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notable 值得注意的




Interpret……as…… 理解……为



function 因变量——提示符号的含义


constant 常数,常量It requires I t o be a constant for …to be true

algorithm演算方法——a general algorithm 通用算法simplify the algorithm 简化算法we have produced a general algrrithm to solve this tpye of problems.

derivative微分,倒数antiderivative 不定积分

optimal results 最优结果

invesgate the problem from different point of view调查问题——investgation调查

survey 调查

subproblem 子问题,次要问题——major problem 主要问题

metric 度量标准,指标

digit 数字delete some digits

element /component 元素


explore different ideas探索不同的想法

we seek to device a new model for solving the problem by exploring the new direction suggested by their investigations.

解决方案design/device ——develop/establish/conduct

Based on our analysis, we design a model for the problem using integral linear programming(线性积分). We then devise a polynominal-time apprximation algorithm to produce near optimal ing integral linear programming.We then device a polynominal-time approximation to

We conduct sensitivity analysis on…to find…xxx analysis is also performed.


We tackle the problem using the new technique we developed in the previous section.While it is difficult to solve the problem completely, we are able to solve a major subproblem.


We approach the problem using the proposed method.

We propose a new approach to tackling the problem.


Based on…以……为基础

According to根据

Devide …into…——subdivide into细分

…is applied to…使用了……模型来……——we apply our model into将我们的模型运用于Model proves to be efficient in other sports.模型被证明在其他方面有效

….,which indicates that………反映了

…,which led to the change of…导致了……的变化

We…..only to find that..我们……只是发现了……

… doesn’t matter ……是无关的

Take…as example/as a case study 举例

formulate and justify the assumptions 阐述并证明假说

design/establish a model设计模型

devise an algorithm 设计一个运算法/计算程序

carry out numerical simulations 进行数学模拟

for our problem a relationship exists that(… 我们的问题中存在一个关系式,使……

we will assume/suppose that…我们假设……

compare with different approaches 与不同的措施相比较

There are at least two notions of where the sweet spot should be—an impact location on the bat that either

· minimizesthe discomfort to the hands, or

· maximizes the outgoing velocity Of the ball.

We focus exclusively on the second definition我们专注于第二种定义

We interpret the error of +2 as a normal distribution,.一with standard deviation of 1。

To illustrate the upon two points,we choose the following two norms.为了说明上述两个观点,我们选择了下面两种标准

What follows in the chapter will hammer at…本章节接下来会集中……

…system works by………系统通过……工作

类比手法as for…..,similarly there are…

对比a ….while b…

连缀词first,…second,…,after that…,at last…


1Restatement of the problem(introduction)

Problem background,previous study,our work


(symbols,definitions and assumptions)

3Justification of Our Approach

4The Model

4.1 Dissatisfaction of a passenger needing a connection

4.2 Dissatisfaction of a passenger not needing a connection

4.3 Total dissatisfaction on an aircraft

5Testing the Model
