
口语基础段Lesson 25种展开话题的技巧•罗列法(Listing)•举例法(Examples)•比较法(Comparison and contrast)•分类法(Classification)•顺序法(Sequence of time, space and process)Useful solutions1.雅思口语中未必一定要说真话, 只要做一个忠实的Story teller.2.首先要学会做有心人;3.利用网络来寻找答案,Tips: (1)搜索的关键词要具体不要抽象;(2) 一定要把书面语的资料修改为口语稿并自然的说出来。
Example 1: Describe a parkDisneyland, California的Mount Shasta wilderness--沙斯塔山荒野的景点Google出的原文:A play area for kids, featuring a Mount Shasta wilderness 荒野—like suspension and wire bridges 悬吊的桥(suspension andwire 是吊线的意思). It also features rock climbing 攀岩and a Brother Bear scene cave. (Brother Bear中文片名叫“熊的传说”,scene情景,场景,scene cave场景洞穴) It is also designed for adventurous 爱冒险的 adults.经过修改后的口语稿Well, I don‘t have a certain favorite attraction in particular, but if I hav e to say, I’d probably say it is Mount Shasta wilderness. Actually, it‘s a play area for kids but it also attracts a young adult like me for its design. It is a mount shape background with a exciting suspension and Wire Bridge, and also a cute brother bear cave which even fascinates使人着迷 a lot of adults.修改书面语为口语的好帮手---套话和连接词。


6. Advantages/Disadvantages
A little different…
• 差别甚微 • It was slightly/subtly different a few decades ago.
• How was education different 50 years ago ?
3. Causes of Problems
No reason known…
• Why in the world people still insist on driving their own car is beyond me.
• What is the cause of traffic congestion ?
4. Results
Should do…
• I’d put it before the authorities to take swift measures that encourage more young people to become physicians and nurses before it’s too late. • If you want my advice, they ought to allocate more resources to medical research. • Health officials would be well-advised to start streamlining all medical procedures and administration.
More than one reason…

Grammatical Range Test PracticeA. Collocation Issue PracticeExample 1: My mom help me to walk out the most grieved period in my life until now.Example 2: We need to collect the data and write a paper around the results.Example3: She delay the progress of the team, so we can not finish the work before the deadline.Example4: She were pretended friendly and ask my recent study situation though she knew I am not goodat studyB. Sentence Structure Enhancement PracticeExample1 :But frankly speaking, I don’t really like making intimate friends with her. She is self-centered and unreliable.What she thinks about is all herself, not caring about others’ feelings. Additionally, she often breaks promises and lets people down.Example2:She is one of my friends. We knew each other in the first year since we were classmates. She is pretty academically developed. She always comes as the top in the subject though she doesn’t seem study much.Example3:I usually go to the museum with my parents. After dinner we are walk to the Canal Museum, this museum is near my house and always hold many activities.Example4:My mom help me to walk out the most grieved period in my life until now. The most grieved period was the year before last when I were prepared for the college entrance exam.Example5:She were pretended friendly and ask my recent study situation she knew I am not good at study,so every time when she asked it really make me feel embarrassed and want to escape.Example6:Q: Do you think listening to the music is important?A: Definitely, it is crucial for everybody to listen to the music.One the one hand, it is enjoyable, which will help people to releasepressure.On the other hand it is effective way for people to bemore creative.More useful collocation:grab a cup of coffeesubscribe the online-resourceslog onto the websiteappreciate the artworkdraw up a proposal/outline/a conclusiondevelop confidence/ a good habit/physical and mental healthfall out with peoplegrow apart with peopletalk sth throughspoil one dayadd up to the atmospheredistort the truthcut down the storyarouse/Kindle one’s interest/curiosity in promote efficiency/equalityfulfill one’s dream/responsibilityshift focus from xxx to xxxdedicate many hours to sthflesh out the initial ideaskeep the project on the trackpore over every draftstay on the pointsdeliver advice with speedkick the whole thing offowe much to sbbe indebted toplace importance on sthcut to the heart of the matterbe labeled by genderturn out to be a master of structure walk ab step by step through sth reach out to sb for sth3) _______________________________________________________________例如:一个人的创业史(第一桶金来源),梦想的实现,恋爱婚姻观(相亲史/不婚主义),特殊的旅行经历,某人对于热门话题的独特见解等,这些都可以是有意思对话的素材,举个小例(主体部分):An unknown man I met in the train during a journey started a topic about how the kids and young people from the new generation have little passion on learning and busy doing unproductive staffs. Surely I started defensing the young generation and expressed the differences the new generation had with their ancestors. The conversation started to turn into a debate and both of us used our logic and reasoning. The conversation was interesting and I was actively participating in it mostly because he had good and polite way of conversation. He told his reasoning for this belief but when I showed him my logic,though this man was around 12 years senior to me, he never took any advantages of it and he treated me as an equally skilled opponent on this issue. Besides, he agreed that he learned many new facts about the new generation and our ways of thinking and lifestyles.Extra practice of adv. (7+)Choose the most appreciate adv of each blank.rgelyb.surelyc.clearlyd. thankfullye. persistentlyf. certainlyg. fortunatelyBullying is 1______unpleasant, and can make the child experiencing it feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide, though this is 2_________ rare. Victimized/Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who 3_________bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences.‘There is no bullying at this school’ has been a common refrain, almost 4_____ untrue. 5_________ more school are now saying: ‘There is not much bulling here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for dealing with it.With these development, schools can expect that at least the most serious kinds of bullying can 6______ be prevented.The reduction in bullying- and the consequent improvement in pupil improvement in pupil happiness-is 7_____ a worthwhile objective.B.contrast and concessionhowever despite/in spite of/regardless of whereas conversely instead while on the contrary in/by contrastthe most obvious difference is that….compared with…, …is more……is quite similar with…in terms of …Task practice:What are the differences between sending emails and writing letters as contact ways with your friends?_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________T.officially order that sth. should be forbiddenU.to reduce the negative effect of sth.by doing sth. that has an opposite effect V.reduce the total amount of tax by an average personChapter 2语法知识点:7.1高频时态准确使用一般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时,将来时(5.5-6)现在完成进行时,过去完成时,将来进行时(6-6.5)以下为部分真题示例:∙一般现在时:what’s your favorite music?Do you like the place you’re living in now?Do you work or are you a student?∙过去时:Why did you choose your major?What kinds of games did you play when you were a child?What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?What kinds of gifts did you often receive when you were muchyounger?∙现在完成时:Has your city/the countryside changed a lot in the last few years?Have you ever learned to play any musical instruments?∙将来时:Will you move to another city /house ?What might be your ideal job ?How will the mobile phones develop in the future?7.2 The mix use of tenses时态转化或综合使用范例(更高分)1.What changes have taken place in your hometown in the last 20 years?Well, I'm pretty young, but my parents always complain that my hometown'straffic is much worse, and they say that prices are a lot higher. But I think onthe positive side, life is better, houses are in better condition and there aremuch better shops and cleaner conditions in the restaurants.2.Has tourism changed China very much?Yes, very much in the last 10 years. Each year we are getting more tourists coming toChina since the open-door policy. Some big cities in China have become morecosmopolitan, attracting more foreigners in recent years.3.Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China?Yes, a lot. We used to have very few bus lines years ago and people chose to go around the city by bike . But now in big cities there are more bus lines or new subway system, which has made commuting a lot easier and faster than before.4.How long have you been studying English?In my memories, I started learning English in junior school, so I guess you could say I have been keeping learning it for more than 9 years in total,even though it's been kind of "off and on."5.Do you like planting?Though I don’t plant now, in my memories I used to be fond of planting lovely sunflowers or taking care of potted plants. I was actually good at keeping plants healthy as a child, so I suppose that I didlove planting when I was much younger.7.3易混淆时态区分练习(过去时态和完成时)Correct errors of the following passage (Tenses and voice)I would like to be considered for your course degree in Zoology, starting in October next year. I feel I am a good candidate for this course as I have always been interested in natural history and even as a child I have enjoyed studying animals and insects in my garden. Your science faculty has a good reputation and I would very much like to be part of it. As you already saw in Section A of this application , I have a good academic record and I just received the results of my recent exams, all of which have been excellent.In addition, your university attracts me because I enjoy sports and I have read in your prospectus the large number of sports on st year I have represented my school at badminton and I played in football teams since I was eleven. I have recently joined a basketball team which competes at a national level.I did not travel abroad much yet, although as a young child I have been to Singapore and Hong Kong with my family.I realize that I did not spent much time away from home up to now,but am keen to become more independent.7.4时态与被动语态综合使用用动词的正确时态语态填空Our desks and chairs ________________ (make) of wood. The paper of books and newspapers ______ also ___________ (make) from wood. Even some kinds of cloth __________________ (make) from it. Many people ____________ (burn) wood to keep themselves warm in winter. Indeed, wood _______ (be) important in our everyday life.Where ________ wood __________ (come) from? It ________________ (take) from trees which_____________(grow) in the mountains. _________ you ____________ (know) how it ____________ (get) to us from the mountains?' Signpost ' words(6.5+) Extra Task practiceDomestic Violence is a sensitive issue in most societies and affects millions of women worldwide. ICRW ( 2004, p.4) claims that 'nearly one out every three women has experienced physical, emotional or sexual violence in an intimate relationship'. ________ there are many definitions of domestic violence, this study will define it as :'Behaviours that are used by one person in a relationship to control theother through: (1) a real or threatened physical harm, (2) emotional paininfliction or manipulation, (3) real or threatened sexual harm or (4)economic control.' ( Tichy et al, 2009, p. 549)__________ the nature and structure of the family life in country X ( i.e. Joint family, in which the husband and wife often live with the husband' family), this study will ______ take into account the violence perpetrated by the husband or intimate partner ________ by the in-laws.In country X, __________ the Protection From Domestic Violence Bill legally bans the ( physical and emotional ) harming of an intimate partner, it omits to mention the need to develop support structured to help victims and to fight this problem. _________, domestic violence is still considered as a private matter and as an ' invisible' issue because occurring within household walls.8.2复合句之定语从句Attributive Clauses- 定语从句中用which 和where 的区别Just beside the station was a stadium, which was built in the 19th century, and where games are now held every weekend.真题举例:Describe your favorite cafe or restaurantOne of my favorite cafes,Urban Cafe, _______ situates in North-East of my city, and ________ a wider selection of desserts and beverage come as the biggest attraction.Rewrite the sentences below as single sentences using clauses.将以下的简单句变成复合句(优先考虑定从)1.Some students take a year out before university.This allows them to work or travel.-----2.The lecture was about current economic policy.It was not very easy to understand.------3.In 1951 my parents arrived in New York. They stayed there for the rest of theirlives.------4.The government needs a lot more support.------the cost of beefwide of the mark 毫不相关come into the marketChapter 4 Part1高频话题库及范例Part 1具体高频话题Name:1.What’s your full name?2.Who gave you that name?3.Does your name have any particular meaning?4.Would you like to change your name?5.What names are most common in your hometown?Work or study:1. Do you work or are you a student?2. What work do you do?3. Why did you choose to do that kind of work?4. Why did you choose to study those subjects/that major?5. What’s your favorite subject ?6. What do you plan to do after you finish your studies?7.Have you experienced stress at work/study?Hometown:1.Where is your hometown/Where do you come from ?2.Do you like your hometown?3.What’s your favorite part of your hometown?4.Is there anything interesting in your hometown?5.Did your friends also grow up in the same place as you?6.Would you like to live in your hometown in the future?House and apartment:1.Do you live in a house or an apartment? /Where do you live now? And how long have you been there?2.What's your favorite room in your house/apartment?3.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?4.Do you plan to move?5.Would you like to move to another place to live?Entertainment:1.What do you do in your spare time?2.How do you usually spend your evenings?3.What do you do for entertainment?4.Did you like drawing when you were a child?5.What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?6. Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?Music1.What’s your favorite kind/sort/type of music?2.Did you often listen to music when you were a child?3.Have you ever been to a musical performance?4. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?5. Is music an important subject at school in China?TV programmes1. Do you like watching TV?2. What types of TV programs do you like to watch?3. What TV programmes are popular in your country ?4. What types of TV programmes will be getting popular in the future ?5. How have TV programmes changed in the last decade ?Buildings:1. What kind of building are you living in now?2. How have buildings changed in the past years?3. How do people feel about old buildings in china?4. What kinds of buildings are popular in China now?5. Do old people and young people in China have the same attitudes towards old building?6. Is it important to preserve old buildings?Sports:1.Do you like any sports/What’s your favorite sport ?2.Did you play any sports at school?3.Is there any sport that you have never played that you would like to try?4.What are the most popular sports in your country?5.Why some people hardly do sports?Mobile phones:1.Do you have a mobile phone?2.When did you first have a mobile phone?3.Do you prefer to talk on phone or text message ?4.Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?5.How have mobile phones changes in the last few years?6.How do you think mobile phones will develop in the future?Writing /Emails and letters:1.Do you often write emails?2.On what occasions do you write letters?3.How did you learn to write?4.Do you prefer to write letters or emails to your friends ?5.What are the differences between sending emails and writing letters?6.Do you write sometimes?7.Do you have a plan to write a book in the future?8.Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?9. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?Computers:1.What was you impression when you used a computer the first time?2.Have computers changed your life in any way?3.When did you first start using the internet?4.Do you play any computer games?5.Is the internet very important to you?6.Do you think you can live without the internet?7.Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?Public transport:1.What form of transport do you usually use?/How often do you use public transport?2.Is the transportation very crowded in your city?3.Do you sometimes travel with a boat?4.Would you like to spend a holiday on boat?5.Do people in your city often travel by boat?6.Do you think the price of public transport is low in your city?Advertisement:1.What are the various places where we see advertisements?2.Why do you think there are many advertisements now?3.What kinds of advertisement do you like the most?4.Do you like advertisements on TV?5.Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazine?6.Have you ever bought anything because of an advertisement?Clothes and fashion:1.Are you interested in fashion and clothes?2.How often do you buy clothes online?3.How often do you go shopping for clothes?4.What kinds of clothes do you usually wear?Patience:1.Are you a patient person?/Are people in your city patient? 2.When do people need to be patient?3.Is it important to be patient? Why?4.Is it easy to be patient? Why?5.How can people be patient?6.What do you do when waiting for the bus or something else? Busy life:1.Have you been busy recently?2.Are people now getting busier ? And why?3.Do you want your future life to be busy or not ?4.If you have more free time, what will you do?5.How do you handle stress?Sleeping:1.How many hours do you sleep every day?2.Is it necessary to take a nap every day?3.Do old people sleep a lot? Why?4.Do you think the old need more sleeping/need to sleep longer? Walking1.Do you like walking? Where do you walk?2.Did you like walking when you were a child ?3.Will you prefer to use some form of transportation?4.What do you think are the benefits of walking?Photographs/Photographing1.Do you like taking photos/photographing ?2.What do you usually take photographs of, the views or the people? 3.Do you like cameras?4.Do you have a photo album ?5.How do you think you will you keep(save) your photos?6.Do you think it's important to preserve memories?Drawing(or painting)1.Have you ever learned to draw?2.Do you like drawing? How often do you draw something?3.What kind of pictures do you like to draw?4.Do you think it's important for children to learn to draw?5.What are the benefits of drawing for adults?News1.Are you very interested in the news?2.What sort of news are you most interested in?3.Do you ever get your news from the internet?4.Do you prefer to read news through the internet or on the newspapers?5.How important do you think the news reading is?6.Would you say the news affects your life a lot?Cooking/housework1.Do you know how to make(prepare ) a meal?2.Who usually cooks in your family?3.Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?4.How did you learn to cook?/Who taught you how to cook?/When did you learn cooking?5.Do you think everyone should learn how to cook?6.Do you often do housework?7.Which type of housework don't you like/you hardly do?8.Should children do more housework?Gifts1.Do you often give gifts to people?2.What was the last gift you received recently?3.What was the last gift you gave to someone?4.Have you ever sent someone a gift you made yourself?5.Do you think gift-giving is very important?6.Do people in China like to give gifts(to other people)?Parks1.Do you often go to parks ?2.What kinds of parks are popular in your country ?3.What are the differences between the parks in foreign countries and the ones in your country ? Trees1.Do you likes trees ? And why ?2.Did you like climbing trees where you were a child ?3.Do you think people like to go the places where there are many trees ?4.Is forest protection important ? And How to protect forest ?Concentration/study:1.What do you usually concentrate on and when ?2.Whether it is easy for you to keep your concentration on something or not?3.When is the best time you study well ?Dancing1.Do you dance? When was the last time you danced?2.Why do people like dancing?3.What do you feel when you watch dancing programs on TV?4.Is it important to learn how to dance?5.What types of dancing are most popular in your country?Relatives1.Do you have many relatives?2.When you were a child, did you visit relatives quite often? How about now ?3.Who do you feel is now the most important member of your family?Birthday1.Do you celebrate your birthday and how ?2.Do people in China celebrate birthday?3.How do Chinese people celebrate birthdays?4.Who do you like to celebrate your birthday with?5.Do all your friends know when your birthday is?6.Do children and adults celebrate birthdays the same way?Friends1.What do you often do with your friends in your leisure time?2.Is friendship important to you?3.Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?4.What kind of people do you like to have as friends?Time Management/Plan1.How do you organize your time?2.Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?3.How do you manage your time?4. Do you make plans in everyday life ?5. Why do you think some people never/hardly make plans?6. Is it important to make plans in everyday life?Bags1.What types of bags do you use?2.Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?3.What sorts of bags do women like to buy?4.Do you have different bags for special occasions?Countryside1.Do you go to the countryside?2.What kind of houses are there in the countryside? What is the usual style and why there are so many houses of this style?3.What are the differences between living in the countryside and living in the city center?4.How has the countryside changed in the last decade?Daily routine1.What time of the day do you like best? What’ the best part of the day for you? What time in a day can you work more effectively?2.When do you do most of your study?3.Would you like to change your daily routine (in any way)?4.How much time do you think people should spend working per week?Traveling1.Do you like traveling ? Where do you like to go when you go traveling?2.Have you ever traveled for a long time? = Have you (ever) been on any long trips?Do you like long trips?3.How do you feel when you travel?4.Do you prefer to travel alone or with other people?5.Where (which country or place) would you like to travel to (in the future)?Place/Museum1.What kinds of museums are popular in China?2.What can people learn from these places?3.Do you think that people should be charged when they go to museums?4.How can a museum attract people?Keep healthy/food1.Do you think you are leading a healthy lifestyle ?2.How do you understand a healthy lifestyle?3.What kind of food is healthy? What is junk food?4.How can people improve their health in China? How can school/parents help children stay healthy?5.Do you work out/exercise regularly? How about most people old and young in China?6.How can employers/government encourage people to live healthily?Part1 课堂必须掌握话题1. Are you a student or do you work ?2. Why did you choose your major?3. What might be your future major?4. What was your favorite major in senior school?5. Which subject didn’t you like in senior school?6. Did you enjoy your school life7. Do you like your city you’re living in now?8. Is there anything interesting in your city?9. Is there anything you really don’t like in your city ?10. Do you like the living place you’re living in now ?11. Do you think that your living place is a good place for children?12. Do you live in an apartment or a house ?13. What’s your favorite room ?14. Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment?15. Do you have a plan to move to a new house or an apartment? Part 1 高频喜好类较难题。

2. 开脑洞,联想个人经历
• Relevant的前提下,脑洞有多大,答案就有多充实
3. 用flexible的连接词引导你的structure
• Connectives的好处你知道几个?
路径1: Multi-topic example 一例多用
Family member who you spend most time with A person who taught you a useful skill
A person you respect
Sister, who is an English teacher
A person who has an important job
a person who speaks a second language
路径2: Topic integration 话题N合1
Day 2
二讲 (Day 2):
1. 口语常见错误解析
2. Part 2 这样准备更高效 3. Part 3 应对策略 4. 流利口语人见人爱难说NO
逻辑混乱, 无关内容过多 未深入阐述观点,
• Something you borrowed that is useful (Topic e.g.) • A person travel by plane
Invictus and Maends. …”
• Part 1 和 Part 3 均适用 • 用connectives连接和引导逻辑思路 • “If … … While in contrast, if/when… …”
② 万能的逻辑:classification
A historical event A famous person you know A movie/ book that you like
雅思口语课件 LESSON 2

“She has a pair of Peach Blossom eyes lying on her bright oval face, which makes her the most seductive girl in my heart! The majority of Chinese people even praise her as the first beauty in China.”
4. On one hand, (给第一个理由) watching movies with happy ending may release the study and life pressure of both me and my friends.
5. On the other hand,(给第二个理由) we could usually go shopping or have something yummy after the movie which is a totally best friends’ dating mode that can surely better our sisterhood.
1. What do you like to collect in your free time ? 2. What sort of job would you choose in the future ?
Part 2
Introduction of Part 2
1.是什么 ? 2.考什么?
Describe a family member you are close to .
• Why do we need to take notes ? -- 1. Remind information 2. Arrange the time

Chapter 2 Talking about studyWhat’s your major? 你的专业是什么?Introduction :在雅思考试中,,作为考官对你个人背景了解之一的常问问题就是“专业”,其中包括最基本的个人专业的英文表达,选择专业的原因,是否喜爱自己的专业。
如果是高中在读的同学虽然还没有专业,不过也可以说说自己是文科生arts students 还是理科生science students。
Task 1: you are going to hear two conversations, while listening, underline some useful phrases about Study.Conversation 1:Ann : Steve, who are the two women over there?Steve: Oh, their names are Shirley and Linda. Hi, Shirley. This is Ann. She is from Canada.Ann :Hello. Shirley, nice to meet you.Shirley : Hi, Ann. Nice to meet you, too. What do you study here?Ann : I ’ m studying Biology. And what’ s your subject?Shirley : It ’ s engineering.Ann :Hi, Linda. What are you studying here?Linda : I ’ m studying Arts.Ann :Oh, that sounds interesting.Steve: Shirley. And Linda are from the UK.Ann :Oh, where are you from in the UK?Shirley : I ’ m from Edinburgh.Linda : And I come from Leeds.Conversation 2:Lily: What’ syour major?Mike:I come to China just to study Chinese.Lily: Where are you studying now?Mike:At the Beijing Language and Culture University.Lily: How many years have you studied?Mike: I've already studied for three years. One year left for graduation.Lily: Are you going back to your country after graduation?Mike: Yes, I'll return to my country and look for a job.Lily: Is it difficult to find a job?Mike: Not very difficult, because there is not many people in my country whoknow Chinese.Lily: Mike, tell me why you chose to study Chinese?Mike: well, to be honest, I chose it based on my personal interest. You know, since I was a boy I have always been interested in language. And I reckon Chinese is a very interesting language to study.Lily: Good. Wish you good luck.Mike:Thanks.Task 2: Pair Work. Now, role-play the conversations in Task 1 with your partner. Then it is required for you to remember these phrases and expressions below. Inquiring about study:What are you studying? /What’s your major? / What’s your subject? 你的专业是什么What subjects do you like most and what subjects do you dislike most?你最喜欢 /最不喜欢的专业是什么Why did you choose this major? 你为什么选择这个专业?What do you think of your major? 你觉得你的专业怎么样?Answering:I major in Finance. I am studying Finance. My subject is Finance.我是金融专业的。

考生需要准备一些有关家庭和朋友的话题,例如家庭成员、家庭氛围、朋友关系、社交 活动等。在回答时,考生应注重描述自己与家人和朋友的关系,以及在这些关系中自己
旅行和休闲活动是雅思口语考试中常见的话题,主要考察考生对于旅游和娱乐方面的兴趣和表达能力 。
考生需要准备一些有关旅行和休闲活动的话题,例如喜欢的旅游目的地、旅游经历、休闲活动等。在 回答时,考生应注重表达自己的兴趣和感受,同时注意使用生动的语言和细节来描述自己的经历。
学习和工作是雅思口语考试中常见的话题,主要考察考生对于学习和职业方面 的思考和表达能力。
考生需要准备一些有关学习和工作的话题,例如喜欢的学科、学习方式、工作 经历、职业规划等。在回答时,考生应注重表达自己的思考和见解,同时注意 使用正确的语法和词汇。
家庭和朋友是雅思口语考试中常见的话题,主要考察考生对于人际关系和社交生活的表 达能力。
我最尊敬的人是我的父亲。他是一个非常聪明、勤奋和有 爱心的人。他总是鼓励我去追求自己的梦想,并为我提供 支持和指导。他也是一个非常负责任的人,无论在工作还 是家庭中都尽职尽责。他的品质和行为一直是我学习和成 长的榜样。我非常感激他对我所做的一切,也希望自己能 够成为像他一样优秀的人。
在回答问题时保持流利,避免 长时间的停顿或重复。
注意语法的准确性,避免常见 的语法错误。
根据题目的要求,合理分配每个部分的时间 ,避免超时或时间不足。

这部分主要考察考生的语言运用 和交流能力。
语音语调是口语表达中非常重要的一部分,正确的语音语调可以增强表达的清 晰度和流畅度。
在雅思口语考试中,语音语调的训练包括发音、语调、重音和停顿等方面的练 习。考生可以通过模仿英语母语者的发音,参加口语课程或找专业的英语教师 进行指导来提高自己的语音语调水平。
答案应描述你遇到的困难、你是如何克服 的以及这个经历对你的影响,同时要注意 表达你的毅力和决心。
答案应描述你错过的事情的具体情况、原 因以及你的感受,同时要注意表达你的遗 憾和反思。
尽量用简短的语言表达自 己的观点,避免冗长和复 杂的句子。
在回答问题时,要突出重 点,让考官更容易理解和 记住你的回答。
在表达观点时,要确保自 己的思路清晰,语言流畅 ,避免出现语法错误和词 汇错误。
可以通过举例说明自己的 观点,让考官更好地理解 你的想法和思路。
答案解析:答案应包括姓名、年龄、职业、兴趣爱好等基本信息,同 时要注意表达清晰、流畅。
答案解析:答案应描述该地方的位置、特点、给你的感觉等,同时要 注意使用具体的细节和例子来支持你的描述。
雅思口语 第2课_LEEO

Part 1运动+舞蹈+音乐:运动:在雅思口语考试第一部分中,关于运动的问题通常如下:Do you like playing sports?How often do you play sports?What sports are most popular in your country?Do you think it is important to play a sport?What sports would you like to try in the future?Do you prefer watching or playing sports?经过上一课的学习,我们发现在上述问题中,Q1为“喜好类问题”(LIKING/DISLIKING QUESTIONS),Q2为“特殊疑问句问题”(WH-/HOW OFTEN QUESTIONS),Q4和Q6为“一般疑问句问题”(YES/NO QUESTIONS),Q3和Q5为另外一种类型,下面会另做讲解。
SAMPLE ANSWERS:Q1: Do you like playing sports?A: Of course I think I’d have to say that I’m quite enthusiastic about playing sports, particularly playing soccer with my friends. This could be because I have always been fond of watching soccer matches and playing soccer with my family and friends. In addition to this, I think playing soccer also helps keep a good health.Q2: How often do you play sports?A: Well to be honest, I guess my answer would be determined by different factors. If I’m on a long holiday, then I will most likely play sports on a daily basis. While, oppositely, if I’m pretty occupied by my job, then it’s almost certain that I will only carry some sports activities weekly, or even monthly.Q4: Do you think it is important to play a sport?A: Well in actual fact, I guess that in many ways playing a sport is of great importance in many aspects, particularly if you think about the point that it can improve our physical condition. Besides, you could also say that it can build up our body shape as well. So in the main, I suppose that the significance of playing a sport can never be ignored.Q6: Do you prefer watching or playing sports?(分析:这道题要求“二选一”,选择与回旋的余地不大,所以要使用简单的方法来作答) A: Alright, I guess that I’m more inclined to playing sports than just watching sports programs on TV or on line, and this is especially true when you consider the fact that you can experience the thrills and relaxation by taking part in the sports activities, while you can never enjoy this kind of feeling by just simply watching others play.Q3 What sports are most popular in your country?为一道Basic description(基本描述),这一类的题目往往要求考生对一种现象,事物,或者是状态等进行一般性的描述,比如说Tell me something about your home town?或者是What is your ambition?等。

雅思口语全真话题技巧班精讲班第2讲讲义高分内容高分内容How can I make my sentences smooth as silk in Part I ?如何连接我的句子递进语气1I’m fascinated by this major because, to begin with / to start with / for starters,I believe it’s a promising field. Then / Besides / Also /Plus, my parents always encourage me to study it hard. Also, I’ really passionate about this field. In a nutshell / All in all, it’s really awesome / marvelous / superb / terrific!补充说明语气2.Birds are gorgeous and really brighten up our lives. Besides, people really enjoy listening to birds chirping and watching them hopping around on trees. That’s exactly / precisely why we must take action to preserve them.3Listening to country music is my greatest passion in life. Particularly / In particular, I’m very much into the songs by FaithHill and Shania Twain.对比语气4.The magpies represent wealth and prosperity, while / in contrast crows stand for bad luck in the Chinese culture.Houses Apartments / FlatsPrice Expensive Affordablerooms spacious crampedprivacy more less强调语气5.Musical instruments are definitely / absolutely / indeed /undoubtedly essential to kids’lives because they enable kids to express their own thought and emotions.综述关系Well, basically / generally speaking,my hometown is very goodfor young people to live in. To begin with, the pace of life isvery fast and it’s definitely a dynamic city. Then, there are tonsof employment opportunities available in my hometown. Lastly, theentertainment industry thrives in my hometown. But on the other hand, maybe there are too many temptations for the young. On balance / Overall, it’s absolutely an awesome city for youngpeople.打动考官最常用的53个理由Part I用来打动考官最常用的53个理由We can communicate with our teacher and exchange ideas with each other. I’m totally fascinated by it.It’s pretty stimulating.It helps me fulfill my potential.It broadens my horizons.The pace of life is very fast.The cityscape is totally gorgeous and there are tons of skyscrapers there. This city is like a magnet for the tourists.The nightlife is dynamic and vibrant.Young people often go partying, clubbing and bar hopping at night.On the other hand, the city is steeped in culture and history.There are loads of time-honored traditions there.Many people give their friends gifts to celebrate festivals.Parents give their kids presents to express their love.Some people give their boss pricey gifts to develop guanxi.Some paintings make you feel calm and peaceful.Other paintings are thought-provoking.Painting skills enable us to better appreciate artwork.Music makes us more imaginative and molds our temperament.Playing musical instruments can cultivate children’s artistic skills. Photos record memorable experiences.Photos remind us of the good old days.Some photos depict gorgeous landscape.Emails are far more efficient than letters.Emails are free of charge.Letters convey our feelings more effectively.I prefer casual clothes, like Tees, shorts and sweatshirts.Pricey clothes are a status symbol today.Special clothes make you the focus of attention.= special clothes put you in the spotlight.They make me feel laid-back.It’s very informative.It’s highly creative and entertaining.It’s full of glamorous stars.It’s filled with gorgeous scenes.The story and visual effects are amazing.The layout is very organized.The director is absolutely talented.It makes me feel refreshed.I can soak up some vitamin D.I feel energetic and dynamic.I just enjoy hanging out in shopping malls, browsing through the stuff there.My motto is “shop till I drop”.I’m kind of a shopaholic.Shopping helps me release my stress.It’s a good way to spend your leisure time.Shopping drives off my loneliness.Sports help me keep fit.Sports can foster team spirit.Computer skills are essential these days.Computers help me find information more efficiently and keep our lives more organized.On shiny days, we can breathe the fresh air, go camping or just hang out and it feels so laid-back.Rainy days feel romantic but it’s kind of inconvenient to get around.课后翻译及必备词汇IELTS口语考试第一部分课后翻译练习Translation Exercises for part I1 我喜欢我的专业/职业是因为这个领域很有前途2 我对这个领域很有热情3 我的家乡经常发生交通堵塞4 我出门一般打车5 这个城市娱乐业很繁荣6 我周末喜欢上网,遛狗或者洗澡,周六早晨我还睡懒觉7 我最喜欢的音乐包括爵士,乡村和民间音乐8 我最爱看的书包括传记,历史书和侦探小说9 鸟很漂亮,它们让我们的生活更丰富多彩,而且很多人喜欢听鸟叫的声音10 乐器可以让儿童表达自己的思想和情感11 我的家人给我好的建议,鼓励我努力学习。
雅思口语Part 1攻略第二节课PPT

示例:what are the advantages and disadvantages of collections?
People can get some background knowledge about the history of their collections. When they show off their collections, they will have the sense of achievement. The problem is that it costs money to buy collections.
第一步:每人用中文回答一遍 第二步:把所回答内容组织成英文写下来 第三步:说出英文答案
are the advantages and disadvantages of collections? 思路:
知识(knowledge)+成就感(sense of achievement) +花销(cost money)
Part 1 回答方式之并列法
描述,通常描述事物特点或对问题 进行分析,各点关系无主次,并列 进行。 特点/分析一+特点/分析二+…
特点/分析一 特点/分析二 特点/分析三
提问:Can 思路:
you describe your room?
雅思口语Part 1 攻略:(二)
讲者:李翰伯 (Larry)
引申法:陈述事实+拓展描述=完整答案 例子:
Do you like mathematic? Do you live in a house or a flat? Can you play any musical instruments? How often do you use a computer?

Chris Lee
• 带着你的关键词:Car(not moto/bicycle), Minicooper, Blue Medium Size, Fashionable, Attracting, Expensive, cannot buy now, convenience, show off, safety
• 套用背好的开头! • It has been my dream car since I saw the movie “The Italian Job” two year ago,
in which Mini Cooper is the biggest star. • 接着串关键词! • I would choose a car rather than a motor or bicycle because cars are perfect
Chris Lee
• This feeling of independence, and the freedom to go where I please, is one of the reasons why I would like to own a Mini. More importantly, it’s a BMW, which earns its name by the safety performance. Together with its exquisite and classical looks, that’s why I would want a Mini Cooper.
• 两分钟结束
雅思基础课程lecture two

做表语 The sole task of students is to acquire the knowledge and skills essential to their future career . 学生的唯一任务是获得将来工作必不可少的知 识和技能。 识和技能。 The healthiest way to look at competition is to compete against your own accomplishments, not others.
(5)S+ V+ O+ C )
我们认为上网伤感情。 We consider surfing the Internet emotionally detrimental.
(6)There be… )
不定式To do 不定式 做主语 How to solve the heavy traffic problem is a thorny issue for our government(s). 如何解决严重的交通问题, 对于政府而言是个棘手 的问题. It is essential/ imperative for governments of developed and developing nations to adopt environmental policies. (s) 建立太空站花费大量纳税人的钱。 建立太空站花费大量纳税人的钱。 To set up a space station costs a huge sum of government rev认真思考。 青少年犯罪问题亟待我们的认真思考。 The issue of juvenile delinquency is pressing for our serious consideration. 许多动物被用于医学研究实验的事实令人恶心。 许多动物被用于医学研究实验的事实令人恶心。 The fact that many animals are used in medical research is sickening. 这么低的就业率令人沮丧。 这么低的就业率令人沮丧。 The low employment rate is depressing. 科学技术的进步令人鼓舞。 科学技术的进步令人鼓舞。 The advancement of science and technology is quite inspiring.

PART ONE 应对技巧和策略之——学习/工作题
Q1: What subjects are you studying? 你对专业的态度? Neutral: 专业还凑合, 我不是很感兴趣,因为我不喜欢偏学术的东西。 不过,校园生活还是不错的。 I am doing laws, which is ok/not bad. I am just not interested because I don’t like academic things. Well, the campus life is good.
PART ONE 应对技巧和策略之——学习/工作题
Q2: Why did you choose that university? 1)我选择这所学校是经过慎重考虑的。 I chose this university after careful and thorough consideration. 2)我的大学有良好的学习氛围,较强的师资力量; My university has great learning atmosphere and excellent faculty; 3)在全国范围来讲,她的学术水准处于领先水平。 It holds/has the leading position in academic level nationwide. 4)我最看重的一点是,这所学校的学生都能接触到先进的实 验设备,而且有机会参加各种实习。 What I value the most is that this university provides easy access to advanced experiment equipments and great chance for various internships.

2. 比较法
通过比较同类事物,突出强调其中的一个内容 Question: What kind of music do you like best, and why? Answer: Light music takes my fancy most. It’s pretty relaxing

授课教案学员姓名:授课教师:熊泽宇所授科目:雅思口语第11课学员年级:上课时间:年月日时至时=How is A different from B?=What is the difference between A and B?但是,在第三部分通常是要你表达自己的观点,所以最常见的提问方式就是:●Do you think….? 或者What do you think about…?●Why do you think some people…?●Could you give me an example?●How are young people and old people different in their attitudes to…?●What do you think we can do to…?●How do you think…will change in the future? 等等。
6. 考官在这部分主要寻找什么?首先,考官期望你能够和他进行交流,不希望看到长时间的停顿,所以考生可以想到什么就先说出来,不要等想好了再说,通常的说法是边想边说。
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雅思基础口语精讲班第2讲讲义IELTS 口试的4个测评标准及其内涵IELTS 口试的4个测评标准及其内涵流利与连贯程度(Fluency and Coherence)在口语考试中,回答的流畅度是最重要的。
词汇 (Vocabulary)词汇。
语法能力 (Grammatical Accuracy)语法。
比如“我更喜欢……”,不要说“I more like …”,而是“I prefer…”;“我非常喜欢我的工作”,不是“I very like my job.”而是“I like my job very much.”语音 (Pronunciation)其实无论是口语考试还是日常交流,对于发音的要求都很简单,即clear——清晰的,understandable——可被理解的,期望考试得到高分的考生则应做到让对方很“舒适”地理解(comfortably understandable)。
而双元音如/ai/, /au/等,在汉语中不存在,学生会用单元音/e/,/C:/ 来替代它们。
如学生说“I congratulated from the university last year.”(我去年从大学庆祝了。
还有学生说“I want a big house with a garbage”. (我想要一座带垃圾的大房子),这就更让人费解了。
如果对问题不熟悉、不肯定,直接回答说“I don’t know. Can you change another question for me?”显然非常生硬,缺乏策略,而且等于向考官承认自己的词汇量或表达有局限。
例如,对问题做评论,“I think it’s a big issue. I’m not quite familiar about it, but I suppose /guess /imagine …” 然后简单谈谈自己的看法。
比如说,学生一进门,考官一般都会说:“How are you?”但相当一部分学生都只会答“Fine,thank you,and you?”多一句话都不会说。
一位考官说有一次,他一个上午考了十多个考生,每个人都这么回答,于是他有意对后面的那个考生这样问道,“Today is very cold. How are you?”可得到的回答依然是Fine,thank you,and you?考官觉得很不能理解。
例如一个很简单的问题,“Do you like your job/subject?” 80%的学生只会很直接的回答,“Yes, I do. It’s very interesting.” 或者“No, I don’t. It’s very boring.” 即便在老师的一再鼓励下,也想不出其他的喜欢或不喜欢的理由了。
而在被问到是否经常去图书馆或博物馆,是否养宠物,是否有收藏的爱好等问题时,我们的考生干脆一律回答,“No. I have no time.” 这样的回答无论从语言还是内容上,都绝对不会令考官满意的。
如果考生加入一些细节的描述,如“I’ve got a blue curtain and a bed sheet with the same color. On the window sill there is a potted plant, which smells nice.”这并不需要多大的词汇量,但会使得回答听起来具体而生动。