴达(Sparta)、科林斯(Corinth)、阿尔戈斯(Argos)等城邦,更多时候是作为入侵者和征服者被看待,荷马认为其野蛮黑暗), a Greek-speaking people from the north, destroyed Mycenaean civilization.Peloponnesian Wars 伯罗奔尼撒战争(431-404 BC)between Athens(雅典) and Sparta(斯巴达);Years of internal wars weakened the once powerful Greek city-states of Sparta, Athens, Thebes(底比斯), and Corinth(科林斯). Philip II of Macedonia (马其顿)(northern Greece) rose to power and, in 338 BC, he rode south and conquered the cities of Thebes and Athens, uniting most of Greece under his rule. Upon Philip II ‘s death, his son, Alexander the Great(亚历山大大帝), took control and proceeded to conquer all of the lands between Greece and India including Egypt.After the death of Alexander in 323 BC, Macedonia was defeated by Roma(罗马)at the Battleof Cynoscephalae(基诺斯山战役)in 197 BC and then again at the Battle of Pydna(皮德纳战役)in 168 BC. The Greeks were finally defeated at the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC. Rome completely destroyed and plundered(掠夺)the city of Corinth as an example to other Greek cities.1.2.2The Greek City-State and the Persian Wars (ca. 750-480 BC)In 490 BC, Battle of Marathon 马拉松战役In 480 BC, Battle of the Hot Gates and Battle of Salamis 萨拉米斯海战Persian Wars(希波战争): Herodotus 希罗多德(ca. 485-425 BC), the father of history 历史之父。



Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice. (4) The Trojan War broke out at the end of ____.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
A. the Heroic Age B. the Golden Age C. the Cretan Civilization D. the Mycenaean Civilization
(1) Draco (2) Cleisthenes (3) Peisistratus (4) Solon (5) Pericles
a. supreme council check the behavior of leaders
b. punish trivial crimes with the death sentence
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
_F_ (1) The play Oedipus at Colonus was written by Aristophanes. _F_ (2) Greek philosophy started with Aristotle. _T_ (3) The famous bronze sculpture of athletes, Discus Thrower,
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
(5) The first Olympiad began in the ____ period of the Golden Age.



(1) The early medieval literature was represented by _p_o_e_m_s_, particularly by _h_y_m_n_s_ expressing the intense religious feelings of love of God.
A. the modern era
B. the Middle Ages
C. the new period
D. the Renaissance
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
(2) The barbarous tribes included Celts, Germans and _______.
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Supplementary Resources
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
(1) After the last Roman emperor was overthrown by the German mercenary troops, the European civilization moved into _____.
of the latter’s strong influence on the barbarous tribes.
_F_ (2) Edda is a collection of Germanic myths which provides the


_F_ Press de France Nouvelle.
5. Jazz was initially influenced by two kinds of Negro music: ragtime and blues.
Text Study
Text Study _4_3333 Comprehension Exercises
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
(1) Impressionism got its name from ________famous painting Impression: Sunrise.
A. Pissarro’s B. Monet’s C. van Gogh’s D. Paul Gauguin’s
Hofmann, who benefited from the movements like cubism,
_fa_u_v_i_s_m_ and expressionism.
3. Action painting is a branch of a_b_s_t_ra_c_t_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_io_n_is_m__ .
Comprehension Exercises
Fill in the blanks.
1. _N_e_w__Y_o_rk__ became a new centre of world art during and after
the WWII, taking over from Paris.
2. One of the representative of abstract expressionism is Hans


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In a way the change of the cultural and intellectual climate in this period had something to do with romanticism and cultural trend of the time. More radical modes of creation appeared, first in poetry and then spread to other forms of writing and art. They were more rebellious, more radical, more opposed to tradition and social reality and more concerned with their own forms of subjective representation. Such a changed approach moved eventually into modernism.
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Modernism was born at the turn of the 20th century and swept many countries. Many social and psychological problems found expression in cultural and literary form, thus representing the real mood and emotion of the ordinary people in the West who were torn by countless troubles arising out of the social, political and cultural contradictions and clashes.

Unit8 西方文化导论

Unit8   西方文化导论

Main Ideas
Text Study
Romanticism was a reaction against the Enlightenment and against the 18th-century rationalism and materialism in general. It began as early as Rousseau. He held that human natural feelings pointed to the right direction while reason would lead man astray. Under Rousseau’s influence, romanticism became discernible first in France, and its substantial achievements were made in Germany and England.
The 18th-century Enlightenment firmly established the rational capacity of the Europeans. But by the end of the century and into the early part of the 19th century, people began to realize that man is an emotional and organic individual. Therefore, the man of reason became the new man
Generally realism is based on the mode of reproducing reality, while romanticism focuses on emotion and nature and ontological naturalism refers more to reality being limited to the observable world.



Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
serfdom 奴隶制: a social system of production in which labourers are bound to work for an estate, rather than being owned by the lord of that estate and could choose to work elsewhere though few would do so in reality
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However, the intellectual decline and retarded social development of the Middle Ages also brought forward some notable personal ties, events and achievements in cultural and social affairs. They made up for a long and tortuous interval before the dawn of the modern age, which was marked by the arrival of the Renaissance in the 14th -15th centuries.
Culture and Politics
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
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The foremost figures in the Enlightenment were a group of French thinkers known as philosophers. The preeminent member of this group was the writer, historian, and poet Voltaire. He emerged as the Enlightenment’s chief critic of contemporary culture and religion. Another important member of this group was Jean Jacques Rousseau, whose writings greatly influenced the political thinking of the time. Also influential were the writings of Charles, Baron de Montesquieu, who challenged the idea of rule by a monarch and championed individual freedom. The philosopher Denis Diderot, in collaboration with Jean D’Alembert, planned and edited a multivolume encyclopedia designed to include all realms of knowledge. Many of the entries were written by other philosophies.



• 习题二: 分析中世纪欧洲文化的特点。
答案: 中世纪欧洲文化的特点主要表现为宗教、封建主义和神秘主义等。
封建主义体制下,社会等级森 严,政治权力分散。
神秘主义则体现在人们对自然 和超自然力量的敬畏和崇拜上。
利用多媒体资源如视频、 图片等辅助学习,提高 学习效果。
与同学一起讨论学习内 容,互相交流心得,有 助于拓宽思路和加深理解。
• 习题一: 简述古希腊文化对西方文化的影响。
哲学上,古希腊的苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德等哲学家奠定了西方哲学的基础, 他们的思想对后世产生了巨大的影响。
艺术上,古希腊的建筑和雕塑风 格成为西方艺术的重要典范,其 美学观念对西方艺术的发展产生
政治上,古希腊的民主政治制度 为西方现代民主制度提供了借鉴
科学上,古希腊的天文学、数学 和医学等学科的发展对西方科学 的发展起到了重要的推动作用。

Unit8 西方文化导论

Unit8   西方文化导论
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1. A General Introduction 2. Focus In
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The 18th and 19th centuries were not only an important period for political stage, but also a period of important cultural change. A great host of forms and styles came to the fore in the scene of Western literature and art. They included romanticism, realism and naturalism. Generally realism is based on the mode of reproducing reality, while romanticism focuses on emotion and nature and ontological naturalism refers more to reality being limited to the observable world. The 18th-century Enlightenment firmly established the rational capacity of the Europeans. But by the end of the century and into the early part of the 19th century, people began to realize that man is an emotional and organic individual. Therefore, the man of reason became the new man



(1) Italy’s prosperous trade and production of handicraft, which furnished a material basis for cultural development
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
Text Study
(2) its rich variety of urban social life coinciding with the emergence of more cities where manufacturing and commercial activities called for the vigorous development of cultural life
中世纪(Middle Ages)(约公元476年~公元1453年),是欧洲历史
上的一个时代(主要是西欧),自西罗马帝国灭亡(公元476年)到 东罗马帝国灭亡(公元1453年)的这段时期。这个时期的欧洲没有一 个强有力的政权来统治。封建割据带来频繁的战争,造成科技和生产 力发展停滞,人民生活在毫无希望的痛苦中,所以中世纪或者中世纪 早期在欧美普遍被称作“黑暗时代”,传统上认为这是欧洲文明史上 发展比较缓慢的时期。
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Text Study
monastic chapter 教会或修道院管理处: a Christian administrative office within the church
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
Text Study
Factors that contributed to the emergence of the Renaissance:



Text Study
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
Formation stages: • At the end of the Roman Empire, some barbarous tribes including Celts, Germans and Slavs were formed. • At the end of the 1st century AD, the Germans were still in a primitive society. • From the end of the 1st century to the 3rd century, Germans introduced class division, and untied their tribes into alliances and often harassed and staged attacks on the Roman borders. Later they moved into Roman territory till the end of the 6th century. • A number of small kingdoms were established in Roman territories.
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• To get a brief view of the history of the period of the Middle Ages • To get to know the formation and development of German culture and Byzantine culture • To be familiar with Medieval social ideology and literary and artistic achievements • To understand the significance and special features of Medieval culture and politics

Unit1 题 西方文化导论

Unit1 题 西方文化导论
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice. (1) ____ is the major foundation in the Western culture and makes a powerful impact on the development of human civilization.
Text Study
Think and Discuss
Thiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้k and Discuss
the Renaissance to it. This changed the intellectual conditions of the later medieval period and opened the way to the modern era in the West.
B. the Golden Age
C. the Cretan Civilization
D. the Mycenaean Civilization
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice. (5) The first Olympiad began in the ____ period of the Golden Age.
(3) Peisistratus
(4) Solon (5) Pericles
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercise
True of false question.


Culture and Politics
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
Text Study
The Middle Ages: a period in European history from the collapse of the Roman Civilization in the 5th century AD to the period of the Renaissance in the 14th century
Text Study
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
Formation stages:
• At the end of the Roman Empire, some barbarous tribes including Celts, Germans and Slavs were formed.
• A number of small kingdoms were established in Roman territories.
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
Text Study
• With the overthrow of the Western Roman Empire, a series of kingdoms were set up. Among these kingdoms, the largest was the one founded in 481 AD by Clovis who conquered Gaul and initiated a cooperatively large nation called the Merovingian Dynasty. Gradually it became the most powerful German kingdom.



B. In 1054 BC
C. In 1055
D. In 380
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
Comprehensio n Exercises
Stud y
(2) In 451 AD, the archbishop of Roman Church, ____________, made himself Pope.
Text Stud y
Comprehension Exercises
Fill in the blanks.
Comprehensio n Exercises
Stud y
(1) Owing to the repeated conquests of Jerusalem by various aggres_A_sl_oe_rx_sa_,_nl_idk_e__r_t_h_e__G_ reat _t_h_e__R_o__m__anasnd , the Jews suffered a great deal from the violent suppression and the final loss of their homeland.
A. Lutheran Church
B. Anglicanism
C. Presbyterian
D. Free Churches
Comprehension Exercise
Fill in the blanks.
Comprehensio n Exercises
Stud y
(1) The New Testament contains altog_2_e7_ther

Unit2 西方文化导论

Unit2    西方文化导论

Text Study
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
by his brother who became the first king of Rome. Nowadays, Romulus is regarded as a mythological figure, whose name is the origin of Rome.
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centuries after Augustus came to power, the Roman Empire reached its culmination in economy, culture, military force and trade. However, beginning from the 5th century or so, the Roman Empire embarked on a path of decline. Economic problems, social problems and frequent wars finally split the Roman Empire into two parts: Eastern and Western Parts. In 476, Western Roman Empire came to an end. Romans succeeded in putting into effect the ideas of rulership borrowed from ancient Greece. The Greek democracy provided the preliminary basis for the later form of Western government which would appear more open and less autocratic. The society has a clearly defined social stns also borrowed many other cultural ideas from ancient Greece, including daily customs, laws and architectural designs as well as literary styles and creative methods which greatly added to the taste and charm of daily life before the Greek and Roman cultures came around as classical culture as it was termed by later eras. However, it still attributed greatly to the Western culture in mythology, religion, literature, history, philosophy, architecture and art.


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Text Study
Supplementary Resources
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice. (1) After the last Roman emperor was overthrown by the German mercenary troops, the European civilization moved into _____.
C. the wise man
D. the nobleman
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice. (4) The Carolingian Dynasty was expanded by____mprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Fill in the blanks. poems , (1) The early medieval literature was represented by ______ hymns expressing the intense religious particularly by ______ feelings of love of God. (2) The artistic achievements of the Medieval Ages mostly related religion , since it was the focal point in people’s lives and to _______ church was the principal promoter of artistic work. the ______ (3) Construction of major buildings during the Middle Ages, consisted mainly of large numbers of churches, generally in Romanesque and Gothic _____ styles. ___________


c. abolish slave labor d. carry out legislative reform e. advocate peasants’ welfare and
popular entertainments
Comprehension Exercise
True of false question.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
(3) Mycenaean culture was influenced the most by Cretan culture on ____.
A. farming
B. handicraft and trade
C. religion
D. philosophy
C. dependent
D. dark
Comprehension Exercises
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Please match the following names of political leaders to their reformist ideas.
A. the Neolithic Age B. the Bronze Age C. the Stone and Bronze Age D. the Old Stone Age
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
_F_ (1) The play Oedipus at Colonus was written by Aristophanes. _F_ (2) Greek philosophy started with Aristotle. _T_ (3) The famous bronze sculpture of athletes, Discus Thrower,
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Comprehension Exercises
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
3. _________refers to a kind of usually avant-garde or conceptual art as early as in the 1960s, which often challenges the audience to think in new and unconventional ways.
Comprehension Exercises
True or false questions.
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
_F_1. The end of the two world wars brought real sense of security and stability to the West.
A. Performance art
B. B. Impressionism
C. C. Photo-realism
D. D. Futurism
Comprehension Exercises
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
4. Which of the following artists does not belong to the school of Impressionism in painting?
A. Manet.
B. B. Monet. C. C. Cezanne.
D. D. Piccasso.
Comprehension Exercises
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
5. Who initiated the ideals of the expressionist movement in modern music?
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice.
(1) Impressionism got its name from ________famous painting Impression: Sunrise.
A. Pissarro’s B. C. B. Monet’s D. E. C. van Gogh’s F. G. D. Paul
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
Interpretation of Cultural Terms
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Text Study
performance art 行为艺术: A term referring to a kind of usually avant-garde or conceptual art which grew out of the visual arts and began to be identified in the 1960s. Performance art is unconventional and often challenges the audience to think in new and unconventional ways.
_T_ 2. In the midst of the 1950s and 1960s, Western society was on the threshold of drastic transformation from the phase of postwar recovery to an industrial and commercial boom.
_F_ 5. In the post-war period, Protestantism has become more open and more popular to the public, while Catholicism has stuck
to conventions.
Comprehension Exercises
A. Arnold Schoenberg.
B. B. Igor Stravinsky. C. D. C. Claude Debussy.
E. F. D. Paul Hindemith.
Comprehension Exercises
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
True or false questions.
_T_ 1. Cinema has greatly changed the ways of living in the West since its invention by Thomas Edison in 1894.
_F_ 2. Hollywood consolidated and expanded its position by producing more popular films after the 1970s, which was called its “Golden Age”.
_T_ 3. Postmodernism is both an reaction against modernism and a successor to modernism.
_T_ 4. Existentialism had widespread dissemination and acclaim after WWII.
Comprehension Exercises
Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Multiple choice. 2. __________is called “the father of the modern painting”.
A. Paul Gauguin B. Paul Cezanne C. van Gogh D. Degas