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Unit 1


I. Put the following Chinese into English

询盘enquire / enquiry 报盘offer

报价quote / quotation 订单order

传真facsimile(fax) 电子邮件E-mail

电子商务E-commerce 互联网the Web /Internet

交货期time of delivery 目录catalogue

文档document/file 支付payment

结账settle the account 余额balance

客户customer/ client 国民经济national economy 市场经济market economy 营销marketing

Unit 2


I. Put the following Chinese into English

公司company / corporation / firm / house 信誉standing / credit 与… 建立业务关系to enter into(to establish)business relations with 小册子pamphlet/ brochure

你处(地)at your end / on your spot / in your place(area,district)供你参考for your reference / for your information

以… 为目的with a view to

与此同时in the meantime / at the same time/ meanwhile

按照according to / in compliance with / in accordance with /in conformity with

达成交易to conclude(close)the business(transaction/ deal) 在… 业务方面in the line of 一系列a(wide / full)range of 具体询盘specific enquiry 经营to handle /to deal in /to trade in 与… 做生意to do business with /to deal with /to trade with

Unit 3


I. Put the following Chinese into English

询购… To enquire for/to make sb.an enquiry for

接受报盘to accept an offer 递价to bid for/to make sb. a bid for 大使馆embassy 代理representative/agent 工艺workmanship 手工制作hand-made

支付条款payment terms 兹答复in reply(to)与… 有联系to be connected with 现成市场ready market 向… 订购to place an order with sb.for sth. 稳定需求steady demand 立即处理prompt attention 市场需求(口味)the taste of the market 用现款(支付)(to pay)in cash 给…报盘to make sb. an offer for sth. (商品)在出售中to be under offer/to be on sale

Unit 4


I. Put the following Chinese into English

实盘firm offer 数量quantity

虚盘non-firm offer 包装pack(-ing)

确认,保兑confirm 装运ship(-ment)

保兑的confirmed 支付pay(-ment)


承诺过多to be heavily committed / to have heavy commitments

汇票draft/bill of exchange 按照要求as requested

即期at sight 如所陈述as stated

以… 为条件,为准subject to 如所约定as agreed

及时,适时in due course

另邮under separate cover/ by separated mail


分期付款to pay in … installments/to make payment in… installments

殷切地with keen interest 品名commodity/Art.No. Unit 5


I. Put the following Chinese into English

还盘counter-offer 在展出on display

小册子booklet/brochure/pamphlet 形式发票pro-forma invoice 标题的captioned/subject 银行划拨banker’s transfer

偏高(偏低)on the high (low )side 与… 不一致out of line with 流行的prevailing/going/current 利润profit

给… 折扣to allow / give / grant sb. a discount

现行行市水平prevailing market level 折扣discount

有迹象表明information indicates/indications show

一批货parcel/allowance 考虑到(鉴于)in view of

畅销to sell fast/ to sell well/ to sell like hot-cakes/to enjoy wide popularity / to command a good market 续订repeat order

现成市场ready market/batch/lot 试订trial order

Unit 6


I. Put the following Chinese into English

确认confirm/approve 以… 为目的with the view of

开列,膳写make out 一式两份in duplicate

销售确认书sales confirmation 返签,会签countersign 以… 为抬头,以… 为受益人in one’s favor

公吨(=1 000千克)metric ton 耽误,延误delay

有效(性),有效(期)validity 与… 相一致in conformity to(with)令人满意to prove (to be)satisfactory / to turn out to the satisfaction of 减价to reduce the price by /to reduce the price to

急需bein urgent(great/ bad)need of 保兑行confirming bank
