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Inferior Aspect of Skull
Bowl-shaped floor of cranial cavity has 3 cranial fossae. Anterior cranial fossa is at the highest level, & posterior cranial fossa is at the lowest level.
Anterior cranial fossa
is separated from posterior one by petrous ridge of the temporal bones laterally & dorsum sellae of sphenoid medially. Sella turcica is composed of three parts: •Tuberculum sellae, an olive-shaped swelling, anteriorly •Hypophyseal fossa, a saddle-like depression for hypophysis, in the middle •Dorsum sellae posteriorly
➢ Mental foramen is inferior to 2nd premolar tooth.
Fractures of the Maxillae and Associated Bones
Lateral Aspect of Skull
• Zygomatic arch • temporal & infratemporal regions • Temporal fossa • Mastoid process & styloid process
The skull
Dept. of Anatomy Zhou Hong Ying
Important bones
Fractures of the Mandible
Sphenoid bone
• pterygoid processes, lateral & medial pterygoid plates
• body • greater & lesser wings
maxilla Temporal bone
Occipital bone Frontal bone
Anterior Aspect of Skull
➢ Supraorbital margin of frontal bone has a supraorbital 眼 窝上notch or foramen on junction of its medial & middle third. ➢ Infraorbital foramen is below midpoint of infraorbital margin on maxilla. ➢Upper jaw is formed by fused maxillae; their alveolar processes form sockets & supporting bone for upper teeth. ➢ Alveolar processes of mandible bear lower teeth.
Fractures of the Calvaria
incisive fossa greater & lesBaidu Nhomakorabeaer palatine foramina
• Mandibular fossae • Occipital condyles • Jugular foramen • Carotid canal • Jugular foramen. • Stylomastoid foramen
Middle cranial fossa
Sphenoid bone of Middle cranial fossa
• Tuberculum sellae • optic canal • anterior and posterior clinoid
2. Sagittal suture separates R & L parietal bones.
3. Lambdoid suture separates parietal & temporal bones from occipital bone.
Superior Aspect of Skull
Superior Aspect of Skull
Internal Aspect of Base of Skull
is formed by frontal bone anteriorly, ethmoid bone in middle, body & lesser wings of sphenoid posteriorly. Its greater part is formed by ridged orbital plates of frontal bone, which support frontal lobes of brain and form roofs of orbits.
Lateral Aspect of Skull
Pterion is indicated by H-shaped formation of sutures that unite frontal, parietal, sphenoid, & temporal bones. It locates in anterior part of temporal fossa, about 4 cm superior to midpoint of zygomatic arch.
Infratemporal fossa
Posterior aspect of skull
External occipital protuberance Superior nuchal line
1. Coronal suture separates frontal & parietal bones.