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Translation of the non-subject sentence
3. 地下埋藏着大量的金、银、铜、铅、锌. 地下埋藏着大量的金、 Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc.
Translation of the non-subject sentence
分裂句It be…that…句型
It is used to emphasize certain parts, and words like just, only often lead such nonsubject sentences.
1.正是为了减少摩擦力才把机器部件上了油。 It is for the purpose of lessening friction that we oቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱl the machine parts. 2.就是只有在使用雷达时,才能把远距离的轮廓显 示在接收机的荧光屏上。 It is only when radar is made use of that the outlines of distant objects can be shown on the viewing screen of the receiver.
陈宏薇 李亚丹 新编汉英翻译教程 (M)上海外语教育出版社 2004 吕瑞昌 喻云根 汉英翻译教程 (M) 陕西人民出版社 1983 朱徽 汉英翻译教程 (M) 重庆大学出版社 2005 卢红梅 大学英汉汉英翻译教程 (M) 科学出版社 2006
2. 被动句 passive sentence
采用英语被动结果翻译的汉语无主句一般有三种情况。 1.某些表示规定和要求的无主句 eg. 公共场所禁止吸烟。 Smoking is forbidden in public places. 必须清除行政管理中的官僚现象。 The administrative management must be cleansed of bureaucracy. 要广泛动员中小学生学习科普知识。 Primary school and high school students should be mobilized to learn popular science knowledge.
4. 就在他们的试管中,放着世界上最早的部 就在他们的试管中, 分纯化的镭的样品. 分纯化的镭的样品. Here in the bottom of their test tube lay the world’s first partially purified sample of radium.
Translation of the non-subject sentence
In short, there are two aspects, not just one. 2.没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无 所谓顺利。 Without facility, there would be no difficulty, without difficulty, there would also be no facility.
NonNon-subject sentence
无主句是指没有主语的句子, 无主句是指没有主语的句子,这类句子的特点是 是指没有主语的句子 从结构上看它们只有谓语部分而没有主语。(汉英 从结构上看它们只有谓语部分而没有主语。
汉语中有大量的无主句,它是十分常见的句式之一。汉语无主句有 着以下特征:
形式主语It be…to…句型
1.要成功就要付出劳动。 It will cost you much labor to succeed in anything. 2.要是去参观那个展览会会很有意思。 It would have been amusing to have gone to the exihibition.
不承认这一条真理,就不是共产主义者。 Anyone who does not recognize this truth is no communists. 沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中 灭亡。 Silence, silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence. 知己知彼,百战不殆。 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. Knowledge of enemy and oneself enables one to fight a hundred battles without peril.
前头坐着一位老人. 前头坐着一位老人 Ahead sat an old man. 以下是代表的名单. 以下是代表的名单 The following is a list of the delegates.
The principles:
☺ context & collocation
☺ usage & requirement
• Imperative sentences exist in both English and Chinese.So when translating Chinese imperative sentence, you can translate accordingly. • 鉴于英语中也有祈使句,主语也同样不出现,汉语中的祈使 句在英译时可以照译不误. • Sentenses that give order or forbid are always without subject.These sentences are often appeared in law, illustration, orders, etc. • 指令句型order和禁令句型forbidden有很多是无主句。这 些句子经常用于法律文书、说明文书、实验指南、招牌说 明、包装物的指示说明以及各种指令等文体。英语的祈使 句通常也可以用于指令和禁令的表达。因此,指令型和禁 令型无主句中有许多可以译成英语的祈使句。
1. 语义简洁、明了、不拖沓; 语义简洁、明了、不拖沓; 2. 虽然没有主语,但是,其主语要么是不言而喻的;要么是在上下 虽然没有主语,但是,其主语要么是不言而喻的; 文中已经表达明白了的;要么是泛指的人或事物; 文中已经表达明白了的;要么是泛指的人或事物;要么是在语境中 已经确定了的; 已经确定了的; 3. 在诸如公文体、科技体等正式语体中无主句大量使用; 在诸如公文体、科技体等正式语体中无主句大量使用; 4. 书面语的无主句常常具有严肃性、权威性的特点; 书面语的无主句常常具有严肃性、权威性的特点; 5. 指令性(含禁令性)语句,大量使用无主句加以表达。 指令性(含禁令性)语句,大量使用无主句加以表达。
Translation of the non-subject sentence
Examples: 1. 随着一声吼叫 呼地从树林里窜出一只老 随着一声吼叫, 呼地从树林里窜出一只老 虎来. Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.
1. 请勿践踏草坪! Please keep off the lawn! 2.宁为鸡首,不为牛后。 Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a a horse. 3. 打得赢就打,打不赢就走 Fight when you can win, and move away when you cannot. 4. 小心轻放 Handle with care.
The most often used techniques
运用倒装句式 运用英语的被动结构 采用祈使句式 译成英语的存在句there be 译成英语的存在句there 采用形式主语it 采用形式主语it 适当主语的增补
1.祈使句imperative sentence
Translation of the non-subject sentence
2. 山里住着个虔诚的老和尚. 山里住着个虔诚的老和尚. In the mountain lived an old devout monk. Compare: A old devout monk lived in the mountain.
积极推广以互信互利、平等写作为核心的新型安全观 We should advocate the new security concept with mutual confident, mutual benefit and equitable cooperation as the core. 在这里,可以听到最荒唐的新闻,如某处的大蜘蛛怎么成 了精,受了雷击。 In the teahouse one could hear the most absurd stories, such as how in a certain place a huge spider had turned into a demon and was then struck by lightening. 只准州官放火,不准百姓点灯。 One man may steal a horse, while another may not look over the hedge.
存在句句型 and 形式主语it
存在句There be句型 形式主语It be…to…句型 分裂句It be…that…句型
存在句There be…句型 存在句 句型 It is used for those facts, proverbs, or philosophic sentences in Chinese. 1.总之,是两点不是一点。
龚俊平,段晓鑫,范鹰, Prepared by 龚俊平,段晓鑫,范鹰,邱艳
In Chinese, there is a type of sentences known as non-subject sentences and it is quite often used. For instance, “下雨了。” “估计这需要十 下雨了。 下雨了 万美元。 ” “小心轻放。 ” , etc. 万美元。 小心轻放。 However, there is no non-subject sentence in English. Therefore, in translation we have to translate Chinese non-subject sentences into various English sentences.