包装印刷packing包装印刷造纸管理分析(PPT 50页)

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• It must be pilferaged-proof, easy to store, convenient to load and unload.
Transport packing should satisfy the following
• Be solid and durable, adaptable to the changing climates at the loading and unloading ports and transit areas;
(散装货) Packed Cargo(包装货)
Section Two Kinds of Packing
2. Transport/Shipping Packing and Sales /Marketing Packing(运输包装和销售包装) Transport/Shipping Packing(outer packing) (运输包装) 包装容器的分类 Sales /Marketing Packing(销售包装) Neutral Packing and Brand Designated by the Buyer (中性包装和定牌)
Packed Cargo
• Most of commodities in international trade need certain degree of packing during the shipping, storing and sales process.
• Packed cargoes refer to those which need shipping packing, marketing packing or both.
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Nude Cargo
Nude cargoes or nude commodities refer to those kinds of cargoes whose qualities are more stable and to be shipped without any packages or in simple bundles. They are not easy to be influenced by outside circumstances and they become single pieces of their own. They are difficult to be packed or do not need any packing, such as steel products, lead ingot, timber, rubber, automobile, etc.
3. Practical suggestions for packing methods
楚国有一个商人把他的珍珠卖给郑国的 人,珠宝是用木兰树的木制的盒子装,用 桂椒来熏盒子,用精美的珠玉点缀其上, 用美玉点饰,用翠鸟的羽毛装饰盒子。郑 国的人买了这个盒子却把珠宝还给了商人。
启示:郑人只重外表而不顾实质,使他 做出了舍本求末的不当取舍。
Section Two Kinds of Packing
1. Nude Cargo, Cargo in Bulk/Bulk Cargo, Packed Cargo(裸装、散装、包装)
Nude Cargo(裸装货) Cargo in Bulk/Bulk Cargo
Cargo in Bulk/Bulk Cargo(散装货)
Cargo in bulk refer to those goods which are shipped or even sold without packages on the conveyance in bulk, such as oil, ore, grain, coal, etc. Bulk shipment is usually applicable for large quantity of commodities that are to be shipped by means of transport with special purposed shipping equipment. Bulk shipment has the advantages of space saving, quick handling and lower freight.
Classification of Outer Packing
1. Single piece packing 2. Collective packing
* Container * Pallet * Flexible container
Transport/shipping packing (outer packing/big packing)
• It is used mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during transportation.
• It must be solid enough to prevent the packed goods from any damage.
Chapter Seven
Packin g
Section One The function of Packing
1. Problems in Transport
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Transport Packing and Sales Packing
• Be uniform so as to facilitate storage, stowing, trimming, calculation, cargo inspection and identification;
• Have the least weight, volume, and cost increase.