


能源之星成员为从能源部以自己的努力赢得更好的承认和支持,能源之星成员可以考虑采用以下自愿的方 式,并应在这些努力实施的过程中让能源部保持了解: 1. 考虑公司设备的能源效率的改进,使建筑物也符合能源之星的要求 2. 购买带能源之星标记的产品。修改公司产品采购或置办规格以包括能源之星。把置办官员的的联系信 息提交给能源部用于定期更新和调节。宣传能源之星认可商品的通用信息以使雇员在为其家庭购买这些产 品时采用。 3. 保证公司设备中所有在用的能源之星认可的监控器都具备电源管理功能,尤其是进行安装时和售后服 务时。 4. 对那些工作与公司现有能源之星认可产品类型的开发、营销、销售和服务相关的雇员提供能源之星计 划的通用信息。 5. 在成员自己的网站和其他宣传资料上使用能源之星的标记。如果成员的网站上提供与能源之星有关的 信息,能源部可以提供与此成员网站相关的链接。 6. 提供一份简洁的计划给能源部,大致说明成员计划执行的比以上的能源之星计划所列诸项要求更高的 方案。这样做是为了能源部可以适当地协调、交流和(或)促进成员的活动,委派一名能源部的代表,或
4) 所有灯的要求
项目标准 相关色温及深紫外
能源之星要求 参考标准/尺寸/特殊要求
测试要求 实验室样本 方法
灯必须包含下列指定相关色温(根据 ANSI C78.377-2008) 中一种,且范围落在 附件中定义七阶色度四边形内
标称相 关色温
目标色温(K) 公差

目标 Duv samples must meet the specification
全方向的:A, BT, P, PS, S, T 装饰的:B, BA, C, CA, DC, F, G 方向的:BR, ER, K, MR, PAR, R 不规范的 瓦数 c.模型或产品数量(如果可能的话) 也鼓励成员提供以产品特性划分的单位出货数量,其生产线上每种灯型的总出运量和符合能源之星的出运 量占单位总出运量的百分比, 数据每半年向能源部提交,每年应不迟于二月 15 好号(上半年)或八月 15 号(下半年)将数据递交能源 部,最好以电子版的形式,可由成员直接或通过第三方提交。 10.如果成员公司中指定负责 LED 灯的组织或联系人变更,请在 30 天内通知能源部。








二、标准的内容1. 标准的适用范围:该标准适用于LED光源灯具的产品认证,并分类管理。

2. 照明效果要求:LED光源灯具能够提供良好的照度和光效,其光源的色温、光通量、显色指数等参数应符合要求。

3. 能效要求:为了达到能源节约的效果,对于不同的LED 光源灯具提出了相应的能效要求及测试方法,产品的能效等级分为1至3级。

4. 寿命要求:LED光源灯具的寿命一般在30000-50000小时之间,其使用寿命应不少于5年。

标准要求对于不同的LED 光源灯具,其使用寿命应相应地进行测试和评级。

5. 色温与显色指数:LED光源灯具的色温要求应符合实际应用要求,并要求具备良好的颜色还原性。

6. 安全性要求:对于LED光源灯具的电气性能、防水性能、耐热性能等方面,提出了严格的要求和测试方法,以保障产品的用户安全。

7. 环保性要求:该标准对于LED光源灯具的材料、无害物质含量等方面,制定了相应的环保标准和测试要求。

三、标准的优势1. 市场参照标准:能够成为“能源之星”的LED光源灯具符合标准的测试要求,使用过程中能够在能源节约、环境保护等方面得到有效保障,市场对于产品的认可度和接受度也将会大大提高。

能源之星灯具标准2.0版本 中文翻译(1)

能源之星灯具标准2.0版本 中文翻译(1)
Daniel 2015-7-13
相关色温:黑体曲线上距离样品光源色坐标最近一点的色温值。(IES RP-16-10)
暗槽安装(灯具):灯具光源被突起的边缘遮住或水平凹进去,光主要射在天花和上面的墙上。在本标准中, 暗槽安装灯具的特点是透镜覆盖了灯泡、LED 光源、LED 光引擎或一体式 LED 灯。(IES RP-16-10)

固态(LED)灯具类型为不可拆分的(用户不可以更换/升级 LED 光引擎或一体式 LED 灯),并且没有在定向范围内列出的,应被视为不可拆分式固态照明灯具并且评估灯 具的光度特性。
LED 阵列或模组:一种一体式装配的 LED 封装或多个 LED 晶片焊在 PCB 或基板上,可能带有光学组件以及
Daniel 2015-7-13
附带散热,机械固定和用于连接 LED 驱动输出端的电气接口。该设备定义不包含电源部分和 ANSI 标准灯头。 该设备不能够直接连入电网电路。(IES RP-16-10)
Daniel 2015-7-13
1. 标准范围和灯具分类
本节概括能源之星灯具标准(下称本标准)覆盖的灯具类型。本标准限定适用于家用类型的照明产品,但 标准范围内某些产品是销售到商用市场的,他们可能会被囊括进来并以合适的方式列名给最终用户。认证 范围限于总输入功率低于 250W,直接接入电网的灯具。参考第四章节详细了解下述定向产品类型的定义。 有关产品范围的任何疑问可以直接联络 EPA 认可的认证机构或邮件至 lighting@



能源之星标准解读目前Kinfine公司要求其产品达到Energy Star要求,全面了解能源之星标准要求,对我们统一认识,明确今后任务,展开商务技术会谈有着重大意义,特对能源之星标准要求做详细翻译供大家参考如下:能源之星标准的框架:能源之星认证对LED产品的要求有两个层次:第一个层次:对所有产品的要求;第二个层次:分为两类1. 非标准产品;在包装和宣传材料商不能宣称相当于现存的多少瓦德标准产品;2. 替换型产品:目标为替换如下四类灯的产品;2.1. 目标为替代ANSI C79.1 2002标准里最顶的A, R, MR, PAR等等;2.2 目标为替代直径按照八分之一英寸计算的产品如A19,MR16, PAR38;2.3 目标为替代某种名义上瓦数的产品;2.4 目标为替代某种发光角度的定向性灯的产品能源之星标准的具体要求:4) 能源之星对所有产品的要求如下:4.1色温范围必须是ANSI C78. 377-2008 标准里所规定的2700K±145, 3000K±175,3500K±245,4000K±275 四个色温范围之一;4.2颜色保持率:色品度在6000小时的测试期间内,在CIE1976 (U’,V’)图内的变化不超过0.0074.3显色性:不低于80,R9必须大于0;4.4可调光性:必须在包装上对是否可调光做明确标识,如果能够调光,制造商必须有一个网页提供调光器的兼容信息;4.5质保期:从采购日起不小于三年;4.6灯头:必须是ANSI C81.61-2007标准里列明的灯头;4.7功率因素:>5W的产品功率因素必须大于等于0.70,<5W的产品功率因素不做要求;4.7.1操作温度:能在-20度,或者更低的温度下工作;4.7.2工作频率:大于等于150Hz;4.7.3电磁干扰:需要符合FCC 47 CFR PAR15标准;4.7.4瞬间保护:电源必须符合IEE C62.41-1991的Class A标准;4.7.5工作电压:AC120V, 240V, 277V 或者是AC或者DC 12V, 24V;5)包装方面的要求;6) 非标产品:在包装和宣传材料商不能宣称相当于现存的多少瓦德标准产品;2.1.1最低效率要求:10W以下必须达到50lm/W,10W以上必须达到55lm/W;2.1.2 最小光通量:200lm;2.1.3 发光强度分布:无特殊要求,需提供goniophotometry报告;2.1.4 光通维持率:25000小时工作后光通维持率不小于70%2.1.5 快速循环压力测试:参照ANSI C78.5 LM-65-01 2, 3, 5, 6条款7) 替代产品:替代产品的要求分为如下三种7A) 全方位灯包括ANSI C79 1-2002标准里的A, BT, P, PS, S, T型产品,要求如下:7A.1 最低效率要求:10W以下必须达到50lm/W,10W以上必须达到55lm/W;7A.2 最小光通量:替换20W 不小于200lm;替换35W 不小于325lm;替换40W 不小于450lm;替换60W 不小于800lm;替换75W 不小于1100lm;替换100W 不小于1600lm;7A.3发光强度分布:参考LM-79-08标准的Section10,产品必须有均匀的光分布,在0~135度内,任何角度的光强与平均光强的差别不能超过20%,至少有5%的光通量分布在135~180度角内等等要求;7A.4 产品最大直径:不超过ANSI C78.20-2003所规定的最大直径;7A.5 产品最大长度:不超过ANSI C78.20-2003所规定的最大直径;7A.6 光通维持率:25000小时工作后光通维持率不小于70%,参考LM-79-08;7A.7 快速循环压力测试:参照ANSI C78.5 LM-65-01 2, 3, 5, 6条款7B)装饰性灯包括ANSI C79 1-2002标准里的B, BA, C, CA, DC, F, G型产品,要求如下:7B.1 最低效率要求:40lm/W;7B.2 最小光通量:替换10W 不小于70lm;替换15W 不小于90lm;替换25W 不小于150lm;替换40W 不小于300lm;替换60W 不小于500lm;7B.3 产品最大直径:不超过ANSI C78.20-2003所规定的最大直径;7B.4 光通维持率:15000小时工作后光通维持率不小于70%,参考LM-79-08;7B.5 快速循环压力测试:参照ANSI C78.5 LM-65-01 2, 3, 5, 6条款7C) 定向性灯包括ANSI C79 1-2002标准里的BR, ER, K MR, PAR, R 等产品,要求如下:7C.1 定向性灯的定义是指80%的光集中在某一个角度内的产品;7C.2 最低效率要求:产品直径在20/8 英寸以上的必须达到40lm/W,产品直径在20/8 英寸以上的必须达到45lm/W,7C.3 颜色保持率:色品度在6000小时的测试期间内,在CIE1976 (U’,V’) 图内的变化不超过0.0077C.4 产品最大直径:不超过ANSI C78.20-2003所规定的最大直径;7C.5 产品最大长度:不超过ANSI C78.20-2003所规定的最大直径;7C.6 最小光输出:等于被替代灯所消耗瓦数*10;7C.7 PAR灯和MR16灯的中心光强要求:能源之星给出了一个网站,上面可以计算要求的最小中心光强;PAR灯:/htmlemail/energystar/dec09/eslntlampcenterbeamtool.zip MR16灯:/htmlemail/energystar/dec09/eslntlampcenterbeamtool.zip 7C.8 光通维持率:25000小时工作后光通维持率不小于70%,参考LM-79-08;7C.9 快速循环压力测试:参照ANSI C78.5 LM-65-01 2, 3, 5, 6条款能源之星关于光通维持率的要求如下:整灯测试6000小时,根据对应的光衰做寿命声明6000小时光通维持率允许-3%公差允许宣称的寿命装饰性灯最低要求86.70% 15000装饰性灯附加标准89.90% 20000非标准灯,全方向型灯最低要求,以及定向型,装饰型灯的选择性标准91.80% 2500093.1%% 3000094.1%% 3500094.8%% 4000095.4%% 45000所有类型灯选择性标准95.8%% 50000如果要宣称更长的寿命时间,按照以下标准:要求的最少测试时间测试完成后要求达到的最低光通维持率允许-3%公差允许宣称的寿命7500 91.20% 300008750 91.50% 3500010000 91.50% 4000012500 91.80% 45000 测试温度:非标准灯以及全方位型灯:10W以下的,测试温度为25度;非标准灯以及全方位型灯:10W以上的,测试温度为45度;装饰类的灯:25度;曾波2011-3-2。






1)定义:下面是灯具和其他能源之星相关术语的简要定义:A. ALA:美国照明学会B. ANSI:美国国家标准学会C. APLAC:亚太地区试验室鉴定协会(NALAP MRA签署)。




G. CIE:德国国际电工委员会。






J.相关色温(CCT):灯的实际颜色叫色温,是由三色光谱值(颜色坐标系)参照IESNA LM-16标准所决定的。




























保證期間內,對於下列情形之一者,本公司不負免費修復責任,本公司於修復後依維修情況酌收費用:1. 非本公司或本公司正式授權代理商直接銷售之產品。

2. 因不可抗拒之災變,或可歸責於使用者未遵照操作手冊規定使用或使用人之過失,如操作不當或其他處置造成故障或損壞。

3. 非經本公司同意,擅自拆卸修理或自行改裝或加裝附屬品,造成故障或損壞。





日期版本修訂之章節2007年3月 1.0 完成本手冊iv能源之星電源測試儀控面板測試手冊目錄1.系統架構.........................................................................................................................1-11.1 簡介.................................................................................................................1-11.2 支援儀器.........................................................................................................1-11.3 通訊介面.........................................................................................................1-11.4 軟硬體需求.....................................................................................................1-11.5 軟體安裝.........................................................................................................1-21.6 安裝Chroma Energy Star Soft Panel軟體.....................................................1-21.7 手動安裝必要的介面驅動程式.....................................................................1-31.8 移除Chroma Energy Star Soft Panel 軟體....................................................1-82.啟動畫面及按鍵說明.....................................................................................................2-12.1 通訊介面功能描述.........................................................................................2-12.2 通訊介面之按鍵說明.....................................................................................2-13.Energy Star Power Test Panel 畫面及按鍵說明........................................................3-13.1 硬體設定介面功能描述.................................................................................3-13.2 硬體設定介面之按鍵說明.............................................................................3-13.2.1 U.U.T Information Setting......................................................................3-1Setting....................................................................3-23.2.2 U.U.TSpecification3.2.3 U.U.T. Test Procedure Setting.................................................................3-3Information..........................................................................3-53.2.4 U.U.T.TestResult...................................................................................3-6Test3.2.5 U.U.T.3.2.6 其它功能按鍵說明.................................................................................3-8v系統架構1. 系統架構本章主要描述Chroma Energy Star Soft Panel應用程式之架構及可以使用的儀器與功能。



单路输出式AC/DC和AC/AC外部电源“能源之星”(ENERGY STAR®)规划要求合格标准(2.0版本)目录第1部分:定义第2部分:产品认证第3部分:认证产品的能源效率规范表1:工作状态下的能效标准:标准模式表2:工作状态下的能效标准:低电压表3:工作状态下的最小平均效率范例表4:空载状态下的能源消耗标准第4部分:检测方法第5部分:生效日期第6部分:能源之星产品规范的生效日期表5:工作状态下的1.1版本的能效标准表6:空载状态下的1.1版本的能效标准第7部分:未来规范的修正第8部分:国际能效标志协议图1:国际能源效率标志图示修订的最终草案以下是符合“能源之星”标准的单路输出式AC/DC和AC/AC外部电源的产品技术要求。










能源之星Table of Contents内容Section 1: Definitions 2第一部分:定义2Section 2: Qualifying Products 4第二部分:合格产品Section 3: Energy Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products 4第三部分:合格产品的能效规格Table 1: Indoor Fixtures 4表1:室内灯具Table 1A: Additional Requirements for Indoor Recessed Downlight Retrofit Kits 8表1A:嵌入式室内筒灯系列的额外要求Table 2A: Outdoor Fixtures: Compliance Through Efficient Light Source 10表2A:室外灯具:适合高效的灯源Table 2B: Outdoor Fixtures: Compliance Through Reduced Operating Time 12表2B:室外灯具:光感型Section 4: Qualification Process, Testing Facilities, Standards & Documentation 13第四部分:检验过程,测试设施,标准&文本资料Table 3: Reference Standards and Required Documentation 15表3:参考标准&资料Section 5: Additional Quality Assurance Requirements 28第五部分:额外的质量保证要求Section 6: Effective Date 29第六部分:有效期Section 7: Future Specification Revisions 29第七部分:预计规格一览表ENERGY STAR_ Program Requirements forResidential Light Fixtures民用灯具能源之星计划Eligibility Criteria – Version 4.0标准-版本4.0Below is the product specification (Version 4.0) for ENERGY STAR qualified residential light fixtures. A product must meet all of the identified criteria if it is to be labeled as ENERGY STAR by its manufacturer.以下是能源之星合格民用灯具产品规格(4.0版本)。




此范围仅限于带有集成镇流器和驱动的灯,用于连接到有如下ANSI标准基本类型的电网上:E26, E26d, E17, E11, E12, GU24, GU5.3, and GX5.3. 此范围也限制于额定工作电压为120,240,277VAC 或12,24VAC或VDC.的灯1)标准形式因素灯具需符合ANSI标准灯型尺寸要求和可能要求的功率及ANSI灯类等价的。




















能源之星标准的计算ENERGY STAR EPS Specification

能源之星标准的计算ENERGY STAR EPS Specification

2008年4月,针对“单路输出Ac-Dc和Ac-Ac 外部电源”,ENERGY STAR升级了“规范要求”,新规范Version 2.0将于2008年11月1日取代旧规范。


1. 旧规范要求
2. 新规范要求

示例标称输出功率(P no) 标称输出电压(V no) 标称输出电流(I no) 工作模式下最低平均能效
1 0.75 watts 1V 750mA 0.497 * 0.75 + 0.067 = 0.44
2 0.75 watts 10V 75mA 0.480 * 0.75 + 0.140 = 0.50
3 20 watts 5V 4000mA [0.0750 * Ln (20)] + 0.561 = 0.79
4 20 watts 10V 2000mA [0.0626 * Ln (20)] + 0.622 = 0.81
5 75 watts 5V 15000mA 0.86
6 75 watts 10V 7500mA 0.87
1. 于“新规范”生效日前,ENERGY STAR外部电源合作伙伴必须重新提交“合作伙伴协议书”,成为“新规范”要求下的合作伙伴。

2. 自“新规范”生效后,根据“旧规范”通过ENERGY STAR 的合格认定自动失效,须重新根据“新规范”要求申请ENERGY STAR的合格认定。




第1 部分:定义以下是符合“能源之星”标准的单路输出式造商生产的外部电源产品,只有符合所有这些标准,才能取得“能源之星”认证。

1) 定义: “能源之星”外部电源产品规范的目的是用来鉴别具有高效源型号。

针对这一目的以及本文第四部分所述的检测方法,美国环保局已对单路输出式AC/ACB. 单路输出式AC/AC 外部电源:本规范所指的单路输出式AC/AC 外部电源应当是:a) 把交流电网电压转换为交流低电压;b) 每次使用时只提供一个固定的交流电压输出;c) 与用电负载配套;d) 可与用电负载分离;e) 通过电线、电缆或其他永久性连线与终端产品相连接;f) 不配备任何电池;g) 不带有化学电池,不带选择开关和指示灯,不带有充电状态指示器。

(例如,带有类型选择开关和充电状态显示器的产品就不适用本技术要求,而只有一个指示灯的电源仍适用本要求)h) 标称输出功率小于或等于250W。

C. 工作状态:电源输入端连接到电网上,输出端连接到负载上,负载功率在电源的标称值和零之间。

D. 空载状态:电源输入端连接到了电网上,而输出端不连接负载。

2) 产品认证:若要获得“能源之星”认证,外部电源型号必须符合第1 部分1.A 或1.B 中的定义,以及下面第3 部分中的规范要求。

3) 认证产品的能源效率要求:只有当第2 部分中所述产品在工作状态和空载状态下能够同时满足下列要求时,才能取得“能源之星”认证。

A. 工作状态1. 阶段1:若想取得“能源之星”认证,外部电源产品型号必须达到或者超过“能源之星”工作状态最低平均效率要求。


表1 列出了确定最低平效率的计算公式,式中P no 代表标称输出功率,Ln 代表自然对数。


表1: 工作状态下的能源利用效率标准标称输出功率 (P no) 工作状态下的最低平均效率(用小数表示)10 <Pno ≤1 W ≥ 0.49 * P no1<Pno ≤49 W ≥ [0.09 * Ln (P no)] + 0.49Pno >49 W ≥ 0.84工作状态分析示例:工作状态下的平均能源效率以及能否取得“能源之星”认证,由以下因素决定:• 根据“检测方法”,在输出电流分别为额定电流的100%、75%、50%和25%时进行测试,然后计算出这四个数值的算术平均值,即可计算被测型号产品在工作状态下的单机平均运行效率值。



• include information on the importance of power management in either the product manual or as a box insert for displays intended for use with computers. This information should include areference to the energy saving and environmental benefits of power management for both thedisplay and computer. In addition, where a display is packaged for sale with a computer, a linkshould be made available to /powermanagement from the display and/orcomputer product pages, product specifications, and related content pages. At the Partner’srequest, EPA will supply suggested facts and figures related to the above criteria, templateelements, or a complete template suitable for use in user guides or box inserts;• provide to EPA, on at least an annual basis, an updated list of ENERGY STAR qualified display models. Once the Partner submits its first list of ENERGY STAR qualified display models, thePartner will be listed as an ENERGY STAR Partner. Partner must provide an update at leastannually in order to remain on the list of participating product Partners. Listing products via theOnline Product Submittal OPS tool satisfies the annual update requirement;• provide to EPA, on an annual basis, unit shipment data or other market indicators to assist in determining the market penetration of ENERGY STAR. Specifically, Partner must submit the total number of ENERGY STAR qualified displays shipped (in units by model) or an equivalentmeasurement as agreed to in advance by EPA and Partner. Partner is also encouraged to provide ENERGY STAR qualified unit shipment data segmented by meaningful product characteristics(e.g., screen size, resolution, or other as relevant), total unit shipments for each model in itsproduct line, and percent of total unit shipments that qualify as ENERGY STAR. The data for each calendar year should be submitted to EPA, preferably in electronic format, no later than thefollowing March and may be provided directly from the Partner or through a third party. The data will be used by EPA only for program evaluation purposes and will be closely controlled. Ifrequested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), EPA will argue that the data is exempt.Any information used will be masked by EPA so as to protect the confidentiality of the Partner; • notify EPA of a change in the designated responsible party or contacts for displays within 30 days.Performance for Special DistinctionIn order to receive additional recognition and/or support from EPA for its efforts within the Partnership, the ENERGY STAR Partner may consider the following voluntary measures and should keep EPA informed on the progress of these efforts:• consider energy efficiency improvements in company facilities and pursue the ENERGY STAR label for buildings;• purchase ENERGY STAR qualified products. Revise the company purchasing or procurement specifications to include ENERGY STAR. Provide procurement officials’ contact information toEPA for periodic updates and coordination. Circulate general ENERGY STAR qualified productinformation to employees for use when purchasing products for their homes;• ensure the power management feature is enabled on all ENERGY STAR qualified displays in use in company facilities, particularly upon installation and after service is performed;• provide general information about the ENERGY STAR program to employees whose jobs are relevant to the development, marketing, sales, and service of current ENERGY STAR qualifiedproduct models;• feature the ENERGY STAR mark on Partner Web site and in other promotional materials. If information concerning ENERGY STAR is provided on the Partner Web site as specified by theENERGY STAR Web Linking Policy (this document can be found in the Partner Resourcessection on the ENERGY STAR Web site at ), EPA may provide links whereappropriate to the Partner Web site;• provide a simple plan to EPA outlining specific measures Partner plans to undertake beyond the program requirements listed above. By doing so, EPA may be able to coordinate, communicate, and/or promote Partner’s activities, provide an EPA representative, or include news about theevent in the ENERGY STAR newsletter, on the ENERGY STAR Web pages, etc. The plan maybe as simple as providing a list of planned activities or planned milestones that Partner would like EPA to be aware of. For example, activities may include: (1) increase the availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products by converting the entire product line within two years to meet ENERGY STAR guidelines; (2) demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of energy efficiency through special in-store displays twice a year; (3) provide information to users (via the Web siteand user’s manual) about energy-saving features and operating characteristics of ENERGY STAR qualified products, and (4) build awareness of the ENERGY STAR Partnership and brand identity by collaborating with EPA on one print advertorial and one live press event;• provide quarterly, written updates to EPA as to the efforts undertaken by Partner to increase availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products, and to promote awareness of ENERGY STAR and its message;• join EPA's SmartWay Transport Partnership to improve the environmental performance of the company's shipping operations. SmartWay Transport works with freight carriers, shippers, andother stakeholders in the goods movement industry to reduce fuel consumption, greenhousegases, and air pollution. For more information on SmartWay, visit /smartway;• join EPA's Climate Leaders Partnership to inventory and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Through participation, companies create a credible record of their accomplishments and receive EPA recognition as corporate environmental leaders. For more information on Climate Leaders,visit /climateleaders;• join EPA’s Green Power partnership. EPA's Green Power Partnership encourages organizations to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with traditional fossil fuel-based electricity use. The partnership includes a diverse set of organizations includingFortune 500 companies, small and medium businesses, government institutions as well as agrowing number of colleges and universities, visit /grnpower.1) Definitions: Below is a brief description of an Electronic Display and other terms as relevant toC. Television Tuners: If the display has an integrated television tuner, it may qualify for ENERGYSTAR under this specification as long as it is primarily marketed and sold to consumers as adisplay or as a dual-function display and television. Any display with a television tuner that ismarketed and sold exclusively as a television is not eligible to qualify under this specification.Under Tier 2 of this specification, only those displays without tuners may qualify; displays withtuners may qualify under Tier 2 of the Version 3.0 ENERGY STAR TV specification.D. Automatic Brightness Control (ABC): To qualify for ENERGY STAR using the AutomaticBrightness Control On Mode power equation, the display must ship with ABC enabled by default.E. External Power Supply: If the display is shipped with an EPS, the EPS must be ENERGY STARqualified or meet the no-load and active mode efficiency levels provided in the ENERGY STARProgram Requirements for Single Voltage AC-AC and AC-DC External Power Supplies. TheENERGY STAR specification and qualified product list can be found at/powersupplies.F. Power Management Requirements: The display must have at least one mechanism enabled bydefault that allows the display to automatically enter Sleep or Off Mode. For instance, data ornetwork connections must support powering down the display according to standard mechanisms, such as Display Power Management Signaling. Displays generating their own content must havea sensor or timer enabled by default to automatically engage Sleep or Off Mode.3) Energy-Efficiency Criteria:A. On Mode Requirements:1. Tier 1: To qualify as ENERGY STAR, the display must not exceed the maximum On Modepower consumption (P O or P O1) as calculated from the equations below. The maximum OnMode power consumption is expressed in watts and rounded to the nearest tenth of a watt.Table 1. Tier 1 On Mode Power Consumption RequirementsDisplay CategoryMaximum On Mode Power Consumption (W)Diagonal Screen Size < 30 inchesScreen Resolution ≤ 1.1 MPP O = 6*(MP) + 0.05*(A) + 3 Diagonal Screen Size < 30 inchesScreen Resolution > 1.1 MPP O = 9*(MP) + 0.05*(A) + 3 Diagonal Screen Size 30 - 60 inchesAll Screen ResolutionsP O = 0.27*(A) + 8MP = Display Resolution (megapixels)A = Viewable Screen Area (square inches)EXAMPLE: The maximum On Mode power consumption for a display with 1440 x 900 resolution, or 1,296,000 pixels, a 19 inch viewable diagonal screen size and a viewable screen area of 162 square inches, would be: ((9 x 1.296) + (0.05 x 162)) + 3 = 22.8 watts when rounded to the nearest tenth of a watt.Table 2. Sample Tier 1 On Mode Maximum Power Consumption Requirements1 DiagonalScreen Size (inches) Resolution MegapixelsScreenDimensions(inches)ScreenArea(sq. in.)Maximum OnMode PowerConsumption(watts)7 800 x 480 0.384 5.9 x 3.5 21 6.419 1440 x 900 1.296 16.07 x 10.05 162 22.826 1920 x 1200 2.304 21.7 x 13.5 293 38.442 1360 x 768 1.044 36 x 20 720 202.450 1920 x 1080 2.074 44 x 24 1056 293.11 For displays between 30 and 60 inches, resolution must be reported when submitting a product for qualification; however, resolution is not considered when calculating the On Mode power consumption of these displays.2. Tier 2: To qualify as ENERGY STAR, the display must not exceed the following maximum OnMode consumption equations: TBD.3. Displays with Automatic Brightness Control: EPA has noted a substantial increase in thedefault luminance settings of displays since the last revision of this specification. Based on theEPA data set, there is a strong positive relationship between luminance and On Mode powerconsumption. While EPA recognizes the benefits of offering consumers full-featured products,higher luminance settings tend to negate the power consumption reductions achieved throughimproved component efficiency. Automatic Brightness Control (ABC) technology can offsetthe effects of these higher default settings by automatically modulating the luminance ofdisplays under variable ambient lighting conditions. In addition to offering significant energysavings, this feature can also improve the user viewing experience. As with the most recentrevision of the ENERGY STAR TV specification, EPA rewards products that ship with ABCfeatures enabled by default.An alternate calculation is used to calculate maximum On Mode power consumption fordisplays shipped with ABC enabled by default:P O1 = (0.8 * P h) + (0.2 * P l)where P O1 is the average On Mode power consumption in watts, rounded to the nearest tenthof a watt, P h is the On Mode power consumption in high ambient lighting conditions, and P l isthe On Mode power consumption in low ambient lighting conditions. The formula assumes thedisplay will be in low ambient lighting conditions 20% of the time.B. Sleep and Off Mode Requirements:1. Tiers 1 and 2: To qualify as ENERGY STAR, the display must not exceed the maximumpower consumption levels for Sleep and Off Modes provided in Table 3, below. Displayscapable of multiple Sleep Modes (i.e., Sleep and Deep Sleep) must meet Sleep Moderequirements in all sleep modes.EXAMPLE: A display test result of 3 watts in Sleep and 2 watts in Deep Sleep would notqualify because power consumption in one of the Sleep Modes exceeded the 2 watt Tier 1limit.Table 3. Sleep and Off Mode Power Consumption Requirements for all DisplaysMode Tier 1 Tier 2 Maximum Sleep Mode Power Consumption (W) ≤ 2 ≤ 1Maximum Off Mode Power Consumption (W) ≤ 1 ≤ 14) Test RequirementsHow to Use this SectionEPA utilizes, where possible, widely-accepted industry practices for measuring product performance and power consumption under typical operating conditions. The test methods in this specification are based on standards from the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) Display Metrology Committee and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In cases where the VESA and IEC standards were insufficient for the needs of the ENERGY STAR program, additional testing and measurement methods were developed in cooperation with industry stakeholders.To ensure a consistent means for measuring the power consumption of electronics products such that the test results may be reproduced, and that outside factors do not adversely affect the test results, the following protocol must be followed. It has four main components:Test Conditions and InstrumentationSetupTest MethodDocumentationNote: Test Method is located in Annexes 1 and 2. Annex 1 describes the test procedure fordisplays with a viewable diagonal screen size measuring less than (<) 30 inches. Annex 2describes the test procedure for displays with a viewable diagonal screen size measuring from 30 to 60 inches, inclusive.Partners may elect to use an in-house or independent laboratory to provide the test results.Facility Quality ControlPartners are required to perform tests and certify those product models that meet the ENERGY STAR guidelines. In order to conduct testing in support of qualification for ENERGY STAR, the product must be tested in a facility that has quality control procedures for monitoring the validity of tests and calibrations. ENERGY STAR recommends conducting these tests in a facility that follows the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories as described in the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025.Test Conditions and InstrumentationA. Power Measurement Protocols: The average true power consumption of the display shall bemeasured during On Mode, Sleep Mode, and Off Mode. When performing measurements to self-certify a product model, the Unit Under Test (UUT) must initially be in the same condition (e.g., configuration and settings) as when shipped to the customer, unless adjustments need to be made pursuant to the instructions below.1. Power measurements shall be taken from a point between the outlet or power source and theUUT.2. If a product’s electrical power comes from Mains, USB, IEEE1394, Power-over-Ethernet,telephone system, or any other means or combinations of means, the net AC electrical power consumed by the product (taking into account AC-to-DC conversion losses) must be used for qualification.3. Products powered by a standard low voltage DC supply (e.g., USB, USB PlusPower, IEEE1394, and Power Over Ethernet) shall utilize a suitable AC-powered source of the DC power.This AC-powered source’s energy consumption shall be measured and recorded as theUUT’s power consumption.4. For a display powered by USB, a powered hub serving only the display being tested shall beused. For a display powered by Power Over Ethernet or USB PlusPower, it is acceptable tomeasure the power distribution device with and without the display connected, and record the difference between the two readings as the display’s power consumption. The tester shouldconfirm that this reasonably reflects the unit’s DC consumption plus some allowance forpower supply and distribution inefficiency.5. Any product capable of being powered from both AC and standard low-voltage DC sourcesshall be tested while operating on AC power.B. Input AC Power Requirements:Supply Voltage: North America/Taiwan:Europe/Australia/NewZealand:Japan: 115 (± 1%) Volts AC, 60 Hz (± 1%)230 (± 1%) Volts AC, 50 Hz (± 1%)100 (± 1%) Volts AC, 50 Hz (± 1%)/60 Hz (± 1%) Note: For products rated for > 1.5 kW maximum power, the voltage range is ± 4%Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) (Voltage): < 2% THD (< 5% for products which are rated for > 1.5 kW maximum power)Ambient Temperature: 23°C ± 5°CRelative Humidity: 10 – 80%(Reference IEC 62301 Ed 1.0: Household Electrical Appliances – Measurement of Standby Power, Sections 4.2, 4.3)C. Approved Meter: Approved meters will include the following attributes.2An available current crest factor of 3 or more at its rated range value; andLower bound on the current range of 10mA or less.The power measurement instrument shall have a resolution of:0.01 W or better for power measurements of 10 W or less;0.1 W or better for power measurements of greater than 10 W up to 100 W; and1 W or better for power measurements of greater than 100 W.The following attributes in addition to those above are suggested:Frequency response of at least 3 kHz; andCalibration with a standard that is traceable to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).It is also desirable for instruments to be able to measure average power over any user-selectedtime interval (the most accurate devices perform an internal calculation to divide accumulatedenergy by elapsed time). As an alternative, the measurement instrument would have to becapable of integrating energy over any user-selected time interval with an energy resolution ofless than or equal to 0.1 mWh and integrating time displayed with a resolution of 1 second or less.D. Accuracy: Measurements of power of 0.5 W or greater shall be made with an uncertainty of lessthan or equal to 2% at the 95% confidence level. Measurements of power of less than 0.5 W shall be made with an uncertainty of less than or equal to 0.01 W at the 95% confidence level.3All measurements should be recorded in watts and rounded to the nearest tenth of a watt.E. Dark Room Conditions: All luminance testing shall be performed in dark room conditions. Thedisplay screen illuminance measurement (E) in Off Mode must be less than or equal to 1.0 lux.Measurements should be taken perpendicular to the center of the display screen using a LightMeasuring Device (LMD) with the display in Off Mode (Reference VESA FPDM Standard 2.0,Section 301-2F).2 Characteristics of approved meters taken from IEC 62301 Ed 1.0: Household Electrical Appliances – Measurement of Standby Power.3 Ibid.F. Light Measurement Protocols: When light measurements, such as illuminance and luminance,need to be made, an LMD shall be used with the display located in dark room conditions. The LMD shall be used to take measurements at the center of and perpendicular to the display screen (Reference VESA FPDM Standard 2.0, Appendix A115). The screen surface area to be measured shall cover at least 500 pixels, unless this exceeds the equivalent of a rectangular area with sides of length equal to 10% of the visible screen height and width (in which case this latter limitapplies). However, in no case may the illuminated area be smaller than the area the LMD ismeasuring (Reference VESA FPDM Standard 2.0, Section 301-2H).SetupA. Peripherals: No external devices shall be connected to Universal Serial Bus (USB) hubs or ports.Any built-in speakers, TV tuners, etc. may be placed in their minimum power configuration, as adjustable by the user, to minimize power consumption not associated with the display itself.B. Modifications: Device modifications such as circuit removal, or other actions not available to atypical user, are not permitted.C. Analog vs. Digital Interface: Partners are required to test their displays using the analog interface,except in those cases where one is not provided (i.e., digital interface displays, which for the purposes of this test method are defined as having only a digital interface). For digital interface displays, please see Footnote 1 in Annex 1 for voltage information, and follow the test method in Annex 1 and/or 2, depending on the viewable diagonal screen size of the UUT, using a digital signal generator.D. Models Capable of Operating at Multiple Voltage/Frequency Combinations: Partners shall test,qualify, and document conditions applicable to each market in which their products shall be sold as ENERGY STAR qualified.EXAMPLE: For a product to earn the ENERGY STAR label in both the United States and Europe, it must qualify at both 115V/60Hz and 230V/50Hz. If the product qualifies as ENERGY STAR at only one voltage/frequency combination (e.g., 115 Volts/60 Hz), then it may only be qualified and promoted as ENERGY STAR in those regions that support the tested voltage/frequencycombination (e.g., North America and Taiwan).E. External Power Supply: For displays shipped with an external power supply, the supplied EPSmust be used for all testing. An alternate power supply may not be substituted.F. C olor Controls: All color controls (hue, saturation, gamma, etc.) shall be set to factory defaultsettings.G. Resolution and Refresh Rate: Resolution and refresh rate vary by technology, as follows:1. For LCDs and other fixed pixel technologies, pixel format shall be set to the native level. LCDrefresh rate shall be set to 60 Hz, unless a different refresh rate is specifically recommended by the Partner, in which case that rate shall be used.2. CRT pixel format shall be set at the preferred pixel format with the highest resolution that isintended to be driven at a 75 Hz refresh rate. A VESA Discrete Monitor Timing (DMT) ornewer industry standard pixel format timing must be used for the test. The CRT display must be capable of meeting all its Partner-stated quality specifications in the tested format.H. Warm-up: UUT must be warmed up for a minimum of 20 minutes before any test measurementsare taken (Reference VESA FPDM Standard 2.0, Section 301-2D or 305-3 for warm-up test).I. S tability: All power consumption measurements shall be recorded after instrument readings arestable to within 1% over a three-minute period. (Reference IEC 4.3.1).5) User Interface: Partners are strongly recommended to design products in accordance with the userinterface standard IEEE P1621: Standard for User Interface Elements in Power Control of Electronic Devices Employed in Office/Consumer Environments. The Power Management Controls projectdeveloped this standard to make power controls more consistent and intuitive across all electronic devices. For details, see /Controls.6) Effective Date: The date that Partners may begin to qualify products as ENERGY STAR, under theVersion 5.0 specification, will be defined as the effective date of the agreement. Any previouslyexecuted agreement on the subject of ENERGY STAR qualified displays shall be terminated effective October 29, 2009 for displays with a viewable diagonal screen size under 30 inches, or on January 29, 2010 for displays with a viewable diagonal screen size from 30 to 60 inches, inclusive.A. Qualifying Products Under Tier 1 of the Version 5.0 Specification: The date upon which Tier 1 ofthe Version 5.0 specification shall go into effect is contingent upon the size of the display, and is outlined in the table below. All products, including models originally qualified under Version 4.1,with a date of manufacture on or after that date must meet the new Version 5.0 requirements inorder to qualify for ENERGY STAR (including additional shipments of models originally qualified under Version 4.1). The date of manufacture is specific to each unit and is the date (e.g., monthand year) of which a unit is considered to be completely assembled.Display Category Tier 1 Effective DateDiagonal Screen Size < 30 inches October 30, 2009Diagonal Screen Size 30 - 60 inches January 30, 2010B. Qualifying Products Under Tier 2 of the Version 5.0 Specification: The second phase of thisspecification, Tier 2, shall take effect on October 30, 2011, and apply to products with a date ofmanufacture on or after October 30, 2011. For example, a unit with a date of manufacture ofOctober 30, 2011 must meet the Tier 2 specification in order to qualify as ENERGY STAR.C. Elimination of Grandfathering: EPA will not allow grandfathering under this Version 5.0 ENERGYSTAR specification. ENERGY STAR qualification under Version 4.1 is not automaticallygranted for the life of the product model. Therefore, any product sold, marketed, or identifiedby the manufacturing partner as ENERGY STAR must meet the current specification in effect atthe time of manufacture of the product.7) Future Specification Revisions: EPA reserves the right to change the specification shouldtechnological and/or market changes affect its usefulness to consumers, industry, or the environment.In keeping with current policy, revisions to the specification are arrived at through stakeholderdiscussions.EPA will periodically assess the market in terms of energy efficiency and new technologies. Asalways, stakeholders will have an opportunity to share their data, submit proposals, and voice any concerns. EPA will strive to ensure that the Tier 1 and 2 specifications recognize the most energy-efficient models in the marketplace and reward those Partners who have made efforts to furtherimprove energy efficiency.Greenhouse Gas EmissionsEPA is interested in working with LCD industry stakeholders through the ENERGY STAR program to reduce the emission of high global warming potential gases associated with LCD production,specifically NF3, SF6, and CF4. This area of concern presents an opportunity to significantly reduce emissions beyond product use-phase and to engage our partners in achieving significant, measurable greenhouse gas and energy reductions from the other phases of the product lifecycle.Harmonization of DisplaysEPA is committed to continuing to develop performance levels for displays and televisions in a similar and convergent manner, as reflected in industry and market trends. Under Tier 2, EPA will explore testing all displays for On Mode power consumption using the IEC 62087 test procedure. Issues such as luminance boundary levels, mode requirements, test conditions, power saving features, and other energy related attributes will be explored with stakeholders during the Tier 2 specificationdevelopment process.。

能源之星 中文说明

能源之星 中文说明

美国能源之星整体式LED 灯认证要求最终版公布灯认证要求最终版公布,,预计2010年8月生效2009年12月3日,能源之星发布了《整体式LED 灯能源之星认证》Final 版。

在继2009年1月、5月及9月分别发布了三个草案后,能源之星终于提出了整体式LED 灯认证标准的确认版。


1.1.范围范围这些标准适用于整体式LED 灯 ,它被定义为一种包含发光二极管、一个集成LED 驱动器和一个设计用来通过ANSI 标准灯座/插座连接到支电路的标准灯头的灯。

这些标准包括非标准形式的整体式LED 灯,以及计划取代标准通用白炽灯、装饰(烛台风格)灯和反射灯的整体式LED 灯。

2.2.对所有灯的要求对所有灯的要求灯的要求灯必须包含下列指定的相关色温(根据 ANSIC78.377-2008)中的一种,且范围落在附件中定义的七阶色度四边形内。

标称相关色温 目标色温(K)及公差目标Duv 及公差2700K 2725 ± 145 0.000 ± 0.006 3000K 3045 ± 175 0.000 ± 0.006 3500K 3465 ± 245 0.000 ± 0.006 相关色温(CCT)及深紫外(Duv)4000K 3985 ± 275 0.001 ± 0.006颜色维持(Color Maintenance)产品最低流明维护测试周期(6000小时)内的色度变化在CIE 1976 (u’,v’)色度图上在0.007之内。

显色指数(Color Rendering Index (CRI)) 最低显色指数(CRI)为80调光 (Dimming)灯可以是可调光的,也可以是不可调光的。



担保 从购买之日起必须为灯提供至少3年担保,包括修理或更换。



环保署保留修改标准的权利以便技术和市场的变化时标准对消费者,工业或者环境的实用性。依据现行政策, 标 准的调整是通过行业的讨论得出, 请注意能源之星的批准不是自动对某个型号产品寿命的授予。 尽管本文档目前是指对荧光灯,高强度气体放电灯 HID 和固态光源的工业标准和测试程序,由于新技术的出现具 有比本文档相同或者更好的性能时, 为了和新技术保持一致, 环保署可以用增加要求、标准或者是测试程序作 为本文档的附件。
7 / 37
8 / 37
9 / 37
备注:除非是注明了是定向灯具, 其余灯具都应该按照非定向灯具进行测试和评估, 主要测试光源的光参数, 本 节标准的性能值也是针对光源。 光源类别 能源之星的要求 光源效率 (初始值)
荧光灯 直管 紧凑型 自镇流紧 凑型 (GU24) 环管 2013 年 9 月 1 日 前 ≥65 流明/瓦 2013 年 9 月 1 日 后 ≥70 流明/瓦 如果一个灯具中 有多个平台那么 所有的都应该满 足这个要求。 列外:带罩灯和 可调光的 GU24 灯 泡会依据本标准 降低要求。
光源最小光通量 (初始值)
光源光通量最小 800 流明 列外: 吊灯和浴室镜前灯 如果≥3 个灯座, 每 一个要≥450 流明
测试方法和参考 标准
Linear & circline: IES LM-9-09 Compact & self ballasted compact: IES LM-66-00 ANSI/ANSLG C78.81-2010 (for T8) IEC 60081 data sheets (for T5) IES LM-51-00













2. 6月15日之后,认证机构将停止为取得RLF4.2版本及SSL1.3版本资格的申请进行认证工作。


3. 10月1日起,任何附上“能源之星”标签的灯具必须符合1.0版本的规定。



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此围仅限于带有集成镇流器和驱动的灯,用于连接到有如下ANSI标准基本类型的电网上:E26, E26d, E17, E11, E12, GU24, GU5.3, and GX5.3. 此围也限制于额定工作电压为120,240,277VAC 或12,24VAC或VDC.的灯1)标准形式因素灯具需符合ANSI标准灯型尺寸要求和可能要求的功率及ANSI灯类等价的。






















EPA和DOE 主动监测照明标准工作组的活动和监管可能会影响能源之星标准的活动。








Zhaga 标准的LED光引擎3.1.6。





4.定义ANSI:美国国家标准协会ASTM:美国材料试验协会Beam Angle: 于垂直光束中心线之一平面上,光强度等于50%最大光强度的二个方向之间的夹角. (ANSI C78.379-2006)CFL:见Compact Fluorescent Lamp.CIE:国际照明委员会Color Rendering:灯具对其照明物体的彩色表面发散的光的光谱特性效果形成的彩色再现.Color Rendering Index of a Light Source (CRI)显色指数:通过与同色温的参考或基准光源下物体外观颜色的比较(10CFR430.2)Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)紧凑型荧光灯:带有小直径的玻璃管 (T5或更小)折叠,弯曲或桥接在小体积创建一个长久放电路径的荧光灯。

灯的设计通常包括一个银汞合金和冷室,或冷点控制贡蒸汽压力和灯输出(ANSI/IES RP-16-10)。


Correlated Color Temperature of a Light Source (CCT)光源的相关色温:当光源发出光的颜色与黑体在某一温度下辐射的颜色接近时,该黑体温度称为该光源的相关色温。

Covered Lamp覆盖灯:一种带有完整的镇流器或驱动和在光源的半透明的信封灯Decorative Lamp装饰灯:一种有蜡烛形状或球泡形状的灯,在ANSI C79.1-2002中规定的形状B , BA, C, CA, DC, G,和 F。


Dimmable Lamp 可调光灯:一种与合适的控制配对可产生不同程度的光的灯。

本规中,此种灯在与控制或调光器配对时满足规中的相关性能的要求时必须能够减少光输出到20%(或更低)Directional Lamp 定向灯:[在120°圆锥立体角的额定光通量(有用光通量)有80%以上的光输出的照明灯具;] A NSI标准和立体角π锶具有至少80%的光输出的MR灯,对应于与120°角锥体,自镇流紧凑型荧光灯的形式,利用一个反射镜,和ANSI标准R,BR和ER的形状.Envelope 玻壳:透明或半透明的光源外壳,一个玻壳也可以包括一个积分前盖反射器(改编自ANSI C78.357-2010)FTC:美国联邦贸易委员会。

Field Angle视场角:两个方向的强度是10%的最大强度的测量在一个平面上通过名义梁中心线之间的角度。

(ANSI / IES rp-16-10)Flicker闪烁:不稳定的视觉印象的灯光刺激引起的亮度和光谱分布随时间波动。

(CIE 17.443 e-ILV)Flicker Index 闪烁指数:衡量光源的考虑光输出的波形输出的周期性变化。

这是一个比例,即光输出曲线下光输出水平以上的区域与光输出曲线下一个周期的总的面积的比(ANSI/IES RP-16-10)。

GU24 Based Integrated Lamp GU24一体式灯泡:将光源和镇流器或驱动器结合,不包括任何可更换或可互换的零件,且用ANSI标准定义的GU24灯头的灯IEC:国际电工委员会。

IES:照明工程学会Input Power输入功率:灯具点亮工作时,所有灯泡和镇流器所使用的功率总和,用瓦(W)表示。

Integrated LED Lamp集成的LED灯:一个集成的组件包括LED封装(元件)或LED阵列(模块),LED驱动器,ANSI标准库和其他光,热,机械和电气元件。


(ANSI / IES rp-16-10)Lamp灯:一种人造光源的一般术语。


(ANSI/IES RP-16-10)LED:见Light-emitting Diode.LED Array or Module LED 阵列或模块:印刷电路板或者基板上面的LED包组件,一般来说都有光学元素和额外的热能、机械和电子界面用于连接到LED驱动器的负载。


LED Driver Case Temperature Measurement Point (TMPC) LED驱动情况下的温度测量点(TMPC):由制造商制定的在LED驱动下的一个位置,会在正常工作下得到任何一点的最高温度:LED Package LED封装:一个或更多个LED集合包括线结合或其他形式的电连接,可能包括光学元件及热的,机械的,及电子接触面。

装置不包括电源,不包括ANSI 标准,及不能直接连接到支路。

LED Temperature Measurement Point (TMPLED) LED温度测量点:在LED封装/模块/阵列的位置,由制造商指定的,它提供了一个替代实际的LED结温测量的位置。


Light-emitting Diode (LED) 发光二极管:一种P-N结固态装置,可输出红外、可见光、紫外区域辐射,是一种物理结构,材料使用功能,和励磁电流的装置。

(10CFR430.2) Lumen Maintenance流明维持:在灯的寿命给定时间下的光通量或流明输出,表现为初始光通量或初始流明输出的百分比。

(见DOE中所涵盖的灯,附录10CFR430 Appendix W to Subpart B)。

Lumens per Watt (lm/W)每瓦流明(流明/瓦):总的光通量除以总的输入功率的商数。

表示为lm/w(改编自ANSI / IES rp-16-10:“发光效率的光源”)MacAdam Color Ellipse麦克亚当色椭圆:周围空间色度坐标设置边界在给定的比例的人能够确定这两种颜色,一个色度坐标在椭圆的中心,和一个椭圆上的色度坐标,有明显的不同。

(引自IES手册第十版)Multi-power Lamp多电源灯:灯设计来产生多个离散光水平时,插入到一个由开关机构控制的灯座并指定在灯具包装作为一个多电源灯,例如3路灯.NEMA:美国电气制造商协会。

NRTL:由OSHA NRTL计划的国家认可测试实验室,它是OSHA的技术支援处的一部分。

Omnidirectional Lamp全向灯:一种有ANSI标准的普通服务替换灯,发射的大多数的光匀的分布。


这些灯可以被标准化,拥有ANSI标准灯型:A,BT, P, PS, S or T,或无标准,如用螺旋的自镇流紧凑型荧光灯OSHA:美国职业安全与健康管理局。

Percent Flicker 闪烁百分比:光源输出的周期性变化的相对测量(调幅百分比)。


Periodic Frequency周期频率:在整个周期闪烁波形重复的频率。

Power Factor功率因数:输入功率瓦特除以产品的RMS输入电压和RMS的镇流器或驱动器输入电流。

Rated Lumen Maintenance Life (LP)流明维持寿命(LP):LED光源保持率,p,其初始光输出。


如L70(小时):70%流明维持时间(IES LM-80-08)Rated Wattage额定功率:标记在灯上的功率(10 CFR 430 Appendix W to Subpart B) Referenced Incandescent Lamp 引用的白炽灯:一种在2007联邦能效独立和安全法案标准中涉及到的白炽灯。

Reflector 反射器:一种用来重定向由反射过程源通量的装置。

(IES RP-16-10)Run-up Time运行时间:应用电源到装置间的时间,及光输出达到一定的规定的稳定输出比例如80%, 90%,等的时间。
