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[ 2010-6-28 13:34:00 | By: 张开佩 ]


Teaching Plan For The Simple Past Tense


Students will be able to comprehend the usage of the Simple Past Te nse.

Students will be able to comprehend the single past of regular and irregular verbs and use them correctly.

Students will be able to comprehend the sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense and use them correctly.

Students will be able to talk about their daily activities by using the Simple Past Tense.

Students will be able to write an article by using the Simple Past Tense.


Step1. Lead-in

The teacher talks with the students about the day, the weather, the weekend by using was ,were ,did… Eg: What’s the weather like toda y? What was the weather like yesterday? Were you at school yesterday? H ow was your last weekend? What did you do ?...


Step2. Talk about your last weekend

1) Ask the students to talk about their last weekend in pairs by us ing the similar conversations like the following.

-- Excuse me, … How was your last weekend?

-- It was boring.

-- Really! What did you do ?

-- I stayed at home and did my homework.

What about you? Did you have a relaxing weekend?

-- Yes, I d id. / No, I didn’t. I had a very busy weekend.

-- What did you do?

-- Well. On Saturday morning I…

设计意图:让学生在谈论自己的周末活动中运用一般过去时的几个基本句型H ow was your last weekend? What did you do ? Did you…Yes, I did. / N o, I didn’t.

2) Choose some pairs to show their conversations.


3) Ask other students to retell what their classmates did last week end.

Eg: …had a boring weekend. He just stayed at home and did his home work. …had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning she…



Step3. Grammar Focus

T: Just know you talked about your last weekend. During your talk, you use the Simple Past Tense. Do you know the Simple Past Tense?

1) Get the students to recall the usage of the Simple Past Tense.

2) Ask the students to say the general way of judging the Simple Pa st Tense.

Show the words and the phrases like yesterday/ … last night/… two days ago /… in 1990/… just now…

3) Ask the students to translate the sentences.

我昨天早上6:30起床。(I got up at 6:30 yesterday morning.)

他妈妈上星期上班晚。(His mother went to work late last week.)


Step4. Helen’s Last Weekend

1) Ask the students to fill the blanks with the correct forms accor ding to the context.

Helen ______(is) busy last weekend. On Saturday morning she _____ (get) up at 6:00 o’clock. She _____(go) to school by bike. She _____ __(work) all day at school. On Saturday night she ______(stay) at hom e and ______(study) with her son in Xinqi. But on Sunday she _____(l ive) in Honglian. She was so tired that she _______ (stop) doing anyt hing and _______(relax) herself all the morning. In the afternoon, Sh e ______(write) something for her English lesson. On Sunday night, sh

e ______(have) to work and _____(sleep) late.

2) Ask the students to find the regular verbs and the irregular ver bs in the article above first, and then ask them to conclude the rule s of regular verbs and irregular verbs.


The rules of regular verbs : ① stayed,relaxed,一般在动词原形末尾加-ed;②lived,结尾是e的动词加-d;③stopped,结尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,双写该辅音字母,加-ed;④studied,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y 为i加-ed;Stayed,以元音字母结尾的动词,直接加-ed。

设计意图:让学生通过观察动词的形式变化归纳一般过去时动词的变化规则。Irregular verbs : is–was get–got go– went write–wrote have –had sleep – slept

Show more irregular verbs and ask the students to tell the past ten se of these verbs.

run–ran sit–sat begin–began drink–drank swim–swam sing–sang
