
Globalization Ethnocentrism parochialism
Right or Rowing
企业已经缴纳教育附加税,因而没有义 务再资助办学。 援助灾民是企业的社会责任,因此,每 一个企业都必须进行赈灾活动。 在香烟外盒写上“吸烟有害健康”是毫 无意义的,因此是没有必要的。 既然政府的规定是50%,宝洁公司就没有 必要承诺100%的使用再循环包装纸。
Fundamentals of management
Chapter 1
manager and management
Discussion 讨论
1961年,日本松下公司的山田电器厂遇 到了一个开关质量难题。实际上,这个 开关的装配操作很简单:从装有许多弹 簧的盒内每次取出两个装入开关,再装 上按钮。让山田厂长困惑的是,无论采 取什么质量管理方法,都不能使工人避 免偶尔忘记装入弹簧。 你能帮助山田厂长解决这个难题吗?
全球汽车 配件部
全球 工业部
全球仪器 产品部
全球原料 采购部
全球卡车 配件部
国际执行委员会 业务领域 变压器 运输 德国 挪威 阿根廷/巴西 西班牙/葡萄牙
董事长/首席架构师:比尔•盖茨 CEO/总裁:史蒂夫•鲍尔默 营运和 后勤部 产品部门 全球销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲产品 部门 微软在 中国的 机构 微软中国研究 开发中心
Decisional 决策

• Omnipotent View of Management - the view that managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure. • Symbolic view of Management - the view that much of an organization’s success or failure is due to external forces outside managers’ control.
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
• Organization founder
• Vision and mission • Past practices
• Top management behavior • Socialization - The process that helps employees adapt to the organization’s culture.
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Exhibit 2-4: Organizational Stakeholders
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
• Organization founder
• Vision and mission • Past practices
• Top management behavior • Socialization - The process that helps employees adapt to the organization’s culture.
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Exhibit 2-4: Organizational Stakeholders
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
chapter 08 Leadership 《管理学》(双语)课程课件

- Example: awarding pay raises or providing verbal praise for good performance.
➢Effective managers use reward power to signal to employees that they are doing a good job.
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
I. The Nature of Leadership
* Leadership Across Cultures 跨文化领导
➢Japanese managers are group-oriented, while U.S managers focuses more on profitability.
2. Identify the traits that show the strongest relationship to leadership, the behaviors leaders engage in, and the limitations of the trait and behavioral models of leadership.
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
Chapter Outline (cont’d)
III. Transformational Leadership 变革型领导
➢Being a Charismatic Leader ➢Stimulating Subordinates Intellectually ➢Engaging in Developmental
➢Effective managers use reward power to signal to employees that they are doing a good job.
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
I. The Nature of Leadership
* Leadership Across Cultures 跨文化领导
➢Japanese managers are group-oriented, while U.S managers focuses more on profitability.
2. Identify the traits that show the strongest relationship to leadership, the behaviors leaders engage in, and the limitations of the trait and behavioral models of leadership.
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
Chapter Outline (cont’d)
III. Transformational Leadership 变革型领导
➢Being a Charismatic Leader ➢Stimulating Subordinates Intellectually ➢Engaging in Developmental

Part 4 Organizing
Chapter 10 Organizational Structure and Design
Defining organizational structure Organizational design decisions Common organizational designs
The decision-making process The pervasiveness of decision making The manager as decision maker
Part 3 Planning(Cont’d)
Chapter 7 Foundations of Planning
Part 5 Leading(Cont’d)
Chapter 15 Understanding Groups and Teams
Understanding group behavior Turning group into effective teams Developing and managing effective teams
Part 6 Controlling(Cont’d)
Chapter 20 Controlling for Organizational Performance
Organizational performance Tools for monitoring and measuring
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The biggest issue at stake
Creativity VS Organizations
6 The new creative economic system
Outlines ——Creativity VS Organizations
Different forms of creative people
❖The big advances in standard of living
❖The big competitive advantages in the marketplace
❖“Better recipes, not just more cooking.”
Creativity is essential
❖ One might argue
Massive division of labor
Concentration of assets
Creative developments
“cooking in quantity” business methods
Economies of scale
Vertical integration
• Where I grew up, we were conditioned to play the roles that we were dealt. We were not encouraged to create and build our visions, but rather to fit into the visions of a select few. I like to say that we were “institutionalized” individuals—because institutions defined our lives.

• Scientific Management
• Describe the important contributions made by Fredrick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.
• Explain how today’s managers use scientific management.
❖ The theory of scientific management
– Using scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done:
• Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment.将正确的人员安排在适当的工作上,采用正确的工 具和设备
oGeneral Administrative Theorists
• Discuss Fayol’s 14 management principles.
• Describe Max Weber’s contribution to the general administrative theory of management.
Scientific Management (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
•Toward Understanding Organizational Behavior
• Describe the contributions of the early advocates of OB. • Explain the contributions of the Hawthorne Studies to the
• Describe the important contributions made by Fredrick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.
• Explain how today’s managers use scientific management.
❖ The theory of scientific management
– Using scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done:
• Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment.将正确的人员安排在适当的工作上,采用正确的工 具和设备
oGeneral Administrative Theorists
• Discuss Fayol’s 14 management principles.
• Describe Max Weber’s contribution to the general administrative theory of management.
Scientific Management (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
•Toward Understanding Organizational Behavior
• Describe the contributions of the early advocates of OB. • Explain the contributions of the Hawthorne Studies to the
管理学原理 英文版c11

A leadership contingency theory that focuses on
followers’ readiness
• Readiness
The extent to which people have the ability and
willingness to accomplish a specific task
impoverished management
task management middle-of-the-road management
country club
team management
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education
freedom to make decisions and to complete their work however they see fit
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education
followers’ readiness
• Readiness
The extent to which people have the ability and
willingness to accomplish a specific task
impoverished management
task management middle-of-the-road management
country club
team management
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education
freedom to make decisions and to complete their work however they see fit
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education

A Final Thought Regarding Leadership
Leadership may not always be important!
• Japanese leaders are expected to be humble and speak frequently.
• Scandinavian and Dutch leaders who single out individuals with public praise are likely to embarrass, not energize, those individuals.
Contemporary Issues: Emotional Intelligence (EI)
EI, more than any other single factor, is the best predictor of who will emerge as a leader.
Learning Objectives 11.3
• Describe the four major contingency leadership theories.
Least-Preferred Coworker Questionnaire
The Fiedler Model
Situational Leadership Theory
Learning Objectives 11.5
• Discuss trust as the essence of leadership.
Five Dimensions of Trust
• Integrity • Competence • Consistency • Loyalty • Openness

• Define who managers are. • Explain how manager differ from non-managerial
employees. • Discuss how to classify managers in organizations.
What Is Management?
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reseN G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Do Managers Do?
• Describe the four functions of management. • Explain Mintzberg’s managerial roles. • Tell how a manager’s include reflection and action. • Describe Katz’s three essential managerial skills and how
the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level. • List other important managerial skills and competencies. • Discuss the change that are impacting managers’ jobs. • Explain why customer service and innovation are important to the manager’s job.
employees. • Discuss how to classify managers in organizations.
What Is Management?
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reseN G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Do Managers Do?
• Describe the four functions of management. • Explain Mintzberg’s managerial roles. • Tell how a manager’s include reflection and action. • Describe Katz’s three essential managerial skills and how
the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level. • List other important managerial skills and competencies. • Discuss the change that are impacting managers’ jobs. • Explain why customer service and innovation are important to the manager’s job.

• Explain the universality of management concept. • Discuss why an understanding of management is
important even if you don’t plan to be a manager. • Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
• Explain how communication can flow in an organization. • Describe the three common communication networks. • Discuss how managers should handle the grapevine.
What Is Communication?
• Communication
➢ The transfer and understanding of meaning.
❖ Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver.
communication and how to overcome them.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Organizational Communication
❖ Understanding the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing with the message.
important even if you don’t plan to be a manager. • Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
• Explain how communication can flow in an organization. • Describe the three common communication networks. • Discuss how managers should handle the grapevine.
What Is Communication?
• Communication
➢ The transfer and understanding of meaning.
❖ Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver.
communication and how to overcome them.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Organizational Communication
❖ Understanding the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing with the message.

• Explain Mintzberg’s managerial roles. • Tell how a manager’s include reflection and action.
• Describe Katz’s three essential managerial skills and how the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level.
What Is Management?
• Define management. • Contrast efficiency and effectiveness. • Explain why efficiency and effectiveness are important to management.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Do Managers Do?
• Describe the four functions of management.
• Top Managers
Ø Are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
What Is Management?
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
• Describe Katz’s three essential managerial skills and how the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level.
What Is Management?
• Define management. • Contrast efficiency and effectiveness. • Explain why efficiency and effectiveness are important to management.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Do Managers Do?
• Describe the four functions of management.
• Top Managers
Ø Are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
What Is Management?
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)

The environment dictates the chosen strategy; effective strategy implementation requires an organizational structure matched to its requirements.
Step 6: Evaluating results
Analyzing financial and physical assets is fairly easy, but assessing intangible assets (employee skills, culture, corporate reputation, etc.) isn’t as simple.
Functional strategy - the strategies used by an organization’s various functional departments to support the competitive strategy.
Threat of New Entrants
Core competencies - the organization’s major value-creating capabilities that determine its competitive weapons.
Step 4: Formulating strategies
Develop and evaluate strategic alternatives.
Strategic management - what managers do to develop the organization’s strategies.
Step 6: Evaluating results
Analyzing financial and physical assets is fairly easy, but assessing intangible assets (employee skills, culture, corporate reputation, etc.) isn’t as simple.
Functional strategy - the strategies used by an organization’s various functional departments to support the competitive strategy.
Threat of New Entrants
Core competencies - the organization’s major value-creating capabilities that determine its competitive weapons.
Step 4: Formulating strategies
Develop and evaluate strategic alternatives.
Strategic management - what managers do to develop the organization’s strategies.

Internal factors –
• High supply/high demand = selection, placement, and promotion.
• Low supply/high demand = training and development inside, competitive recruitment outside.
Performance Management
Career Development
Hua ZHU, SII 6/4/2013
Hua ZHU, SII 6/4/2013
Manager Inventory Chart
Hua ZHU, SII 6/4/2013
Analysis of the Need for Managers
External and Internal Information Sources. External factors –social, political, legal, Economic, technological
Identify workforce requirements inventorying people Recruiting Selecting Placing Promoting Appraising Compensating training
chapter 11 Managerial Control 《管理学》(双语)课程课件

IV. Organizational Culture and Clan Control 1. Values and Norms 2. Creating a Strong Organizational Culture 3. Culture and Managerial Action
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
I. Organizational Control
3.2 Measure actual performance
➢Managers can measure outputs resulting from worker behavior or they can measure the behavior themselves.
➢Managers must decide if performance actually deviates, often, several problems combine creating low performance.
3.4 Evaluate result and take corrective action.
2. Control Systems 控制系统 • Formal, target-setting, monitoring, evaluation and
feedback systems that provide managers with information about how well the organization’s strategy and structure are working.
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.
I. Organizational Control
3.2 Measure actual performance
➢Managers can measure outputs resulting from worker behavior or they can measure the behavior themselves.
➢Managers must decide if performance actually deviates, often, several problems combine creating low performance.
3.4 Evaluate result and take corrective action.
2. Control Systems 控制系统 • Formal, target-setting, monitoring, evaluation and
feedback systems that provide managers with information about how well the organization’s strategy and structure are working.

to determine the effect of illumination and other working conditions on workers and their productivity
Illumination Experiment
Two groups:
Experimental group: the lighting conditions were manipulated or changed Controlling group: the lighting was never changed
Weihrich and Koontz
Chapter 3. Global, Comparative, and Quality Management
Country Alliances and Economic Blocs
Members NAFTA ASEAN Mercosur EU
Comparative Management
Gaining Competitive Advantage through Quality Management
Traditional quality management gurus
Dr. Deming Dr. Juran Phil Crosby
Other Quality Approaches and Awards
Managing: Science or Art? (P.10)
Managing as practice is an art; the organized knowledge underlying the practice may be referred to as a science.