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Numerical control technology and CNC machinery manufacturing industry in today's huge benefits and the important position in the country, and shows its strategic role in modern industrial base, and has become a traditional mechanical manufacturing industry upgrading transformation and automation, flexibility and integrated production of important means and logo. Numerical control technology and the wide application of nc machine tools, machinery manufacturing industry structure, product categories and class and production brought the revolutionary change. CNC machine is the most important modern processing workshop equipment. It is the development of the information technology (1T)and manufacturing technology development (MT). Modern CAD/CAM, FMS, CIMS, agile manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing technology, are built in the numerical control technology.

CNC equipment manufacturing is the machine tools, techniques and equipment manufacturing is the cornerstone of modern hi-tech industry development is the guarantee of the modernization of national defense and the strategic equipment. In the global advocate green manufacturing environment, nc reform has become hot. It includes ordinary numerical control machine tool CNC transformation and upgrade.

This design is introduced the contents of nc machining process and characteristics, and analysis of CNC programming. And through certain examples of detailed introduced nc machining process analysis method.

Keywords:CNC,technology process,programming



摘要.................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................... I I 第1章零件结构工艺分析、毛胚及加工定位基准的确定 . (1)

1.1零件图分析 (1)

1.2工件的加工工艺分析 (1)

1.3工件毛坯的确定 (2)

1.4定位基准的选择 (2)

第2章拟定加工工艺路线、制定工序卡片 (4)

2.1工序的划分 (4)

2.2加工顺序的安排 (4)

2.3控机床加工工序和加工路线的设计 (4)

2.5确定切削用量 (6)

第三章确定加工余量、工序尺寸和公差以及工艺尺寸链计算 (7)

3.1加工余量的确定 (7)

3.2确定工序尺寸及其公差 (7)

第4章数控编程 (11)

4.1数控车床的编程特点 (11)

4.2数控车床的编程指令 (12)

4.3加工路线的确定 (13)

4.4零件及加工程序编制 (17)

结论 (23)

致谢 (24)

参考文献 (25)
