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2.熟记常见习语中的弱读。 平时记忆听力短文、对话中的常见习语时, 应注意其中是否含有单词的弱读,并将其 与这些习语一并牢记。
强 读
1. When the question is answered in short form, the auxiliary verb should
adopt the strong form, like:
• 大多助动词、系动词、介词、 连词、冠词、代词,都有两 种发音形式:强读式、弱读 式。
• 这些单词往往都是单音节单 词。
1.大多数有弱读形式的单词中,元音都变成了/ ə /; at / ət/ ; as /əz/; had / həd/;must /məst/
2.有少数几个单词的弱读形式变成了/i /; be /i/; been /bin/; me /mi/; the /ði/
37) shall /ʃəl, ʃl/ How shall I do like that?
38) when /wən/ Her parents had been dead when she was a child.
39) will /əl, l/ He will go back home tomorrow.
the old. • 8. your /jɔ:/ /jə/ • 9. he /hi:/ /hI/, /I/ • 10. me /mi:/ /mI/
Sample sentence
We've got a dog. Take an apple. What's her name? John had his haircut. We can do it on our own. Get me some water. They saw the young and
40) would /wəd, əd, d/ He would be happy if he had passed the exam.
1.反复聆听,熟悉弱读。 单词的弱读会导致考生实际听到的发音与 自己熟悉的发音出现偏差,因此在平时复 习时,考生应留意单词在句中的弱读,并 对其进行反复聆听,直至完全熟悉该弱读 现象
• 16. him /hIm/ /Im/ • 17. am /æ m/ /əm/, /m/ • 18. are /ɑ:/ /ə/ • 19. be /bi:/ /bI/ • 20. can /kæ n/ /kən/, /kn/
Did she come? Let them go. He told us a story. Here we are. Did you see my pen? Give him a pen. I'm proud of it. What are you doing? Don't be late. What can I do?
3.有时,一些常用词的弱读形式中省略了一个元音。 am /m/; has/z/; have /v/; is / z /
4. 有时,一些常用的弱读形式中省略了一个辅音。 and / ən/; have / əv/; would /əd/; her /ə:/
要在连贯说话中应用弱读 形式,不是懂得了道理就 能学会的,也不是一朝一 夕就能掌握的,需要通过 大量的模仿和练习才能学 好。
• 24) are /ə/ • Where are you going?
• 25) is /z/ /s/ • He's here. • My hat is here. • 26) was /wəz/ • Was he there? • 27) were /wə/ • We were very pleased. • 28) have /həv/, /əv/, /v/ • They've left. • Have any been lost?
---Will you come tomorrow?
---Yes, I ‘will.
• 2. When the prep is placed at the end of a sentence, it should adopt the strong form.
----Who is he waiting ‘for?
• 1) to /tə/ but /bət/ • I want to come but I can't. • 2) and /ənd/ • He's rich and famous. • 3) than /ðən/ /ðn/ • Better than that. • He's older than she is. • 4) but /bət/ • She wants to sing but she can't. • 5) such /sət∫/ • We have problems, such as pollution.
• 3. When the prep is followed by an unstressed personal pronoun, it should be the strong form.
----I’ve been waiting ‘for you.
1)弱读形式和强读形式各自的 元音不同。 2)弱读音节中常常省略了某一 个音。
• 6) some /səm/ • There are some copies here.
• 7) any /əni/ • There aren't any more.
• 8) he /hi/ • Does he want any?
• 9) her /hə/ • I've met her mother.
Words SF Weak form
Sample sentence
• 21. do /du:/ /də/, /d/ Sundays?
What do you do on
• 22. does /dʌz/ /dəz/
When does the train leave?
• 23. had /hæ d/ /həd/, /əd/, /d/ How many had he had?
相当); • 重音音节会变得与非重音音阶一样轻; • 很多元音都会发生变化,向/ə/靠拢; • 轻辅音/s/、/t/、/k/、/f/之后的元音/ə/可
• Have you ever tried Diana’s Cakes? They are so delicious. I have eaten many different kinds of cakes. But I have never tasted anything, quite like cakes made by Diane. She uses the best and the finest ingredients that money can buy. The best flour, the best eggs and the best milk.
made by Diane.
she uses the finest and freshest ingredients that
money can buy.
and The best flour, the best eggs
the best milk.
Some examples of strong / weak forms:
• 14) us /əs/ • Let us think it over.
• 15) that /ðət/ • This is the house that Jack built.
• 16) at /ət/ • At least one.
• 17) for /fə/ • It's for you.
• 18) from /frəm/ • He comes from England.
• 33) can /kən/, /kn/ • Can you hear me?
• 34) could /kəd/ • Could you do it now?
35) should /∫əd/ How should I know?
36) there /ðə/ There is nothing left. There are not enough.
• 10) him /im/ • Tell him I'd like to. • 11) them /ðəm/ /ðm/ • I haven't seen them yet.
• 12) you /jə/ • What do you think?
• 13) your /jə/ • Take your time.
弱读的规则一般是:元音音节弱化成 [ə] 或[i] 。 如下几个单词:at, of, the, to, as, than, and, or, his, a, an, but, been, for, her, we, be, shall, was, them, 弱读的 频率达到90%,其中a, an, the, than极少用强式。 查字典会发现这些词都至少有两种读音,如for: 重 读时[f‫כ‬:] , 弱读时 [fə];as的强读形式是/ æz/ ,弱 读形式是/əz/。
Words SF Weak form
• 1. a /eI/ /ə/ • 2. an /æ n/ /ən/ • 3. her /hə:/ /hə/, /ə:/, /ə/ • 4. his /hIz/ /Iz/ • 5. our /aʊə/ /ɑ:/ • 6. some /sʌm/ /səm/, /sm/ • 7. the /ði:/ /ðI/, /ðə/
Have you ever tried Diane’s Cakes?
so They are delicious. I have eaten many
different kinds of cakes,
but, I have never tasted anything, quite like cakes
Strong Forms& Weak Forms 强读和弱读
➢ 一个英文单词如果由多个音节构成,那 么其中至少有一个音节是重音;如果,音节 足够多的话,那么可能还有次重音以及一个 以上的重音。
➢ 同样的道理,一个句子由多个单词构成, 那么,其中总是有至少一个单词被强读,而 相对来看,其它的单词会被弱读。
• 29) had /həd/, /d/ • They had better hurry.
• 30) has /əz/ • What has he done? • He has just arrived.
• 31) do /du/, /də/ • Do you think so?
• 32) does /dəz/ • When does he leave?
• 如果一个单词被强读 ,那么这个单词中的: • 长元音会被读的很清楚,并且显得更长一
些;ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้• 双元音会被读的很饱满,并且显得很有弹
性; • 落在重音上的短元音都会显得更长一些; • 重音所在的音节可能带着不同的语调(升
• 如果一个单词被弱读,那么这个单词中的: • 长元音会变得短一些(几乎与短元音的长度
Take your time. What did he do? Let me have a look.
Words SF Weak form
Sample sentence
• 11. she /ʃi:/ /ʃI/ • 12. them /ðem/ /ðəm/, /ðm/ • 13. us /ʌs/ /əs/ • 14. we /wi:/ /wI/ • 15. you /ju:/ /jʊ/
• 19) of /əv/ • I'd love a cup of tea.
• 20) to /tə/ • You ought to go.
• 21) an /ən/ • I'd like an apple.
• 22) the /ðə/ /ði/ • That's the one.
• 23) am /m/ • I'm going now.