国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha10

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• 国际促销组合和国际沟通过程。 • 2. The Forms and Practices of Advertising on a Global Scale. • 全球范围内的广告形式和实践。 • 3. The Advertising Strategy and Budget, and Some Examples of
Measuring of Advertising Effectiveness
• Typical effectiveness-testing techniques – Pre-testing of copy appeal and brand recognition. – Post-testing of product or brand recognition. – Measuring campaign’s impact on sales.
• Factors in developing the message: – Diffusion of the product or service into the market. – Criteria on which customers evaluate the product. – The product’s positioning.
• The Chapter’s Referential Questions: • 本章参考题
• (1) What are the important traits of the international media infrastructure that are likely to affect local advertising strategies?
– Diversification
Audience Characteristics
• Strategy is to reach the intended target audience with the minimum of waste. • Marketing strategist needs to know
reflecting local cultural values.
• Advertiser’s responses
– Adaptation
• Corporate image advertising • Sports sponsorships
– Innovation
• Product placement
• Sales Promotions
– Couponing, sampling premiums, education and demonstration, point-of-purchase, direct mail.
– The impact of promotions on intermediaries must be carefully considered.
The Media Campaign Approach
• What type of outside services to use? • How to establish decision-making authority? • Outside services are chosen by their quality of
• Pan-regional radio and television, the Internet • Important global media characteristics
– Targetability – Client-compatible editorial – Editorial quality • Who advertises in global media? – Airline, financial services,
– Media distribution (number of copies) – Media audience composition – Advertising exposure – Advertising perception – Consumer response
Global Media
• Print publications providing global coverage with regional language and content editions.
• The ideal is to have a world brand. – “…a product that is manufactured, packaged, and positioned the same around the world.” – Localize international symbols with regional or country area themes and personalities.
• Development of media schedule
– target audience characteristics – campaign objectives – budget
• Media vehicle chosen based on
– media availability in market – product or service offered
Stages in Promotional Campaign Planning
Determine the target audience Determine campaign objectives
Determine the budget Determine media strategy Determine the message Determine campaign approach Determine campaign effectiveness
• Externally, PR in multinational corporations is concerned with – Building a global identity to build sales,product and service differentiation. – Providing information furthering marketing objectives. – Anticipating and counting criticism of the organization. – Taking a lead role in crisis management.
• PR provides internal and external acceptance for the organization.
• Internally, PR functions to – Provide Information through internal publications (e.g., newsletters and intranets). – Help create the appropriate corporate culture.
represented by the same agency
Decision-Making Authority
• Centralized or decentralized decisions about advertising? – Centralization= scale, synergy, consistency – Decentralization= proximity, flexibility, sensibility
– Varying local regulations may prevent or limit the types and use of sales promotions.
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Public Relations
• Public Relations (PR) builds images – PR’s goal is understanding and acceptance.
coverage. • The value of outside expertise
– Creative development skills – Media buying savvy – Specialty marketing knowledge • Conflict in the use of mega-agencies – Conflicts of interest when two competitors are
– audience media habits
Product Influences
• Product advertising restrictions
– National consumer protection regulations – Special rules in certain markets
Other Promotional Elements
• Personal Selling
– Typically associated big-ticket (high-priced) items such as industrial goods.
– Proper training is crucial to success.
The Budget
• The promotional budget links marketing objectives with media, message, and control decisions.
• Acts as a control mechanism.
Media Strategy
• Overall organizational goal to continually improve advertising quality at the local level.
• Coordinated decentralized approach to pan-regional campaign development – strong central control – knowledge of local markets – avoids NIH syndrome
telecommunication, automobile,and tobacco companies
The Promotional Message
• Know customer habits and motivations: What are consumers really buying and why?
Chapter 10 International Marketing Promotion
• Learning Objectives • 本章学习目标
• 1. International Promotional Mix and International Communication Process.
• Measures – Sales increases and sales pattern changes. – Increases in consumer awareness and recall. – Intention to buy, coupon return.
• There are no universally accepted parameters of measurement and analysis to compare one country audience to another.
International Applications. • 广告战略和预算,以及国际应用的实例。
• 1、The International Promotion Mix • 2、The International Communication Process • 3、International Business Advertising