江苏省洪泽外国语中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 6 Natur

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江苏省洪泽外国语中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 6 Natural dsisasters复习牛


1.自然灾害/灾难 natural dsisasters

2.将水拖干净 mop the water up

3.输/赢了比赛 win/lose the game/match

4. 撞到…. crash into…

5. 迷路get lost=lose one’s way

6. 将…冲走wash… away/wash away…

7. 引起一场火灾/着火 start a big fire/catch fire/be on fire

启动车start a car 经营公司 start/run a company

8 . 电闪雷鸣 th under and lightning

9 .从…上摔下来/摔倒,跌倒 fall (down )from /fall off … fall over

10.求助 ask/call/shout/scream for help

11. 害怕地看着对方 look at each o ther in fear

感到一阵恐惧穿过身体 feel a slight shaking through my body

13. 在我脑海里一闪而过/掠过 go through my mind

向四面八方奔跑/疯狂地跑 run in all directions/run wildly

倒坍,坍塌 fall down/ come down

使某人冷静下来 calm sb down /keep(make)sb. c alm

活着/保持健康 stay alive/ healthy

18.急于做某事… be in a great hurry to do…

do sth. in a hurry hurry to do sth/. do sth hurriedly

19.在地震中幸存 survive the earthquake.

20.降温/保持零度以上/下 drop to zero / drop a little/stay above/below zero

21. 堆雪人(雪球) make a snowman/a snowball

22. 和某人讨论某事discuss… with/have a discussion with

23. 损坏,出毛病 break down/ break into

24.多可怕的一场暴风雪 What a terrible snowstorm !

25. 到达时间 time of arrival

26. (被)覆盖cover…with/ be covered with

27. 扫雪 remove/move away the snow

28. 分发/散发 give out/ hand out

32. 干净的饮用水 clean drinking water

33. 一阵轻微的颤动穿过我的身体 a slight shaking through my body

34. 从背后来 come from behind

35. 卷起/挽起裤腿 roll up trousers

36. 暴风雪预警 (a) snowstorm warning



People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.

2. 一个叫苏宁的人用手机拨打了110热线。

A man name Su Ning called the 110 hotline using his mobile phone .

3. 然后我听到了激动的人群的叫喊声。

Then I heard shouts from excited people.

4. 人们迫不及待地移开砖块和石头。

They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.

5. 我什么也看不见而且也不知道周围是否有人。

I could not see anyth ing at all and I didn’t know if anyone was around me.

6. 我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然还活着。

A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm donw since I was still alive.

7. 我以为有人能听到我的声音但过了很久一个人也没来。

I thought somebody could hear me but no one c ame for a very long time.

8. 我正尽力找一条路出去,就在这时我听到上面有吵杂声。

I was trying to find my way out when I suddendly heard some noise above me.





11. There's no way out! We're ___________(困住)

12. The children ran screaming in all d___________(方向)after hearing the frightening thunder.

13. The man died a ____________(自然的) death

14. What's wrong with you? You're s___________(摇动) like a leaf

15 Over 70,000 people are killed or seriously hurt every year in road __________. (事故)

16. It’s much_________(有风的)now. It’s dangerous to go out in a boat.

17. The rain ___________(持续)to fall the whole afternoon.

18. _______(既然)everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting.

19. They had to wait there for a long time because of the ______(糟糕的)weather.

20 . With the help of these ________(消防队员), the big fire was finally put out.


( )1. Daniel is _________ his purse, but he can’t _______it.

A. looking for, find

B. seeing, look for

C. finding, look at

D. looking at, see.

( )2. Timmy shouted____ help, but no noe came _____ a long time.

A. to,of

B. at, for

C. for, for

D. for ,of

( )3.Since I’ve spi lt th e milk, I’ll have to _____ first.

A. mop it up

B. mop up it

C. mop them up

D. mop up them

( )4.I’d like __________for my supper.

A .two bowl of rice B. two bowl of rices

C .two bowls of rice D. two bowls of rices

( )5. When I went to say goodbye to Anna, she ___ the piano.
