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1. Parties 范围:包括合同中的各方

- Party A: [insert name, address and legal

representative/authorized representative details] 甲方:[填写名称、地址和法定代表人/授权代表人信息]

- Party B: [insert name, address and legal

representative/authorized representative details]乙方:[填写名称、地址和法定代表人/授权代表人信息]

2. Purpose of the contract 范围:合同涉及的主要条款、约定和应达成的目标

- This contract is made for the purpose of [insert purpose].本合同订立的目的是[填写合同目的]。

3. Rights and obligations 范围:每一方应拥有的权利和义务

- Party A shall have the right to [insert rights]. Party B shall have the obligation to [insert obligations].甲方有权[填写权利]。乙方有责任[填写义务]。

- Party B shall have the right to [insert rights]. Party A shall have the obligation to [insert obligations].乙方有权[填写权利]。甲方有责任[填写义务]。

4. Performance 范围:各方应如何履行合同中约定的责任和义务

- The parties shall perform their obligations under this contract in accordance with [insert terms].双方应依照[填写条款]履行本合同中的责任和义务。

5. Term 范围:合同有效期

- This contract shall be effective from [insert date] to [insert date].本合同自[填写日期]生效至[填写日期]。

6. Termination 范围:合同可在何情况下终止

- Either party may terminate this contract upon [insert condition].任何一方可在[填写条件]的情况下终止本合同。

7. Governing law 范围:合同应遵守的法律

- This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert country/province/region].本合同应遵守[填写国家/省份/地区]法律,并依照其解释。

8. Dispute resolution 范围:各方如何解决争议

- Any dispute arising from this contract shall be resolved through [insert method].本合同引起的任何争议应通过[填写方式]解决。

9. Confidentiality 范围:合同涉及的信息应如何保密

- Each party shall keep confidential all information received from the other party in connection with this contract, and shall

not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.各方应保守本合同所涉信息的机密性,未经另一方事先书面同意不得向任何第三方披露。

10. Legal effect and enforceability 范围:合同的法律效力及可执行性

- This contract is legally binding and enforceable against the parties in accordance with its terms and conditions.本合同依据其条款和条件,具有法律约束力并可执行。

