



美国艾里卡特科技有限公司(Alicat Scientific Inc.) 于1991 年在美国成立,是全球杰出的质量流量和压力解决方案厂商,隶属于英国豪迈(Halma)集团环境与分析事业部,荣膺“年度最佳子公司奖”、“国际业务拓展增长奖”和“豪迈创新奖”。





高压应用实时多元流量测量这款多功能MQ系列高压气体质量流量计可缩短检定或验证高压(160-320 psia)条件下运行流量所需时间,还能够同时实时测量质量流量、体积流量、管线压力和管线温度。








性能∙可用量程:最大0-5000 slpm;最小0-10 sccm(欲了解常备量程,参见零件编号标签)∙可调比:50:1∙校准精度(NIST可溯源):±2%满量程∙可重复性:0.2%满量程∙标准控制器响应时间常数:5-10ms∙无需预热时间工作条件∙兼容气体:98(MQ系列)或130(MQS系列)种预置可选气体;利用COMPOSER气体编辑器自定义的其它混合气体∙工作温度:-10°C至+60°C∙最大内部压力(静态):305 psig(320 psia)∙最大差压(进口至出口):100 psid∙耐受压力:400 psig(415 psia)∙STP/NTP:用户可选(默认为25°C & 1 atm STP/0°C & 1 atm NTP)∙包装清单∙MQ系列高压气体质量流量计(电源需另行订购)∙NIST可溯源校准证书∙艾里卡特操作说明书配件(需另行订购)∙过程端口接头和过滤器∙电源∙通讯线缆和转换线缆∙BB3和BB9多点式集线盒∙Flow Vision软件型号变体∙腐蚀性气体型号(MQS系列,见下文)∙配有可充电电池的便携式型号(MBQ系列)∙另有:∙标准配置型号,最高160 psia(M系列)∙低压损型号,最多60 psia(MW系列)腐蚀性气体(MQS系列)MQ系列高压气体质量流量计中,还有适用于腐蚀性气体的“S”系列配置(即MS系列)可供选择。

gaspro 特点介绍及操作说明

gaspro 特点介绍及操作说明

© Copyright All Rights Reserved Crowcon Detection Instruments Ltd.
界面29:设置菜单的第二个分支项是泵的开启功能(方框内) 界面30:单击操作键进入泵菜单,选择开启或关闭内置泵(方框内)
© Copyright All Rights Reserved Crowcon Detection Instruments Ltd.
1、四通道五种气体检测,反应灵敏,精度高,寿命长 2、单键操作,使用简单方便 3、顶部内嵌显示屏,检视方便直观,一目了然 4、内置采样泵,具有独特的预进入模式 5、结构坚固,适用性强,维护简单 6、采用锂电池,经济环保,使用时间长 7、独立的声,光和振动报警 8、长达125小时的数据记录和超过1000条事件记录 9、已通过国际标准的各项安全认证
企业宗旨: “在全世界范围内保护人员和工厂远离气体危害.” 英国科尔康检测仪器有限公司是欧洲第二大气体检测仪器的专业生产厂家, 成立于1970年,是专门从事开发、生产和销售系列化气体检测仪器的工业 实体。公司设立了产品开发、生产销售、系统工程、技术服务、广告咨询 、出口等十几个部门,在职员工数千人,85%以上的员工都具有相关专业高 级技术职称。 科尔康产品已分别获得了EEC、UL、CSA、劳埃德船级社、挪威海运、美国航 运局、壳牌近海与海上石油平台等相关技术和质量认证。在中国也已经取 得了中华人民共和国进口计量器具型式批准证书(CPA)和国家级仪器仪 表防爆认证(NEPSI)。
注意事项: 1:不要用高浓度的气体(最好在检测气体量程范围内)长时间的冲击传感 器,避免造成传感器性能下降。 2:建议连续检测不同地点不同气体前,需要到洁净的空气中先置零,确保所 测量气体浓度结果的准确性。






气体质量流量控制器,即Mass Flow Controller(MFC),可以对气体质量流量做精密控制。








GOALPURE 气液分离膜接触器系列产品说明书

GOALPURE 气液分离膜接触器系列产品说明书

艾科国际贸易(海南)有限公司P R O D U C T D E S C R I P T I O N产品说明书气液分离膜接触器系列产品公司简介GOALPURE是高频科技设立的产品独立子品牌,专注于超纯水与循环再生解决方案中的关键工艺产品及化学药剂的研发、推广和应用,以高频科技全资子公司艾科国际贸易(海南)有限公司为主体进行市场推广和行业应用。






FLEXI-FLOW 紧凑型气体质量流量和压力控制器快速入门指南说明书

FLEXI-FLOW 紧凑型气体质量流量和压力控制器快速入门指南说明书

FLEXI-FLOW™ CompactMass Flow and Pressure Controller for GasesQuick Start GuideDoc. no.: 9.17.157 rev. DDate: 03-07-2023Complete documentationFor a comprehensive instruction manual, hook-up diagrams and other documentationabout the FLEXI-FLOW™ Compact, visit the Bronkhorst® product pages:/flexi-flow (or scan the QR code)Intended useThe FLEXI-FLOW™ Compact has been developed to measure and/or control mass flow rates and pressures of clean, dry, non-corrosive and non-toxic gases in a fluid system.The product is suited for general purpose indoor (dry) applications, like laboratories and machine enclosures, under the following constraints:Ambient temperature:0 … 50 °COperating pressure:17 bar (a) max.Power supply:24 VdcIngress protection IP40Responsibility for the use of the equipment regarding its intended use, suitability for the intended application, cleaning and compatibility of process media with the applied materials lies solely with the user.Safety notes·The product(s) described in this document may only be handled by qualified personnel who arefamiliar with combined fluid and electrical systems and who recognize the associated hazards(e.g. (high) fluid pressure, electric shock).·The user is responsible for taking the necessary safety measures to prevent damage and/or injurywhile working with the equipment and process media (as described in the associated MaterialSafety Data Sheets).·The equipment and its accessories must be used in accordance with their intended use,specifications and operating instructions.·Opening the equipment is not allowed and will void warranty and cancel the manufacturer'sliability.·If the product is defective or otherwise does not meet your requirements, please contact yourBronkhorst representative for assistance or advice.Product overview1.Power & signal connector (9-pin D-sub)2.Address selection switch3.Support interface (USB-C)4.Fluid inlet5.Status indication LED6.Control valve7.Fluid outlet8.Flow directionInstallation·Verify that the power supply has sufficient capacity to power the instrument.·Always turn off electrical power before connecting the instrument electrically.MountingIf applicable: install the process connections according to the manufacturer's e the mounting holes to attach the instrument to a stable underground.Electrical connectionVerify the connector for correct pin lay-out.Connect the power connector.ConfigurationAddress selection0: digital address setting.1-9: manual address setting (overrides the digital parameter).Digital configurationAfter installing Bronkhorst FlowSuite, establish connection through support interface (USB-C). Configure with Bronkhorst FlowSuite.Install Bronkhorst FlowSuitePowering up·Check leak tightness of fluid system before applying full operating pressure.·For reliable operation, make sure fluid stream is uncontaminated.1. Power up2. Pressurize fluid system3. Green indication LED: ready to use!Customer CareFor current information about Bronkhorst® and worldwide service addresses, please visit our website. For after-sales questions, help and guidance, our Customer Care department can be contacted by e-mail:*************************No matter the time zone, our experts within the Customer Care department are available to answer your request immediately or take appropriate further action. Our experts can be reached at:+31 859 02 18 66Service and returnsFor current information about Bronkhorst®, worldwide service addresses and return information, visit the Service & Support section on our website:/service-support (or scan the QR code)DisposalIf you are a customer within the European Union and wish to dispose of Bronkhorst®equipment bearing the symbol of a crossed out waste disposal bin, Bronkhorst can takecare of proper dismantling, recycling and/or reuse. Just return the item(s) following thereturn instructions on our website; please mention in the covering letter that you arereturning the product for disposal.In countries outside the EU, disposal of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) may be subject to local or national directives and/or legislation. If applicable, consult local or national authorities to learn how to handle EEE properly in your area.DisclaimerThis document has been reviewed and is believed to be accurate. Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V. does not assume liability for errors, inaccuracies or absence of information. The material in this document merely serves information and illustration purposes; no rights can be derived from its contents. Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V. reserves the right to modify or improve its products and documentation without prior notice. Device specifications and the contents of the package may deviate from what is stated in this document.Copyright© 2023 Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V. - All rights reservedBronkhorst High-Tech B.V. Nijverheidsstraat 1aNL-7261 AK Ruurlo, The Netherlands +31 573 45 88 00******************* 。

气体质量流量控制器 MFC 流量传感器说明书

气体质量流量控制器 MFC 流量传感器说明书

气体质量流量控制器 MFC 流量传感器产品名称气体质量流量控制器 MFC 流量传感器公司名称北京堀场汇博隆精密仪器有限公司价格8000.00/个规格参数建议零售价:¥8000.00加工定制:否品牌:HORIBAMETRON/堀场汇博隆公司地址北京市朝阳区北苑路40号23号、25号联系电话010-******** 130********产品详情提示:以下模板中任意文字及图片均可执行修改、复制、删除的操作,添加更多的图片和文字描述有助于增加产品对买家的吸引力。

产品介绍产品信息重量: 2.8kg毛重: 2.8kg 产地: 北京堀场汇博隆精密仪器有限公司流量规格流量规格: (100,150,200)l/min 调节阀类型:电磁调节阀 调节阀静止状态: 常闭 准确度: ± 1.0%f.s. 线性: ±0.5%f.s.重复性精度: ±0.2%f.s.响应时间:2s(t98)产品性能简介企业介绍北京堀场汇博隆精密仪器有限公司是一支由中方经营管理,中日双方共同协作的国际化团队,是由全球顶级热式质量流量控制器(mfc)制造商——horiba stec与中国知名热式质量流量控制器(mfc)制造商——北京汇博隆仪器有限公司共同出资成立,是以研发、生产、销售热式质量流量控制器为主业的高新技术企业。



企业证书购买须知1、货源说明厂家一手货源,公司生产周期短、产品品质有保证2、关于尺码与使用手册里尺寸一致,以收到实物为准3、关于颜色本店产品均为实物拍摄, 与实物平铺图最为接近,收到实物与图片颜色不一致的,可能与电脑显示器的色彩对比度和色温等因素有关4、关于客服如您的提问未能及时回复,可能是因为咨询量过大或系统故障5、关于售后6、关于发货合作快递 中通、德邦本产品的建议零售价是¥8000.00,加工定制是否,品牌是HORIBAMETRON/堀场汇博隆,型号是S4828,类型是质量流量计,测量范围是12(m3/h),精度等级是1.0%,适用介质是气体,工作压力是3(MPa ),工作温度是5~45(℃),产品属性是仪器仪表。

Parker BSP-MT 1-8 呼吸气质量保障器说明说明书

Parker BSP-MT 1-8 呼吸气质量保障器说明说明书

Breathing Star BSP-MT 1 - BSP-MT 8 Breathable Compressed AirBSP-MT1-8 breathing air purifiers aredesigned to treat compressed air reliablyand efficiently and deliver breathablequality compressed air that meets orexceeds the air purity requirementsshown in European Pharmacopia andother global breathing air specifications.BSP-MT OperationCompressed air entering the breathingair purifier is first passed through a pairof coalescing filters (1 x general purposefilter and 1 x high efficiency filter inseries) for the reduction of particulates,water aerosols and oil aerosols.The air then enters a heatless adsorptiondryer where water vapour and CarbonDioxide (CO2) are reduced.Next the air enters the activated carbonand catalyst stage for treatment ofoil vapour, odours and conversion ofCarbon Monoxide (CO) into CarbonDioxide (CO2).Finally the air exits through a dryparticulate filter.Advantages• Parker BSP-MT breathing air purifiers provide breathable quality compressed airto meet or exceed European & global breathing air standardsProduct Selection & Correction FactorsFor correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation. To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIPStated flows are for operation at 13 bar (g) (189 psi g), 35°C (95°F) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.For flows at other conditions, apply the correction factors shown below.Performance©2021 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.PISBSPMT1-8-00-ENEMEA Product Information Centre Free phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT , BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT , LU, MT , NL, NO, PL, PT , RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA) US Product Information Centre Toll-free number: 1-800-27 27 537Europe, Middle East, AfricaAE – United Arab Emirates, DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100AT – Austria, St. Florian Tel: +43 (0)7224 66201 AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 2233 458BE/NL/LU – Benelux, Hendrik Ido Ambacht Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00CH – Switzerland, Etoy Tel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00 CZ – Czech Republic, PragueTel: +420 284 083 111DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 330 001FI – Finland, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)20 753 2500FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25GR – GreeceTel: +30 69 44 52 78 25HU – Hungary, Budaörs Tel: +36 23 885 470IE – Ireland, Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370IL – IsraelTel: +39 02 45 19 21IT – Italy, Corsico (MI) Tel: +39 02 45 19 21KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7273 561 000NO – Norway, Asker Tel: +47 66 75 34 00PL – Poland, Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00PT – PortugalTel: +351 22 999 7360RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156SE – Sweden, Borås Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700North AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland Tel: +1 216 896 3000Asia PacificAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, Tokyo Tel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt Wellington Tel: +64 9 574 1744SG – Singapore Tel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, Bangkok Tel: +662 186 7000TW – Taiwan, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2298 8987Parker WorldwideSouth AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Sao Jose dos Campos Tel: +55 080 0727 5374CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 22 303 9640MX – Mexico, Toluca Tel: +52 72 2275 4200。

莱宝真空产品说明书Center Two-Three 真空规管控制器

莱宝真空产品说明书Center Two-Three 真空规管控制器
1 引言 .............................................................................................................. 8 1.1 有效性 ....................................................................................................... 8 1.1.1 样本号 .................................................................................................... 8 1.1.2 固件版本................................................................................................. 8 1.1.3 型号铭牌................................................................................................. 8 1.2 指定用途 ................................................................................................... 9 1.2.1 责任与担保 ............................................................................................. 9 1.3 产品型号 ................................................................................................... 9 1.4 安全 ........................................................................................................... 9 1.4.1 人员资质................................................................................................. 9 1.4.2 危险图示............................................................................................... 10 1.4.3 通用安全规程 ....................................................................................... 10 2 技术数据 .................................................................................................... 12 2.1 技术数据 ................................................................................................. 12 2.1.1 机械数据............................................................................................... 12 2.1.2 环境 ...................................................................................................... 13 2.1.3 运行 ...................................................................................................... 13 2.1.4 标准 ...................................................................................................... 13 2.2 电源连接 ................................................................................................. 13 2.3 通道 ......................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 传感器连接 ........................................................................................... 14 2.3.2 传感器电源 ........................................................................................... 14 2.3.3 测量 ...................................................................................................... 14 2.4 转换功能 ................................................................................................. 15 2.4.1 转换功能继电器 ................................................................................... 15 2.4.2 故障信号继电器 ................................................................................... 16 2.5 输出 ......................................................................................................... 16

horiba mfc工作原理 -回复

horiba mfc工作原理 -回复

horiba mfc工作原理-回复Horiba MFC(Mass Flow Controller),也称为质量流量控制器,是一种广泛应用于工业和实验室环境中的流量控制设备。


Horiba MFC的工作原理可以分为几个关键步骤,包括传感器测量、控制电路和执行机构。

下面将一步一步地解释Horiba MFC的工作原理。

首先,Horiba MFC使用传感器来测量气体的质量流量。

传感器通常采用热毛细管(Thermal Capillary)流量传感器,该传感器基于热传导原理。







最后,执行机构是Horiba MFC的关键部件之一。

它由一个电磁比例阀(Electromagnetic Proportional Valve)和一个驱动电路组成。



总结起来,Horiba MFC的工作原理是通过传感器测量气体质量流量、控制电路计算流量误差并调整执行机构来达到精确控制气体流量的目的。


需要注意的是,Horiba MFC的性能和准确性受到多种因素的影响,包括气体压力、温度和比例阀的响应时间等。

因此,在使用Horiba MFC进行精确流量控制时,需要对环境条件进行细致的调节和校准,以确保其在各种工况下的可靠性和稳定性。

Parker Hannifin Veriflo LC223S高压气体或液体流量控制器说明书

Parker Hannifin Veriflo LC223S高压气体或液体流量控制器说明书

VerifloContact Information:Parker Hannifin Corporation Veriflo Division 250 Canal BlvdRichmond, California 94804phone 510 235 9590fax 510 232 7396************************/verifloMobile App: /verifloValue Proposition:The LC223S is a high pressure gas or liquid flow controller for liquid chromatography, chemical injection and sampling.The LC223S provides constant flow with varying downstream pressure.Gas or Liquid Flow Controller High Pressure, Stainless SteelLC223S SeriesProduct Features:• Wide Flow Range: From 25 scc/m to 40 slpm • Wide Pressure Range: From 200 to 5000 psig (14 to 345 barg)• Corrosion resistant• Repeatability: Flow isstable within ±0.2% of flow value under the following conditions:1. Ambient temerature variesno more than 10°F 2. Inlet pressure remainsconstant3. Downstream pressure doesnot vary by more than 70% of established valueLC223S SeriesPrinciple of OperationThe controller creates a constant differential pressure across a fixed area passage. Flow through the passage is proportional to the area of the passage and to the differentialpressure across it. Since the differential pressure is kept constant, the flow is established by the sizing of the passage area.OperationThe controller functions as a back pressure regulator which delivers a continuous flow. Its diaphragm assembly is subjected to two opposing forces. The force applied to the top of the diaphragm assembly is created by the dome pressure on the area of thediaphragm. The force applied to the bottom of the diaphragm assembly is the sum of the force created by the compression spring and the force created by the inlet pressure on the area of the diaphragm. The diaphragm assembly operates to control the opening of a nozzle in order to maintain a balance between the two opposing forces. If the force on top of the diaphragm assembly tends to exceed the force at the bottom, the imbalance will decrease the opening of the nozzle to increase the inlet pressure until the balance is restored. If the force on top of the diaphragm assembly tends to become smaller than the force at the bottom, the imbalance will increase the opening of the nozzle to reduce the inlet pressure until the balance is restored. Such an operation maintains a constant difference between the pressure in the dome and the pressure at the inlet. The magnitude of the difference is established by the compression spring. The dome of the controller is connected to the upstream side of the flow determining passage; the inlet is connected to the downstream side of the passage. In a typical application, the flow passage is capillary tubing (fixed orifice, or MFC). The differential pressure has a nominal value of 50 to 60 psi. For effective operation, it is required to have a minimum difference of 200 psi between the pressure upstream of the flow passage (applied to the dome) and the pressure at the outlet of the controller (connected to the process). If the application is concerned with gas flow, it is important to maintain the upstream pressure at a constant reference to prevent gas compressibility from affecting the stability of flow control.SYSTEM SET @ 500 PSI1500 PSI CAP PORTINOUTLC223SFLOW RESTRICTORVALVE OR MFC1500 PSIEXAMPLE APPLICATIONFor an explanation of Ordering options please reference literature 25000275at /verifloBlack = Standard Lead Time ConfigurationsBlue = Extended Lead Time Configurations Green Italic = Express Service Program (ESP)LC223S Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54018192Color Explanations: LC223S SeriesOrdering InformationDimensional DrawingLitPN: 25000043 Rev: E Date of Issue 04/2013© 2007 Parker Hannifin CorporationVerifloOFFER OF SALE:The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the detailed “Offer of Sale” elsewhere in this document or available at /verifloWARNING USER RESPONSIBILITYFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY FOR LATEST PRODUCT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSThis document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corp and it’s subsidiaries at any time without notice.Proposition 65 Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.For additional information on materials of construction, functional performance and operating conditions, please contact factory.Use mobile device to scan this QR Code.SpecificationsLC223S Series。














0.1 0.5
0ʙ100 /min 1 /min 999999 1 1
注1 ɿ 换算到20ˆ,1个大气压ʢ101kPaʣ下的体积流量。 注2ɿ使用压缩空气的场合,请使用JIS B 8392-1ɿ2003、等级为1.1.1ʙ1.6.2的净化空气。从压缩机出来的空气中含有冷凝水(水、氧化油、异物
20ʙ150 30ʙ150
20ʙ150 30ʙ150
0020 150 100ʙ300 150 100ʙ300
0050 200 150ʙ300 200 150ʙ300
0100 300 250ʙ350
流量范围ɹˎ1 L0002 20
L0005 20
L0010 20
0ʔ5 VDCʢ10kЊʣɹʗɹ4点(2位)
4ʔ20 mADCʢ250Њʣɹʗɹ4点(2位)
设定的ʶ5%F.S.时0.5秒以内ʢTYPʣ 设定的ʶ5%F.S.时1秒以内ʢTYPʣ
ʶ1%F.S.以下温度Fra bibliotek性ʶ0.1%F.S./ˆ以下ʢ25ˆ为基准ʣ

AS200 系列气体质量流量控制器 说明书

AS200 系列气体质量流量控制器 说明书

AS200系列说明书气体质量流量控制器●可同时支持数字信号,1~5V 模拟信号,4~20mA 模拟信号●使用单电源(+15~+24VDC )●支持自动故障报警,多气体多量程等功能应用范围AS200系列气体质量流量控制器(MFC ),主要用于对气体的质量流量进行精密控制和测量。


其典型的应用场合包括:集成电路工艺设备,如外延、扩散、等离子刻蚀、溅射、离子注入和各种CVD 等设备;其他行业设备,如光纤熔炼、微反应装置、混气配气系统、气体取样装置、毛细管测量仪、气相色谱仪及其它分析仪器等。

图 1.AS200系列质量流量控制器产品简述AS200系列气体质量流量控制器,适用于多种常规气体,提高了气体质量流量控制测量结果的准确度及可靠性。

重复精度高达±0.2%F.S.;1×10-10Pa ·m 3/sec He 的低泄露率,气密性好,保障生产安全;可支持多种信号输出,包括数字信号、1~5V 模拟信号以及4~20mA 模拟信号,可以使用单电源(+15~+24VDC ),适用于不同的工作场景;标准开放的通讯协议为客户自行开发控制、采集软件提供便利;同时,产品还提供功能强大的免费客户端上位机软件,方便用户调试操作。

AS200系列产品是奥松电子采用先进的MEMS 技术研发,在传感器的驱动,零点漂移的控制和阀控等诸多方面都采用了独特的技术,保证了产品的高性能、高品质和高可靠性,是一款稳定性好、精度高、泄漏率低、耐压高的优质仪器。






空气分析校准的标配:BASIS系列OEM 质量流量控制器BASIS系列OEM气体质量流量控制器是专为原始设备制造和工艺集成设计的,是Alicat最小的设备。



1、空气分析校准客户案例亚利桑那州图森市Valco仪器公司选择了Alicat BASIS系列OEM气体质量流量控制器,在动态渗透装置中精确控制气体流量。

Alicat BASIS系列OEM气体质量流量控制器创建气体混合物,在一个紧凑的空间内,每分钟产生的气体混合物可以达到几毫微克,便于集成。









BASIS系列OEM气体质量流量控制器有三个流量范围:1-100 sccm、5-1000 sccm和0.1-20 slpm。




Platon Automatic Flow ControllerDS1531Features:∙ Automatic - no power required∙ High accuracy - balanced control valve ∙ Fast response - short feedback path ∙ Simple and reliablePLATON FLOSTAT TYPES B & LBAn automatic flow control valve and governor to limit the maximum rate of liquid flow in a pipe -irrespective of pressure changes - whilst presenting the minimum resistance to normal flow.FLOSTAT TYPES B AND LBAutomatic Self -ActingFlow Control Valve and Governor for 2”-4” pipes (50mm -100mm)Type B units are factory set for a user defined flow rateType LB units control at a flow rate adjustable over a 6:1 flow range using the external hand wheelSTANDARD SPECIFICATIONBodyValve Trim Diaphragm ConnectionsControl Accuracy Reproducibility Maximum Temperature Maximum Threshold Valve Mild Steel Epoxy Coated or Stainless SteelStainless SteelNitrile, Viton or Stainless Steel bellows Flanged to BS, EN or ANSI standards ±5%±2%Nitrile and Viton 80°CSee table20 bar25 bar on requestMaximum Pressure Hydraulic Test Pressure SPECIAL MODELS∙ High Pressure∙ Pneumatic or electrically-operated set point adjustment of Type LB∙ Irrigation model with special materials andfeatures∙ Aviation kerosene units with special shorter overall length∙ Different flow ranges∙ Type MN in brass or Stainless Steel for 1/4” pipe, on liquids or gases (see DS1511)∙ Type V Flostat for variable flow control of gases and liquids 1/2”-4” line sizes (see DS1521) OTHER TYPES OF FLOSTATPRINCIPLEThe Flostat combines, in one body, a flow measuring orifice (A) and a balanced control valve (B). The pressure differenceP1–P2 produced at the orifice acts on a pressure responsive element (C), deflects the control spring and positions the butterfly control valve. At a certain load, P1–P3, the equilibrium of force between the diaphragm thrust and the return spring exists at the required flowrate. If the load P1–P3 changes, the valve will be moved to a new position so as to pro-duce the necessary compensation to restore the original flowrate and retain the same P1–P2 value. The Flostat LB unit also has an external handwheel to adjust the orifice size, which changes the controlled flow value, as shown on a calibrated scale plate.Note 1: Adjustment of ±10 of Factory setting can be achieved under No Flow conditionsNote 2: Adjustment of ±25% of Factory setting can be achieved under No Flow conditionsFLOSTAT APPLICATIONSThe Flostat brings automation of fluid handling within the reach of industries requiring accurate and reliable control with a sub-stantial cost benefit over the conventional servo-operated con-trol valve. Obvious examples of applications for the Flostat are where:∙ Power is not available∙ Control setting is rarely changed∙ Installation positions is remote or dangerous∙ It is necessary to prevent excessive flow∙ There is a need to protect machinery and plant∙ Long term reliability and high accuracy are required∙ Corrosion-resistant and compatible materials are required ∙ Low pressure drop and high accuracy requiredFlostats are utilised to control the cooling water flow in air conditioning and refrigeration plant to maintain optimum efficiency. COOLING AND CONDITIONINGWATER TREATMENTFlostats are used on Sand Filters and Gravity Filters to over-come vortex flow in the Filter. In the Pre-Coated Filter, it is necessary on initial start-up to have a high flowrate and during normal running reduce to a lower flowrate, which can be achieved by use of a Two-Position Actuator or manual control. Constant flow through a filter ensures smooth cake infor-mation and maximum length of life.IRRIGATIONFlostats limit the flowrate through each outlet, ensuring even distribution and efficient use of the limited supply of water, which is coupled to large seasonal variations.PUMP SAFETYFlostats prevent overspeed and cavitation when pump supply varies.METER PROTECTIONFlostats allow improved pumping economies at oil terminals. Each of the bulk meters is protected from excessive load and overspeed-ing so that one pump can serve many loading points. A similar unit is utilised to prevent overspeeding of oxygen meters on distribution systems and to minimise the possibility of explosion.The Flostat has countless applications including:Absorbers, Aerators, Centrifuges, Chillers, Condensers, Dryers, Evaporators, Extractors, Fermenters, Filters, Heat Exchangers, Homogenisers, Reverse Osmosis, Scrubbers, Softeners, Sprays, Stills∙ Blending of Fluids to a fixed formula∙ Dispensing of Fluids into accurate fractions∙ Chemical reactions where stability is a key factor∙ Constant flow on heating or cooling circuits∙ Filtration with improved efficiency and filter life∙ Protection of equipment from excessive flows∙ Burner control providing quick start-up and temperature zoning∙ Aggregate particle size separation∙ Ratio of powder fluidisation and conveying∙ Batch control∙ IrrigationFeed from a pump or tank is divided and maintained in correct proportion to any number of requirements and not affected by variations in line pres-sure. The Flostat ensures maximumefficiency by planned distribution.DISTRIBUTION AND BLENDING OF FLUIDSENQUIRIESWhen placing an enquiry, please give all possible details as the manufacturers have great accumulated experience in this spe-cialised field and could contribute valuable guidance. Certainly do not omit to specify the following:∙ Pipe Size∙ Preferred Materials and Connections∙ Control Setting and if adjustment required∙ Pressure conditions upstream and downstream∙ Fluid including SG and viscosity if unusual, withtemperature CALIBRATIONFor permanent and accurate control, it is only necessary to ensure that the available pressure does not fall below the Threshold Value which is the minimum required to provide the control force and to overcome friction losses (P1-P3).INSTALLATIONEach Flostat is calibrated with a straight approach pipe and spring housing vertical. To reproduce the factory calibration precisely, the installation should be similar, however, the fric-tion with the butterfly spindle at other attitudes is extremely small.The Flostat should be orientated so that sludge does not accu-mulate in the pressure responsive housing. With liquid flows, it is desirable that the controller does not fill with air when liquid flow stops.Every effort has been made during the preparation of this document to ensure the accuracy of statements and specifications. However, we do not acceptliability for damage, injury, loss or expense caused by errors or omissions made. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend products or documentation without notice.Head Office: 2 Downgate Drive, Sheffield, S4 8BT, England Tel: +44(0)114 244 2521 Fax: +44(0)114 243 483804H W A R 0311FLOSTAT TYPE ‘LB’FLOSTAT TYPE ‘B’DIMENSIONS TYPE ‘B’Note: Certain models built for aviation fuel control have smaller axial dimensionsWEIGHT IN KGDIMENSIONS TYPE ‘LB’。

bronkhorst 气体数字质量流量 压力控制器 IQ+FLOW 系列 说明书

bronkhorst 气体数字质量流量 压力控制器 IQ+FLOW 系列 说明书



©2022Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V.保留所有权利。



Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V.不对本文档可能存在的任何错误、表述不当或信息缺失承担责任。


Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V.保留修改或改进旗下产品,更新文档内容相关权利,进行该等事宜前,无需通知任何特定个人或组织。



















o参考文献: oCrank J. The mathematics of diffusion (1967) 2nd. Edition
IGA-002 系统
IGA-002 系统
o 用于从真空到吸附质蒸气压的蒸气吸附 o 内置储液罐和传输系统 o 防冷凝保护 o 用于气体排出的高传导真空系统 o 实验压力控制低至10-3 mbar o 精确控制压力,真正静态吸附 o 安托因方程参数已输入软件 o 蒸气压力计算器
0 0
Concentration (wt-%)
Sorption of R-134A on Norit at 60oC 60 ℃时R-134A在Norit上的吸附
Adsorption 吸附 Desorption 解吸
Pressure (Millibars)
86次/分钟,确保真正静态吸附的 压力恒定 ⊕ DSMS(动态取样质谱)接口
The IGA product range
o IGA-001
o IGA-002
o IGA-003
o IGA100
吸附 30 摩尔 25 浓度
0 0
Concentration (wt-%)
Water Sorption on BPL Carbon at 22oC 22℃ 时水在BPL碳上的吸附
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sml/s 经过NIST校准嵌入可倾斜LCD显示仪0-5VDC和4-20mA信号回路保护可作便携设备使用工程单位或者百分比显示累积器可选








GFM质量流量计的测量范围是10sccm到1000sL/min (N2);用1/4",1/8"和1/2"卡套螺纹或3/4"FNPT连接,可选其他连接方式。










氦气测试最大泄漏率为1×10-7 sml/s。

Mass Flow Controllers。
