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问句中有doing,问的是正在做什么?回答ing形式。 What are the men doing in the garden? They're playing Chinese chess. 不同于...用from Chinese chess is different from our chess. 用Is there 提问,用there is或there isn't 回答 Is there a gym around? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. 用Are there提问,用thre are 或there aren't回答 Are there any cows on the farm? Yes, there are. No, there aren't. There are some/many/lots of..... Are there any...... There aren't any...(any用在疑问句和否定句中)
Does 提问,does 或 doesn't 回答 Did 提问,did 或 didn't 回答 Is there 提问,there is 或 there isn't 回答 Are there 提问,there are 或 there aren't 回答 人+excited I was excited. Peter is excited. 事或物+exciting It's really exciting to go to middle school. Do you have any plans for the summer? I want to be a swimming star. It must be fun. (It) sounds good. weekday 和weekend
go ice fishing/ dog sledding/ skating play ice hockey 打各种球,演奏各种乐器都用play an art school/ an unbrella/ an apple shakting 滑冰 ski 滑雪 含有did 的问句中动词用原形,答语动词用过去式 What did you do in the holidays? I learned Beijing Opera. Did you learn it in an art school? didn't 后面加动词原形 I didn't go ice fishing. 用Did 提问,用did或didn't回答 Did you take pictures? Yes, I did. No, I didn't. 和谁一起做某事用with I palyed it with my dad. 为谁做什么用for I took pictures for them.
There is...... 和 Is there...... 后面都加单数,There are...... 和 Are there...... 后面都加复数。 There is a river near the village. Is there a river near the village? There are some ducks in the river. Are there any ducks in the river? 特殊情况单复同形的词不变(sheep/ fish/ people) There are lots of fish in the river. Are there any fish in the river? How many 后面一般加名词复数,单复同形不变。 How many goats do you have? How many sheep do you have?
Guo Liang often helps him pick fruit. 特殊的变复数:potatoes、tomatoes、classes、 cherry-cherries、woman-women、man-men 单复同形保持不变:sheep、fish、people 特殊的变三单:have-has、do-does 将来时中动词一律用原形,不考虑前面第几人称。 I'm going to travel. He's going to travel. I'll go to Hainan. She will go to Hainan. 用什么提问用什么回答: 问be going to,答be going to。问will,答will 问did,答过去式。问doing,答动词ing形式。 Do 提问,do或don't 回答
你有多少什么用do you have? 如果问某人有多少什么?do变does,用三单。 How many ducks do you have? How many tomatoes does the girl have? How many potatoes does the boy have? sheep 绵羊 goat 山羊 tomato 西红柿 potato 土豆, 变复数特殊加es want to 加动词原形 I want to catch fish. What are these? They're ....... on the farm in the trees by bus potato/ tomato plants / fruit trees变复数变后面
雨伞前面用an take an umbrella It often rains in London. I can learn a lot from the trip. 从旅行中学到 Everyone is getting ready for middle school life. 为。。。而做好准备 It's time to say goodbye to... have to 不得不+动词原形 make plans 制定计划 where 去哪里---地方 what 干什么---事 when 什么时候----具体时间或不确定时间 not sure who 谁----人 how 怎样去---交通工具 by...
What are you going to do this summer holiday? I'm going to.... What will you do this summer holiday? I'll...
Does he enjoy his stay in China? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. 用Do提问,用do或者don't 回答 Do you enjoy your stay in China? Yes, I do. No, I don't. man 1个男人 men 多个男人 woman 1个女人 women 多个女人 beside= near=next to在旁边,在附近,临近靠近 behind 在后面 garden 花园 supermarket 超市 bookshop 书店 school 学校 sports center 运动中心 hospital 医院
跟谁学习秧歌舞用from I learned the yangge dance from grandma. 早餐吃了什么用for I had yuanxiao for breakfast. last引起的时间表过去 last year/ last Sunday 祈使句后面加动词原形 Don't shout please. Let's cross the street. deer 鹿,ee代表两只鹿角,dear 亲爱的人 cold 感冒 cough 咳嗽 hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้adache 头疼 fever 发烧 health 健康(名词) healthy 健康的(形容词) How can we keep healthy?It makes us healthy and srrong. Junk food is not good for our health.
Dno't worry. 人加worried 担心什么用about I'm worried about my lessons. How can we keep healthy? 我们怎样保持健康? We should... 应该 We shouldn't... 不应该 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 对我们的眼睛不好,健康不好,用for。 It's bad for our eyes. Junk food is not good for our health. 不能玩太长时间用for We shouldn't play computer games for too long. neighbour 邻居 neighbourhood 社区