《This is me》PPT【精品推荐课件】


《This is me》readingPPT【精品推荐课件】

《This is me》readingPPT【精品推荐课件】
tall and short
long hair
sports music
New classmates
Simon is very tall. He loves playing __f_o_o_t_b_a_ll after school. lS_o_an_ng_dhyaiisr.taSllhaenldike_s__sli_lsi_mt_e_n_in. gSthoe_h_a_ms_u_s_ic__. Millie is 12 years old. She has _s_h_o_r_t__h_a.ir She loves _r_e_a_d_i_n_g_. Daniel is from Nanji.ng He is _s_h_o_r_t_. He is good at ___M_a_t_h_s_.
Unit 1 This is me Reading 1
They are all in Grade Seven
Millie Kitty
Hi, I’m Millie, a new student at Sunshine Middle School. I’m 12 years old. I have short hair. I love reading. Now let’s meet my new
• He is _s_h_o_r_t and good at M__a_th_s__.
True or False
F 1. Millie is 11 years old. T 2. Millie has short hair. F 3. Simon is not tall. T 4. Simon likes sports. F 5. Sandy is short . F 6. Sandy does not have long hair.

《This is me》readingPPT课件

《This is me》readingPPT课件
(usual) _______ (go) _______
(run) in the park.4.You can _______ (call) _____
பைடு நூலகம் (his) John.5.Daniel is _______ and he often
______ others.(help)
years old
10 years old
an 8-year-old
I have long black hair.
have long black hair 长着黑色长发1)玛丽留短发, 戴眼镜。 Mary _____ _____ _____ and _____ glasses.2)短发的那个女孩是玛丽。 The girl ____ _____ ____ ____ Mary.3)穿兰色外套的那个男孩是谁? Who is the boy _____ a blue coat?
I like___________________.
I’m 12 years old.
1) 12 years old 12岁 His father is 40 _____ _____ .2) 12-year-old 12岁的 The ___________ girl lives with her grandfather.3) The boy is only ____________ (10岁), but he has to look after his brother Tommy, ____________(8岁) boy.
Unit 1 This is me!
Reading II
- .

《This is me》reading精美版课件

《This is me》reading精美版课件

Age: 12 Hobby:
Appearance: short hair
Read and fill in the blanks • Millie is __1_2__ years old.
• She has short hair . • She loves __r_e_a_d_in_g___.
1.Read the text a lot after class . HI ai,mI afrmom_______._.
SHaenisdy_d_o_e_s_ naontdhgaovoedloant g__h_a_ir_. _. HI ai,mI’mfroMmill_ie_,_a_.new student at Sunshine Middle School. SWhhealtodvoeessdSainmcoinngl.ike?
Daniel is from Nanjing. I love_____ and_____. Sandy is short . Her hair is long. She has ____hair. about yourself. I am tall I like sports. English name Sandy is tall and ________. Simon is _________. Simon is _________. He is from Nanjing. Hi, I’m Millie, a new student at Sunshine Middle School. He is _____ and good at ______. What does Simon like? I am from ____. Sandy is short .

《This is me》TaskPPT【精品推荐课件】

《This is me》TaskPPT【精品推荐课件】
3. How old is he?
He is 12 years old.
4. What does he like? He likes all the lessons at school.
5. How does he look like? He is not tall. His hair is short and he wears glasses.
2. Make a beautiful poster about your profile as possible as you can.
3. Read your profiles to your classmates.
读一本好书,就是和许多高尚的人谈话读书时,我愿在每一个美好思想的面前停留,就像在每一条真理面前停留一样。书籍是在时代的波涛中航行的思想 心翼翼地把珍贵的货物运送给一代又一代。好的书籍是最贵重的珍宝是唯一不死的东西。书籍使人们成为宇宙的主人。书中横卧着整个过去的灵书不仅是 是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。书籍便是这种改造灵魂的工具。人类所需要的, 性的养料。而阅读,则正是这种养料。不敢妄为些子事,只因曾读数行书。只是对于一件事情很长时间很热心地去考虑罢了。只要愿意学习,就一定能够 书的人,他必定不致缺少一个忠实的朋友一个良好的导师一个可爱的伴侣一个优婉的安慰者。读书当将破万卷;求知不叫一疑存。读书如吃饭,善吃者长 吃者长疾瘤。读书不趁早,后来徒悔懊。 读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。 读书何所求?将以通事理。伟大的成绩和辛勤劳动是成正 一分劳动就有一分收获,日积月累,从少到多,奇迹就可以创造出来。敏而好学,不耻下问。不学,则不明古道,而能政治太平者未之有也。 若不抽出时 己想要的生活,你最终将不得不花费大量的时间来应付自己不想要的生活。社会上要想分出层次,只有一个办法,那就是竞争,你必须努力,否则结局就 会的底层。身后还有那么多期许的目光,怎么可以轻易放弃。什么叫做失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。什么时候也不要放弃希望,越是险恶的环境 望的意志。生活呆以是甜的,也可以是苦的,但不能是没味的。你可以胜利,也可以失败,但你不能屈服。 人生四然:来是偶然,去是必然,尽其当然, 人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的一瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。人与人之间的差距, 么大,还是因为不能狠下心来逼自己日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。如果你坚信自己最优秀,那么你就 果你真心选择去做一件事,那么全世界都是帮助你的。头脑是日用品,而不是装饰品。我要的未来,要靠我自己去拼。想成功就要和成功者的思想、脚步 想干的人永远在找方法,不想干的人永远在找理由。要感谢痛苦与挫折,它是我们的功课,我们要从中训练,然后突破,这样才能真正解脱。要纠正别人 省自己有没有犯错。 也许终点只有绝望和失败,但这绝不是停止前行的理由。一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。一个人只有 己伤疤的时候才知道什么是痛,什么是对与错。一个一味沉溺于往事的人,是不能张开双臂去拥抱今天的。一切事无法追求完美,唯有追求尽力而为。这 出来的结果反而会更好有人说,世界上最美的是梦,最长的是路;最易做的是梦,最难走的是路。愿你像那石灰,别人越是浇你冷水,你越是沸腾。真正 人,总是容易获得比别人更多的机会。如果缺少破土面出并与风雪拼搏的勇气,种子的前途并不比落叶美妙一分。生活会辜负努力的人,但不会一直辜负 失败的历程也是成功的历程。时间会告诉你一切真相。有些事情,要等到你渐渐清醒了,才明白它是个错误;有些东西,要等到你真正放下了,才知道它 现自己既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。输在犹豫,赢在行动。树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。13.在我们的生活中,如果没有了 像小鸟在天空中飞翔时断了翅膀一样,永远不能前进。战士的意志要象礁石一样坚定,战士的性格要像和风一样温柔。站起来的次数能够比跌倒的次数多 是强者。真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。真正的强者不是没有眼泪的人,而是含着眼泪奔跑的人。只会幻想而不行动的人, 不到收获果实时的喜悦。志坚智达言信行果,失败的尽头是成功努力的终点是辉煌。志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中竹根——即使被 人得见,也决然不会停止探索而力争冒出新笋。总要有一个人要赢,为什么不能是我。最坚固的捆绑是习惯。最可怕的不是有人比你优秀,而是比你优秀 更努力。最有希望的成功者,并不是才干出众的人而是那些最善利用每一时机去发掘开拓的人。昨天如影——记住你昨天的挫折和失败的教训;今天如画 生活、快乐和幸福的人生要靠你自己去描绘;明天如梦——珍惜今天,选择好自己的目标,努力地为自己的明天去寻求和拼搏。不曾扬帆,何以至远方。不 时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要轻言放弃。不去耕耘,不去播种,再肥的沃土也长不出庄稼,不去奋斗,不去创造,再美的青春也结不出硕果。不要 要顺其自然。该是你的终会得到。成功也就不会太远了。趁着年轻,不怕多吃一些苦。这些逆境与磨练,才会让你真正学会谦恭。不然,你那自以为是的 一切的优越感,迟早会毁了你。成功的法则极为简单,但简单并不代表容易。成功的秘诀就是每天都比别人多努力一点。生命如自助餐厅,要吃什么菜自 命像流水,这些不快的事总要过去,如果注定一辈子要这么过,再不开心也没有用。如果你看到前面的阴影,别怕,那是因为你背后有阳光。如果为了安 海在一起,船就失去了存在的意义。山高路遥不足惧,最怕贪图安逸心。少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。犹如一条船,每人都要有掌舵的准备。生活对于智者永 扬的歌,它的主旋律永远是奋斗。金钱难买健康,健康大于金钱,金钱难买幸福,幸福必有健康,生命的幸福不在名利在健康,身体的强壮不在金钱在运 生有那么多的徒劳无功,梦想,我还是要一次次全力以赴。经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。就算全世界都说我漂亮,但你却说我不漂亮 是不漂亮。可怕的是,比你优秀的人比你还要努力。空谈不如实干。踱步何不向前行。

This is me! Pronunciation 课件(共25张PPT,内嵌音频)

This is me!  Pronunciation  课件(共25张PPT,内嵌音频)

B.cat B.sea B.egg B.nice
C.day C.make C.tree C.tea C.kite
( A ) 6. A.rice ( C ) 7. A.home ( C ) 8. A.our ( A ) 9. A.fun ( B ) 10. A.cup
B.in B.potato B.out B.music B.you
Read the following words and pay attention to the sounds of the letters i.
kite → /aɪ/
/aɪ/传统的国际音标读音符号,是双元音,是字母 i或y在单词中的发音。/aɪ/为双元音。先发/a/音, 然后滑向/ɪ/音。舌尖抵住下齿。发此音的关键是 要把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。
总结与扩展 五个元音字母 a e i o u
重读开音节 /eɪ/ /i:/ /aɪ/ /əʊ/
/ju:/ 或 /u:/
重读闭音节 /æ/ /e/ /ɪ/ /ɒ/ /ʌ/
在英语中,音标(phonetic symbol)相当于是汉语中的拼音。 英语音标中有20个元音,28个辅音,共48个。
Read the words below, Then put them in the correct sound groups. grade she hello like make music those use white these
1 We have the same hobbies. 2 My classmates are all very nice. 3 Sandy likes listening to piano music. 4 Simon and Amy go to school by bike. 5 These students go home by bus.

This is me PPT课件 44(2份) 译林牛津版

This is me PPT课件 44(2份) 译林牛津版

Find out the words with the sounds of 5
leWttehrso.'s kind a cute and who's just a mess? And you still don't have the right look. And you don't have the right friends. Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends. High school never ends. And here we go again.
joke gate rose rise note wife same page race size hide hope
joke gate rose rise note wife same page race size hide hope
joke gate rose rise note wife same page race size hide hope







Repeat ! (重复)
It’s time to go home. Some students have no bikes, so they go home on foot.

七年级英语This is me PPT精品课件

七年级英语This is me PPT精品课件

5. 你的表弟戴眼镜吗?不,他不戴。 Does your cousin wear glasses? No, he doesn’t.
6. Eddie是Hobo的主人吗?ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ是,但它不是个好主人。
Is Eddie Hobo’s master?
Yes, but he is not a good master.
Unit 1 This is me!
Check out
The Simple Present Tense:
Does the girl like swimming? Yes, she does.
Does the old man often walk in the park? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Answer Questions:
1. Is your home near our school? 2. Are you good at English? 3. Do you have a bike? 4. Does your mother have lunch at home? 5. Do your friends play basketball after school? 6. Does your cousin live in Nanjing?
Do you have black hair? Yes, I do.
3. Simon常在放学后打排球。 Simon often plays volleyball after school.

This is me PPT课件 54 译林牛津版

This is me PPT课件 54 译林牛津版
6. I have ___l_o_n_g_______ hair. What is your hobby? 7. I love _re_a_d_in_g_a_n_d__s_w_im_.ming What are you good at? 8. I am good at__E_n_g_l_is_h___.
Unit 1 This is me!
Reading Ⅱ
1.Kitty is a 12-year-old boy.
2.Simon likes playing basketball. F
3.Sandy has long hair.
T or F
4.Daniel is from Beijing.

5. Miss Li is __t_a_ll_a_n_d__sl_im_______(又高又 苗条). She has _l_o_n_g_h_a_i_r ____(长发).
6. Daniel __w_e_a_r_s_g_la_s_s_e_s______(戴眼镜). He d_o_e_s_n_’t_l_ik_e__lis_t_e_n_in_g_(不喜欢听音乐).
1. Read the passage more and finish the composition.
2.Recite the words, phrases and sentences.
3.Finish off the exercises.
1.She has short hair.(同义句)


《This is me》PPT课件

《This is me》PPT课件

before one of you go to
Good night
2.45 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 7.15 a.m.
Good morning.
(we use it to greet people in the morning)
I get up at 6:30 a.m. and I say Good morning to my parents.
Our PE class is at 4:00 p.m., so we say Good afternon to the PE teacher.
I have supper at my grandparents' home, so I say Good evening to them.
my book first.
Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 It’s raining cats and dogs. 倾盆大雨 Every dog has its day. 人人皆有得意时 work like a dog 拼命工作
What's your n_a_m_e ? I'm Hobo.
Before we go to bed, we should say Good night to each other.
Sentence patterns
What's your name? My name is.../I'm ... Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

《This is me》ppt课件

《This is me》ppt课件

2.“文学应该预见未来,用自己那最 鼓舞人 心的成 果跑在 人民的 前面, 就像它 是在拖 着生活 向前迈 进似的 。”然 而,在 “过度 商业化 ”的潮 流中, 文学逐 渐迷失 方向, 主动弃 置精神 属性。 一些写 作者为 迎合低 级趣味 ,不断 制造各 种刺激 感官的 垃圾文 字作品 。

3.数学作为人类文化组成部分的另一 个特点 ,是它 不断追 求最简 单的、 最深层 次的、 超出人 类感官 所及的 宇宙之 根本。 所有这 些研究 都是在 极抽象 的形式 下进行 的。这 是一种 化繁为 简以求 统一的 过程。

不过,“德”既有跨越时空的通达一 面,往 往又是 与时俱 进、随 地而异 的。能 历久不 衰而长 传的道 德典范 不多, 因“立 德”而 青史留 名的例 子也很 少。加 以中国 历代皇 帝都想 要作之 君作之 师,所 以士人 自然也 多朝立 功立言 的方向 努力。 大体上 ,真能 两者兼 具的读 书人, 重立功 仍胜于 立言。
•ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
8.从 人 的 实 践 活动 看,“ 万物并 育而不 相害” 则涉及 不同的 个体、 团体、 民族、 国家之 间的共 处、交 往问题 ,它以 承认不 同个体 的差异 、不同 社会领 域的分 化为前 提。个 体的差 异、不 同社会 领域的 分化是 一种历 史演化 过程中 无法否 认的事 实,如 何使分 化过程 中形成 的不同 个体、 存在形 态以非 冲突的 方式共 处于世 界之中 ,便成 为
Open your books at Page 6.
Read the conversation after the recording
Work in pairs and act out the conversation.



I have a dog. Look, the dog is mine. I’m the master of the dog.
My picture
look after
A dog’s picture
I need to give it food to eat, and I need to clean its house. I have to look after it every day.
My two new friends
look after
Hobo an e-dog
Watch and answer
WWhhaat dIsoIostthEhheidesydyEsiseadayvsdyteioietrlol’yeshaehfacaihrpcpspohtpyttyhoia?metthrWeleianrthsoPiytni?s?cWPetueihrceHytu3?or?beo2??
Good morning/afternoon/evening/Hello/Hi, I’m/My name is … What’s your name, please? Nice to meet you !
How can we learn English better?
Some advice from a Grade 9 student 来自九年级学生的建议
Amy and Simon Millie and Kitty Sandy and Daniel
When does Amy meet Simon?
in the morning
People use different greetings at different times.

《This is me》TaskPPT

《This is me》TaskPPT
do well in/be good at...
I am a happy/lovely…
How to write a profile
Useful expressions
My name is … / I am …/ I am called…I’m … years old./ I am aged …I am/come from …I live in … / I live with…5. I am tall/ short./I am not very tall./ slim, strong, handsome, beautiful, pretty, medium-sized, stout, plump…
live with sb 和某人住在一起2. wear glasses 戴眼镜3. all one’s lessons 某人的所有功课
ud Daniel’s profile on page 16.
Living place:
School life:
My name is…/I’m…
I am…years old
Be born in/ come (be) from
Live in
I study at…
I am…/ I have…/I look…
I like/love/enjoy (doing) sth.
His name is Daniel.
He was born in Nanjing.
He is 12 years old.
4. What does he like?5. How does he look like?

《This is me》PPT【优秀课件PPT】

《This is me》PPT【优秀课件PPT】

Amy Simon Millie Kitty
Millie is Eddie’s _m_a_s_t_er__(主人), she has to_lo_o_k__a_ft_e_r it.
Do you know how they introduce themselves to each other when they are the first to meet each other? Please read their conversations and then act them out.
Amy and Simon Millie and Kitty Sandy and Daniel
When does Amy meet Simon?
in the morning
People use different greetings at different times.
People use different greetings at Good morning.
p.m. Good afternoon.
p.m. Good evening.
Millie wants to make friends with Sandy
Read their conversation,then act out!
Now it’s your turn to say ‘Hello’ to your new classmates.
B: Good morning/afternoon/Hello, my name is … /I’m … .Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too.

《This is me》reading PPT

《This is me》reading PPT

Checking: Finish B2 on P9
1. Millie is 112 years old. F 2. Millie has short hair. T 3. Simon is ntaollt. tall. F 4. Simon likes sports. T
5. Sandy is sthaollr. t. F 6. Sandy hdaoseslonnogt haivre. long hair. F 7. Daniel is tsahlol.rt. F 8. Daniel is from Nanjing. T
Self-learning:Read the text and answer two questions:
1. How many students are there in the passage?
2. Who are they?
They are Millie, Simon, Sandy and Daniel.
Exploration: Read and finish B3 on P10.
Simon is ___t_a_ll___. He often plays__f_o_o_tb__a_ll__ after school. Sandy is tall and slim. She has __lo_n_g____ hair. She likes __m__u_s_i_c_. Millie’s hair is ___sh_o_r_t__. She loves _r_e_a_d_in_g__. Daniel is from _N__a_n_ji_n_g__. He is good at ___M_a_t_h_on like?
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My two new friends
look after
Hobo an e-dog
Watch and answer
WWhhaat dIsoIostthEhheidesydyEsiseadayvsdyteioietrlol’yeshaehfacaihrpcpspohtpyttyhoia?metthrWeleianrthsoPiytni?s?cWPetueihrceHytu3?or?beo2??
• Speak English as much as you can ,either in class or out of class.(无论课上课后多说英语)
• Ask your teachers for advice and help when you are in need.(需要时向老师多问)
Free talk
Do you like making friends ? Do you want to make friends with me? What’s your name Do you like English? Do you like animals? What animals do you have? Do you have a dog?
Good morning/afternoon/evening/Hello/Hi, I’m/My name is … What’s your name, please? Nice to meet you !
How can we learn English better?
Some advice from a Grade 9 student 来自九年级学生的建议
Please make a short conversation with your new deskmate. You can use this conversation as a model.
A: Good morning/afternoon/Hello, I’m … What’s your name, please?
I have a dog. Look, the dog is mine. I’m the master of the dog.
My picture
look after
A dog’s picture
I need to give it food to eat, and I need to clean its house. I have to look after it every day.
How can we do better?
• Prepare your lessons well before each class. (在每节课前预习好你的功课)
• Review what you have learned in time. (及时复习你所学的内容)
• Read and write as often as possible. (尽可能多读多写)
B: Good morning/afternoon/Hello, my name is … /I’m … .Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too.
Do you know how we introduce ourselves when we are the first to meet our new friends?
a.m. Good morning.
p.m. Good afternoon.
p.m. Good evening.
Millie wants to make friends with Sandy
Read their conversation,then act out!
Now it’s your turn to say ‘Hello’ to your new classmates.
Amy and Simon Millie and Kitty Sandy and Daniel
When does Amy meet Simon?
in the morning
People use different greetings at dirent greetings at different times.
1.Copy new words and phrases. 2.Greet your friends at different times. 3.Recite the dialogue. 4.self-Introduction(自我介绍)
Open your books at Page 6.
Read the conversation after the recording
Work in pairs and act out the conversation.
Act out!
Do you want to make more friends?
Amy Simon Millie Kitty
Millie is Eddie’s _m_a_s_t_er__(主人), she has to_lo_o_k__a_ft_e_r it.
Do you know how they introduce themselves to each other when they are the first to meet each other? Please read their conversations and then act them out.
Hello, boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher. My name is Cloudy Huang, You can call me Mr. Huang I like making friends. And I like animals too.