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1. 出租车起步价 flag down fare
2. 法定准备金率 required reserve ratio
3. 实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy
4. 反盗版 anti-piracy 知识产权 intellectual property rights
5. 出口退税 tax rebates 人民币升值 the yuan’s appreciation
6. 信贷紧缩 credit crunch 次贷危机 subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率 prime rate
7. 翻盖手机 flip/clamshell 滑盖手机 slide phone 直板手机 bar phone
8. 经济适用房 economically affordable house
9. 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents
10 .住房保障制度 housing security system
11. 大宗交易系统 block trading system 竞价交易系统 bid trading system
12. 暴利税 windfall tax
13. 整容手术 cosmetic surgery (face –lifting)
14. 双眼皮手术 double eyelid operation 鼻子手术 nose job
15. 从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy
16. 宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy
17. 审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy
18. 油价飙升 oil prices surge
19. 原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge
20. 石油输出国组织 organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)
21. 原油储备 crude oil stockpiles
22. 轻质原油 light sweet crude
23. 使人均GDP翻两番 to quadruple per capita GDP
24. 股权收购、股权投资 stake purchase ; take stakes
25. 世界巡演 worldwide tour 复出巡演 comeback tour
26. 个体工商户 self—employed people
27. 房屋中介 letting agent 保险经纪人 insurance agent 地产经纪人 estate agent
28. 直销 direct selling 传销 pyramid selling
29. 漫游费 roaming fee 单向收费 one -way charge 来电免费业务 free incoming calls
30. 吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback
31. 洗钱 money laundering
32. 透支 overdraft
33. 股市牛年 bullish year
34. 上市子公司 listed subsidiary
35. 海关税收 customs revenue
36. 税收减免 tax break
37. 二流货的 cut—rate
38. 高端产品 high end product
39. 货币升值 revaluation
40. 跳槽 job—popping
41. 大片 blockbuster
42. 货币经纪人 money broker
43. 起征点 cutoff point
44. 暴发户;新贵 upstart
45. 养老保险 endowment insurance
46. 解雇金 severance pay
47. 勾销债款 write off
48. 高峰期 peak season
49. 职员总数 headcount
50. 买入股票 buy into
51. 出境游 outbound travel
52. 逃税 tax evasion
53. 公开募款 initial public offering
54. 新闻专线 newswire
55. 衰退 downturn
56. 由…推出 bow out
57. 便携式游戏机 PSP
58. 负有责任的 accountable
59. 精炼厂,炼油厂 refinery
60. 杀手 hit man
61. 官方证明书 clearance
62. 家禽流行病 epizonntic
63. 辞职;下台 step down
64. 门户网站 portal
65. 小轿车 sedan
66. 战略石油储备 strategic petroleum reserve
67. 半导体 semiconductor
68. 基准点,衡量标准 benchmark
69. 出口补贴 export subsidy
70. 对…不太重视 play down
71. 记账卡,签帐卡 charge card
72. 反托拉斯 anti—trust
73. 资产负债表 balance sheet
74. 最佳位置最佳时期 sweet spot
75. 货存,库存量 inventory
76. 集体诉讼 class action
77. 反倾销 antidumping
78. 不足,赤字,差额 shortfall
79. 美国联邦储备系统 Federal Reserve
80. 资本净值 net worth
81. 汇丰银行 HSBC
82. 国际货币基金组织 IMF
83. 财务欺诈 accounting fraud
84. 国际套利资本 hot money
Civil Laws, Commercial Laws and Economic Laws
按照出资比例:in proportion to one’s respective contributions to the investment 办理注销登记:cancel the registration
被代理人:the principal
被侵权人 the infringed
本人名义:in one’s name
标的subject matter
补偿制度compensation system
不动产登记制 Lot and Block System
财产法 property law
财产的添附 accretion of property; property accession
财产抵押权 property mortgage
财产继承权:the right of inheritance
财产关系和人身关系:property relationships and personal relationships
财产管理人 property administrator; custodian of property
财产混同 confusion; hotchpot
财产留置权 encumbrance
采用书面形式:in writing
仓单 warehouse voucher
草签合同 initial a contract; sign a referendum contract; ad referendum contract 长期合同 long-term contract
偿付能力 solvency capability of reimbursement
超越代理权:beyond the scope of one’s power of agency
撤消合同cancellation of contract
撤销合同 cancel a contract; rescind a contract; avoid a contract
撤销权 right of rescission; right of revocation
撤销要约 revocation of offer; revoke an offer
撤销遗赠 cancellation o will; revocationi of will
承运人 actual fault of the carrier
承运人的留置权 carrier’s lien
诚信原则 principle of good faith
诚实信用原则:principle honesty and credibility; principle of honestry and good faith; good faith principle ; bona fide principle
船舶承租人 charterer
船舶抵押权 right of mortgage with respect to a ship; mortage of the ship; ship mortgage
船舶抵押权的设定 establishment of mortgage of the ship
船舶抵押的消灭 extinguishments of the mortgage of the ship
船舶抵押权登记 registration of ship mortgage
船舶留置权 possessory lien; lien of ship
村民委员会:the village committee
惩罚性的损害赔偿 punitive damages
乘人之危:take advantage of one’s unfavorable position
处分财产 dispose of properties
处分权 act of disposition
处分原则 principle of disposition
代理民事活动:be represented in civil activities by
代理权终止:the expiration of one’s power of agency
单独承担的责任 undivided responsibility
单方法律行为unilateral obligation
单方行政行为 unilateral administrative act
等价有偿:making compensation for equal value
对等原则 principle of reciprocity
对抗措施counter measure
对人权right in personam; personal right
对世权 real right; right in rem
恶意串通:conspire maliciously
恶意行为ill will mala fides
法人 judicial person; legal body
法人的权利能力 legal capacity of juristic person
法人的责任能力 capacity for responsibility of juristic person 法人权限 corporate power
法人人格 corporate personality
法人身份 status of a legal person
法人团体 corporation
法人资格 corporate capacity
法人组织章程:the articles of association of the legal person 负共同连带责任 liable jointly and severally
负全部责任 bear all responsibilities; in all charge
负有解释的义务 accountable
负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors
附带的条件 incident
附带要求 contingent claim
附带原因 contributory cause; inherent cause
附条件的民事法律行为:conditional civil juristic acts
附条件的权利 conditional right
赋予权力 entitle
个体工商户:individual businesses
个人合伙:individual partnership
各尽所能,按劳分配 from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
给付定金:leave a deposit with the other party
工商行政管理机关:the administrative agency for industry and commerce
公民基本义务 fundamental duties of citizens
合同法 contract law
合同副本 copies of the contract
合同规定 contract provisions/stipulations
合同履行地法 lex loci contractus
合同期限contract period (or contract term)
合同条款contract terms (or contract clause)
合同有效期contract life
合同正本 originals of the contract
合议制 collegial system
核准登记的经营范围:within the range approved and registered
恢复原状 recovery of original state; restitution; restoration of he original conditions; retitutio in integrum
集体所有制企业:an enterprise under collective ownership
技术合同纠纷案件 controversy over a technology contract
经主管机关核准登记:approved and registered by the competent authority
居民委员会:the neighborhood committee
履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship
埋藏物、隐藏物:buried or concealed object
买卖、出租、抵押、转让:be sold, leased, mortgaged or transferred
农村承包经营户:leaseholding farm households
平等主体:civil subjects with equal status
企业法人被撤销:the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person
企业法人分立、合并:the division and merger of an enterprise as legal person
企业法人解散:disbanding of an enterprise as legal person
契约自由 liberty of contract
取得不当得利:profits acquired improperly and without a lawful basis
取得法人资格:be qualified as a legal person
全民所有制企业:an enterprise owned by the whole people
让与 alien; alienate; assign; cede
让与的利益 benefit of cession
让与权 benefit of cessioni
设定义务的规则 rule of imposing duty
设立、变更、终止民事关系:establish, change or terminate civil relationship
所有权 ownership
书面合同 a written contract
双倍返还定金:repay the deposit in double
双方法律行为 bilateral legal transaction
擅自变更或者解除(民事法律行为):alter or rescind one’s act arbitrarily
他物权 right over the property of another
提供一定的财产作为抵押物:offer a specific property as a pledge
违反合同breach of contract
委托代理:entrusted agency
委托代理人:an entrusted agent
无过错责任 liability without negligence
无民事行为能力人:a person having no capacity for civil conduct
无因管理:act as manager or provide services in order to protect another person’s interests when he is not legally or contractually obligated to do so
下落不明 one’s whereabouts have been unknown
限制民事行为能力人:a person with limited capacity for civil conduct
享有连带权利的每个债权人:each of the joint creditors
行使代理权:exercise the power of agency
宣告为无(限制)民事行为能力人:declare … to be a person to be without or with limited capacity for civil conduct
遗失物、漂流物:lost-and-found objects, flotsam
以抵押物折价或者以变卖抵押物的价款优先得到偿还:to keep the pledge to offset the debt or have priority in satisfying his claim out of the proceeds from the sale of the pledge
以合法形式掩盖非法目的:perform under the guise of legitimate acts which conceal illegitimate purposes
以欺诈、胁迫的手段:as a result of cheating or coercion
意思表示 show one’s intention
意思表示真实:the intention expressed is genuine
优先购买的权利:a right of pre-emption
优先权 priority, preemptive right
有过错的一方:the erring party
有连带责任的 conjunctly and severally
有权向债务人追偿:have the right to claim repayment from the debto
造成财产损失:cause any property loss
责任能力 capacity for responsibility
责任年龄 capacity of responsibility; year of discretion
债的标的 object of obligation
债的发生 creation of obligation
债的消灭 extinction of obligation
占有人有权留置该财产:the possessor shall have a lien on the property
指定代理:appointed agency
执行合同 carry out a contract, execute/implement/fulfill/perform a contract 主要办事机构:the main administrative office
追偿:claim compensation from
Economic Laws
PART I Company Law*
Law of the PRC(People's Republic of China)中华人民共和国公司法
rights and interests合法权益
2-1 legitimate [lɪ'dʒɪtɪmət] adj. 合法的,合理的;v. 使合法,相当于(legitimize)。

liability company有限责任公司
3-1 joint stock company limited 股份有限公司
juridical person企业法人
capital contributions认缴出资额
to share认购股份
entitled to do sth.有权去做某事
morality 商业道德
in good faith诚信的行为
social responsibility承担社会责任
v. 侵犯,侵害
of company设立公司
registration authority 公司登记机关
business license公司营业执照
paid capital实收资本
[prɪ'skraɪb] v. 规定
[sək'siːd] v. 继承,接替
of association公司章程
. The company established according to this law shall formulate its articles of association which are binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers.


of the Board of Directors董事长
director 执行董事
[brɑːn(t)ʃ] n. 分公司
27-1 subsidiary [səb'sɪdɪərɪ] n. 子公司
and several liabilities连带责任
of Directors董事会
31-1 Board of Supervisors 监事会
31-2 meeting of shareholders 股东会
31-3 shareholders convention 股东大会
31-4 general assembly of shareholders 股东大会
employment contract签订劳动合同
Labor Union Law of the PRC中华人民共和国工会法
of the representatives of the employees职工代表大会
[ə'bjuːz] v. 滥用
the payment of debt逃债
[rezə'luːʃ(ə)n] n. 决议
[nʌl] adj. 无效的,无价值的;n.零;vt.使无效
43-1 void [vɒɪd] adj. 无效的; n.空虚,空间
[kən'vəʊk] v. 召集
[rɪ'vəʊk] v. 撤回,取消,废除
a lawsuit提起诉讼
['kwɔːrəm] n. 法定人数
minimum amount of the registered capital 法定资本最低限额
of capital contributions made by shareholders股东的出资方式 [ə'fɪks] v. 署名,将罪责加之于
their signatures签名
capital contributions首次出资额
kind 以实物(偿付);以同样的方法
property right知识产权
use right土地使用权
of the contract违反合约
[ɪn'trʌst; en-] v. 委托,交托,信托
of shareholders股东名册
to and exercise the shareholder's rights主张行使股东权利
up to any third party 对抗第三方
take away the contribution capital/withdraw contribution capital illegally抽逃出资
[kəm'praɪz] v. 包含,由……组成
and approve审议批准
deliberate [dɪ'lɪb(ə)rət] v. 仔细考虑,商议 adj. 深思熟虑的,从容的,故意的 of company form变更公司形式
. Adopt resolutions on the merger, split-up, change of company form, dissolution, liquidation of the company.

resolution [rezə'luːʃ(ə)n] n. 决议,解决,分辨率
merger ['mɜːdʒə] n. (企业等的)合并,并购,吸收
split-up ['splitʌp] n. 分裂,分开,股本分割
dissolution [dɪsə'luːʃ(ə)n] n. (议会等的)解散,(契约等的)解除dissolve [dɪ'zɒlv] v. 解散,溶解,消失,分解
liquidation [lɪkwɪ'deɪʃ(ə)n] n. 清算,偿还
69-1 temporary meeting 临时会议
method 议事方式
70-1 voting procedure 表决程序
meeting of the representatives of employees职工代表大会
of office 任期
72-1 consecutive term upon re-election连选可以连任
[dɪs'mɪs] v. 解聘
[nɒmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] n. 提名
['baɪlɔː]n. 规章,细则,条例
forward proposals提出议案
[ə'dɒpt] v. 正是通过,采取,收养
limited liability companies一人有限责任公司
lump sum一次总付的金额
by one natural person自然人独资
83-1 solely-funded by one juridical person 法人独资
state-owned corporation国有独资公司
assets supervision and administration institution国有资产监督管理机构 right股权
[weɪv] v. 放弃
[kən'sekjʊtɪv] adj. 连续的
[dɪsə'luːʃ(ə)n] n. 解散
[ɪn'herɪt] v. 继承
90-1 inheritor [ɪn'hɛrɪtɚ] n. 继承人
[ɪ'nɪʃɪetɚ] n. 发起人
[reɪz] v. 募集
[fləʊ'teɪʃən] n. (通过在证券交易所出售新公司股票的方式)筹资创办新公司93-1 share floatation 募集设立
93-2 promotion [prə'məʊʃn] n. 发起设立
[prə'spektəs] n. 招股说明书
96-1 registered share 记名股票
[pɪ'kjuːnɪərɪ] adj. 金钱的
lieu of代替
majeure [,fɔ:smɑ:'dʒɔiə] n.不可抗力
['kaʊntəfɒɪl] n. 存根,票根
[prɪ'zɜːv] v. 保存
[dɪ'lɪv(ə)rɪ] v. 交割
voting system累积投票制
of attorney委托书
of the board of directors董事会秘书
of fairness and impartiality公平、公正的原则
' shares发起人股票
[ɪn'dɔːsm(ə)nt; en-]n. 背书
and obligations of the directors, supervisors and senior managers of a company 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格和义务
capacity of civil acts限制民事行为能力
[ə'fens] n. 犯罪,过错,违反
119-1 criminal ['krɪmɪn(ə)l](n.罪犯 adj.刑事的,犯罪的,罪恶的)penalty ['pen(ə)ltɪ] (n.罚款,罚金,处罚)刑罚
119-2 corruption [kə'rʌpʃ(ə)n] n. 贪污,腐败
119-3 bribery ['braɪbərɪ] n. 贿赂
119-4 encroachment [ɪn'krotʃmənt] (侵入,侵犯,侵蚀)of property 侵占财产119-5 misappropriation of property 挪用财产
[fɪ'delɪtɪ] n. 忠诚,尽责
[lɒdʒ] v. 提出
121-1 lodge a lawsuit提出诉讼
and settlement institution登记结算机构
. The registration and settlement institutions of registered corporate bonds shall establish bylaws['bai,lɔ:z] (细则,规章制度)on the registration, preservation, interest payment and acceptance of bonds.

accumulation fund法定公积金
accumulation fund任意公积金
['mɜːdʒə] n. 吸收合并
127-1 consolidation [kən,sɒlɪ'deɪʃən] n. 新设合并
company that survives the merger合并后存续的公司
[diː'redʒɪstə] v. 撤销……的登记
[pliːd] v. 请求,恳请
[rɪ'lɪŋkwɪʃ] v. 放弃,放手,废除
[drɔː] v. 提取
[əd'mɒnɪʃ] v. 警告,告诫
['kɒnfɪskeɪt] v. 没收,充公
clamp [klæmp] v. 夹紧,固定住,AmE,强制实行,把……强加于 liabilities of compensation民事赔偿责任
PART II Security Law*
of free will自愿原则
[mə,nɪpjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n]n. 操纵
operation and management分业经营、分业管理
securities regulatory authority国务院证券监督管理机构
and unified supervision and administration集中统一监督管理
registration and clearing institutions证券登记结算机构
auditing organ of state国家审计机关
[ə'baɪd] by遵守
. A recommendation party shall abide by operational rules and industrial norms.【译】保荐人应当遵守业务规则和行业规范。

, initial public offerings首次公开募股,初次公开发行
[sə'pɑːs] v. 超越,胜过,优于
bond 公司债券
appraisal report 资产评估报告
an application提交申请
['iʃju:ə, 'isju:ə]n. 发行人
['tenjə]n. 任期,占有;土地使用权 v.授予……终身职位
liable for对……负责
by proxy ['prɒksɪ] (n. 代理,代理人,委托书,代用品)代销
['kænvəs] v. 游说,劝诱,向……拉票或拉生意;讨论;彻底检查
one’s own will自主
syndicate ['sɪndɪkət](n. 辛迪加,企业联合,财团 v.联合成辛迪加,组成企业联合组织)承销团
['priːmɪəm]n. 溢价,升水,保险费,奖金
trading of securities证券挂牌交易
the form of spot goods现货方式
terminate the listing of its stocks 暂停/终止股票上市交易
report中期报告,临时报告,亦作midterm report
[ðeə'baɪ] adv. 在那方面,从而,因此
investment 重大投资行为
['defɪsɪt; 'diː-] n. 亏损
[daɪ'vʌldʒ; dɪ-] v. 泄露,暴露
(prohibit [prəu'hibit] v. 组织,禁止)trading acts禁止的交易行为
[ɪn'saɪdə] n. 内幕人,知情者,熟悉内情者
['gær(ə)ntɪ] n.保证,担保物 v.保证,担保
['fʌn(k)ʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ] adj. 职务上的,公务员的,官员的 n. 官员,公务员
[dɪ'skɑːd] n. 抛弃 v. 抛弃,丢弃
['dæmɪdʒ]n. 损害,损毁 v. 损害,毁坏
[kə'læbəreɪt] v. 合作,协作
['fæbrɪkeɪt] v. 伪造
[dɪ'semɪneɪt] v. 宣传,散布,传播
one’s half代表
[ɪn'viːg(ə)l; ɪn'veɪg(ə)l] v.诱骗,诱使
enterprise 国有资产控股企业
. It shall be stipulated in a tender offer as issued to a listed company that, where the share amount as promised to be sold by the shareholders of the target company exceeds the scheduled amount of stocks for purchase, the purchaser shall carry out the acquisition according to the relevant percentage.

(1)例句词汇:tender offer 收购要约,投标报价
[əʊvə'step] v. 逾越,超出……的限度
[kən'kluːd] v. 结束,作结论;达成(协议),订立(合同)
['kaʊns(ə)l; -sɪl]n. 理事会
[dɪs'kwɒlɪfaɪ]v. 取消……的资格
. Where a professional [prə'feʃ(ə)n(ə)l](n. 专业人员,职业运动员 adj. 专业的,职业的)of a law firm, accounting firm or investment consulting organization, financial advising organization, credit rating institution, asset appraisal institution or asset verification institution who has been disqualified for his irregularity or disciplinary breach and if it' has been within 5 years as of the day when he is removed from his post.

and delivery结算交割
time quotations/JIT quotations即时行情
of a technical suspension of trading技术性停牌的措施
['temp(ə)rərɪ] (adj.临时的 n. 临时工)speed bump[bʌmp](肿块,隆起物,撞击)临时停市
speed bump 减速带(= sleeping policeman),引申为“停市措施”。

[,rɪəl 'taɪm] adj. 实时的,
['dɪsɪplɪn(ə)rɪ;,dɪsɪ'plɪn-](纪律的,训诫的,多学科的)sanction['sæŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n](n.& v.制裁,处罚,认可,支持)纪律处分
brokerage ['brəʊk(ə)rɪdʒ](佣金,回扣,中间人业务)证券经纪,所以说
investment consulting证券投资咨询
asset management证券资产管理
investor protection fund证券投资者保护基金
one’s own name以……名义
[ɪntə'fɪə] v. 干涉,妨碍
['bɪdɪŋ] n. 出价,投标
[præk'tɪʃ(ə)nə] n. 从业者
[fɔːls; fɒls] (adj. 错误的,虚伪的,伪造的)capital contribution虚假出资 any other institution for trusteeship[,trʌs'tiːʃɪp](托管,托管制度)指定其他机构托管
custody and transfer of securities证券的存管和过户
[mæl'fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n] n.& v. 故障,失灵,不起作用
[rɪ'kɔːs] v. 追索权
, delivery versus payment货银对付原则,券款对付原则
trading service institutions证券服务机构
industry association 证券行业协会
organization as legal person社会团体法人
['miːdɪeɪt]v. 调解
examination 现场检查
and seal [siːl](v. 密封,盖章 n.密封,印章,封条)up 冻结和查封
[əb'strʌkt] v. 阻碍,妨碍
sharing mechanism ['mek(ə)nɪz(ə)m] n. 机制,原理,途径信息共享机制
[dʒuː'dɪʃ(ə)l](adj. 司法的,法庭的,审判上的)organ['ɔːg(ə)n](机构,器官,风琴)司法机关
(suspect [sə'spekt] v. 怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯 adj.可疑的,不可信的)crime 涉嫌犯罪 ['ɪnstɪgeɪt]v. 指使,唆使,教唆
. T he term of “prohibition from entering into the securities market”refers to a system, whereby a person may not undertake any securities practice or hold any post of director, supervisor or senior manager of a listed company within a prescribed
term or for life.

post[pəʊst] n. 岗位,邮件,标杆 v. 张贴,公布,邮递
PART III Enterprise Bankruptcy Law*
application and acceptance破产申请和受理
[əd'mɪnɪstreɪtə]n. 管理人
expenses and community[kə'mjuːnɪtɪ] (n. 共同体,团体,社区)liabilities破产费用和共益债务
. Where the debtor’s assets are not enough to clear off the bankrupt expenses or community liabilities, the liquidation shall be conducted pro rata (adj. 按比例的 adv. 成比例).

of creditors’right债权申报
[,rɛktəfə'keʃən]n. 重整
['kɒmprəmaɪz] n. 和解
248-1 conciliation [kɔn,sili'eiʃən] n. 和解,调解,调停
248-2 conciliation agreement 和解协议
248-3 composition [kɒmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n](n. 妥协,和解;(尤指)债务和解,清偿协议)deed 和解契据
[ɪn'sɒlv(ə)nt]adj. 破产的,无力偿还的
['hɪərɪŋ]n. 审讯,审理
. In the hearing of a bankruptcy case, the people’s court shall guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the employers in the insolvent enterprise and subject its mangers to legal liabilities.

subject to 使遭受,使服从;受制于,受……管制
for bankruptcy破产申请书
[rɪ'spɒnd(ə)nt] n. 被申请人,被上诉人,仲裁被诉人;被告
and grounds事实和理由
[di'mə:rəl]n. 异议,反对
[ə'piːl]v.&n. 上诉
[rɪ'sɪnd] v. 解除,废除,撤回
of assets资产保全
[ɑːbɪ'treɪʃ(ə)n] n. 仲裁
People’s Court最高人民法院
intermediary agency社会中介机构
. The post of bankruptcy administrator may be assumed by a liquidation group comprised of the relevant departments and organs or by such social intermediary agencies as a law firm, an accounting firm, a bankruptcy liquidation firm that have been established according to law.

be made up of、be composed of、be comprised of表组成之意时,用被动语态,consist of用主动语态表被动。

liability insurance执业责任保险
[ɪm'bez(ə)l; em-] v. 盗用,挪用,贪污
[pledʒ]v. 质押,n. 质押,质物
guaranty 替代担保
guaranty ['gær(ə)ntɪ] n.&v. 保证,担保(作动词时,等同于guarantee)
. As to the payment of debts or substitutive guaranty, where the value of the pledge or lien is lower than that of the amount of the creditor’s right, a limit shall be set on the contemporary market value of the pledge or lien.

[in'det]v. 使负债,欠债
[diːm] v. 认为,视作
for medical treatment and disability [dɪsə'bɪlɪtɪ] (残疾,无能,无资格)医疗、伤残补助
medical insurance premiums基本医疗保险费用
and several creditor’s right连带债权人
of claim 求偿权,请求权
280-1 entrusted party 受托方
[drɔː]n. (票据的)出票人
the sake of 为了,由于,为了……的利益
['weɪvə] n. 放弃,弃权
[drɑːft]n. 草案;汇票(Bill of Exchange)v. 起草,设计
of bankruptcy 破产债权
['ɔːkʃ(ə)n] n. 拍卖
sale of insolvent assets by means of conversion变价出售破产财产
to 使服从,受制于
obligated to do sth. 有义务做某事
['sʌmən] v. 传唤,召唤
291-1 summon ['sʌmən](召唤,召集,鼓起,振作)sb. by force 拘传
['laɪəb(ə)l]adj. 有责任的的,有义务的,应受罚的
[,ædmə'nɪʃ(ə)n] n.警告,告诫
[di'teinmənt] n. 扣留,拘留
liability 刑事责任
PART IV Anti Unfair Competition Law*
[,kɒntrə'viːn]v. 违反,抵触
['vɔ:lən,tərinis] n. 自愿,志愿
without authorization擅自使用
[dekə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 装潢,装饰
[pɪ'kjuːlɪə] adj. 特有的,独具的
['ɒrɪdʒɪn] n. 原产地,有时亦作place of origin
['sɪmb(ə)l](象征,符号,标志)of quality质量标志
[fɔːdʒ] v. 伪造
utility[juː'tɪlɪtɪ](n.效用,实用,公共设施 adj.实用的,通用的)enterprise 公用企业
[mə'nɑpə'lɪstɪk] adj. 垄断的,独占性的
['ɒpəreɪtə] n. 经营者
. Operators in this Law refer to legal persons, other economic organizations and individuals engaging in the trading of goods or profit-making services.

engage in 从事于,参加
['kɪkbæk] n. 回扣,佣金
the book账外
[kəʊ'ɜːʃ(ə)n]n. 强迫,强制
. obtaining business secrets from the owner of the right by stealing, promising of gain,resorting to coercion or other illegitimate means.

resort to 诉诸,依靠,求助于
the line of production转产
a business/discontinuation of business歇业
[əʊvə'stɒk]n. 库存过剩,存货积压
with prizes attached有奖销售
['lɒt(ə)rɪ] n. 彩票,抽彩给奖法
quality but high price质次价高
['tendərə] n. 投标人
322-1tender ['tendə] n.&v. 投标
322-2 tender price 标价
['wɪtnɪs]n. 证人,目击者
[dɪ'zɪst; dɪ'sɪst] v. 终止
325-1 desist from the illegal acts 终止违法行为
insist[ɪn'sɪst]v. 坚持,强调
desist[dɪ'zɪst; dɪ'sɪst]v. 停止,断念
[fɒɪst] v. 采用欺骗手段售出,硬卖给,混入,蒙骗
[ɪg'zɔːbɪt(ə)nt] adj.(要价等)过高的
327-1 make exorbitant charges 乱收费
reconsider a decision复议
. apply to the competent authority at the next higher level for reconsideration
apply to sbdy for sthg. 向某人申请某事
PART V Anti-monopoly Law*
[mə'nɒp(ə)lɪ] n. 垄断,垄断者,独占,专卖权
[ə'bjuːz](n. & v. 滥用)of a dominant market position滥用市场支配地位
331-1 dominant market position市场支配地位
. F or the purposes of this law,“dominant market position”refers to the undertaking(s) having the ability to control the price, quantity or other trading conditions of products in relevant market, or to hinder or affect other undertakings to enter the relevant market.

(1)undertaking [ʌndə'teɪkɪŋ] n. 事业,企业,保证
(2)hinder ['hɪndə] v. 阻碍,打扰 adj.后面的
[kɒns(ə)n'treɪʃ(ə)n] (集中,浓度)of undertakings经营者集中
of administrative power to eliminate or restrict competition滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争
of the suspected monopoly conducts对涉嫌垄断行为的调查
['laɪflaɪn] n. 生命线
[ɪk'skluːsɪv; ek-] adj. 独有的,排外的,专一的 n. 独家新闻,独家,独家经营的项目
337-1 exclusive right 独有权,排他权,独家经营
['self'disiplin] n. 自律
339-1 execution [,eksɪ'kjuːʃ(ə)n] (n. 执行,实行,完成;死刑)authority 执法机构
['bɒɪkɒt] v.& n. 联合抵制,拒绝参加
['kɒnsət] v. 协调,协同安排 n. 音乐会
343-1 concerted act 协同行为
PART VI Contract Law*
['stændɪŋ] n. 地位,身份 adj. 长期的
into contract/conclude contract 订立合同
[ɪntə'fɪə](v. 干涉,打扰,妨碍)with 干涉,干扰
and obligation权利和义务
['baɪndɪŋ] adj. 有约束力的(通常与介词on连用) n. 装订,捆绑
['ɑːbɪt(rə)rɪ] adj. 任意的,武断的 arbitrarily是其副词形式
. A lawfully formed contract is legally binding on the parties. The parties shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the contract, and neither party may arbitrarily amend or terminate the contract.


binding ['baɪndɪŋ] adj. 有约束力的,通常与介词on连用 n.装订,捆绑
of contracts合同的订立
for civil rights 民事权利能力
351-1 capacities for civil acts 民事行为能力
['ɔːr(ə)l] adj. 口头的
. A contract may be made in a writing, in an oral conversation, as well as in any other form.

[memə'rændəm] (备忘录,便笺)of contract合同书
of contract合同条款
of dispute resolution解决争议的方法
['ɒfə] n. 要约
[ək'sept(ə)ns] n. 承诺
[,mænɪfe'steɪʃ(ə)n]n. 表示,表现,显示
359-1 manifest ['mænɪfest] v. 表示,显示,表明 adj. 显然的,明显的
[,ɔfər'i:]n. 受要约人,接盘人
360-1 offeror ['ɒfərə]n. 要约人,发盘人
to offer要约邀请
price list寄送的价目表
of auction拍卖公告
for tender招标公告
of offer要约撤回
[,revə'keɪʃən](取消,撤回,废除)of offer要约撤销
of offer要约失效
367-1 extinguishment [iks'tiŋgwiʃmənt] n. 失效,消灭
of rejection拒绝要约的通知
of acceptance承诺方式
for acceptance承诺期限
letter 确认函
[hə'bɪtʃʊəl; -tjʊəl](adj. 习惯的,惯常的,习以为常的)residence经常居住地,惯常居所
. In case of any dispute concerning the construction of a standard term, such term shall be interpreted in accordance with common sense(常识). If the standard term is subject to two or more interpretations, it shall be interpreted against the party supplying it. If a discrepancy[dɪs'krep(ə)nsɪ](n. 不符,矛盾,相差)exists between the standard term and a non-standard term, the non-standard term prevails.。
