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1.学习单词,不但要记住拼写,还要注意基本用法。比如说hope一词,就要知道常见用法是hope to do,hope + that clause,lose hope,I hope so等等,还要知道不能用于hope sb to do sth这一结构,以及不说

I don't hope so,但常说I hope not。


3.按单词用法分类记忆。如其后只跟doing 的动词:enjoy, mind, practice, finish, consider, give up 等。又如不及物动词:lie, die, fall, talk, arrive, stand, sleep, look, cheer, hurry, sit.


动物:ant, bird, cat, donkey ,frog, panda.

职业:teacher, worker, student, ballplayer, athlete。

食品:burger, rice, chicken, fish, soup, potato.

交通工具:car, bus, taxi, plane, ship, bicycle。

建筑物:building, statue, hotel, stadium, hall。

地名:Australia, Britain, China, Denmark, Egypt, France。

5.按词类记忆如,介词:in, on, above, under, after, at, upon, through, by, across.

连词:since, when, while, before, though, if, as, where, because, even if.


如以o结尾的词:potato, tomato, piano, zoo, hero, zero, kilo, volcano, bamboo.

又如含ght的词:thought, taught, light, bright, tight, right, caught, sought, night, fight.


如以ion结尾的词:examination, imagination, conclusion, passion, discussion,

如以th为开头的词:thank, thin, think, threat, the, then, than, throat, thought,

又如以less结尾的词:wordless, nevertheless, hopeless, voiceless, harmless, needless, powerless, careless

8. 以动词为核心记词组。如take out, take in, take on, take part in 等。

9.以副词为核心记忆词组。如break out, come out , find out , look out等。


1. 情态动词表推测反意疑问句。


It must have rained last night, didn't it?

He must have waited for you for a long time, hasn't he?

He must be waiting for you outside, isn't he?

2. 反意疑问句。

1) Let us…, will you?

2) Let's…, shall we?

3) 祈使句的反意疑问句用will you。

1) 宾语从句反意疑问句原则上反主句,但是如果主语是I,则反从句。如:

He said you were a good student, didn't he?

I think you are right, aren't you?

2) 带有否定前后缀的句子还是肯定句;带有否定副词的句子在句中是否定句。如:He dislikes you, doesn't he?

He never likes you, does he?

误:You feed the bird, don't you?

正:You feed the bird, will you?

3. 现在分词。

1) doing表主动,表进行;

The boiling water hurts me badly.

2) being done表被动,表进行;

The question being discussed now was raised by me.

3) having done表主动,表完成;

Having washed his feet, he went to bed.

4) having been done表被动,表完成。

Having been washed, his feet are clean now.

误:The building built will be our library. It's very noisy now.

正:The building being built will be our library. It's very noisy now.

4. 动词不定式。

1) to do 表目的,表将来;

He seems to know this.

2) to be doing表进行

He pretended to be listening attentively.

3) to be done表目的,表被动;

The room is to be cleaned tomorrow.

4) to have done 表过去,表完成;

I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.

5) to have been done表完成,表被动;

The boy is said to have been sent to the hospital.

6) to have been doing 表示某一动作从过去延续到现在还要延续到将来

She is said to have been working on this problem for many hours.

误:The question discussed tomorrow is raised by me.

正:The question to be discussed tomorrow is raised by me.

5. 动词不定式几点注意。

1) teach, know, learn后接how + to do

I don't know how to do it.

2) 有do无to

I can do nothing but sleep.

There is nothing I can do but sleep.

3) why not do
