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Teaching aims:

1.To know the structure of a composition.

2.To make Ss’ compositions perfect.

3.To arouse Ss’ interest in writing, get Ss to enjoy the achievements of writing.

Key and difficult points:

1.To know the structure of a composition.

2.To make Ss’ compositions perfect.

Teaching aids:


Teaching steps:

Step 1 Training

Revise spoken English. (Topic 6: Hobbies and studies.)

Step 2 Lead in

1.Show them the rating criteria of writing.


(1). 内容完整,结构清晰,表达准确、连贯、得体,字数足够,书写清晰(13-15


(2). 内容较完整,表达准确,字数不够,书写清晰(10-12分)

(3). 内容不完整,表达欠准确,字数不够,书写较清晰(7-9分)

(4). 内容不完整,语法错误较多,字数严重不足,书写不清晰(4-6分)

(5). 只写出个别要点,语法错误较多,书写不清晰,只有个别句子可读或不



(1). 内容要完整(要点齐全,并做适当发挥)

(2). 结构清晰(分段落)

(3). 表达准确、连贯、得体(无语法错误,恰当地使用句型,连词,复合句)

(4). 书写清晰

(5). 字数足够(但并不是多多益善)


2.Give each student a form.

Step 3 presentation

1. Show the Ss the composition of last year’s graduation test.

Writing material (1)






2. Ask: How many paragraphs do you want to write?

What do you want to write in each paragraph?

3. Show the sample to the Ss, then fill in the blanks.


Ladies and gentlemen! It’s my honor to tell you about the changes to our school.

In the past, there was only a small playground. The books in the library were old and there were only a few kinds of them. The number of the trees and flowers was small.

But things have greatly changes these years. Now we have a bigger playground and more basketball courts. More different kinds of new books can be lent to us. Our school is as beautiful as a garden with lots of green trees all year round.

I think it’s lucky of us to have such good studying environment. We will work harder and serve the people better in the future.

I hope you will enjoy your stay in our school. Thank you very much.

4. Ask the Ss to read the sample, then find out the wonderful expression.

5. Practice.

Which choice do you think is the best?

(1) 水的重要性。()

A. Water is important.

B. We can’t live without water.

C. Nothing is more important than water.

(2) 看图说话(奥黛丽赫本)。()

A. She is a famous actress.

B. She is famous all over the world.

C. She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world.

(3) Encourage the Ss to say: 过多的玩电脑游戏不好。

6. Sum-up: When we are writing a composition, we should pay attention to the structure and try to use wonderful expression to make our compositions perfect. Step 3 Practicing

1.Give the students a writing material

假如你是一名九年级学生(Li Hua), 你在学习上遇到了一些压力问题,想写信给一位

Youth worker (Amy), 向她诉说自己的烦恼,请根据以下信息提示,写一篇词数不少于90的文章。

2.Discuss in groups.

(1)How many paragraphs do you want to write?

(2)What do you want to write in each paragraph?
