Food Act 1983An act to protect the public against health hazards and fraud in the preparation, sale and use of food, and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.(法律法规)马来西亚食品法规。
[Come into force 1-10-1985. P.U. (B) 446]BE IT ENACTED by the Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat in Parliament assem bled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:Arrangement of Sections:PART ISectionPRELIMINARY1. Short title, application and commencement.(法律法规)马来西亚食品法规。
2. Interpretation.PART IIADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT3. Appointment of analysts and authorised officers.4. Powers of authorised officers.5. Power to take sample.6. Procedure for taking sample.(法律法规)马来西亚食品法规。
7. Certificate for analyst.8. Power to call for information.9. Power of the Director General to obtain particulars of certain food ingredients.10. Director may order premises or appliances be put into clean and sanitary condition.11. Closure of insanitary premis es.12. Conviction publishe d in newspapers.PART IIIOFFENCES AND EVIDENCE13. Adulteration.(法律法规)马来西亚食品法规。
马来西亚食品法规1983 年颁布实施的食品法令是马来西亚的主要食物立法,而马来西亚1985年颁布实施的食品法规则是对它的补充和完善。
有关马来西亚食品法令(1983)和食品法规(1985)的具体内容,可查询马来西亚健康部的食品安全和质量局(Food Safety and Quality Division,Ministry of Health)的网站,其网址是:.my/fqc。
一、标签要求以下标签要求是马来西亚1985 年食品法规里的主要内容。
标签的详细特殊规定:1. 食品适当的指示或是对食品的描述要包括主要成分的名称。
2. 如果是多种成分混合食品,则必须说明包含的成分是混合的,且用以下格式将其联接说明:“mixed”(写入适当食品名称); 或是“blended”(写入适当食品名称)。
3. 如果食品里包含有牛肉、猪肉或是其派生物、猪油等,则必须用下列形式给予说明:“CONTAINS (包含牛肉、猪肉、其派生物、猪油等的情况)”,可以用其它文字说明。
1. 监管体系马来西亚的农食产品监管体系由多个部门共同协作实现,主要包括农业与食品工业部门(Department of Agriculture and Food Industries, DAFI)、食品安全与质量部门(Department of Food Safety and Quality, DFSQ)和卫生部门(Ministry of Health)。
此外,马来西亚还成立了国家农产品安全中心(National Agricultural Product Safety Center, NAPSC),该中心主要负责协调各个部门的工作,提高农食产品的安全水平,预防和控制农产品疫病和有害物质的污染。
2. 法规标准体系马来西亚的农食产品法规标准体系主要由《马来西亚食品法》(Malaysian Food Act),《马来西亚食品安全与品质管理法》(Malaysian Food Safety and Quality Management Act)等法律法规组成。
另外,马来西亚还通过实施ISO 22000等食品安全管理系统认证,来提高食品企业的管理水平和产品质量,确保食品安全,并且在对各类食品进行监测和控制时采取了一些严格的措施,如明确有害物质限量的标准等。
二、允许进境商品名称鲜食榴莲(以下简称榴莲),学名 Durio zibethinus Murr.,英文名Durian。
五、中方关注的检疫性有害生物名单1.新菠萝灰粉蚧Dysmicoccus neobrevipes2.大洋臀纹粉蚧Planococcus minor3.南洋臀纹粉蚧Planococcus lilacinus4.冬青吹绵蚧Icerya pulchra5.榴莲果核夜蛾Mudaria luteileprosa6.吹绵垒粉蚧Rastrococcus iceryoides7.可可花瘿病菌Albonectria rigidiuscula六、出口前管理(一)果园管理。
√ ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ√
2 4 质量要求 . 2 4 1 重金属 ( .. 见表 2 )
表 2 重 金属 限量要 求
9 销 售授 权 ( 品许 可证 ) 有人 产 持 名称 和地址
1 产 品 名称和 剂型 2 活 性成 分及 含量 3 成 分及 食用 量/ 防腐 剂用 量 ( 限液 体制 剂) 仅
√ V V √ √
4 动 物 源成 分 应声 称来 源 , 括胶 质 包 ( 性成 分 、辅料, 或 胶囊 壳) 活 和/ √ V 图 1 马来西 亚传 统药 物 注册流 程 图
胶 囊
3 i 0mn 10mn 2 i
2 5 1 功 能宣称 对 于不 同产 品, . . 可根据 产品特性 申请具体
的功 能及描述宣称, 以下列出 1 O个可 申请的功能范畴: 维持身
注 :崩 解 时限要 求仅 限片 剂 、胶 囊和 丸剂
2 1 年 1 月第 1 卷第 1 期 01 2 8 2
可跻 身马来人市场, 对于 中药产 品进入穆斯林人 群将 奠定 良好
的人 群基础 。马来西亚本 身也是一个草药资源丰富 的国家, 东 哥阿里等药材 已经为 当地人广泛使用在 药品或食 品中, 这就为 中草 药产 品的引入奠定了一定的基础 。 随着 2 1 0 0年 1月中国一 东盟 自由贸易区的启动, 国与东盟各 国间涉及 中药类商品的 我 关税大幅降低, 推动了中药贸易快速增长 。为此, 本文 就中草药 产 品在马来 西亚 的上 市途径及 相关法规技 术要求试 作论述 如 下。
马来西亚食品法规1983 年颁布实施的食品法令是马来西亚的主要食物立法,而马来西亚1985年颁布实施的食品法规则是对它的补充和完善。
有关马来西亚食品法令(1983)和食品法规(1985)的具体内容,可查询马来西亚健康部的食品安全和质量局(Food Safety and Quality Division,Ministry of Health)的网站,其网址是:.my/fqc。
一、标签要求以下标签要求是马来西亚1985 年食品法规里的主要内容。
标签的详细特殊规定:1. 食品适当的指示或是对食品的描述要包括主要成分的名称。
2. 如果是多种成分混合食品,则必须说明包含的成分是混合的,且用以下格式将其联接说明:“mixed”(写入适当食品名称); 或是“blended”(写入适当食品名称)。
3. 如果食品里包含有牛肉、猪肉或是其派生物、猪油等,则必须用下列形式给予说明:“CONTAINS (包含牛肉、猪肉、其派生物、猪油等的情况)”,可以用其它文字说明。
食品法规的分类根据相关法律规定,马来西亚食品法规可以分为以下几类:1. 食品安全法令食品安全法令是指国家为了保障食品安全和消费者权益而制定的法规。
2. 农业法令农业法令主要是针对农产品生产和销售进行规范管理的。
3. 贸易法令贸易法令是指为了调整和保障商品交易中各方的利益而制定的法规。
主要的要求包括:1. 注册和许可证要求所有在马来西亚生产、制造、进口和出口的食品都必须注册并获得相应的许可证。
2. 食品标签要求马来西亚法规规定,所有食品必须标明其品牌、名称、成分、生产商、净含量、保质期等信息。
3. 食品添加物使用限制马来西亚食品法规规定,食品添加物必须在注册后才能使用,并受到使用限制和数量限制。
4. 食品安全和质量要求马来西亚政府对食品的安全和质量要求非常高。
1. 马来西亚卫生部马来西亚卫生部是负责马来西亚食品法规制定和实施的机构之一。
2. 马来西亚食品法规在马来西亚,食品法规需要遵循法律法规,如食品法规1985年和化学药品和药物设备法律。
3. 马来西亚食品准则马来西亚食品准则是负责确保食品安全和品质的一个关键组成部分。
4. 食品标签和包装在马来西亚,食品标签和包装对食品质量和健康非常关键。
5. 马来西亚食品生产许可证在马来西亚,食品生产商需要获得许可证才能生产和销售食品。
二、马来西亚农食产品监管体系1. 监管机构马来西亚的农食产品监管体系主要由两个政府机构负责,分别是食品安全与品质局(FPSQ)和马来西亚卫生部。
2. 监管范围马来西亚的农食产品监管范围涵盖了从生产、加工、储存到销售的全过程。
3. 监管手段马来西亚的农食产品监管主要通过法律法规、技术标准和监督检查等手段来实施。
三、法规标准体系1. 食品安全法马来西亚的食品安全法是保障食品质量和安全的重要法律依据。
2. 技术标准马来西亚还制定了一系列的食品技术标准,用于规范食品的生产和质量控制。
3. 认证体系为了进一步提高食品的质量和安全水平,马来西亚还建立了食品认证体系,对符合要求的食品进行认证和标识,以给消费者提供可信赖的选择保障。
二、允许进境商品名称马来西亚木瓜(Carica papaya L.),英文名称为Papaya。
三、批准的热处理设施输华木瓜须在马来西亚检验检疫部门批准并经中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(AQSIQ)认可的以下热水处理设施进行热水处理:(一)Wonderful Platform Sdn.Bhd.,No.5,jalan SS 13/3B,Subang Light Industrial Park,Section 13,47500 Subang Java,Selangor,Malaysia.(二)Exotic Star (M) Sdn.Bhd.,No.17-18,Jalan SC4,Pusat Perindustrian Sg.Chua,43000 Kajang,Selangor,Malaysia.(三)Cheong Kin Trading.,54,Tsmsn Pelangi Jalan 6,36700 Langkap,Perak,Malaysia.四、关注的检疫性有害生物名单木瓜实蝇(Bactrocera papayae)等中国禁止进境的检疫性实蝇及中方关注的其他检疫性有害生物。
马来西亚农食产品监管体系及法规标准体系研究1. 农业和农基工业部马来西亚农业和农基工业部(Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry,简称MOA)是负责管理马来西亚农业、渔业、畜牧业和土地资源领域的政府部门。
2. 马来西亚食品安全局马来西亚食品安全局(Food Safety and Quality Division,简称FSQD)属于马来西亚卫生部下属机构,是负责监督和控制马来西亚食品安全和卫生标准的机构。
3. 马来西亚农产品质量管理局马来西亚农产品质量管理局(Malaysian Agricultural Quality Control Agency,简称MAQCA)是负责监督和管理农产品质量的机构,其职责包括:制定和执行农产品质量认证制度、监督和管理农产品生产加工等环节的卫生、安全和质量标准、对生产、出口和进口的农产品进行质量检测和检验等。
1. 食品安全标准法令《马来西亚食品安全法令》(Food Safety Regulations)是农食产品监管和管理的基本法律和法规。
2. 食品检验马来西亚政府制定了多项法令来保障农食产品的质量和安全。
例如《马来西亚食品检验法令》(Food Inspection Regulations)规定了食品检验的流程和标准,实施食品卫生和安全检测,以防止有害细菌和病毒对食品卫生和安全造成威胁。
马来西亚国家标准局制定了《农业和食品产品质量及安全管理体系》(MS 2720-1)标准,对农食产品的生产、加工、质量和安全进行了规范。
Food Act 1983An act to protect the public against health hazards and fraud in the preparation, sale and use of food, and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.[Come into force 1-10-1985. P.U. (B) 446]BE IT ENACTED by the Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:Arrangement of Sections:PART ISectionPRELIMINARY1. Short title, application and commencement.2. Interpretation.PART IIADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT3. Appointment of analysts and authorised officers.4. Powers of authorised officers.5. Power to take sample.6. Procedure for taking sample.7. Certificate for analyst.8. Power to call for information.9. Power of the Director General to obtain particulars of certain food ingredients.10. Director may order premises or appliances be put into clean and sanitary condition.11. Closure of insanitary premises.12. Conviction published in newspapers.PART IIIOFFENCES AND EVIDENCE13. Adulteration.14. Prohibition against the sale of food not of the nature, substance or quality demanded.15. Labelling, etc., not complying with standard of food.16. False labelling, etc.17. Advertisement.18. Power of court to order licence to be cancelled and food to be disposed of.19. Prosecutions.20. Certificate of analyst to be prima facie evidence.21. Court may order independent analysis.22. Presumption of sale, etc.23. No defence that offence not wilfully committed.24. Sales, etc., by agent or servant.25. Presumption for human consumption.26. Non-disclosure of information.27. Manufacturing process and trade secret.28. Liability of importer, manufacturer or packer.IMPORTATION, WARRANTY AND DEFENCES29. Importation.30. Warranty.31. Reliance on written warranty a good defence.32. Penalty for false warranty.PART VMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS33. Power to compound.34. Power to make regulations.35. Repeal and savings.36. Extended application of Act.PRELIMINARYSection 1 - Short Title, Application and Commencement(1) This Act may be cited as the Food Act 1983 and shall apply throughout Malaysia.(2) This Act shall come into force on such date as the Minister may notification in the Gazette appoint and the Minister may appoint different dates for the coming into force of this Act for different States in Malaysia or for different provisions of this Act.Section 2 - InterpretationIn this Act, unless the context otherwise requires -"advertisement" includes any representation by any means whatsoever for the purposes of promoting directly or indirectly the sale or other disposal of any food;"analyst" means any analyst appointed under section 3;"animal" includes any quadruped or bird either domesticated or otherwise, fish, reptile or insect; whole or part of which are used for human consumption;"appliance" includes the whole or any part of any utensil, machinery, instrument, apparatus, or article used or intended for use, in or for the making, preparing, keeping, selling or supplying of any food;"approved laboratory" means any laboratory approved by the Minister;"authorised officer" means any medical officer of health or any health inspector of the Ministry of Health or of any local. authority, or any suitably qualified person, appointed by the Minister to be an authorised officer under section 3;"Director" means the Director of Health Services of the Ministry of Health;"Director General" means the Director General of Health of the Ministry of Health;"entertainment" includes any social or other form of gathering, amusement, festival, exhibition, performance, game, competition, sport or trial. of skill;"food" includes every article manufactured, sold or represented for use as food or drink for human consumption or which enters into or is used in the composition, preparation, preservation, of any food or drink and includes confectionery, chewing substances and any ingredient of such food, drink, confectionery or chewing substances;"import" means to bring or cause to be brought into Malaysia by land, water or air for the purpose of sale from any place outside Malaysia but does not include the bringing into Malaysia of any food which it is proved is intended to be taken out of Malaysia on the same vehicle, vessel, or aircraft on which such food was brought into Malaysia without any transhipment or landing;"importer" includes any person who, whether as owner, consignor, consignee, agent or broker, is in possession of, or is otherwise entitled to the custody or control, of the imported food;"label" includes any tag, brand, mark, pictorial or other descriptive matter, written, printed, stencilled, marked, painted, embossed or impressed on, or attached to or included in, belonging to, or accompanying any food;"medical examination" includes physical, microbiological, chemical, serological. and radiological examination, and such examination may include the taking of specimen of any body fluid, tissue or waste product for examination or analysis;"package" includes anything in which or any means by which food is wholly or partly cased, covered, enclosed, contained, placed or otherwise packed in any way whatsoever and includes any basket, pail, tray or receptacle of any kind whether opened or closed;"premises" includes -(a) any building or tent or any other structure, permanent or otherwise together with the land on which the building, tent or other structure is situated and any adjoining land used in connection therewith and any vehicle, conveyance, vessel or aircraft; and(b) for the purposes of section 4 any street, open space or place of public resort or bicycle or any vehicle used for or in connection with the preparation, preservation, packaging, storage, conveyance, distribution or sale of any food;"preparation" includes manufacture, processing and any form of treatment;"seal" includes the detention. in bulk. of any food, a sample of which has been taken for analysis, pending the result of the analysis;"sell" includes offer, keep, expose for sale, transmit, convey, deliver or prepare for sale or exchange, dispose of for any consideration whatsoever, or transmit, convey or deliver in pursuance of such sale, exchange, or disposal;"vegetable substance" means any plant or part of a plant, and includes the stern, root, bark, tuber, rhizome, leaf, stalk, inflorescene, bud, shoot, flowers, fruit and seed, or an extract thereof.PART IIADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENTSection 3 - Appointment of Analysts and Authorised Officers(1) The Minister may appoint such number of analysts as he may consider necessary for the purposes of this Act and may make regulations concerning their qualifications, conduct and duties, and shall prepare or cause to be prepared a list of appointed analysts and revise it as the circumstances may require.(2) The Minister may appoint such number of authorised officers as he may consider necessary for the purpose of this Act and every authorised officer shall be issued with a Certificate of Authorisation which certificate shall in any legal proceedings under this Act be admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts so certified.(3) The Minister may, in relation to any matter which appears to him to affect the general interests of the consumer, authorise any public officer to procure for analysis samples of any food, and thereupon that officer shall have all the powers of an authorised officer under this Act, and this Act shall apply as if the officer was an authorised officer.(4) The analysts and authorised officers appointed under this section shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of the Penal Code.Section 4 - Power of Authorised Officer(1) An authorised officer may, at any hour reasonable for the proper and better performance of his duty-(a) enter any premises where he believes any food to which this Act applies is prepared, preserved, packaged, stored, conveyed, distributed or sold, examine any such food and take samples thereof, and examine anything that he believes is used, or capable of being used for such preparation, preservation, packaging, storing, conveying, distribution or sale;(b) stop, search or detain any aircraft, ship or vehicle in which he believes on reasonable grounds that any food to which this Act applies is being conveyed and examine any such food and take samples thereof for the purposes of this Act;(c) open and examine any package which he believes contains any food to which this Act applies;(d) examine any books, documents or other records found in any premises mentioned in paragraph (a) that he believes contain any information relevant to the enforcement of this Act with respect to any food to which this Act applies and make copies thereof or take extracts there from;(e) demand the production of the National Registration Identity Card, the Business Registration Certificate or any other relevant document which the authorised officer may require;(f) seize and detain for such time as may be necessary any food by means of or in relation to which he believes any provision of this Act has been contravened; or(g) mark, seal or otherwise secure, weigh, count or measure any food or appliance, the preparation, preservation, packaging, storage, conveyance, distribution or sale of which is or appears to be contrary to this Act.(2) An authorised officer acting under this section shall, if so required, produce his Certificate of Authorisation.(3) Any owner, occupier or person in charge of any premises entered by any authorised officer pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (1), or any person found therein, who does not give to the authorised officer all reasonable assistance in his power or furnish him with all the information as he may reasonably require, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to fine or to both.(4) Any person who obstructs or impedes any authorised officer in the course of his duty or prevents or attempts to prevent the execution by the authorised officer of his duty commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to fine or to both.(5) An authorised officer may arrest without warrant any person whom he has reason to believe to have committed an offence under this Act or any regulation made thereunder if the person fails to furnish his name and address or there are reasonable grounds for believing that he has furnished a false name or address or that he is likely to abscond:Provided that when any person has been arrested as aforesaid he shall thereafter be dealt with as provided by the Criminal Procedure Code.(6) Any person who knowingly makes any false or misleading statement either verbally or in writing to any officer engaged in carrying out his duty commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to fine or to both.(7) An authorised officer shall release any food seized by him when he is satisfied that all the provisions of the Act with respect to it have been complied.(8) Where an authorised officer has seized any food and the owner or the person in whose possession the food was at the time of seizure consents in writing to its destruction, the food may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the authorised officer may direct and if the owner or the person does not consent to the destruction of the food, the authorised officer may apply to a court for the destruction or disposal of the food and the court may make an order as it may deem fit, notwithstanding that the owner or the person has not been convicted of any offence in connection with the food.(9) Where an authorised officer has seized any food which is perishable in nature and the owner or the person in whose possession the food was at the time of seizure does not consent in writing to its destruction, the responsibility for the proper storage of such food so as to prevent it from deterioration, spoilage, damage or theft, pending judgement by the court, lies with the owner or such person.(10) Where any food has been seized and detained under paragraph (f) of subsection (1) and the owner thereof has been convicted of an offence the food may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the court may direct.(11) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section an authorised officer may destroy any food wherever found which is declayed, putrefied or injurious to health or food the importation of which is prohibited or food which is surrendered by the owner for destruction on payment by him of reasonable charges.(12) Any person who removes, alters or interferes in any way with any food seized or sealed under this Act without the authority of an authorised officer commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or fine or to both.(13) Any food seized may at the option of an authorised officer be kept or stored in the premises where it was seized or may at the direction of an authorised officer be removed to any other proper place.(14) An authorised officer may submit any food seized by him or any sample from it or any other sample taken by him to any approved laboratory for analysis or examination.(15) Any authorised officer may appear in court and conduct any prosecution in respect of any offence against this Act.Section 5 - Power To Take Sample(1) On payment or tender to any person selling food or to his agent or servant, of the current market value of the food, any authorised officer may at any place demand and select and take or obtain samples of the food for the purpose of analysis.(2) An authorised officer may at any place demand and select and take or obtain samples for the purpose of analysis without payment from any manufacturer making food for sale or from any importer of any food or from his agent or servant.(3) Any such authorised officer may require the person or his agent or servant to show and permit the inspection of the package in which such food is at the time kept and to take therefrom the samples demanded.(4) Where any food is kept for retail sale in an unopened package, no person shall be required by any authorised officer to sell less than the whole of the contents of such package.(5) Any person who refuses or neglects to comply with any demand or requisition made by an authorised officer in pursuance of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to fine or to both.Section 6 - Procedure For Taking Sample(1) Where it is intended to submit any sample of any food for analysis the authorized officer purchasing or otherwise procuring the sample shall inform the seller or his agent or servant selling the food that he intends to have the sample analysed by any analyst.(2) The procedure for taking and dealing with the samples shall be as prescribed by regulations.Section 7 - Certificate of Analyst(1) The certificate of the analyst shall be in the form as prescribed by regulations.(2) Where any method of analysis has been prescribed by regulations for the analysis of any food, the analyst shall follow, and in his certificate of analysis declare that he was followed, the prescribed method.(3) A copy of the result of any analysis of any food procured by authorized officer may be obtained from the analyst by the person from whom the food so analysed was purchased or obtained on payment of such fee as may be prescribed.(4) No copy of the result of any analysis made under this Act or any reproduction thereof shall be displayed or used as an advertisement and if any person so displays or uses such copy or reproduction he commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to fine or to both.Section 8 - Power To Call For Information(1) If any authorized officer is of the opinion that there is reasonable ground for suspecting that any person is in possession of any food or other substance of any appliance for the purpose of or in connection with the preparation, preservation, packaging, storage, conveyance, distribution or sale of food in breach of any of the provisions of this Act or any regulations made thereunder he may require such person to produce for his inspection any book, documents or other records or any other information relating to the reception, possession, purchase, sale or delivery of such food or other substance or any appliance.(2) Any authorized officer mentioned in subsection (1) may make or cause to be made copies of or extracts from any such book, documents or records, or any other information and such copies or extracts certified as such by such authorized officer shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to be true and correct copies or extracts.(3) Any person who refuses or neglects to comply with any requisition made in pursuance of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to fine or to both.(4) Any authorized officer who -(a) does not maintain the secrecy of all matters which come to his knowledge in the performance of his official duties under this section; or(b) communicates any such matter to any person whomsoever for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act,commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to fine or to both.Section 9 - Power of the Director General to Obtain Particulars of Certain Food Ingredients(1) The Director General may after obtaining an approval in writing from the Minister direct any person who at the date of the direction or at any subsequent time carries on a business which includes the production, importation or use of any substance to which this Act applies to furnish to him, within such time as may be specified in such direction, such particulars as may be specified, of the composition and use of any such substance sold or for sale in the course of that business or used in the preparation of food.(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a direction made thereunder may require the following particulars to be furnished in respect of any substance, that is to say --(a) particulars of the composition and chemical formula of the substance;(b) particulars of the manner in which the substance is used or proposed to be used in the preparation of food;(c) particulars of any investigation carried out by or to the knowledge of the person carrying on the business in question, for the purpose of determining whether and to what extent the substance, or any product formed when the substance is used as aforesaid, is injurious to, or in any other way affects, health;(d) particulars of any investigation or enquiries carry out by or to the knowledge of the person carrying on the business in question, for the purposes of determining the cumulative effect on the health of a person consuming the substance in ordinary quantities.(3) No particulars furnished in accordance with a direction under this section and no information relating to any individual business obtained by means of such particulars shall, without the previous consent in writing of the person carrying on the business in question, be disclosed except in due discharge of his duties under this Act, and any person who discloses any such particulars of information in contravention of this subsection commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to fine or to both.Section 10 - Director May Order Premises or Appliances Be Put into Clean and Sanitary Condition(1) Where the Director or an officer authorised by him in this particular respect is satisfied, by his own inspection or the report of an authorised officer that any premises used for or in connection with the preparation, preservation, packaging, storage, conveyance, distribution or sale of food, or any appliance used for or in connection with any of such purposes is in a condition that falls to comply with the sanitary and hygienic requirements as may be specified in the regulations he may, by instrument in writing served on the proprietor, owner or occupier of such premises or the proprietor or owner of such appliance, order that the premises or appliance be put into a clean and sanitary condition to the satisfaction of an authorised officer within a period specified in the instrument.(2) If after the expiration of that period, the Director or an officer authorised by him in this particular respect is not satisfied that the premises or appliance to which the order relates has been put into a condition that complies with the hygienic and sanitary requirements the Director or the officer may, by instrument in writing, served on the proprietor, owner or occupier of the premises or the proprietor or owner of the appliance, as the case may be, order that -(a) the premises shall not be kept for the preparation, preservation, packaging, storage or sale or, in the case of a vehicle, for the conveyance, distribution or sale of any food; and(b) the appliance shall not be used in or for the preparation, preservation, packaging, handling, supplying, or serving of any food,until an authorised officer has given or otherwise deemed to have given to the proprietor, owner or occupier of the premises or the proprietor or owner of the appliance, as the case may be, a certificate in writing that the premises or appliance has been put into a condition which complies with the hygienic and sanitary requirements.(3) The proprietor, owner or occupier of any premises or the proprietor or owner of any appliance on whom an order under subsection (2) is served may at any time after the order has been served request, in writing, the Director or an officer authorised by him in this particular respect to cause the premises or appliance to be inspected by an authorised officer at a place specified in the request.(4) Where a request is so made, an authorise'd officer shall inspect the premises or appliance to which the request relates within a period of seven days after the receipt of the request by the Director or the officer authorised by him in this particular respect, and the authorised officer making the inspection shall if he is satisfied that the premises or appliance has been put in a condition that complies with the hygienic and sanitary requirements, give to the proprietor, owner or occupier of the premises or the proprietor or owner of the appliance, a certificate to that effect.(5) Where a request is so made and the premises or appliance is not inspected by an authorised officer within a period of 'seven days after that- receipt of the request by the Director or the officer authorised by him in this particular respect, a certificate in respect of the premises or appliance shall be deemed to have been given to the proprietor, owner or occupier of the premises or the proprietor or owner of the appliance.(6) Where an order under subsection (2) has been served on the proprietor, owner or occupier of any premises, or the proprietor or owner of any appliance and a certificate in respect thereof has not subsequently been given or has not otherwise been deemed to have been given any person who -(a) keeps or uses the premises or any part of the premises for the preparation, preservation, packaging, storage or sale or in the case of a vehicle, for the conveyance, distribution or sale of any food; or(b) uses the appliance in or for the preparation, preservation, packaging, handling, supplying or serving of any food,commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to fine or to both.Section 11 - Closure of Insanitary PremisesThe Director or an officer authorised by him in this particular respect may in writing order the closure forthwith not exceeding fourteen days of any premises preparing or selling food where the Director or the officer authorised by him in this particular respect is of the opinion that such premises is in a condition that fails to comply with the sanitary and hygienic requirements and such that it is likely to be hazardous to health, and the proprietor, owner or occupier of the premises who fails to comply with the order commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to fine or to both.Section 12 - Conviction Published in NewspapersA notification of the name and occupation of any person who has been convicted of any offence against this Act or any regulation made thereunder together with his place or places of business, the nature of the offence and the fine, forfeiture, or other penalty inflicted shall, if the court so orders, be published in any newspaper circulating in Malaysia or in any part thereof, and the court shall further order the person convicted to pay the cost of such publication and such cost shall be treated as if it was a fine imposed by such court.PART IIIOFFENCES AND EVIDENCESection 13 - Adulteration(1) Any person who prepares or sells any food that -(a) has in or upon it any substance which is poisonous, harmful or otherwise injurious to health;(b) consists in whole or in part of any diseased substance or foreign matter, or is otherwise unfit for human consumption;(c) is the product of a diseased animal or an animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter;(d) is the product of a diseased vegetable substance; or(e) is adulterated,commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to fine or to both.(2) In determining for the purpose of this section whether any food is injurious to health, regard shall be had not only to the probable effect of that food on the health of a personconsuming it, but also to the probable cumulative effect of the food of substantially the same composition on the health of a person consuming the food in ordinary quantities.(3) For the purposes of and without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) any food shall be deemed to be adulterated if -(a) it contains or is mixed or diluted with any substance which diminishes in any manner its nutritive or other beneficial properties as compared with such food in a pure, normal or specified state and in an undeteriorated and sound condition or which in any other manner operates or may operate to the prejudice or disadvantage of the purchaser or consumer;(b) any substance or ingredient has been extracted, wholly or in part or omitted therefrom and by reason of such extraction or omission, the nutritive or other beneficial properties of the food are less than those of the food in its specified state, or the food operates or may operate to the prejudice or disadvantage of the purchaser or consumer;(c) it contains or is mixed or diluted with any substance of lower commercial value than such food in a pure, normal or specified state and in an undeteriorated and sound condition;(d) it contains any substance the addition of which is not permitted by or under this Act;(e) it contains a greater proportion of any substance than is permitted;(f) it does not comply with the standard or specification prescribed by any regulation made under this Act;(g) it is mixed, coloured, powdered, coated, stained, prepared or otherwise treated in a manner whereby damage or inferiority may be concealed;(h) it consists wholly or in part of a filthy, decomposed or putrid animal or vegetable substance or mineral or other substance or of any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not;(i) it is contaminated or deteriorated or perished or diseased;(j) it is in a sealed package form and the package is damaged and can no longer ensure protection to its contents from contamination or deterioration; or(k) it is in any package, and the contents of the package as originally packed have been removed in whole or in a part and other contents have been placed in the package.Section 14 -Prohibition Against Sale of Food not of the Nature, Substance or Quality Demanded(1) Any person who sells any food which is not of the nature, or is not of the substance, or is not of the quality (as specified under this Act and any regulation made thereunder) of the food demanded by the purchaser, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to fine or to both.(2) Where regulations made under this Act contain provisions prescribing the standard of any food or the composition of, or prohibiting or restricting the addition of, any substance to any food, a purchaser of the food shall, unless the contrary be proved, be deemed for the purpose of this section to have demanded food complying with the provisions of such regulations.。
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马来西亚食品法规1983 年颁布实施的食品法令是马来西亚的主要食物立法,而马来西亚1985年颁布实施的食品法规则是对它的补充和完善。
有关马来西亚食品法令(1983)和食品法规(1985)的具体内容,可查询马来西亚健康部的食品安全和质量局(Food Safety and Quality Division,Ministry of Health)的网站,其网址是:.my/fqc。
一、标签要求以下标签要求是马来西亚1985 年食品法规里的主要内容。
标签的详细特殊规定:1. 食品适当的指示或是对食品的描述要包括主要成分的名称。
2. 如果是多种成分混合食品,则必须说明包含的成分是混合的,且用以下格式将其联接说明:“mixed”(写入适当食品名称); 或是“blended”(写入适当食品名称)。
3. 如果食品里包含有牛肉、猪肉或是其派生物、猪油等,则必须用下列形式给予说明:“CONTAINS (包含牛肉、猪肉、其派生物、猪油等的情况)”,可以用其它文字说明。
4. 如果含有酒精,则使用大写、粗体、无截线,不小于6号的字体:“CONTAINSALCOHOL”,或是用其他文字说明,但要标于食品名称的下面。
5. 如果食品包括两种或更多种成分的,除了水,食品添加剂和营养补充成分,对于其他成分根据所含比例按降序排列且用适当指定名称注明,如果需要,可标出这些成分所占比例多少。
6. 如果含有食品添加剂,则应该用以下格式说明:“contains permitted (相关的食品添加剂) ”。
7. 注明最小净重、体积或包装容量:如果在食品中,食品是注满液体的食品,则应注明无液体时食品的最小重量。
10. 对于以上标签的详细特殊要求应该在标签的显著位置注明。
11. 以下几种情况标签可以放在包装里面:·包装材料是由透明材料制成,·所包装的食品不是直接被食用的,或是要被消费但食品有天然的外壳、豆荚或是内部独立包装,保证食品不会与标签直接接触,12. 如果被贴标签的包裹很小以至于无法达到所要求的字体大小,那么也可以使用小号字体但必须保证能够达到同样的效果,并且无论在何种情况下字体不能小于2号字。
13. 标签上所有文字与其背景要有鲜明对比,能够清晰可辨。
(二)关于日期的标注1. 关于食品包装上日期的标注需要用显著不变的记号,浮雕于包装袋上或是在包装的标签上。
下面对两种标注加以说明:·终止日期,即失效日期(expiry date)是指食品在按照标签所述的正确贮存方式保存下,所能食用的最后期限,超过这一日期将不再保证其质量。
·最短适用日期,即保质期(date of minimum durability)指包装食品在标签指明的贮存条件下,保持品质的期限。
2. 日期标识必须清晰、不会被误解并且能被消费者容易识别,而批量鉴定的编码形式不能成为日期标识。
3. 日期标识可以由以下指定几种方式中任何一种表达:“EXPIRY DATE or EXP DA TE (有效期限至:日/ 月/ 年或是月/ 年)”“USE BY(在......使用,此处加入日期:日/ 月/ 年或是月/ 年)”“CONSUME BY or CONS BY (在......消费,此处加入日期:日/ 月/ 年或是月/年)”“BEST BEFORE or BEST BEF (最好在......之前,此处加入日期:日/ 月/年或是月/ 年)”4. 食品日期标识是根据产品的贮存方式、方法而使其达到日期标识的真正作用。
5 . 此法规要求日期标识的字体用粗体大写字母、无截线且不小于6 号字体。
(三)营养标签规定的内容及要求2003 年3 月,马来西亚对食品法规(1985年版)进行了修订,规定自2004年3月1日起谷物制品等七大类食品必须加贴营养标签方可在市场上销售,成为继美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和日本之后第六个实施强制性营养标签制度的国家。
法规的主要内容:1. 适用范围马来西亚食品法规第IV部分规定,谷物制品及面包,乳制品,糖制品,罐装肉、鱼及蔬菜,罐装水果及果汁,色拉调料及蛋黄酱,软饮料等七大类预包装食品及在标签上做营养声明的其他食品必须标注营养信息,其他食品可按同样内容和格式自愿标注。
2. 强制标注的项目营养标签上必须分别以每100g(mL)及每餐份量为基础标注热量、碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪含量,可直接饮用的饮料还必须标注糖份含量。
3. 自愿标注的项目可自愿标注维生素和矿物质、膳食纤维、钠、胆固醇、脂肪酸、水分和灰分含量。
4. 计量单位及换算系数热量单位使用kcal或kJ,或同时使用;蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、糖分、膳食纤维、脂肪酸计量单位使用g(低于0.05g 时可标注为0 ,但不能省略) 。
标签数据的来源可以通过下列两种方法得到营养素含量值:(1) 由马来西亚政府机构认可的实验室,采用公认的分析方法(如AOAC)对样品进行检测得到的数据。
(2) 按产品配方,利用“马来西亚食品成分数据库”进行计算得出的数据。
营养声明法规有条件地允许在标签上做4种形式的营养声明:(1) 营养素含量声明(Nutrient content claim):以“富含”、“不含”、“高”、“低”等词语声明食品中营养素的含量水平。
(2) 营养素含量比较声明(Nutrient comparative claim):定量地声明食品中某营养素或热量与类似食品存在显著差异。
(3) 营养素功能声明(Nutrient function claim):声明某营养素对生长、发育及维持正常生理功能的作用。
(4) 营养强化声明(Claim for enrichment):声明食品中添加了某(些)特定营养素。
允许做功能声明的营养素有:钙,蛋白质,铁,维生素D、B1、B2、B12 、C ,叶酸,烟酸和镁。
法规第IV部分第18A至18D条款对营养声明的使用条件做了明确而严格的规定,如对于固态食品,仅当100g产品中钙含量达到NRV 值的15%以上时方可声明产品为“钙源”( sourceof calcium) 及"钙有助于骨骼和牙齿的生长"。
禁止以下形式的声明或暗示:(1) 某食品能充分地提供所有营养素。
(2) 平衡膳食不能满足人体对所有营养素的需求。
(3) 某食品能防治疾病或调节生理功能。
(4) 无法验证的声明。
(5) 引起消费者对类似产品安全性产生怀疑的声明。
(6) 引发消费恐慌的声明。
(四)标签上禁止出现的问题1. 在食品包装上或与食品包装在一起的描述性资料上不应该有与食品标签相矛盾的,或对食品标签有限定修改作用的评论,介绍或说明。
2. 涉及到食品的等级、质量以及是否优质等相关方面文字不应出现在任何包装的标签上,但得到相关权威部门认证的质量等级,符合标准的可以在标签上有所描述。
3. 任何标签都不可使用“pure”及相近词义的词语,除了以下情况:如果食品的浓度、纯度及质量符合法规的标准,在加工食品过程中从附加物质中提纯,并且在此法规中关于这种食品没有"禁止这种食品含有"之类的约束条件,那么可以用以上表达方式。
4. 食品可以包括“混合的(compounded)”“加药物的(medicated)”“滋补的(tonic)”“健康的(health)”或是其他相同意思的词语。
5. 如果食品中没有包含牛肉、猪肉及其制品、猪油或含有酒精,或法规中禁止的任何食品添加剂和营养补充物,在描述食品时,标签中不需再说明。
6. 可采用图形表示法及设计达到的目的,如食品的使用方法、建议如何使用等,当然这种方法不能引起误解和带有欺骗性,而且要用不小于6号字体的标识“RECIPE”或是“SERVINGSUGGUSTION”或其他同义词。
7. 关于标签的要求:·在没有误导消费者的前提下,食品标签中可以强调缺少或没有附加某些特殊物质: —这种物质不是这一食品规定所特别要求的—而是消费者正常期望在食品中得到的—而且这种特殊物质没有被另外的具有同等性质的替代物所替代·要求突出显示食品里没有或无一种、几种营养成分·营养要求必须包括以下几部分:—营养成分要求—营养对比要求—营养功能要求—浓缩、食品强化等说明二、对食品添加剂的规定由于生活习惯不同,世界各国对食品添加剂的定义也不尽相同,联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合食品法典委员会对食品添加剂定义为:食品添加剂是有意识地一般以少量添加于食品,以改善食品的外观、风味、组织结构或贮存性质的非营养物质。