

adams 原理

adams 原理

adams 原理











对于运动副来说:在你不选择上图所示的uN时,运动副是 没有摩擦力的.也就是说默认添加的运动副没有摩擦力.
两种方法: 两种方法:
这两种方法各有各的好处,比如上面那种,你可以对一个 group进行移动.具体的到用熟练时自然就知道那个适合 什么情况.
三、build→Data Elements→Spline 问题:1、怎么用General建样条曲线?
2、怎么在后处理里用.csv文件或txt文件 建曲线?在后处理的file->import->numeric data(txt可用) 数据两列就行。创建完曲线后可 以用这条曲线生成spline.
LOC_FRAME_MIRROR (L,O1,N1)返回点L关于参考坐标系O1中平面N1对称点。 例:LOC_FRAME_MIRROR({7,7,0}, marker_1, "xy") LOC_MIRROR (L,O1,N1)返回点L关于参考坐标系O1中平面N1对称点。 例:LOC_MIRROR({7,7,0}, marker_1, "xy") LOC_PLANE_MIRROR (L,Mp)返回点L关于平面Mp的对称点. 例:LOC_PLANE_MIRROR({2,4,0},{{10,12,0},{14,12,0},{12,10,0}}) .
一个简单例子中的问题 (函数的运用) 函数的运用) 压床原理图:
1、行程控制量用一个位置函数: (LOC_ALONG_LINE(POINT_3, POINT_19, DV_5)) 2、施加阻力用IF函数: if(100-.model_1.MEA_PT2PT_1:0,200,if(.model_1.PART_6_MEA_1:200,0,0)) 3、简单说一下优化设计: 首先要参数化建模,确定设计变量。 要明确优化的目标函数。

adams 不同材料摩擦系数手册

adams 不同材料摩擦系数手册




















ADAMS中的接触和接触摩擦作用机制实例详解高一佳【摘要】文章首先从理论上详细说明了ADAMS软件中的接触和接触摩擦在模型中的作用机制.然后结合拉臂式垃圾车动力学分析实例,研究了各参数变动对接触造成的影响.最后给出了解决接触求解无法收敛问题的一般原则.【期刊名称】《汽车实用技术》【年(卷),期】2017(000)006【总页数】4页(P64-66,75)【关键词】ADAMS;接触;接触摩擦【作者】高一佳【作者单位】陕西保利特种车制造有限公司,陕西西安710200【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U461CLC NO.:U461Document Code:AArticle ID:1671-7988 (2017)06-64-04即使是经验丰富的分析工程师,在处理包含接触和接触摩擦的ADAMS仿真任务时,也时常遭遇频繁的求解失败。

是什么原因让日常生活中无处不在的接触和摩擦在 CAE分析中变成了一个麻烦制造者。






在ADAMS中分别表述为Open,Closed and Stick,Closed and Slide。





adams 初级培训教程 第7章 转动和摩擦

adams 初级培训教程  第7章 转动和摩擦
● 要开始练习:
● 启动ADAMS/View:
● 设置工作目录为: exercise_dir/mod_07_inclined_plane。
● 建立一个名为: inclined_plane的模型,将 Gravity 设 为 Earth Normal (-Global Y) ,及 Units 设为 IPS - inch, lbm, lbf, s, deg。
7.0 转动和摩擦
● 本章内容:
● 欧拉角 (旋转顺序) ● 精确定位: 转动(Rotate) ● 摩擦问题 ● 定义相对于局部坐标系的测试
欧拉角 (旋转顺序)
● 欧拉角的定义
● 空间的一个坐标系的方向可以相对于另外一个坐标系经过三 次 不连续的旋转来描述。
● 旋转的方式可以是空间固定 (space-fixed) 或 物体固定 (body-fixed) 的,并且分别表示为 Body [3 1 3] 和 Space [1 2 3] 等,其中:
滑块部件 约束 所有的几何外形 (包含在斜面上的标记点) ,但是不包含大地部
练习 7 – 倾斜的平面
● 提示: 在 Objects in Group 一栏内点击鼠标右键并选择 browse , 找到你所要的对象,你可以通过按住键盘上的 Ctrl 键一次选择多个 对象,选择如上图所示的对象 。
● 由于受到重力作用引起的加速度在MAR_1坐标系下 的分解,使用符号 x1, ŷ1, z1 代表各分量:
练习 7 – 倾斜的平面
● 问题描述
● 找到斜块沿倾斜的平面向下滑动最小倾斜角度,模型参数如下图 所示:
or 386.4 in/sec2
练习 7 – 倾斜的平面




1. 多体动力学:Adams使用多体动力学理论来描述系统中的



2. 约束条件:Adams支持对系统中物体之间的各种约束条件



3. 接触和碰撞:Adams还考虑了系统中物体之间的接触和碰撞。


4. 动力学求解:Adams使用高效的动力学求解算法,通过求





收稿日期:2012-09-12基金项目:辽宁省教育厅科研项目资助(L2012211)作者简介:王丹(1977-),博士研究生,副教授,研究方向为建筑工程用机器人技术与建筑机械,wangdan_17@ ;柳洪义(联系人),教授,博士,hyliu@基于Adams 的管道施工机械手虚拟样机建模与动力学仿真实验王丹1,2,柳洪义1,刘明晨2,张胜男2(1东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院,沈阳 110004;2沈阳建筑大学 交通与机械工程学院,沈阳 110168)摘 要:管道施工机械手用于铺设地下大型水泥管道。

为了能够准确模拟机械手的工作过程,为物理样机的设计和制造提供参数依据,采用Solidworks 、Adams 建立机械手虚拟样机的联合建模方法。




关键词:管道施工机械手 虚拟样机建模 动力学仿真 中图分类号:TP241.3 文献标识码:AVirtual Prototype Model of the Laying Pipe Manipulator andDynamics Simulation Based on Adams Soft and TestWang Dan 1,2, Liu Hongyi 1, Liu Mingchen 2, Zhang Shengnan 2(1School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004; 2School of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering, Shengyang Jianzhu University, Shengyang 110168)Abstract :The laying pipe manipulator is used to lay the concrete pipe. In order to simulate the working process of the manipulator correctly, and support the parameters for the prototype, the virtual prototype of the manipulator was built with Solidworks and Adams soft. To make the simulation keep up with the real working process, and the simulation results reflect the working conditions accurately, the force was added to replace the friction in the kinematic pair, the pin shaft of the cyinder was made flexible, and the connecting shaft was added to resolve the redundant constraint of wheel. The virtual prototype of the manipulator could realize the dynamics simulation of the laying pipe process, and the simulation results was compared with the test results,which showed that the virtual prototype of the manipulator was similar with the prototype,and the simulation results were correct,and it could support the design parameters for the prototype. Key words :the laying pipe manipulator; virtual prototype model;dynamics simulation管道运输是一种既经济又环保的运输方式,不论是在城市建设中,还是在长途水、油、气的运输中发挥着不可替代的重要作用。



GrantHill's Studio鹏哥制作(转载)仅供学习交流,非商业用途!Revolute Joint Friction设置一、Revolute Joint ModelJoint reactions (Fa and Fr), bending moment (Tr), and torque preload (Tprfrc) determine the frictional torque in a revolute joint. You can turn off one or more of these force effects using switches SW1 through SW3. The joint reactions (Fa and Fr) (注:图3中FR21和Ff21)are converted into equivalent torques using the respective friction arm (Rn) (注:图3中p)and pin radius (Rp)(注:图3中r). The joint bending moment (Tr) is converted into an equivalent torque using pin radius (Rp) divided by bending reaction arm (Rb). The frictional torque (Tfrict) is applied along the axis of rotation in the direction that the FRD block computes.图1 Revolute Joint Model图2 Block Diagram of Revolute Joint上述是帮助文件中关于转动副中摩擦的描述。

这是一个较为复杂的模型,限于水平,这里将不对bending reaction 进行讨论。














ADAMS接触与摩擦力简介接触与摩擦力1. 摩擦力(考虑是否画示意图)。

运动副一般只限制两个构件的部分自由度,在没有限制自由度的方向上,两个构件可以相对运动,在能够产生相对运动的自由度上定义摩擦力,使系统在做动力学仿真时,考虑摩擦力的存在,这样使得仿真更加符合实际,摩擦力需要设置如下参数:(1)静摩擦系数(Mu Static)和动摩擦系数(Mu Dynamic)。

(2)摩擦圆半径(Friction Arm) 和轴颈半径(Pin Radius )。


(3)弯曲作用力臂(Bending Reaction Arm)。

(4)静摩擦移动速度(Stiction Transition Velocity),指在出于静摩擦状态时,运动副的最大位移。

(5)摩擦力矩预载荷(Stiction Torque Preload)。


(6)引起摩擦力的因素(Input Forces to Friction)。


(7)禁用摩擦力的情况(Friction Inactive During)。

(8)Reaction Arm(反作用力力臂)。


(9)Initial Overlap(移动副的初始位移)。


(10)Overlap Will(移动副的位移变化情况)。

有三个选项,即常数(Remain Constant),增加(Increace)、减少(Decerase)。


2. 设置接触力当两个构件的表面发生接触时,就会在接触的位置参数接触力(Concact),接触力有两种计算方法,即基于回归的接触算法(Restitution-basecontact)和基于碰撞函数的接触算法(IMPACT-Function-based contact)。




ADAMS接触与摩擦⼒简介4.3.2.2接触与摩擦⼒1. 摩擦⼒(考虑是否画⽰意图)。

运动副⼀般只限制两个构件的部分⾃由度,在没有限制⾃由度的⽅向上,两个构件可以相对运动,在能够产⽣相对运动的⾃由度上定义摩擦⼒,使系统在做动⼒学仿真时,考虑摩擦⼒的存在,这样使得仿真更加符合实际,摩擦⼒需要设置如下参数:(1)静摩擦系数(Mu Static)和动摩擦系数(Mu Dynamic)。

(2)摩擦圆半径(Friction Arm) 和轴颈半径(Pin Radius )。


(3)弯曲作⽤⼒臂(Bending Reaction Arm)。

(4)静摩擦移动速度(Stiction Transition Velocity),指在出于静摩擦状态时,运动副的最⼤位移。

(5)摩擦⼒矩预载荷(Stiction Torque Preload)。


(6)引起摩擦⼒的因素(Input Forces to Friction)。


(7)禁⽤摩擦⼒的情况(Friction Inactive During)。

(8)Reaction Arm(反作⽤⼒⼒臂)。


(9)Initial Overlap(移动副的初始位移)。


(10)Overlap Will(移动副的位移变化情况)。

有三个选项,即常数(Remain Constant),增加(Increace)、减少(Decerase)。


2. 设置接触⼒当两个构件的表⾯发⽣接触时,就会在接触的位置参数接触⼒(Concact),接触⼒有两种计算⽅法,即基于回归的接触算法(Restitution-basecontact)和基于碰撞函数的接触算法(IMPACT-Function-based contact)。


























ADAMS受力分析受力分析是指通过ADAMS(Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems,机械系统自动动态分析)软件对机械系统进行受力分析的过程。



1. ADAMS受力分析的原理ADAMS受力分析基于牛顿运动定律和虚功原理,通过建立机械系统的几何约束条件和运动学关系,结合质点和刚体的动力学描述,求解机械系统在运动过程中受到的力。






2. ADAMS受力分析的操作步骤ADAMS受力分析的操作步骤主要包括建立模型、设置约束和求解受力等。



建立模型的方法包括两种: - 通过ADAMS自带的几何建模工具进行建模; - 导入CAD软件中绘制的模型。





07-第七章 ADAMS转动和摩擦

07-第七章 ADAMS转动和摩擦

练习 7 – 倾斜的平面
4. 选择MARKER_1 (在斜面 ramp上) 的 z 轴作为旋转轴 。
提示 : 想要更容易的选择 z 轴,一个好办法是将整个视图稍稍的旋
Select the z-axis
ADM701, Section 1, November 2010 Copyright 2010 MSC.Software Corporation
MSC.ADAMS 初级培训教程
(ADM701 教程讲解及练习)
MSC.Software 公司
ADM701, Section 1, November 2010 Copyright 2010 MSC.Software Corporation
Part Number: ADAM*V2005*Z*FSP*Z*SM-ADM701-NT1
ADM701, Section 1, November 2010 Copyright 2010 MSC.Software Corporation
练习 7 – 倾斜的平面

要将斜面旋转 θ = 15º :
1. 在斜面的角上的标记点上点击鼠标的右键再指向 MARKER_1 然后
选择 Modify。 2. 在 Orientation 一栏内,删除 0,0,0,输入 15,0,0。
练习 7 – 倾斜的平面
● 球铰 (Spherical joints)
● 摩擦力 ( Ff)
● 与两个部件之间的接触面积无关。 ● 方向与两个部件之间相对运动速度方向相反。 ● 与正压力 (N) 成正比,比例系数为摩擦系数常数 (μ)。
Ff = μN



adams中库伦摩擦定义好的,以下是为您创作的关于“adams 中库伦摩擦定义”的科普文章:---当我们谈到“adams 中库伦摩擦定义”时,您可能会感到有些陌生和困惑,仿佛这是一个来自遥远科学星球的神秘术语。





在 Adams 这个强大的动力学仿真软件中,库伦摩擦的定义就像是为物体之间的相对运动设置了一个“阻力规则”。

















ADAMS中接触的定义及参数设置在计算机科学领域,ADAMS(Advanced Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems,机械系统的高级动力学分析)是一个用于电动力学、机械学等多学科系统建模和仿真的软件。










2.接触力模型:- Hertz模型:用于弹性材料之间的接触力计算。

- Coulomb摩擦模型:用于描述物体之间的干摩擦行为。

- Viscous模型:用于描述物体之间的粘性摩擦行为。

- Damping模型:用于描述接触过程中的阻尼行为。










(2)在设置栏中选择连接构件的方法(3种,New,add ,ground); (3)选择连接方向(2种,栅格方向或选取方向); (4)选择1个或2个构件; (5)确定连接点的位置; (6)选取连接方向
-Chapter 3
• 运动约束通过对模型施加运动来实现对模型的约束 ,一旦定义好运动后,模型就会按照所定义的运动 规律进行运动,而不考虑实现这种运动需要多大的 力或力矩。ADAMS/View定义了两种类型的运动约束 :运动副运动和点运动。
碰撞限制 -- Curve-On-Curve Cams
Curve-on-curve Cams
物件的接触碰撞固定于曲线之间,因此,碰撞 点
不会离开曲线。 移除两个DOF
构成元件 两个物件 两条曲线
-Chapter 33:接点介绍-
可使用 Modify Joint 对话框 修改接点的特性
-Chapter 3
平行约束 Parallel Axes
垂直约束 Perpendicu lar
方向约束 Orientatio n
点面约束 Inplane
点线约束 Inline
说明 约束构件1的连接点,只能沿着构件2连接点标 记的Z轴运动。去除2个旋转自由度
约束构件1的Z轴始终垂直于构件2的Z轴,即: 约束构件1只能绕构件2的二个轴旋转。去除1 个旋转自由度 限定两个零件的零件坐标系坐标轴同向,不能 相对旋转,去除3个旋转自由度
限定一个零件在另一个零件的某个平面上运动 ,去除1个移动自由度
限定第一个零件沿第二个零件上的某条直线运 动,去除两个移动自由度
-Chapter 3
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JointsIdealized JointsAbout Idealized JointsIdealized joints connect two parts. The parts can be rigid bodies, Flexible bodies, or Point mass es. You can place idealized joints anywhere in your model.Note:The joints you can attach to flexible bodies depend on the version of Adams/Solver you are using (C++ or FORTRAN). In addition, Adams/Solver (C++) does not support pointmasses.For a summary of which joints and forces are supported on flexible bodies, see Table ofSupported Forces and Joints in the Adams/Flex online help. Also refer to the Adams/Flexonline help for more information on attaching joints and forces to flexible bodies. Adams/View supports two types of idealized joints: simple and complex. Simple joints directly connect bodies and include the following:•Revolute Joints. See Revolute Joint Tool.•Translational Joints. See Translational Joint Tool.•Cylindrical Joints. See Cylindrical Joint Tool.•Spherical Joints. See Spherical Joint Tool.•Planar Joints. See Planar Joint Tool.•Constant-Velocity Joints. See Constant-Velocity Joint Tool.•Screw Joints. See Screw Joint Tool.•Fixed Joints. See Fixed Joint Tool.•Hooke/Universal Joint. See Hooke/Universal Joint Tool.Complex joints indirectly connect parts by coupling simple joints. They include:•Gears. See Gear Joint Tool.•Couplers. See Coupler Joint Tool.You access the joints through the Joint Palette and Joint and Motion Tool Stacks.Creating Idealized JointsThe following procedure explains how to create a simple idealized joint. You can select to attach the joint to parts or spline curves. If you select to attach the joint to a curve, Adams/View creates a curve marker,Adams/View2Jointsand the joint follows the line of the curve. Learn more about curve markers with Marker Modify dialogbox help. Attaching the joint to a spline curve is only available with Adams/Solver (C++). L earn aboutswitching solvers with Solver Settings - Executable dialog box help.Note that this procedure only sets the location and orientation of the joint. If you want to set the frictionof a joint, change the pitch of a screw joint, or set initial conditions for joints, modify the joint.To create a simple idealized joint:1.From the Joint palette or tool stack, select the joint tool representing the idealized joint that youwant to create.2.In the settings container, specify how you want to define the bodies the joint connects. You canselect:• 1 Location (Bodies Implicit)• 2 Bodies - 1 Location• 2 Bodies - 2 LocationsFor more on the effects of these options, see the help for the joint tool you are creating andConnecting Constraints to Parts.3.In the settings container, specify how you want the joint oriented. You can select:•Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the joint along the current Working grid, if it is displayed, or normal to the screen.•Pick Geometry Feature - Lets you orient the joint along a direction vector on a feature in your model, such as the face of a part.4.If you selected to explicitly define the bodies by selecting 2 Bodies - 1 Location or 2 Bodies - 2Locations in Step 2, in the settings container, set First Body and Second Body to how you wantto attach the joint: on the bodies of parts, between a part and a spline curve, or between two the left mouse button, select the first part or a spline curve (splines and data element curvesare all considered curves). If you selected to explicitly select the parts to be connected, select thesecond part or another curve using the left mouse button.6.Place the cursor where you want the joint to be located (for a curve this is referred to as its curvepoint), and click the left mouse button. If you selected to specify its location on each part or curve,place the cursor on the second location, and click the left mouse button.7.If you selected to orient the joint along a direction vector on a feature, move the cursor around inyour model to display an arrow representing the direction along a feature where you want the jointoriented. When the direction vector represents the correct orientation, click the left mouse button.Modifying Basic Properties of Idealized JointsYou can change several basic properties about an Idealized joints. These include:•Parts that the joint connects. You can also switch which part moves relative to another part.3Joints •What type of joint it is. For example, you can change a revolute joint to a translational joint. Thefollowing are exceptions to changing a joint's type:•You can only change a simple idealized joint to another type of simple idealized joint or to a joint primitive.•You cannot change a joint's type if motion is applied to the joint. In addition, if a joint has friction and you change the joint type, Adams/View displays an error.•Whether or not forces that are applied to the parts connected by the joint appear graphically on the screen during an animation. Learn about Setting Up Force Graphics.•For a screw joint, you can also set the pitch of the threads of the screw (translational displacement for every full rotational cycle). Learn about screw joints.To change basic properties for a joint:1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.2.If desired, in the First Body and Second Body text boxes, change the parts that the joint connects.The part that you enter as the first body moves relative to the part you enter as the second body.3.Set Type to the type of joint to which you want to change the current joint.4.Select whether you want to display force graphics for one of the parts that the joint connects.5.For a screw joint, enter its pitch value (translational displacement for every full rotational cycle).6.Select OK.About Initial Conditions for JointsYou can specify initial conditions for revolute, translational, and cylindrical joints. Adams/View uses the initial conditions during an Initial conditions simulation, which it runs before it runs a simulation of your model.You can specify the following initial conditions for revolute, translational, and cylindrical joints:•Translational or rotational displacements that define the translation of the location of the joint on the first part (I marker) with respect to its location on the second part (J marker) in units oflength. You can set translational displacement on a translational and cylindrical joint and you can set rotational displacements on a revolute and cylindrical joint.Adams/View measures the translational displacement at the origin of the I marker along thecommon z-axis of the I and J markers and with respect to the J marker. It measures the rotational displacement of the x-axis of the I marker about the common z-axis of the I and J markers with respect to the x-axis of the J marker.•Translational or rotational velocity that define the velocity of the location of the joint on the first part (I marker) with respect to its location on the second part (J marker) in units of length per unit of time.Adams/View Joints 4Adams/View measures the translational velocity of the I marker along the common z-axis of I and J and with respect to the J marker. It measures the rotational velocity of the x-axis of the I marker about the common z-axis of the I and J markers with respect to the x-axis of the J marker.If you specify initial conditions, Adams/View uses them as the initial velocity of the joint during an assemble model operation regardless of any other forces acting on the joint. You can also leave some or all of the initial conditions unset. Leaving an initial condition unset lets Adams/View calculate the conditions of the part during an assemble model operation depending on the other forces acting on the joint. Note that it is not the same as setting an initial condition to zero. Setting an initial condition to zero means that the joint will not be moving in the specified direction or will not be displaced when the model is assembled, regardless of any forces acting on it.If you impose initial conditions on the joint that are inconsistent with those on a part that the joint connects, the initial conditions on the joint have precedence over those on the part. If, however, you impose initial conditions on the joint that are inconsistent with imparted motions on the joint, the initial conditions as specified by the motion generator take precedence over those on the joint.Setting Initial ConditionsTo modify initial conditions:1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes .2.Select Initial Conditions .The Joint Initial Conditions dialog box appears. Some options in the Joint Initial Conditions dialog box are not available (ghosted) depending on the type of joint for which you are setting initial conditions.3.Set the translational or rotational displacement or velocity, and then select OK .Imposing Point Motion on a JointYou can impose a motion on any of the axes (DOF) of the idealized joint that are free to move. For example, for a translational joint , you can apply translational motion along the z-axis. Learn more About Point Motion .Note:If the initial rotational displacement of a revolute or cylindrical joint varies by anywherefrom 5 to 60 degrees from the actual location of the joint, Adams/Solver issues a warningmessage and continues execution. If the variation is greater than 60 degrees, Adams/Viewissues an error message and stops execution.Note:For translational, revolute , and cylindrical joints, you might find it easier to use the jointmotion tools to impose motion. Learn about Creating Point Motions Using the Motion Tools .5JointsTo impose motion on a joint:1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.2.Select Impose Motion.The Impose Motion(s) dialog box appears. Some options in the Impose Motion dialog box are not available (ghosted) depending on the type of joint on which you are imposing motion.3.Enter a name for the motion. Adams/View assigns a default name to the motion.4.Enter the values for the motion as explained in Options for Point Motion Dialog Box, and thenselect OK.Adding Friction to Idealized JointsYou can model both static (Coulomb) and dynamic (viscous) friction in revolute, translational, cylindrical, hooke/universal, and spherical joints.Note:Using Adams/Solver (C++), you can apply joint friction to joints if they are attached to flexible bodies; using Adams/Solver (FORTRAN), you cannot. In addition, Adams/Solver(C++) does not support point masses.For a summary of which joints and forces are supported on flexible bodies, see Table ofSupported Forces and Joints in the Adams/Flex online help. Also refer to the Adams/Flexonline help for more information on attaching joints and forces to flexible bodies.To add friction to a joint:1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.2.Select the Friction tool .The Create/Modify Friction dialog box appears. The options in the dialog box change depending on the type of joint for which you are adding friction.3.Enter the values in the dialog box for the type of joint as explained below, and then select OK.•Cylindrical Joint Options•Revolute Joint Options•Spherical Joint Options•Translational Joint Options•Universal/Hooke Joint OptionsAdams/View6JointsFriction Regime Determination (FRD)Three friction regimes are allowed in Adams/View:diagram of the friction regimes available in Adams/Solver.7JointsConventions in Friction Block DiagramsThe following tables identify conventions used in the block diagrams:•Legend for Block Diagrams identifies symbols in the diagrams.•Relationship Between the Inputs Option and Switches Used in the Block Diagrams describes the relationship between the Input Forces to Friction option in the Create/Modify Friction dialog box and the switches used in the block diagrams.Legend for Block DiagramsRelationship Between the Inputs Option and Switches Used in the Block DiagramsCylindrical Joint frictionJoint reaction (F) and reaction torque (Tm) combined with force preload (Fprfrc) and torque preload (Tprfrc) yield the frictional force and torque in a cylindrical joint. As the block diagram indicates, you can turn off one or more of these force effects using switches SW1 through SW3. The frictional force inSymbol:Description: Scalar quantityVector quantitySumming junction:c=a+bMultiplication junction:c=axbMAGMagnitude of a vector quantity ABSAbsolute value of a scalar quantity FRD Friction regime determinationSwitch:Inputs are: Symbol: Acceptable values:SW1Preload Fprfrc or Tprfc On or offSW2Reaction force f or F On or off SW3Bending moment Tr On or off SW4 Torsional moment Tn On or off All or None sets all applicable switches On or off, respectivelyAdams/View8Jointsa cylindrical joint acts at the mating surfaces of the joint. The FRD block determines the direction of thefrictional force. Based on the frictional coefficient direction, the surface frictional force is broken downinto an equivalent frictional torque and frictional force acting along the common axis of translation androtation.9JointsCylindrical Joint OptionsFor the option: Do the following:Mu Static Define the coefficient of static friction in the joint. The magnitude of thefrictional force is the product of Mu Static and the magnitude of the normalforce in the joint, for example:Friction Force Magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Static and N = normal forceThe static frictional force acts to oppose the net force or torque along theDegrees of freedom of the joint.The range is > 0.Mu Dynamic Define the coefficient of dynamic friction. The magnitude of the frictionalforce is the product of Mu Dynamic and the magnitude of the normal forcein the joint, for example:Friction force magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Dynamic and N = normal forceThe dynamic frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the velocityof the joint.The range is > 0.Initial Overlap Defines the initial overlap of the sliding parts in either a translational orcylindrical joint. The joint's bending moment is divided by the overlap tocompute the bending moment's contribution to frictional forces.The default is 1000.0, and the range is Initial Overlap > 0.Adams/View Joints 10Overlap To define friction in a cylindrical joint, Adams/Solver computes the overlapof the joint. As the joint slides, the overlap can increase, decrease, or remainconstant. You can set:•Increase indicates that overlap increases as the I marker translates in the positive direction along the J marker; the slider moves to be within thejoint.•Decrease indicates that the overlap decreases with positive translationof the joint; the slider moves outside of the joint.•Remain Constant indicates that the amount of overlap does not changeas the joint slides; all of the slider remains within the joint.The default is Remain Constant.Pin Radius Defines the radius of the pin for a cylindrical joint.The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.Stiction TransitionVelocity Define the absolute velocity threshold for the transition from dynamic friction to static friction. If the absolute relative velocity of the joint markeris below the value, then static friction or stiction acts to make the joint stick.The default is 0.1 length units/unit time on the surface of contact in thejoint, and the range is > 0.Max StictionDeformation Define the maximum displacement that can occur in a joint once the frictional force in the joint enters the stiction regime. The slightdeformation allows Adams/Solver to easily impose the Coulombconditions for stiction or static friction, for example:Friction force magnitude < static * normal forceTherefore, even at zero velocity, you can apply a finite stiction force if yoursystem dynamics require it.The default is 0.01 length units, and the range is > 0.Friction Force Preload Define the joint's preload frictional force, which is usually caused bymechanical interference in the assembly of the joint.Default is 0.0, and the range is > 0.Friction Torque Preload Define the preload friction torque in the joint, which is usually caused bymechanical interference in the assembly of the joint.The default is 0.0, and the Range is > 0.For the option:Do the following: 搭接接头丠丠JointsFor the option: Do the following:Effect Define the frictional effects included in the friction model, either Stictionand Sliding, Stiction, or Sliding. Stiction is static-friction effect, whileSliding is dynamic-friction effect. Excluding stiction in simulations thatdon't require it can greatly improve simulation speed. The default isStiction and Sliding.Input Forces to Friction Define the input forces to the friction model. By default, all user-definedpreloads and joint-reaction force and moments are included. You cancustomize the friction-force model by limiting the input forces you specify.The inputs for a translational joint are:•Preload•Reaction Force•Bending MomentFriction Inactive During Specify whether or not the frictional forces are to be calculated during aStatic equilibrium or Quasi-static simulation.Revolute Joint FrictionJoint reactions (Fa and Fr), bending moment (Tr), and torque preload (Tprfrc) determine the frictional torque in a revolute joint. You can turn off one or more of these force effects using switches SW1 through SW3. The joint reactions (Fa and Fr) are converted into equivalent torques using the respective friction arm (Rn) and pin radius (Rp). The joint bending moment (Tr) is converted into an equivalent torque usingpin radius (Rp) divided by bending reaction arm (Rb). The frictional torque (Tfrict) is applied along the axis of rotation in the direction that the FRD block computes.Joints Revolute Joint OptionsFor the option: Do the following:Mu Static Define the coefficient of static friction in the joint. The magnitude of thefrictional force is the product of Mu Static and the magnitude of the normalforce in the joint, for example:Friction Force Magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Static and N = normal forceThe static frictional force acts to oppose the net force or torque along theDegrees of freedom of the joint.The range is > 0.Mu Dynamic Define the coefficient of dynamic friction. The magnitude of the frictionalforce is the product of Mu Dynamic and the magnitude of the normal forcein the joint, for example:Friction force magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Dynamic and N = normal forceThe dynamic frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the velocityof the joint.The range is > 0.Friction Arm Define the effective moment arm used to compute the axial component ofthe friction torque. The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.Bending Reaction Arm Define the effective moment arm use to compute the contribution of thebending moment on the net friction torque in the revolute joint. The defaultis 1.0, and the range is > 0.Pin Radius Defines the radius of the pin.The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.Stiction Transition Velocity Define the absolute velocity threshold for the transition from dynamic friction to static friction. If the absolute relative velocity of the joint marker is below the value, then static friction or stiction acts to make the joint stick. The default is 0.1 length units/unit time on the surface of contact in the joint, and the range is > 0.Max Stiction Deformation Define the maximum displacement that can occur in a joint once the frictional force in the joint enters the stiction regime. The slight deformation allows Adams/Solver to easily impose the Coulomb conditions for stiction or static friction, for example:Friction force magnitude < static * normal forceTherefore, even at zero velocity, you can apply a finite stiction force if your system dynamics require it.The default is 0.01 length units, and the range is > 0.Friction Torque Preload Define the preload friction torque in the joint, which is usually caused bymechanical interference in the assembly of the joint.The default is 0.0, and the Range is > 0.Effect Define the frictional effects included in the friction model, either Stictionand Sliding, Stiction, or Sliding. Stiction is static-friction effect, whileSliding is dynamic-friction effect. Excluding stiction in simulations thatdon't require it can greatly improve simulation speed. The default isStiction and Sliding.Input Forces to Friction Define the input forces to the friction model. By default, all user-definedpreloads and joint-reaction force and moments are included. You cancustomize the friction-force model by limiting the input forces you specify.The inputs for a translational joint are:•Preload•Reaction Force•Bending MomentFriction Inactive During Specify whether or not the frictional forces are to be calculated during aStatic equilibrium or Quasi-static simulation.For the option: Do the following:JointsSpherical Joint FrictionThe reaction force (F) and the preload frictional torque (Tprfrc) are the two forcing effects used in computing the frictional torque on a Spherical joint. The ball radius is used to compute an equivalent frictional torque. The FRD block determines the direction of the frictional torque.Spherical Joint OptionsFor the option: Do the following:Mu Static Define the coefficient of static friction in the joint. The magnitude of thefrictional force is the product of Mu Static and the magnitude of the normalforce in the joint, for example:Friction Force Magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Static and N = normal forceThe static frictional force acts to oppose the net force or torque along theDegrees of freedom of the joint.The range is > 0.Mu Dynamic Define the coefficient of dynamic friction. The magnitude of the frictionalforce is the product of Mu Dynamic and the magnitude of the normal forcein the joint, for example:Friction force magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Dynamic and N = normal forceThe dynamic frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the velocityof the joint.The range is > 0.Ball Radius Defines the radius of the ball in a spherical joint for use in friction-force andtorque calculations.The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.Stiction Transition Velocity Define the absolute velocity threshold for the transition from dynamic friction to static friction. If the absolute relative velocity of the joint marker is below the value, then static friction or stiction acts to make the joint stick. The default is 0.1 length units/unit time on the surface of contact in the joint, and the range is > 0.JointsTranslational Joint FrictionJoint reaction force (F), bending moment (Tm), torsional moment (Tn), and force preload (Fprfrc) are used to compute the frictional force in a translational joint. You can individually turn off the force effects using switches SW1 through SW4.Max StictionDeformation Define the maximum displacement that can occur in a joint once the frictional force in the joint enters the stiction regime. The slightdeformation allows Adams/Solver to easily impose the Coulombconditions for stiction or static friction, for example:Friction force magnitude < static * normal forceTherefore, even at zero velocity, you can apply a finite stiction force if yoursystem dynamics require it.The default is 0.01 length units, and the range is > 0.Friction Torque Preload Define the preload friction torque in the joint, which is usually caused bymechanical interference in the assembly of the joint.The default is 0.0, and the Range is > 0.Effect Define the frictional effects included in the friction model, either Stictionand Sliding, Stiction, or Sliding. Stiction is static-friction effect, whileSliding is dynamic-friction effect. Excluding stiction in simulations thatdon't require it can greatly improve simulation speed. The default isStiction and Sliding.Input Forces to FrictionDefine the input forces to the friction model. By default, all user-definedpreloads and joint-reaction force and moments are included. You cancustomize the friction-force model by limiting the input forces you specify.The inputs for a translational joint are:•Preload•Reaction Force Friction Inactive During Specify whether or not the frictional forces are to be calculated during aStatic equilibrium or Quasi-static simulation .For the option:Do the following:The bending moment (Tm) is converted into an equivalent force using the Xs block. Similarly, torsional moment is converted into an equivalent joint force using the friction arm (Rn). Frictional force (Ffrict) is applied along the axis of translation in the direction that the FRD block computes.Joints Translational Joint OptionsFor the option: Do the following:Mu Static Define the coefficient of static friction in the joint. The magnitude of thefrictional force is the product of Mu Static and the magnitude of the normalforce in the joint, for example:Friction Force Magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Static and N = normal forceThe static frictional force acts to oppose the net force or torque along theDegrees of freedom of the joint.The range is > 0.Mu Dynamic Define the coefficient of dynamic friction. The magnitude of the frictionalforce is the product of Mu Dynamic and the magnitude of the normal forcein the joint, for example:Friction force magnitude, F = µNwhere µ = Mu Dynamic and N = normal forceThe dynamic frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the velocityof the joint.The range is > 0.Reaction Arm Define the effective moment arm of the joint-reaction torque about thetranslational joint's axial axis (the z-direction of the joint's J marker). Thisvalue is used to compute the contribution of the torsional moment to the netfrictional force.The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.Initial Overlap Defines the initial overlap of the sliding parts in either a translational orcylindrical joint. The joint's bending moment is divided by the overlap tocompute the bending moment's contribution to frictional forces.The default is 1000.0, and the range is Initial Overlap > 0.Overlap To define friction in a cylindrical joint, Adams/Solver computes the overlapof the joint. As the joint slides, the overlap can increase, decrease, or remainconstant. You can set:•Increase indicates that overlap increases as the I marker translates in thepositive direction along the J marker; the slider moves to be within thejoint.•Decrease indicates that the overlap decreases with positive translationof the joint; the slider moves outside of the joint.•Remain Constant indicates that the amount of overlap does not changeas the joint slides; all of the slider remains within the joint.The default is Remain Constant.Stiction Transition Velocity Define the absolute velocity threshold for the transition from dynamic friction to static friction. If the absolute relative velocity of the joint marker is below the value, then static friction or stiction acts to make the joint stick. The default is 0.1 length units/unit time on the surface of contact in the joint, and the range is > 0.Max Stiction Deformation Define the maximum displacement that can occur in a joint once the frictional force in the joint enters the stiction regime. The slight deformation allows Adams/Solver to easily impose the Coulomb conditions for stiction or static friction, for example:Friction force magnitude < static * normal forceTherefore, even at zero velocity, you can apply a finite stiction force if your system dynamics require it.The default is 0.01 length units, and the range is > 0.Friction Force Preload Define the joint's preload frictional force, which is usually caused bymechanical interference in the assembly of the joint.Default is 0.0, and the range is > 0.Effect Define the frictional effects included in the friction model, either Stictionand Sliding, Stiction, or Sliding. Stiction is static-friction effect, whileSliding is dynamic-friction effect. Excluding stiction in simulations thatdon't require it can greatly improve simulation speed. The default isStiction and Sliding.For the option: Do the following:。
