the lunar year of rabbit翻译

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the lunar year of rabbit翻译the lunar year of rabbit的翻译是:农历兔年。



1. 今年是农历兔年,大家要共同努力,实现美好未来。

The lunar year of rabbit is coming, let's all work together for a brighter future.

2. 2021年是农历兔年,万众瞩目究竟会有怎样的变化?

2021 is the lunar year of rabbit, what kind of changes can we expect?

3. 农历兔年的好运与你同在,一路送祝福!

May the luck of the lunar year of rabbit be with you, sending you all the blessings along the way!

4. 农历兔年快乐,祝春节快乐!

Happy Lunar Year of Rabbit, and happy Spring Festival!

5. 农历兔年来临,充满希望的展望到底会给人们带来怎样的惊喜?

The Lunar year of rabbit is here, what kind of surprises does the full of hope panoramic view bring to people?

6. 让我们把爱心带入农历兔年,一起把全球温暖起来!

Let's bring love to the lunar year of rabbit, and warm up the world together!

7. 让我们走进农历兔年,多一份积极有建设性的态度!

Let's enter the Lunar year of rabbit with a more positive and constructive attitude!

8. 2021农历兔年的降临,请动起来,做大事!

As 2021 the lunar year of rabbit coming, let's get up and do big things!

9. 农历兔年,期盼鸿运降临,祝前程似锦!

The Lunar year of rabbit, wishing good luck, and a promising future!

10. 农历兔年来临,继续把祝福倾注在未来!

The Lunar year of rabbit is here, pouring your blessings onto the future!
