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b) The Chang’an city of Tang could be divided into 3 parts. The king and imperial family lived in the northernmost palace city dealing with state affairs.
外廓城是居民的住宅区和商业区,它由 南北十一条街和东西十四条街划分为一 百零八坊和东市、西市两个商业区。长 安城布局状如棋盘。
Student translations: 1) The Outer City is the place of residence area/living district and commercial district. It could be divided into 108 mills/workshops and east fair and west fair two commercial districts East city and West City) by 11 S-N streets and 14 E-W streets , horizontal/vertical streets/ roads).The shape/ distribution of the city is like that of a chessboard.
2) Chang’an city in the Tang Dynasty,
including present city proper and nearby outskirts of Xi’an province, covers the area seven and a half times of present Xi’an. There are 36.7 km outer city. about one million residents living in the city.
唐长安城包括今西安市城区和近郊区, 面积相当于现在西安城的七倍半,城周 有三十六点七公里,城内居住着约一百 万人口。
Student translation: 1) The ...covers the area of the city proper and suburbs of today’s Xi’an. It’s seven and half a times as large as the Xi’an city today. The perimeter of the Chang’an city is 36.7 kilometers. There were one million people living in it.
Reference version: During the Tang Dynasty, Chang’an included today’s Xi’an city proper and its suburbs. Six and a half times larger than Xi’an, it was 36.7km in circumference, and had a population (of) one million.
考古学家50年发掘 汉长安城格局基本清晰 2200多年前,西汉定都长安,即现在的陕西省西安市西北 部,并在此延续了200余年的统治。西汉是中国古代最繁荣的时期之一,
都城长安曾与古罗马并列为古代东西方两大都会。汉长安城面积达36平方 公里,是古代面积最大的都城遗址之一,也是迄今保存最完整的古代都城遗 址。据考古发现,汉长安城分11个区,8条大街及12个城门。8条大街 宽度基本相同,都在45-55米左右。这显然是出自统一规划。”当时宫城 内人口约有24万,如果连周围的卫星城镇计算在内的话,人口可达120 万。宫城内不同的区域,包括宫殿政治区、贵族豪宅区、普通居民区、手工 作坊区、商业区等,与现代城市布局有几分相似。汉长安城皇宫——未央宫 面积达5平方公里,是中国古代规模最大的一座皇宫,远大于北京明清紫禁 城的0.724平方公里。作为都城的政治中心,未央宫中部遗存看起来仅 是一座小土丘,从夯土的高度和遗留下来柱础石(支撑大殿柱子的石头)来 看,这里一定存在过恢弘的建筑。除了恢宏的地上建筑,汉代宫城内的后妃 宫殿之中存在多处地下通道,主要集中于太后居住的长乐宫、皇后居住的未 央宫椒房殿、嫔妃居住的桂宫等地,这或许与当时宫廷复杂的政治斗争有关。 “这些地下通道多发现于后宫或后妃宫殿之中,有的还设有门房,以控制人们 的进出。
(political/foreign/royal/political/fi nancial affairs)
(or: The northernmost part was…where…)
宫城南面的皇城,是封建政府的所在地。 宫城和皇城的东、南、西三面被外廓城 拱围着。
1) The Imperial City, which is to the south of the Palace City, is where the feudal(ism/istic) government is. The Outer City, which surrounds the Palace city and the east, south and west of the Imperial City, is the living place and business quarters of the inhabitants.
2) The outer city was the living and commercial area consisting of 11 streets from north to south and 14 streets from east to west which were further divided into 108 blocks and two commercial districts called Dongshi and Xishi.
古代的长安 唐长安城包括今西安市城区和近郊区,面积相当于现在西安城 的七倍半,城周有三十六点七公里,城内居住着约一百万人口。 唐长安城共分为三部分。最北的宫城是皇帝和皇室居住和处理 朝政的地方。宫城南面的皇城,是封建政府的所在地。宫城和 皇城的东、南、西三面被外廓城拱围着。外廓城是居民的住宅 区和商业区,它由南北十一条街和东西十四条街划分为一百零 八坊和东市、西市两个商业区。长安城布局状如棋盘。 长安城内街道宽广笔直,主要大街宽度都在一百米以上,宫门 前的一条东西向的大街,足有二百二十米之宽。道路两旁种有 青槐和榆树,并有相当完整的排水系统。唐代长安是我国封建 社会按照规划修建的规模最大的城市,对唐以后我国乃至邻国 的城市建筑,都产生了较大的影响。 唐代是我国封建社会的鼎盛时期。长安不仅是全国的政治、经 济、文化中心,而且是东方最大的国际性都市。当时有三百多 个国家和地区(后来演变成为七十多个国家和地区)与唐保持 友好交往。
3) The Chang’an city of the TD consisted of the city proper and outskirts of today’s Xi’an. It was seven and a half times as large as Xi’an. The city was 36.7 kilometers in circumference with a population of one million.
3)…is where .A. and B lived and where state affairs are conducted/dealt with.
Ref. v.
The city was divided into three parts. In the north was the Palace City where the emperor lived with his family and held court.
唐长安城共分为三部分。最北的 宫城是皇帝和皇室居住和处理朝 政的地方。
Student translations:
• 1) Chang An city in the Tang dynasty could be divided into 3 parts. The northernmost Palace City was where the emperor and his relatives lived and conducted the affairs of state.
2) The Royal City in the south of the Palace City is the place where… The palace city and the east, south and west sides of the Imperial city are surrounded by....
The price level has risen about eight time since 1932, so a $25,000 income would be the “equivalent” of an income of $2000,000today. 价 格水平自1932年以来已上升了七倍,因此当时 23,000美元的收入与今天200,000美元的收 入“等值”。 Since the Second World War 第二次世界大战结 束以来。/而非第二次世界大战以来。 The senate must ratify the treaty. 这一条约须经 参议院批准。/参议院必须批准这一条约。
Ref. v. The Outer City was divided into one hundred and eight squares and two commercial centres named the East Market and the West Market by eleven streets running from north to south and fourteen streets from east to west… The whole layout was like a chessboard.
古代的长安 唐长安城包括今西安市城区和近郊区,面积相当于现在西安城 的七倍半,城周有三十六点七公里,城内居住着约一百万人口。 唐长安城共分为三部分。最北的宫城是皇帝和皇室居住和处理 朝政的地方。宫城南面的皇城,是封建政府的所在地。宫城和 皇城的东、南、西三面被外廓城拱围着。外廓城是居民的住宅 区和商业区,它由南北十一条街和东西十四条街划分为一百零 八坊和东市、西市两个商业区。长安城布局状如棋盘。 长安城内街道宽广笔直,主要大街宽度都在一百米以上,宫门 前的一条东西向的大街,足有二百二十米之宽。道路两旁种有 青槐和榆树,并有相当完整的排水系统。唐代长安是我国封建 社会按照规划修建的规模最大的城市,对唐以后我国乃至邻国 的城市建筑,都产生了较大的影响。 唐代是我国封建社会的鼎盛时期。长安不仅是全国的政治、经 济、文化中心,而且是东方最大的国际性都市。当时有三百多 个国家和地区(后来演变成为七十多个国家和地区)与唐保持 友好交往。
3) The outer city was surrounding the palace city and Royal city in east, south and west.
Ref. v.
To the south was the Royal City where the feudal government offices were situated. East, west and south of the Palace City and the Royal City was the Outer City, which was the citizens’ residential quarters and the commercial centres.