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- Susan不小心纵火烧掉邻居的房子 Susan played with fire..

- 不是我的量杯 That's not my cup.

可能会弄伤自己的 And could get burned.

去做个spa或者去购物想办法让自己放松一下 Go to a spa, go shopping. Find a way to relax.

Gabrielle找到了一个性伴侣 Gabrielle found herself a playmate

Lynette 实在没办法控制她那两个调皮捣蛋的孩子 Lynette couldn't get her kids to stop playing.

夫人,你现在知道我为何要你停车吗 Do you know why I pulled you over

我有原因的 I have theory.

我无法很快入睡,我睡完之后还是觉得精疲力尽 If I don't get some sleep, I'll be forced back upstairs out of exhuastion.

Bree 采取了强硬的态度 And Bree played hard ball.

每个人都有自己的杀手锏 Everyone has a little dirty laundry.

我活着的时候,我有不同的身份 When I was alive, I maintained many different indentities.

情人,妻子,最后成为牺牲者 Lover, wife and, untimately victim.

是的,标签对活着的人非常重要Yes, lables are important to the living.

标签决定了人们该如何看待自己They dictate how people see themselves.

就像我的朋友Lynette那样以前她给自己的定位就是职业女性Like my friend Lynette, she used to see herself as a career woman.

她确实在事业上很成功and a hugely sucessful one.

现在她的成功来自美味的午餐精致的留言贴 She was known for her power lunches, her eye-catching presentations

还来自于毫不留情的和屋里的脏乱做斗争and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition.

她放弃她的事业就是为了另一个标签 But lynette gave up her career to assume a new label.

为了成为一个合格的全职家庭主妇 The incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother.

这是Scavo家 Scavo residence.

是,是我 Yes, this is me.

很不幸对Lynette而言这个新角色并不像所宣称的那样容易扮演But, unfortunately for Lynette, this new label frequently fell short of what was advertised.


物室只有五分钟 How in the world did they.. I left the door to the art supply cupboard open for five minutes.

5分钟That's all. Five minutes.

那个小女孩为什么没喊叫The little girl, why didn't she say anything

你儿子动手太快了Your boys work quickly.

事实上,很明显他们应该为此事而受到严厉的惩罚 Well, obviously they wil be punished for this severely.

我本来不想提了但上次你也这么说的 I hesitate bringing this up, since you got so ugly ahout it last time..

他们根本没有获得教训 They don't have attention deficit disorder

我可没有想教坏我孩子,只是配合你的工作 and I won't drug my boys just to make your job easier.

我想要换老师I'd rather change teachers.

你的孩子之所以留在我班级就是因为只有我才能对付他们They're in my class because I'm the only teacher who can handle them.

或者我们可以把他们分开来或许我们可以把他们分到不同班级去What if we separate the twins, put them in different classes

他们如果没有待在一起会比较乖一些They're calmer when they're not

bouncing off one another.

我们可以试一下但是如果这么做还是不行的话 We can try that, but if it doesn't work.

可能就没有人再愿意教他们了 We may no longer be able to accommodate them.

Lynette 突然意识到她的角色又变了It suddenly occurred to Lynette, her label was about to change yet again.

接下来的几年,她会被人们津津乐道因为她是那两个把Tiffany Axelrod染成蓝色的孩子的母亲 And for the next few years, she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelrod blue.

看起来这是WISTERIA大街的一个很不错的下午It looked to be an interesting afternoon on Wisteria Lane.

我的朋友Bree发现一盒神秘的磁带她从她的婚姻顾问那里偷来的 A mysterious cassette tape had been discovered by my friend Bree. She had stolen it from her marriage counselor.

这就是我之前提到的那个顾问 A counselor I'd once spoken to in strictest confidience.

你最近怎么样 How have you been

我又做恶梦了I had the nightmare again.

Mary Alice的声音实在是奇怪 It's weird to hear Mary Alice.

- 还是那个梦- 是的 Still the same one Yes.
