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Possible points 总分 Number of points gained 得分 OVERALL RESULT 总得分 Answering the questions:
Degree of performancet: Fully complied with
No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语
Comments for the next audit: 下次审核说明
1. Child Labor/童工 2. Forced labor/强制性劳动 3. Wages and Benefits/工资及福利 4. Work Hours/工作时间 5. Nondiscrimination/反歧视 6. Respect and Dignity/尊重他人 7. Freedom of Association/自由结社 8. Heathy and Safety/健康与安全 9. Moral behavior/道德行为
No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语
5. Nondiscrimination/反歧视
5.1 No discrimination when hire, fire and end contract happen, all employee are faire on wage,benefit and promotion regardless their nationality,age,faith,gender,political background and sexual orientation. 在聘用、雇用和终止雇用时有无歧视,在工资、福利和提拔方面不会因不同种族、宗教信仰、年龄、国籍、性别、性别取向和政治背景而得到不公平待遇。
No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语
3. Wages and Benefits/工资及福利
3.1 Minimum wage of employee is not under local government or country law and rule requirement, employee should enjoy all legal benefits,but not limited retirment pay,annual holiday and public holiday. 员工的最低工资不低于国家或地方政府规定的最低工资,员工应当享有所有国家政府规定的法定福利,但不限于退休金、年假和
Pregnand woman and lactation woman enjoy all benefits which government defined. 孕妇和哺乳期的妇女能够享受国家规定的各项福利。
Management people and managers obtain regularly train about nondiscrimination law, there is complaint system when employee are unfaire shake. 公司定期对管理层和经理进行反歧视法培训。当员工受到不公正待遇时有正常的反馈系统。
No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语 2.3 When company has own clinique,employee aren't restricted to use external official hospital. 当公司有自备诊室时,员工不会被限制使用外部的医疗机构。
There is a wage receipt including wage,overtime pay and pay level for everyone 工人有工资收据,这些数据能清楚的显示薪酬包括加班小时数及补偿级别。
No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语
Ask workers to make sure: to know calculation method of wage,operators have obtained all benefits which government defined. 询问工人以确保工人知道:工资的计算方式,工人得到了必需的保险和社会保障。
Responsible (supplier): 责任人 No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语
1. Child Labor/童工
1.1 There is a rule or process to discribe minimum hire age and situation for employee. Current minimum young employee. Completed documentation for hired employee(Including personal information,labor contract etc.) 这有程序或规则描述雇佣员工的最小年龄和雇佣条件,当前最小职工年龄。已雇用员工的文件完整(包括个 人信息、劳动合同等)。
7. Freedom of Association/自由结社
No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语 To build a complaint system for employee,employee can freely joint any legal organization without punished. 建立申诉渠道以供员工使用,员工有自由集会、结社的自由,不会因此被解雇或受到其它的处罚。
Work situation,envirement,work hour and protection are legal for Trainee under 18 years old. Wage of Trainee isn't under law requirement. 对于18岁以下的学徒工的 工作环境,工作条件,工作时间和劳动保护符合法律法规要求。学徒工的工资不低于法律法规的要求。
No 序号 Question(s) 问题 Value 得分 Comments / complaints 评语 Train suppliers and staff to help them understanding moral standard,law required and supplier standard/ 对供应商和员工进行教育帮助他们了解道德和法律要求,以及 供应商标准。 Build clear communication channel to be convenient to report bribery fact/ 建立清晰的沟通渠道,以便雇员可以轻松的报告违反情况和关注的问题。 Build policy to forbide retaliation for employee's report/ 制定禁止对雇员报告进行报复的政策并遵守这些政策
9. Moral behavior/道德行为
9.1 To obey all laws against bribery/遵守所有的反贿赂法律 Not to provide and accept gift,business trip,treat,entertainment and any kinds of bribery/ 不提供和接受礼品、出差、款待、娱乐和其他各种贿赂等。
fire equipment is enough,defined valid and clear safety exit on life and work area/ 在工作和生活区域有灭火设备,有有效的安全出口且指示明确。 To regularly organize evacuation manoeuvre promptly and train how to use fire equipment/ 定期进行紧急疏散演习和消防设备的使用培训。
Work hour is recored by logical and legal method,record is accurate. Check salary sheet to confirm total wage under law. 工人的工作时间被合理记录,记录结果准确 。审核工资表确认工人的工资符合法律法规要求。
4. Work Hours/工作时间
4.1 Legal work hour is 40hours/week, all overtime management must be informed to operators,overtime must be willing,total overtime for everyone is controled under law requirement. 法定的正常工作时间不超过40小时/每周,所有的加班都提前通知,不强制加班,每周总的工作时间不超过法律法规的要求。
Supply Chain Social Responsibility Assessment 供应商社会责任评估
Individual results 审核结果 Supplier no.: 供应商编号 Supplier: 供应商 More participants: 参与人 Place: 地址 Audit manager: 主审员 Co-Auditor(s): 副审员 Date: 日期 Requested by: 申请人
6. Respect and Dignity/尊重他人
6.1 Who(Social service or labour union) do employee complain to when employee dignity and human rights are infracted. 当员工的人权和尊严受到侵害时,员工可以向谁投诉(社会服务处、工会或员工组织)
2. Forced labor/强制性劳动
2.1 No forced labor, prison worker and bonded worker. 不使用任何形式的强制性劳动、监狱劳工和抵押劳工。
Labor contract is real,employee can freely end labor contract without ransom money. During contract employee's Identity Card or passpor are not distrained,emploHale Waihona Puke Baiduee can freely leave work station after work.劳动合同真实有效,员工能自由的终止合同不会被罚款或克扣工资,合同期间身份证或护照不会被扣押,下班后员工可以自由的
8. Heathy and Safety/健康与安全
8.1 Safety and health on workshop follow local law requirement,provide safety and health work environment to employee, employee before entering work site obtain health and safety training.遵守当地有关工作场所安全和健康的法律法规,为雇员提供健康安全的工作环境并在雇员上岗培训期间进行安全和健康教育。