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[关键词] 需要层次理论激励管理积极性

Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs Theory "on the role of

business operations


With China's accession to the World Trade Organization and the acceleration of global economic integration, human resources management in the enterprise management and the growing role of the position, while the use of employee incentives to improve their core competitiveness of enterprises in China has become a necessary choice. Motivation through research and analysis of enterprise incentive mechanism, incentive mechanism that the enterprise must change as the business environment and make appropriate adjustments, and then based on incentive theory to analyze the business problems in the existing incentives, and points out the reason and Clear its adjustment strategy.

.At present, the modern enterprise incentive defects, which restricts the production enthusiasm of employees and creative play, a serious impediment to the development of enterprises. Incentives in human resources management plays an important role in the content of Maslow hierarchy of needs as a driving theory, modern human resource management has an important significance. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, incentives for employees were designed.

This paper first describes the basic theory of Maslow hierarchy of needs and the basic point of view, that the theory's role in management activities, management activities, managers can target different levels of staff need to implement appropriate incentives. And after the needs of five levels of management activities proposed by the theory of practical significance, the last manager in the management activities proposed in the specific incentive methods.

Key words: Hierarchy of needs theory Incentive Management Positive


⏹导言 (1)

⏹(一)选题背景和意义 (1)

⏹(二)现有文献综述 (2)

⏹(三)研究方法描述 (3)

⏹一:马斯洛“需求层次论”概述 (1)

⏹(一)马斯洛“需求层次论”定义 (4)

⏹(二)马斯洛“需求层次论”特点 (4)

⏹二:马斯洛需求层次论在员工激励机制中的运用 (5)

⏹(一)员工的不同阶段的需求 (5)


要 (8)


而达到激励的作用 (9)

⏹结语 (14)

⏹参考文献 (15)

⏹谢辞 (16)
