
英国银行介绍(Banks in UK)一、英国银行系统简介英国银行主要分两大系统,一系统以Barclays Bank, Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds 与一些建筑资金融资合作社(Building Societies) 为主;另一系统为National Westminster (NatWest), TSB Bank, Clydesdale Bank, Ulster Bank, Isle of Man Bank, Coutts, Bank Northern, National Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland, Abbey National, Halifax与一些建筑资金融资合作社(Building Societies)。
银行账户种类大致可分活期存款账户(current account)和定期存款账户(saving account) 两种。
若要提款则需提前九十天或三十天告知(亦有随时可以提款的instant access),否则要罚款,但利率较高。
学生账户(student account)属活存账户的一种,一般只有全时生(full-time student)有资格申请。
英国主要银行如:NatWest、Barclays、Lloyds、Midland、Bank of Scotland、Royal Bank of Scotland 和Halifax 都有学生账户。
有的银行如Bank of Scotland、Royal Bank of Scotland 为吸引学生,特别提供优惠利率予全时生,可考虑利用。

2.The Licensed Deposit Banks 持牌存款银行,在英国特指一些业务范围受到一定限制,规模较小的银行机构。
3.The Bank of England 英格兰银行,英国的中央银行,创立于1694年,公认为全世界中央银行的鼻祖。
4.Sight and time deposits 活期和定期存款(参见Section 3)。
5.overdraft 透支,指银行客户在一定条件下和一定范围内可以超过自己帐户存款的余额用款,实为银行对客户的一种信贷便利。
6.collections 托收,指债权人委托银行向债务人收款的一种结算方式(参见Section 6)。
7.financial intermediaries 金融中介(机构),指作为放款者与借款者中间人的金融机构。
8.the Clearing Banks 清算银行,在英国是零售银行的主要组成部分,包括伦敦清算银行、苏格兰清算银行和北爱尔兰银行。
9.retail banking business 零售银行业务(与批发银行业务相对应),主要指对单独的客户的业务,如存款、放款、结算等。
10.discount houses 贴现商号,是英国金融制度中的独特事物。
11.discount market 贴现市场,在英国由贴现行作为市场主体,是英格兰银行实施货币政策的主要场所之一。
13.market—maker 市场制造者,指一家金融机构或一个经纪人就一种货币或证券进行又买又卖的交易活动,保证其它交易者时刻都能找到交易对手。

英格兰银行及英镑英格兰银行(Bank of England)是世界上最早的中央银行,有“中央银行之母”的美誉。

英国银行及银行卡介绍(精选合集)第一篇:英国银行及银行卡介绍英国银行及银行卡介绍英国银行及银行卡介绍BARCLAY 银行:首先不推荐BARCLAY 银行。
银行卡要等到银行:1 个月还没收到,网上银行密码发了REISSUE 了好几份导致不能正常激活,绝对的混乱管理。
STAFF 告诉你 5 天就能收到卡,实际是30 天都没拿到。
要去银行一个劲的去催,然后都说会帮你ORDER 什么的。
而且你地址写的是英国地址还不行,一定要你再写一个国内的地址,还要是已经被学校CONFIRM 过的地址。
基本无利息,还要求国际留学生一定要放2000 磅在里面。
少于2000 磅就要每个月 CHARGE 你 5 磅管理费。
STAFF 的态度也很恶劣。
整个一垃圾变态!特别最恶心的 BRANCH 就在是 WITHWORK PARK 那边的那个一条街都是银行的那个 BARCLAYS 银行,千万别去那里开。
特别是那个 ANNA 就是一忽悠人。
我在英国用过很多家银行,最垃圾的感觉就是 BARCLAY,帐户不好开,而且态度恶劣。
HSBC 银行:目前也开始变态起来,当年我开的是它的。

世界各大银行中英文名称对照阿比国民银行Abbey National 英国巴克莱银行Barclays Bank PLC. 英国巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris 法国巴西银行Banco Do Brasil 巴西大和银行Daiwa Bank 日本大通曼哈顿银行Chase Manhattan Bank 美国德累斯顿银行Dresdner Bank 德国德意志银行Deutsche Bank 德国第一劝业银行Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank 日本第一洲际银行First Interstate Bancorp 美国东海银行Tokai Bank 日本东京银行Bank of Tokyo 日本都灵圣保罗银行Istituto Bancario SanPaolo Di Torino 意大利多伦多自治领银行Toronto-Dominion Bank 加拿大富士银行Fuji Bank 日本国民劳动银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 意大利国民西敏寺银行National Westminster Bank PLC. 英国荷兰农业合作社中央银行Cooperatieve Centrale Raifferssen-Boerenleenbank 荷兰荷兰通用银行Algemene Bank Nederland 荷兰花旗银行Citi bank 美国汉华实业银行Manufacturers Hanover Corp. 美国汇丰银行Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 香港加拿大帝国商业银行Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大加拿大皇家银行Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大劳埃德银行Lloyds Bank PLC. 英国里昂信贷银行Credit Lyonnais 法国伦巴省储蓄银行Cassa Di Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombarde 意大利梅隆国民银行Mellon National Corp. 美国美洲银行Bank America Corp 美国米兰银行Midland Bank 英国摩根保证信托银行Morgan Guaranty Trust Corp. of New York 美国纽约化学银行Chemical New York Corp. 美国纽约银行家信托公司Bankers Trust New York Corp. 美国农业信贷国民银行de Caisse Nationale Credit Agricole 法国日本兴业银行Industrial Bank of Japan 日本瑞士联合银行Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞士瑞士信贷银行Credit Suisse 瑞士瑞士银行公司Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士三和银行Sanwa Bank 日本三井银行Mitsui Bank 日本三菱银行Mitsubishi Bank 日本太平洋安全银行Security Pacific Corp 美国西德意志地方银行Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 德国西太平洋银行公司Westpac Banking Corp. 澳大利亚西亚那银行Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena 意大利意大利商业银行Banca Commerciale Italiana 意大利意大利信贷银行Credito Italiano 意大利芝加哥第一国民银行First Chicago Corp. 美国中国银行Bank of China 中国中国建设银行China Construction Bank 中国中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China 中国中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国汇丰银行Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation中国招商银行China Merchants Bank中国中信银行China CITIC Bank 中国住友信托银行Sumitomo Trust & Banking 日本。

银英文 The Banking System in the United Kingdom英国的银行体系 In the United Kingdom, financial institutions are categorized into two ma]or groups: the Recognized Banks and the Licensed Deposit Institutions. The criteria for each category are determined by the Bank of England~----the Central Bank. The Bank of England will consider the size of the institution, its management and also the number of participants who effectively direct the business, before decisions are made on the status of the financial institutions who apply for bank licenses in the United Kingdom. Let us look at the Recognized Banks. These banks provide a wide range of highly specialized banking services, according to the Banking Act 1979. "Recognized Banks" must satisfy the Bank of England of their high reputation and of their integrity, management and financial prudence. The wide range of services include: i. the acceptance of sight and time deposits); ii. loan and overdraft facilities; iii. foreign currency exchange and documentary credits and collections~; iv. financial advice for corporations and individuals; v. investment management and arrangementsfor the purchase and sale of securities. As for Licensed Deposits institutions, they only provide a limited range of services. The prime services are still basedon the acceptance of deposits from the public although they are not required to satisfy the rules laid down for Recognized Banks. To obtain a license, the institution must satisfy the Bank of England's requirement that all directors, controllers or managersof the institution must be an appropriate and proper person to hold that position and to conduce banking business in a proper manner. Let us now look at the major types of financial intermediaries~ in the United Kingdom. To begin with, we shall examine the role of the Clearing Banks. These are the dominating financial intermediaries in retail banking business~ in the United Kingdom. They handle the clearing functions of banks, and are responsible for most of the country' s cash distribution and money transfer functions, which include cheque payment services and also electronic fund transfers, etc.; The retail branch network of these banks is extensive with over 10,000 branches all over the country. Another type of financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom are discount houses. Discount houses providea primary channel through which the Bank of England operates in the discount marketto implement its monetary policy. Because of their easy access to the money market, discount houses act as market-maker in bills since they are the major underwritersofthe weekly issuers of the Treasury bills of the Bank of England. Therefore, discount houses not only provide short-term funds for the government, they provide a channelfor banks to adjust their portfolio holdings, i.e., their liquidity positions. The third type of financial intermediaries in the UK are the merchant banks~ and acceptance houses. Originally developed to handle businesses connection with trade, these merchant banks later expanded into foreign trade, foreign exchange and also bullion dealers. Many of the merchant banks are also acceptance houses. Indeed, their functions have now expanded considerably into major overseas operations, specializing in company financial advice, takeovers and mergers, underwritings which include the provision of additional capital through share floatation. Finally, weshould look at foreign banks in England. As a major international financial centre, London has acted as a magnet to over 450 foreign banks, which have set up representative offices, branches, or subsidiary companies. Business focus on these foreign banks cover foreign currency dealings, international finance deals to foreign companies and governments, trade finance services to business. Notes 1.The Recognized Banks 认可银行,在英国特指可以全面经营银行业务的银行。

The Banking System in the United Kingdom英国的银行体系In the United Kingdom, financial institutions are categorized into two ma]or groups: the Recognized Banks and the Licensed Deposit Institutions. The criteria for each category are determined by the Bank of England~——the Central Bank. The Bank of England will consider the size of the institution, its management and also the number of participants who effectively direct the business, before decisions are made on the status of the financial institutions who apply for bank licenses in the United Kingdom.Let us look at the Recognized Banks.These banks provide a wide range of highly specialized banking services. According to the Banking Act 1979. "Recognized Banks" must satisfy the Bank of England of their high reputation and of their integrity, management and financial prudence. The wide range of services include: i. the acceptance of sight and time deposits); ii. loan and overdraft facilities; iii. foreign currency exchange and documentary credits and collections~; iv. financial advice for corporations and individuals; v. investment management and arrangements for the purchase and sale of securities.As for Licensed Deposits institutions, they only provide a limited range of services. The prime services are still based on the acceptance of deposits from the public although they are not required to satisfy the rules laid down for Recognized Banks. To obtain a license, the institution must satisfy the Bank of England's requirement that all directors, controllers or managers of the institution must be an appropriate and proper person to hold that position and to conduce banking business in a proper manner.Let us now look at the major types of financial intermediaries~ in the United Kingdom.To begin with, we shall examine the role of the Clearing Banks. These are the dominating financial intermediaries in retail banking business~ in the United Kingdom. They handle the clearing functions of banks, and are responsible for most of the country' s cash distribution and money transfer functions, which include cheque payment services and also electronic fund transfers, etc.; The retail branch network of these banks is extensive with over 10,000 branches all over the country.Another type of financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom are discount houses. Discount houses provide a primary channel through which the Bank of England operates in the discount market to implement its monetary policy. Because of their easy access to the money market, discount houses act as market-maker in bills since they are the major underwriters of the weekly issuers of the Treasury bills of the Bank of England. Therefore, discount houses not only provide short-term funds for the government, they provide a channel for banks to adjust their portfolio holdings, i.e., their liquidity positions.The third type of financial intermediaries in the UK are themerchant banks~ and acceptance houses. Originally developed to handle businesses connection with trade, these merchant banks later expanded into foreign trade, foreign exchange and also bullion dealers. Many of the merchant banks are also acceptance houses. Indeed, their functions have now expanded considerably into major overseas operations, specializing in company financial advice, takeovers and mergers, underwritings which include the provision of additional capital through share floatation.Finally, we should look at foreign banks in England. As a major international financial centre, London has acted as a magnet to over 450 foreign banks, which have set up representative offices, branches, or subsidiary companies. Business focus on these foreign banks cover foreign currency dealings, international finance deals to foreign companies and governments, trade finance services to business.Notes1.The Recognized Banks 认可银行,在英国特指可以全面经营银行业务的银行。

新任英国央行(BOE)行长卡尼(Mark Carney)于2013年7月1日正式就职,在英国央行宣告卡尼时代到来的同 时,英国央行包括人事、政策方面,料都将出现重大变革。
2022年3月17日,英国中央银行英格兰银行宣布,将基准利率从0.5%上调至0.75%。这是2021年12月以来, 英国央行第三次加息 。
2022年5月5日,英国中央银行英格兰银行宣布,将基准利率从0.75%上调至1%。这是2021年12月以来英国央 行第四次加息,调整后的利率水平为2009年2月以来最高。
描绘“九年战争”的油画。在英格兰银行成立之前,英国王室就想方设法向伦敦城里的富人和贵族封建主借 钱。当时王家有金库造币局,富人会把金银存在那里。王室的劣迹之一是曾拒绝兑付人们存在那里的金币,其实 就是挪用客户存款。在英法“九年战争”中,国王的掌玺大臣印制了政府债券直接卖给商人们,承诺支付利息, 并容许商人们以这样的财政券用于交税。但这些借款的期限很短,在掌玺大臣几次不履行利息支付承诺后,商人 们再也不愿出钱购买财政券了。这样,已失去的自由加税权力的国王山穷水尽。
北岩银行的危机在英国股市引发连环“地震”。英国主要抵押贷款机构如联盟-莱斯特公司、布雷德福-宾 利公司和帕拉冈公司等股价纷纷下跌,其中帕拉冈的股价跌幅达到25%。至下午收盘时,伦敦股市《金融时报》 100种股票平均价格指数较前一个交易日下跌1.2%左右,收于6289.3点。
按照英国的金融补偿条例,如果银行倒闭,存款数额少于2000英镑(约合4000美元)的储户可获全额补偿。 但如果存款超过2000英镑,补偿的上限则到3.5万英镑为止,超出2000英镑的部分只能获得90%补偿。也就是说, 存款3.5万和35万英镑的储户最后都可能只获得3.17万英镑补偿。

银行分为:1.Highstreet Banks- 就是普通的银行,什么Barclays, HSBC都在这里面2.Building Societies - 中文应该叫做信用社,也就是资金没有那么雄厚的'银行',Nationwide,Yorkshire都属于这个行列3.Online Banks - 没有真正的分店,都只是Call Center跟上网。
像First Direct和Smile就是典型。
英国的银行卡按性质可以分为以下几种:1.Cash Card:一般用这种卡的人都是在英国没有信用度的,这种卡只能到柜圆机上提款,发这种卡的大部分是基本账户(basic account),但是也有一些银行的current account在你刚开户的时候给Cash Card,比如HSBC,RBS。
有的Saving Account也是用这种卡的,例如说Citibank和HSBC的Web Saver,既方便你提现,也给高的利息。
2.Debit Card: 中文叫做借记卡,就是账户里面有钱才能用。
3.Credit Card:信用卡,简单点说就是先用钱,再还钱。
你的信用卡都会有一个透支额(Credit Limit),最多给你用多少,然后给你几十天不等的免息时间。
按时还钱的话就不收你任何手续费,要不就按照APR(Annual Percentage Rate,一般在15.9%到20%左右)按照每天给你算利息*[举例说,如果你借了£1000,在APR=15.9%的情况下,一年就是£159的利息,每天算就是这个数字除365=43.6p一天]。
信用卡的好处是他们一般都给你Internet Shopping Security,你要是东西买了没有到,他们一般都会赔钱。
4.Charge Card: 这个就是高级一点的信用卡,一般没有明确的Credit Limit,但是你必须得按时还钱,没有的拖欠。


改革的主要内容 :《2009年银行法案》明确规定了 英格兰银行作为中央银行在金融稳定中的法定职责 和所处的核心地位,并强化了相关的金融稳定政策 工具和权限。在英格兰银行理事会下面成立金融稳 定委员会(Financial Stability Committee,FSC), 与英格兰银行已有的货币政策委员会(MPC)平级。 该委员会由英格兰银行行长(担任主席)、两位副 行长及四位英格兰银行非执行理事组成。
法律地位和职能:英国中央银行是世界上最 早形成的中央银行,为各国中央银行体制的 鼻祖。英格兰银行是英国的中央银行,它负 责召开货币政策委员会(简称MPC),对英 国国家货币政策负责。英格兰银行具有典型 中央银行的“发行的银行”、“银行的银 行”、“ 政府的银行”的特点。
1、英国的中央银行制度是最典型的央行 制度
含义:主要是指中央银行在履行其职能是受制于议 会、政府和财政系统等其他主体的程度。
英格兰银行具有相对独立的模式。其虽受政府财政 部门控制,为政府机构。但英格兰银行在发表自身 的观点上有一定的独立性,是金融界中具有权威的 代言人,除了依照银行法执行对银行业的监管之外, 还承担了对金融市场的管理职能。英格兰银行在鼓 励行业自律,尤其是在保险和证券业务中发挥了重 要作用。

英国银行系统简介(1) 银行系统简介英国银行主要分两大系统,一系统以Barclays Bank, Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds 与一些建筑资金融资合作社(Building Societies) 为主;另一系统为National Westminster (NatWest), TSB Bank, Clydesdale Bank, Ulster Bank, Isle of Man Bank, Coutts, Bank Northern, National Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland, Abbey National, Halifax 与一些建筑资金融资合作社(Building Societies)。
银行帐户种类大致可分活期存款帐户(current account)和定期存款帐户(saving account) 两种。
若要提款则需提前九十天或三十天告知(亦有随时可以提款的instant access),否则要罚款,但利率较高。
学生帐户(student account)属活存帐户的一种,一般只有全时生(full-time student)有资格申请。
英国主要银行如:NatWest、Barclays、Lloyds、Midland、Bank of Scotland、Royal Bank of Scotland 和Halifax 都有学生帐户。
有的银行如Bank of Scotland、Royal Bank of Scotland 为吸引学生,特别提供优惠利率予全时生(分别是4.5%与3.5% ),可考虑利用。

英语阅读材料英国银行体系The Banking System in the United Kingdom英国的银行体系In the United Kingdom, financial institutions are categorized into two ma]or groups: the Recognized Banks and the Licensed Deposit Institutions. The criteria for each category are determined by the Bank of England~——the Central Bank. The Bank of England will consider the size of the institution, its management and also the number of participants who effectively direct the business, before decisions are made on the status of the financial institutions who apply for bank licenses in the United Kingdom.Let us look at the Recognized Banks.These banks provide a wide range of highly specialized banking services, according to the Banking Act 1979. "Recognized Banks" must satisfy the Bank of England of their high reputation and of their integrity, management and financial prudence. The wide range of services include: i. the acceptance of sight and time deposits); ii. loan and overdraft facilities; iii. foreign currency exchange and documentary credits and collections~; iv. financial advice for corporations and individuals; v. investment management and arrangements for the purchase and sale of securities.As for Licensed Deposits institutions, they only provide a limited range of services. The prime services are still based on the acceptance of deposits from the public although they are not required to satisfy the rules laid down for Recognized Banks. To obtain a license, the institution must satisfy the Bank of England's requirement that all directors, controllers or managers of the institution must be an appropriate and proper person to hold that position and to conduce banking business in a proper manner.Let us now look at the major types of financial intermediaries~ in the United Kingdom.To begin with, we shall examine the role of the Clearing Banks. These are the dominating financial intermediaries in retail banking business~ in the United Kingdom. They handle the clearing functions of banks, and are responsible for most of the country' s cash distribution and money transfer functions, which include cheque payment services and also electronic fund transfers, etc.; The retail branch network of these banks is extensive with over 10,000 branches all over the country.Another type of financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom are discount houses. Discount houses provide a primary channel through which the Bank of England operates in the discount market toimplement its monetary policy. Because of their easy access to the money market, discount houses act as market-maker in bills since they are the major underwriters of the weekly issuers of the Treasury bills of the Bank of England. Therefore, discount houses not only provide short-term funds for the government, they provide a channel for banks to adjust their portfolio holdings, i.e., their liquidity positions.The third type of financial intermediaries in the UK are the merchant banks~ and acceptance houses. Originally developed to handle businesses connection with trade, these merchant banks later expanded into foreign trade, foreign exchange and also bullion dealers. Many of the merchant banks are also acceptance houses. Indeed, their functions have now expanded considerably into major overseas operations, specializing in company financial advice, takeovers and mergers, underwritings which include the provision of additional capital through share floatation.Finally, we should look at foreign banks in England. As a major international financial centre, London has acted as a magnet to over 450 foreign banks, which have set up representative offices, branches, or subsidiary companies. Business focus on these foreign banks coverforeign currency dealings, international finance deals to foreign companies and governments, trade finance services to business.Notes1.The Recognized Banks 认可银行,在英国特指能够全面经营银行业务的银行。

1. 汇丰银行(HSBC Bank)汇丰是全球规模最大的银行及金融机构之一。
2. 劳埃德银行这是一家私营银行,是英国的四大私营银行之一,在英国与石油、钢铁、飞机、航运界关系密切,在国际上设有多家分支机构。
3. 国民西敏寺银行这是世界上最著名的银行之一,这家银行还开展信用卡业务,在中国有数千家分支,喜欢用信用卡的同学来他家办理英国留学银行开户还是不错的。
4. 苏格兰皇家银行这家银行是英国最大的银行,总部位于爱丁堡,其业务庞大,遍及世界各地。
5. 米兰银行米兰银行也是私营银行,业务广泛,是伦敦外汇市场主要经纪人。
6. 巴克莱银行巴克莱银行是位于汇丰银行和苏格兰皇家银行之后的英国第三大银行公司,是最大的商业银行之一,在英国设有2100多加分行。

国际著名银行中英文对照文案编辑词条B 添加义项?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。
基本信息中文名称文案外文名称Copy目录1发展历程2主要工作3分类构成4基本要求5工作范围6文案写法7实际应用折叠编辑本段发展历程汉字"文案"(wén àn)是指古代官衙中掌管档案、负责起草文书的幕友,亦指官署中的公文、书信等;在现代,文案的称呼主要用在商业领域,其意义与中国古代所说的文案是有区别的。
在中国古代,文案亦作" 文按"。
" 唐戴叔伦《答崔载华》诗:"文案日成堆,愁眉拽不开。
"《花月痕》第五一回:" 荷生觉得自己是替他掌文案。
"文案音译文案英文:copywriter、copy、copywriting文案拼音:wén àn现代文案的概念:文案来源于广告行业,是"广告文案"的简称,由copy writer翻译而来。

1.the Central Bank
Controlled by the government Ministry of Finance, the Bank of England for a government agency. Bank of England independence to express their own views on the financial sector has authority spokesman. In addition to the execution of banking supervision in accordance with the Banking Act, the Bank of England also bear ·the management functions of the financial markets. Bank of England to encourage industry self-regulation, in particular, played an important role in the insurance and securities business. In addition, the Bank of England also assumed management UK debt and foreign exchange reserves of the functions of management and functions of the Bank of the functions and the Government issued currency notes and minting the same time, the government's economic and monetary policy consultant.
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The Banking System in the United Kingdom英国的银行体系In the United Kingdom, financial institutions are categorized into two ma]or groups: the Recognized Banks and the Licensed Deposit Institutions. The criteria for each category are determined by the Bank of England~——the Central Bank. The Bank of England will consider the size of the institution, its management and also the number of participants who effectively direct the business, before decisions are made on the status of the financial institutions who apply for bank licenses in the United Kingdom.Let us look at the Recognized Banks.These banks provide a wide range of highly specialized banking services, according to the Banking Act 1979. "Recognized Banks" must satisfy the Bank of England of their high reputation and of their integrity, management and financial prudence. The wide range of services include: i. the acceptance of sight and time deposits); ii. loan and overdraft facilities; iii. foreign currency exchange and documentary credits and collections~; iv. financial advice for corporations and individuals; v. investment management and arrangements for the purchase and sale of securities.As for Licensed Deposits institutions, they only provide a limited range of services. The prime services are still based on the acceptance of deposits from the public although they are not required to satisfy the rules laid down for Recognized Banks. To obtain a license, the institution must satisfy the Bank of England's requirement that all directors, controllers or managers of the institution must be an appropriate and proper person to hold that position and to conduce banking business in a proper manner.Let us now look at the major types of financial intermediaries~ in the United Kingdom.To begin with, we shall examine the role of the Clearing Banks. These are the dominating financial intermediaries in retail banking business~ in the United Kingdom. They handle the clearing functions of banks, and are responsible for most of the country' s cash distribution and money transfer functions, which include cheque payment services and also electronic fund transfers, etc.; The retail branch network of these banks is extensive with over 10,000 branches all over the country.Another type of financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom are discount houses. Discount houses provide a primary channel through which the Bank of England operates in the discount market to implement its monetary policy. Because of their easy access to the money market, discount houses act as market-maker in bills since they are the major underwriters of the weekly issuers of the Treasury bills of the Bank of England. Therefore, discount houses not only provide short-term funds for the government, they provide a channel for banks to adjust their portfolio holdings, i.e., their liquidity positions.The third type of financial intermediaries in the UK are the merchant banks~ and acceptance houses. Originally developed to handle businesses connection with trade, these merchant banks later expanded into foreign trade, foreign exchange and also bullion dealers. Many of the merchantbanks are also acceptance houses. Indeed, their functions have now expanded considerably into major overseas operations, specializing in company financial advice, takeovers and mergers, underwritings which include the provision of additional capital through share floatation.Finally, we should look at foreign banks in England. As a major international financial centre, London has acted as a magnet to over 450 foreign banks, which have set up representative offices, branches, or subsidiary companies. Business focus on these foreign banks cover foreign currency dealings, international finance deals to foreign companies and governments, trade finance services to business.Notes1.The Recognized Banks 认可银行,在英国特指可以全面经营银行业务的银行。
2.The Licensed Deposit Banks 持牌存款银行,在英国特指一些业务范围受到一定限制,规模较小的银行机构。
3.The Bank of England 英格兰银行,英国的中央银行,创立于1694年,公认为全世界中央银行的鼻祖。
4.Sight and time deposits 活期和定期存款(参见Section 3)。
5.overdraft 透支,指银行客户在一定条件下和一定范围内可以超过自己帐户存款的余额用款,实为银行对客户的一种信贷便利。
6.collections 托收,指债权人委托银行向债务人收款的一种结算方式(参见Section 6)。
7.financial intermediaries 金融中介(机构),指作为放款者与借款者中间人的金融机构。
8.the Clearing Banks 清算银行,在英国是零售银行的主要组成部分,包括伦敦清算银行、苏格兰清算银行和北爱尔兰银行。