医学影像学专业英语7The ABC’s of Heart Disease
Ascending Aorta
பைடு நூலகம்
Double density of left atrial enlargement
Indentation where “double density” of left atrial enlargement will appear
Even though we are on the right side of the heart, we can see left atrial enlargement. Normally the left atrium sits right in the middle of the heart posteriorly and does not form a normal border on the frontal film.
The distance between the tangent and the main pulmonary artery (between two small green arrows) falls in a range between 0 mm (touching the tangent line) to as much as 15 mm away from the tangent line
Left ventricle
There are 7 contours to the heart in the frontal projection in this system.
The Cardiac Contours
Ascending Aorta
Aortic knob
“Double density” of LA enlargement
医学影像学专业英语Digestive system(2)
barium swallow: revealing the mucosae of middle and lower oesophagus
erect: used for middle and late stage of oesophageal varices
supine/prone:beneficial for early stage of oesophageal varices
gastric peptic ulcer
direct appearance: niche
acute period:
Hampton’s line: result from the edema of mucosa around the entrance of the niche
width: 1~2mm, smooth, transparent line
narrow neck sign: the entrance of niche is narrow.
collar sign
narrow neck sign
edema of mucosa
gastric peptic ulcer
direct appearance: niche
chronic period: converging of mucous folds
esophageal varices
early stage :
mucosae of distal esophagus are thickening, circuitousபைடு நூலகம்
the wall is like saw-tooth contraction and relaxation is normal, barium is swallowed
影像医学专业英语中文英文部位(location)颅脑平扫Head Routine Scan同侧颅脑增强扫描Head Enhanced Scan对侧颅脑急诊扫描Emergent Head Scan患侧颅脑急诊增强Emergent Head Enhanced Scan健侧眼部平扫Orbits Routine Scan[??:bit]近侧眼部增强扫描Orbits Enhanced Scan远侧内耳平扫Inner Ear Routine Scan移位内耳增强扫描Inner Ear Enhanced Scan无移位乳突平扫Mastoid Routine Scan【?m?st?id】抬高乳突增强扫描Mastoid Enhanced Scan下降蝶鞍平扫Sella Routine Scan邻接蝶鞍增强扫描Sella Enhanced Scan范围(extent)鼻窦轴位平扫Sinus Axial Routine Scan【?sa?n?s】局限鼻窦轴位增强扫描Sinus Axial Enhanced Scan弥散鼻窦冠位平扫Sinus Coronal Scan分布(distribution)鼻窦冠位增强平扫Sinus Coronal Enhanced Scan【?k?r?nl】单侧鼻咽平扫Nasopharynx Routine Scan双侧鼻咽增强扫描Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan【?neiz?u?f?ri?ks】对称腮腺平扫Parotid Routine Scan不对称腮腺增强平扫Parotid Enhanced Scan 【p??r?tid】孤立喉平扫larynx Routione Scan散在喉部增强larynx Enhanced Scan融合甲状腺平扫Hypothyroid Routine Scan中心性甲状腺增强Hypothyroid Enhanced Scan偏心性颈部平扫neck Rountine Scan周围的颈部增强Neck Enhanced Scan数目(number)肺栓塞扫描lung Embolism Scan单发胸腺平扫Thymus Rountine Scan多发胸腺增强Thymus Enhanced Scan增多胸骨平扫Sternum Rountine Scan减少胸骨增强Sternun Enhanced Scan大小(size)胸部扫描Chest Routine Scan大胸部薄层扫描High Resolution Chest Scan小胸部增强扫描Chest Enhanced Scan稳定胸部穿刺Chest Puncture Scan扩大轴位胸部穿刺Axial Chest Puncture Scan扩张上腹部平扫upper abdomen routine scan 膨胀中腹部平扫mid- abdomen routine scan 缩小上腹部增强扫描upper abdomen enhanced scan体积缩小中腹部增强扫描mid- abdomen enhanced scan 狭窄腹部穿刺Abdomen Puncture Scan闭塞轴位腹部穿刺Axial Abdomen Puncture Scan形状(shape)颈椎胸椎腰椎平扫C/T/L-Spine Routine Scan点状盆腔平扫/增强扫描Pelis Routine /Enhanced Scan斑点状骶髂关节扫描SI Joint Scan粟粒状肩关节扫描Shoulder Joint Scan结节状上肢软组织平扫/增强Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Scan团块状肘关节平扫Elow Joint Routine Scan圆形腕关节平扫Wrist Routine Scan卵圆形手部平扫Hand Routine Scan椭圆形髋关节平扫Hip Joint Routine Scan长方形膝关节平扫Keen Joint Routine Scan分叶形踝关节平扫Ankle Joint Routine Scan片状下肢软组织平扫增强Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Scan/Enhance条索状足部平扫foot routine scan线状血管造影和三维成像网状头部血管造影Head CT Angiography弧线形颈部血管造影Neck CT Angiography星状心脏冠脉造影Coronal Artery Angiography纠集心脏冠脉钙化积分Cardiac Calcium Scoring Scan舟状胸部血管造影Chest CT Angiography哑铃状腹部血管造影AbdomenCT Angiography不规则形上肢血管造影Upper Extremities CT Angiography细致下肢血管造影Lower Extremities CT Angiography粗糙五官三维成像3D Facial Scan变形胃部三维成像3D Stomach CT Scan增粗结肠三维成像3D Colon CT Scan增厚颈椎胸椎腰椎三维成像3D C/T/L -Spine变细肩关节三维成像3D Should Joint变平肘关节三维成像3D Elbow Joint边缘腕关节三维成像3D Wirst Joint轮廓髋关节三维成像3D Hip Joint光滑膝关节三维成像3D KneeJoint锐利踝关节三维成像3D Ankle Joint清晰模糊毛刺状分叶状密度,回声,信号密度透亮阴影不透光致密低密度混杂密度信号低信号高信号性质囊性空洞壁外壁渗出浸润实变增值实性结节状肿块纤维化钙化ipsilateralcontralateralaffected sideintact sideproximal sidedistal sidedeviation;shift;displacement nondisplaced elevation;descent;fallabutting;nextto;secondaryto localized,regional diffuseunilateralbilateralsymmetricasymmetricsolitaryscatteredconfluencecentraleccentricperipheralsolitarymultipledecreaselargesmallstabilityenlargementdilatationdistentionshrinkloss of volumestenosis,narrowingocclusion;obliteration,emphraxis punctual mottingmiliarynodularmasscircular,round,roudedovalellipseoblonglobulatedpathystripelinarreticularcurvilinearstellatecrowding,convergingboat-shaped;navicular;scaphoiddumb-bellfinecoarsedeformitythickenthickenthinningflattenedborder,margin,rim,edgeoutline,contoursmoothsharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed clear ,distinct hazy,indistinct,ill-defined,obscured spiculated multilobulateddensitylucency,transparentshadowhaziness,opacificationdensityhypodense,low densityhyperdense,high densitymixed densityhypointensityhyperintensitycystcavitationwallouter surface of the wall exudationinfiltration consolidationhyperplsiasolid nodule mass fibrosis calcification。
Chest plain film/plain chest radiography 胸部平片Posteroanterior 后前位Left-lateral 左侧位Contour 轮廓Symmetric 对称Lung field 肺野Lung marking 肺纹理Lesion 病变Lung hilar 肺门Mediastinum 胸廓Diaphragm 膈肌Rib 肋骨Round-shaped 类圆形的Mass 团块Post-basic segment 后基底段Lobulated-edge 边缘分叶Well-defined margin 边界清楚ill-define margin 边缘不清vague margin Homogeneous attenuation 密度均匀Thoracic vertebraes 胸椎Obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张Sign of “recersal S”反S征Bilateral 双侧的Cloud-shaped areas 大片密度增高区域Piece-like high attunuation 片状高密度Pulmonary edema 肺水肿Node 结节Acute miliary tuberculosis 急性粟粒性肺结核Anteroposterior abdomen plain film 腹部平片Supine overhead projection 仰卧前后位投照Radiopaque foreign body 不透光异物Stone 结石Liver 肝gallbladder 胆kidney 肾Bowel 肠Distension 扩张Free gas 游离气体Vertebrate and pelvis bone 腰椎和骨盆Plain film of pelvis 骨盆平片Acetabulun 髋臼Hip joint 髋关节Bone destruction 骨质破坏Femoral head 股骨头The left hip joint space 左髋关节间隙Osteoporosis 骨质疏松Anteroposterior elbow plain film 前后位肘关节平片Osteoslerosis 骨质硬化Hyperosteogeny 骨质增生Humerus 肱骨Ulna 尺骨Radius 桡骨Periosteal reaction 骨膜反应Periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生(骨膜反应)Dislocated 脱位Soft tissue软组织Tibia 胫骨Fibula 腓骨Cortex 皮质Oblique fissure 斜行骨折线Fracture 骨折There is no obvious angle formation or abnormal removing of the breaking ends.骨折断端未见明显错位Femur 股骨Metaphysis 干骺端metaphysealA longitude of 16 cm 长约16cmSlice-like 层状Linear 线状Epiphysis 骨骺Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎Lower end 下端Septa 分隔Distend 膨胀、扩大Disrupted 中断Giant-cell tumor 巨细胞瘤Needle-like 针状Tumor bone 肿瘤骨Osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤Upper gastrointestinal barlum meal examination and photogragh 上消化道钡餐造影摄片Folds 皱襞Esophagus 食管Peristalsis 蠕动Evacuation 排空Stomach 胃Niche 龛影craterStenosis 狭窄Filling defect 充盈缺损Duodennal cap and loop 十二指肠球及肠圈Mucosal folds 黏膜皱襞Gastric antrum 胃窦Coarse 粗糙的Nodular 结节状的Spasm 痉挛Antral gastritis 胃窦炎Pouch 囊袋Diverticulum 憩室Deformed 变形Barium filled spot 钡斑Mucous folds converging 黏膜皱襞聚集Palpation 触诊(加压)Peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡Duodenal bulb 十二指肠球部Lesser curvature of the stomach 胃小弯Barium-gas plane 气钡平面Penetrating gastric ulcer 穿透性溃疡Lumen 管腔Gastric body 胃体Antrum 胃窦Stiff 僵硬的Cardia 贲门、心脏Fundus 胃底Pyloric 幽门的Colon结肠Oppressing 压迫Excrete 排泄、分泌Interruption 中断Sigmoid 乙状结肠Transverse colon 横结肠Thorn-like 小刺状的Ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎Ascent colon 升结肠Bowel obstruction 肠梗阻Transverse image 轴位像Plain CT scan CT平扫Axial 轴位8 mm slice apart 8 mm 层厚8mm,间隔8mm Brain parenchyma 脑实质Ventricle 脑室Subarchnoid cavity蛛网膜下腔Midline structures 中线结构Circumferential 周围的External capsule 外囊Hypo-attenuation 低密度Hyper-attenuation 高密度axial area 横截面积Deformed 变形Adjacent 邻近的Deviated 移位Hematoma 血肿Pre-contrast transverse image 平扫轴位像Post-contrast scan增强扫描Kernel 中心(窗位?)Frontal part 额部Predominantly 主要的Wide-base 广基底Cerebral flax 大脑镰Calcification 钙化Inner table 内板Meningioma 脑膜瘤Coronal 冠状的Orbit 眼眶MPR reconstruction MPR重建Isoattenuating 等密度Prominent 凸出的、杰出的、显著的On arterial phase images 在动脉期Spotted enhancement点状强化Progressive enhancement 渐进性强化Cavernous hemangioma 海绵状血管瘤Temporal bone 颞骨Facial cannal 面神经管Internal auditory meatus 内听道Benign 良性的Nasopharynx 鼻咽Pharyngeal recess 咽隐窝Obliterate 消失、擦除Parapharyngeal space 咽旁间隙Ringed enhancement 环状强化Invasion 发病、侵袭Metastasis 转移Sagittal image 矢状位Cervical 颈部的cervical vertebra 颈椎vertebrae Alignment 排列Curvature 曲度Disci 椎间盘Nerve root 神经根Sleeve 袖、套Lumbar spine 腰椎Ligament 韧带Disc herniation 椎间盘突出Exceed 超出Epidural 硬膜外Isthmus 峡部Mildly 轻度的Surge forward 向前Spondylolisthesis 椎体前移Osteosclerosis 骨质硬化Marrow lumen 骨髓腔Heterogeneous 均匀Dysplasia 发育不良Fibrous dysplasia 纤维异常增殖症Sternum 胸骨CT value CT值Cyst 囊肿Compage of thorax 胸廓Trachea 气管Bronchi 支气管Through 通畅Lymphadenectasis 淋巴结肿大Air bronchogram sign 空气支气管征Carina of trachea 气管隆突Pneumonia 肺炎Apico- 尖、顶Lobular 分叶Spicule 毛刺Biopsy 活检Orifice 开口Occlusion 闭塞Thymoma 胸腺瘤Configuration 形态Proportion 比例Hepatic lobe 肝叶Hepatic parenchyma 肝实质Dilated 扩张Spleen 脾脏Retro- 向后、后Retroperitoneal 腹膜后Artery phase、vein phase、delay phase动脉期、静脉期、延迟期Peripheral enhancement 周边强化Portal vein 门静脉Inferior vena cave 下腔静脉Centripetally 向心性地Cavernous hemangioma 海绵状血管瘤Heterogeneous 不均匀的Splenomegaly 脾大Hepatocarcinoma 肝癌Neoplastic 肿瘤的Thrombosis 血栓形成neoplastic thrombosis 癌栓Cirrhosis 硬化、肝硬化Cholecy 胆囊Ectomy 切除术cholecyectomy 胆囊切除术Pneumo- 肺、呼吸、空气pneumotosis积气Common bile duct 胆总管Dilation 扩张Posterolateral 后外侧Administration 行政、管理、处理Contrast material 对比剂Renal pelvis 肾盂Renal calices 肾盏Hepatorenal recess 肝肾隐窝Nephric 肾的Perinephric space 肾周间隙Gerota 肾Fascia 筋膜Gerota’s fascia 肾周筋膜Pancreatitis 胰腺炎Mesenteric 肠系膜的Superior mesenteric vein 肠系膜上静脉CT endoscopy CT内窥镜Greater curvature 胃大弯Gastroscopy 胃镜colonscopy 结肠镜MPR、SSD、VR、CTVECecum 盲肠cecal 盲肠的Protrude 突出、凸出Tumor 肿瘤carcinoma 癌Urinary bladder 膀胱Uterus 子宫Appendage 附件Ureters 输尿管CTU VRT MIPCystoscopy 膀胱镜Aorta 主动脉Ascending aorta 胸主动脉Cephalic 头部的brachio 臂brachiocephalic trunk 头臂干Proximal 近端的、基部的Carotid 颈动脉的Common carotid artery 颈总动脉Endo- 内endomembrane 内膜Tortuous 扭曲的、迂曲的Collateral 侧支Dissecting 夹层aneurysm 动脉瘤dissecting aneurysm 夹层动脉瘤Thrombosis 血栓形成Takayasu arteritis 多发性大动脉炎Give rise to 引起Embolism 栓塞Iliac 髂的、回肠的ileum 回肠Common iliac artery 髂总动脉Femoral 股femoral artery 股动脉Popliteal 腘popliteal artery 腘动脉Peroneal 腓peroneal artery 腓动脉Tibial 胫tibial artery 胫动脉Right coronary artery 右冠状动脉Left anterior descending artery 左前降支Left circumflex artery 左旋支Plague 瘟疫、灾祸、斑块soft plague 软斑块Orientation 方位High signal intensity 高信号Gyrus 脑回Infarction 梗死、缺血灶Parietal lobe 顶叶Subacute 亚急性的subacute bleeding 亚急性出血Occupying effect 占位效应Posterior horn 后角Calcarine sulcus 距状沟In coincidence with 与...一致Gray matter 灰质Splenium/genu/body of corpus callosum 胼胝体压部/膝部/体部Heterotopia 异位Subarachnoid 蛛网膜下的subarachnoid cavites 蛛网膜下腔Tonsil 扁桃体Cerebellum 小脑Occipital 枕骨的Cistern 池Cerbrospinal fluid 脑脊液Malformation 急性myelo-髓syringo- 瘘管、洞Myelosyringosis 脊髓空洞症Sellae 鞍区Pituitary 垂体、粘液的Optic chiasma 视交叉Sponge sinus 海绵窦Craniopharyngeal duct颅咽管Adenoma 腺瘤Internal carotid 颈内动脉Uniformly 均匀地、一致地Spectrum 范围、系列、波谱spectroscopy 波谱Cusp 峰Infra 以下Ento- 内entoplastron 内板Convexity 凸面Cranial 颅盖的、颅的Dural 硬脑膜的Dural mater硬脑膜Creatine 肌酸Meningioma 脑膜瘤Left sidedness 左侧Peduncle 脚、根、茎bridge cerebellar peduncle region桥小脑区Cork sign 瓶塞征Brain stem 脑干Acoustic 听觉的Pontine 脑桥cerebellopontine angle 脑桥小脑角(桥小脑区)anterior pontine cistern 脑桥前池Extrude 突入Embed 包绕Vertebral 椎的、椎骨的vertebral artery 椎动脉Ventricle 脑室Corona radiate 放射冠Screen pore 筛孔Mass effect 占位效应Malignant 恶性Glioma 胶质瘤Medullary 髓velum 帆inferior medullary velum 下髓帆Aqueduct 导水管Vermis 小脑蚓部Blastoma-母细胞瘤medullblastoma髓母细胞瘤hemangioblastoma 血管母细胞瘤Transparent 明显的、透明的Mural 壁的mural tumor nodule 壁结节Clouding 片状的Lenticular 豆状的、透镜状的lenticular nucleus 豆状核Caudate 尾的caudate nucleus 尾状核Precuneus 楔前叶Cingulate gyrus 扣带回Binding the history 结合病史Manifestation 表现appearenceHepatolenticular degeneration 肝豆状核变性Basiobasis 基底节Maxillary sinus 上颌窦Physio-curvature 生理曲度Bulging 膨胀、突出Strip 条状Spinal cord 脊髓Sclerosis 硬化Melanoma 黑色素瘤Project forward into 突入Sphenoid sinus 蝶窦Clivus 斜坡Herniation 突出、疝出Depletion 缺如Lumber lamina 腰椎椎板Spinous process 棘突Menigo-matter 脊膜Infiltrate 浸润Extensive 广泛的Subchondral 软骨下的Endplate 终板Cone 锥medullary cone 脊髓圆锥Cork 塞住、抑制Bifid 二分的、双裂的bifid spine 脊柱裂Menigomyelocele 脊髓脊膜膨出Sacral 骶骨Proton 质子Blotch 斑点Archo 直肠Chordoma 脊索瘤Foramen 孔intervertebral foramen 椎间孔Neurogenic tumor 神经源性肿瘤Placing upside down 倒置Spinal meningima 脊膜瘤Raindrops 点滴状Teratoma 畸胎瘤Cholecyst 胆囊Tumefacient 膨胀的、肿大的Uterine 子宫Lacuna 缝隙、陷窝、管道Metra-archo lacuna 子宫直肠陷窝Uterine myoma 子宫肌瘤Split 分离endometrium 内膜Fundus 底部Incisure 切迹Cervix 宫颈Septation 间隔Metrodysplasia 子宫发育异常bicorbate uterus 双角子宫Femoral head 股骨头Cartilage 软骨Weight-bearing surface 负重面Acetabulum 髋臼、关节腔Aseptic 无菌的Necrosis 坏死Meniscus 新月形、关节盘、凸透镜Lateral meniscus 外侧半月板Articular 关节的Fat-saturated 压脂Cruciate 十字的、交叉的cruciate ligament 交叉韧带Tendon 腱Bone matrix 骨质Rupture 撕裂Mammary gland乳腺Axilla 腋窝Quadrant 象限Raio-hair sign 放射状毛刺征Crab-feet sign 蟹足征Basilar artery 基底动脉Constriction 狭窄Dilatation 扩张Spread area 走行区域Initiation 起始Siphon 虹吸Anastomosis 吻合Aneurysm 动脉瘤V oid 无效的、空隙、排泄Flowing void effect 流空效应Fog 烟雾Moyamoya disease 烟雾病The lateral internal carotid artery angiogram 颈内动脉侧位像The frontal internal carotid artery angiogram 颈内动脉正位像Angiography 血管造影Anesthesia 麻醉Catheter 导管Catheterization 导管插入术femoral ~股动脉插管Tip 尖端Decannulation 拔管Hemostasis 止血Ward 病房Course 走行、病程Sigmoid 乙状结肠sigmoid sinus 乙状窦Occipital 枕骨Tributary 属支Vascular 血管的Iohexol 碘海醇Sign of string beads 串珠征Tortuosity 扭曲Misty模糊的、烟雾状的Ophthalmic 眼的Meningeal 脑膜的Collateral circulation 侧支循环The oblique vertebral artery angiogram 椎动脉斜位像The anterposterior vertebral artery angiogram 椎动脉正位像Saccular 囊状的Aforementioned 前述的Derive from 起源于Capillary 毛细血管Arteriae bronchiales 支气管动脉Ondansetron Hydrochloride欧贝Dexamethasone 地塞米松Regafur 方克carboplatin 卡铂mitomycin 丝裂霉素(化疗药物)Malaise 不适Twisted 扭曲的Reticular 网状的Compatible with 符合~ tumor vessels 符合肿瘤血管By 南方医影像-枝枝Inflexibility 僵直Encirclement 包绕Stain 染色Draining vein 引流静脉Fistulas 瘘Interventional treatment operation 介入治疗术Contrast medium 对比剂Nidus 病灶The signs of early filling and delayed evacuationon of contrast medium 早出晚归征PV门静脉Rim 边缘Tenuous 稀薄的、空洞的、纤细的Interlobular artery 小叶间动脉Arcuate artery 弓形动脉Shrunken 萎缩的Superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉Iodinated oil 乙碘油Sequentially 依次Withdraw 撤退Winding 迂曲的Embolization 栓塞Iohexol deposits well 碘油沉积良好Dorsal 背部的stop bleeding bands 止血带Diluted 稀释的Meglumine diatrizoate 泛影葡胺Superficial vein 浅静脉Retain 保留Successively 依次地Valve 瓣膜Reflux 反流Varicose 静脉曲张的、迂曲扩张的Dysfunction 功能不全。
医学影像学 MEDICAL IMAGEOLOGY头部急诊平扫 Emergent Head Scan头部急诊增强 Emergent Head Enhanced Scan 头部平扫 Head Routine Scan头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan眼部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan眼部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan内耳平扫 Inner Ear Routine Scan内耳增强 Inner Ear Enhanced Scan乳突平扫 Mastoid Routine Scan乳突增强 Mastoid Enhanced Scan蝶鞍平扫 Sella Routine Scan蝶鞍增强 Sella Enhanced Scan鼻窦轴位平扫 Sinus Axial Routine Scan鼻窦轴位增强 Sinus Axial Enhanced Scan鼻窦冠位平扫 Sinus Coronal Scan鼻窦冠位增强 Sinus Coronal Enhanced Scan 鼻咽平扫 Nasopharynx Routine Scan鼻咽增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan腮腺平扫 Parotid Routine Scan腮腺增强 Parotid Enhanced Scan喉平扫 Larynx Routine Scan喉增强 Larynx Enhanced Scan甲状腺平扫 Hypothyroid Routine Scan甲状腺增强 Hypothyroid Enhanced Scan颈部平扫 Neck Routine Scan颈部增强 Neck Enhanced Scan肺栓塞扫描 Lung Embolism Scan胸腺平扫 Thymus Routine Scan胸腺增强 Thymus Enhanced Scan胸骨平扫 Sternum Routine Scan胸骨增强 Sternum Enhanced Scan胸部平扫 Chest Routine Scan胸部薄层扫描 High Resolution Chest Scan胸部增强 Chest Enhanced Scan胸部穿刺 Chest Puncture Scan轴扫胸部穿刺 Axial Chest Punture Scan上腹部平扫 Upper-Abdomen Routine Scan中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan上腹部增强 Upper-Abdomen Routine Enhanced Scan中腹部增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan腹部穿刺 Abdomen Puncture Scan轴扫腹部穿刺 Axial Abdomen Puncture Scan颈椎平扫 C-spine Routine Scan胸椎平扫 T-spine Routine Scan腰椎平扫 L-spine Routine Scan盆腔平扫 Pelvis Routine Scan盆腔增强 Pelvis Enhanced Scan骶髂关节平扫 SI Joint Scan肩关节平扫 Shoulder Joint Scan上肢软组织平扫 Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Scan上肢软组织增强 Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced 肘关节平扫 Elbow Joint Routine Scan腕关节平扫 Wrist Joint Routine Scan手部平扫 Hand Routine Scan髋关节平扫 Hip Joint Routine Scan膝关节平扫 Knee Joint Routine Scan踝关节平扫 Ankle Joint Routine Scan下肢软组织平扫 Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Scan下肢软组织增强 Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced 足部平扫 Foot Routine Scan血管造影和三维成像头部血管造影 Head CT Angiography颈部血管造影 Neck CT Angiography心脏冠脉造影 Coronal Artery Angiography心脏冠脉钙化积分 Cardiac Calcium Scoring Scan胸部血管造影 Chest CT Angiography腹部血管造影 Abdomen CT Angiography上肢血管造影 Upper Extremities CT Angiography下肢血管造影 Lower Extremities CT Angiography 五官三维成像 3D Facial Scan胃三维 3D Stomach CT Scan结肠三维 3D Colon CT Scan颈椎三维 3D C-Spine胸椎三维 3D T-Spine腰椎三维 3D L-Spine肩关节三维 3D Shoulder Joint肘关节三维 3D Elbow Joint腕关节三维 3D Wrist Joint髋关节三维 3D Hip Joint膝关节三维 3D Knee Joint踝关节三维 3D Ankle Joint检查名称英文对照头部平扫 Head Routine Scan头部常规增强 Head Routine Enhanced Scan头部动态增强 Head Dynamic Enhanced Scan垂体平扫 Sella Routine Scan垂体增强 Sella Enhanced Scan鼻咽部平扫 Nasopharynx Routine Scan鼻咽部增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan眼眶部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan眼眶部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan内听道平扫 Inner Ear Routine Scan颈部平扫 Neck Routine Scan颈部普通增强 Neck Enhanced Scan颈部动态增强 Neck Dynamic Enhanced Scan上腹部平扫 Upper Abdomen Scan上腹部普通增强 Upper Abdomen Routine Enhanced上腹部动态增强 Upper Abdomen Dynamic Enhanced 中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Scan中腹部普通增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Enhanced中腹部动态增强 Mid-Abdomen Dynamic Enhanced肾脏平扫 Kidney Routine Scan肾上腺平扫 Adrenal Routine Scan肾脏普通增强 Kidney Routine Enhanced Scan肾脏动态增强 Kidney Dynamic Enhanced Scan胰胆管造影 MRCP尿路造影 MRU腹和盆腔联合扫描 Abdomen & Pelvis Scan颈椎平扫 C-spine Scan颈椎增强 C-spine Enhanced Scan胸椎平扫 T-spine Scan胸椎增强 T-spine Enhanced Scan腰椎平扫 L-spine Scan腰椎增强 L-spine Enhanced Scan胸腰段平扫 T&L Spine Scan胸腰段增强 T&L Spine Enhanced Scan胸部平扫 Chest Scan胸部普通增强 Chest Routine Enhanced Scan胸部动态增强 Chest Dynamic Enhanced Scan女性盆腔平扫 Female Pelvis Scan女性盆腔普通增强 Female Pelvis Routine Enhanced 女性盆腔动态增强 Female Pelvis Dynamic Enhanced 男性盆腔平扫 Male Pelvis Scan男性盆腔普通增强 Male Pelvis Routine Enhanced男性盆腔动态增强 Male Pelvis Dynamic Enhanced肩关节平扫 Shoulder Joint Scan肘关节平扫 Elbow Joint Scan腕关节平扫 Wrist Joint Scan手部平扫 Hand Scan上肢软组织平扫 Upper Soft Tissue Scan上肢软组织普通增强 Upper Soft Tissue Routine Enhanced 上肢软组织动态增强 Upper Soft Tissue Dynamic Enhanced 骶髂关节平扫 Sacrum Ilium Joint Scan髋关节平扫 Hip Joint Scan膝关节平扫 Knee Joint Routine Scan踝关节平扫 Ankle Joint Routine Scan足部平扫 Foot Routine Scan下肢软组织平扫 Lower Soft Tissue Scan下肢软组织普通增强 Lower Soft Tissue Routine Enhanced 下肢软组织动态增强 Lower Soft Tissue Dynamic Enhanced 头颅正侧位 Skull PA & LAT鼻窦 Sinus PA左侧乳突 Left Mastoid Process右侧乳突 Right Mastoid Process鼻骨侧位 Nasal Bones LAT颈椎正侧位 C-Spine PA & LAT颈椎双斜位 C-Spine Dual Oblique胸椎正侧位 T-Spine PA & LAT腰椎正侧位 L-Spine PA & LAT骶尾正侧位 Saccrum/Coccyx AP & LAT胸部正侧位(成人) Chest PA & LAT (Adult)胸部正侧位(儿童) Chest PA & LAT (Pediatrics)骨盆(成人) Pelvis PA (Adult)骨盆(儿童) Pelvis PA (Pediatrics)腹部(成人) Abdomen ( Adult)腹部(儿童) Abdomen (Pediatircs)左侧肩关节 Left Shoulder Joint右侧肩关节 Right Shoulder Joint左侧肱骨正侧位 Left Humerus AP & LAT右侧肱骨正侧位 Right Humerus AP & LAT左侧尺桡骨正侧位 Left Forearm AP & LAT右侧尺桡骨正侧位 Right Forearm AP & LAT左侧肘关节正侧位 Left Elbow Joint AP & LAT右侧肘关节正侧位 Right Elbow Joint AP & LAT左手正斜位 Left Hand AP & Oblique右手正斜位 Right Hand AP & Oblique左侧腕关节正侧位 Left Wrist Joint AP & LAT右侧腕关节正侧位 Right Wrist Joint AP & LAT双腕关节正位(成人) Dual Wrist Joint AP (Adult)双腕关节正位(儿童) Dual Wrist Joint AP (Pediatrics) 左侧股骨正侧位 Left Femur AP & LAT右侧股骨正侧位 Right Femur AP & LAT左侧膝关节正侧位 Left Knee Joint AP & LAT右侧膝关节正侧位 Right Knee Joint AP & LAT左侧胫腓骨正侧位 Left Tibia Fibula AP & LAT右侧胫腓骨正侧位 Right Tibia Fibula AP & LAT左侧踝关节正侧位 Left Ankle Joint AP & LAT右侧踝关节正侧位 Right Ankle Joint AP & LAT左侧足部正侧位 Left Foot AP & LAT右侧足部正侧位 Right Foot AP & LAT足跟侧位 Calcaneus LAT胸部正位 Chest PA胸部正侧位 Chest PA & LAT心脏三位片 Heart胸部斜位 Chest OBL胸骨侧位 Sternum LAT胸锁骨关节像 Sternum Calvicle Joint PA锁骨正位 Calvicle PA肩关节正位 Shoulder Joint AP头颅正位 Skull AP头颅正侧 Skull AP & LAT颈椎正位 C-spine AP颈椎张口位 C-spine Open Mouth颈椎正侧位 C-spine AP & LAT颈椎正侧双斜位 C-spine AP & LAT & Dual OBL颈椎六位像 C-spine 6 position颈椎正侧双斜张口位 C-spine AP & LAT & Dual OBL Open Mouth 颈胸段正侧位 C-T-spine AP & LAT胸椎正侧 T-spine AP & LAT胸腰段正侧位 T-L-spine AP & LAT腰椎正侧位 L-spine AP & LAT腰椎正侧双斜 L-spine AP & LAT & Dual OBL腰椎双斜 L-spine Dual OBL腰椎六位像 L-spine 6 position腰椎过伸过屈位 L-spine Lordotic Kyphotic Position腰骶椎正侧位 L-S-spine AP & LAT骶尾椎正侧位 Saccrum/Coccyx AP & LAT尾椎侧位像 Coccyx LAT骶髂关节正位 Sacrum Ilium Joint AP骶髂关节切线位 Sacrum Ilium Joint Tangential Position骨盆正位 Pelvis AP耻骨坐骨正位 Pubis Ischium AP腹部平片 Abdomen AP上肢 Upper Extremities下肢 Lower Extremities华氏位 Waltz Position下颌骨正侧位 Mandible PA_LAT头颅正侧位 Skull PA_LAT颧弓切线位 Zygomatic小儿胸片 Chest膝关节造影 Knee Joint Contrast肩关节造影 Shoulder Joint Contrast椎管造影 Spinal ContrastTMJ造影 TMJ contrast腮腺造影 Parotid Contrast静脉肾盂造影 IVP逆行尿路造影 Contrary Urethral Contrast子宫造影 Uterus ContrastT管造影 T-tube Cholangiography五官造影 Facial Contrast窦道造影 Contrast Fistulography瘤腔造影 Tumor Cavity Contrast异物定位 Orientation胆系造影 CholecystographyERCP ERCP上消化道造影 Upper Gastrointestinal Contrast全消化道造影 Full Gastrointestinal Contrast钡灌肠造影 Barium Contrast of Colon小肠低张造影 Small Bowel Enema结肠低张造影 Hypotonic Colon Contrast食道造影 Contrast Esophagography下肢静脉造影 Lower Vein Angiography上肢静脉造影 Upper Vein Angiography下肢动脉造影 Lower Artery Angiography上肢动脉造影 Upper Artery Angiography脑血管造影 Cerebrovascular Angiograhy主动脉弓胸腹主动脉造影 Aorta Angiography肾静脉取血 Kidney Vein Blood Sampling右心、左心造影 Right and Left Ventricular Angiography心肌活检 Myocardiam Centesis and Sampling冠状动脉造影 Coronary Arteriography腔静脉取血 Vena cava sampling心导管检查(微导管同)(进口仪器) Cardiac catheterization经皮球囊扩张 Percutaneous balloon dilatating予激综合症心内膜检测 Endocardial investigation of preexcitation syndrome 希氏束电图 Electrocardiogram of bundle of His心脏临时起搏 Cardiac temporary pacing埋置永久心脏起搏器 Cardioc permanent pacemaker implanting体肢动脉系统介入治疗 Transartery interventional therapy支气管动脉介入治疗 Bronchus artery interventional therapy肺动脉介入治疗 Pulmonary artery interventional therapy头臂动脉介入治疗 Brachiocephalic artery interventional therapy静脉介入治疗 Veinous interventional therapy冠状动脉介入治疗(球囊成形) Coronary Artery interventional therapy (balloon angioplasty) 冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内旋磨) Coronary Artery interventional therapy (rotablating)冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内支架) Coronary Artery interventional therapy (stent implantaion) 主动脉介入治疗 Aorta interventional therapy肾动脉介入治疗 Renal artery interventional therapy心脏瓣膜成形术 Heart valvuloplasty房间隔缺损封堵术 Atrial septal defect closer室间隔缺损封堵术 Ventricular septal defect closer动脉导管封堵术 Patent doctus arteriosus closer冠状动脉瘘封堵术 Coronary artery fistula closer冠状动脉腔内超声 Intracoronary ultrasound非冠状动脉血管内支架置入治疗 Stenting therapy of non-coronary artery经皮清除血管内异物 Transluminal eyewinker clearing经皮放置静脉滤器 Transluminal filter implantaion上肢MRA Upper Extremities MRA下肢MRA Lower Extremities MRA心脏大血管造影 Heart MR Angiography胸主动脉造影 T-Artery MR Angiography腹主动脉造影 Abd-Artery MR Angiography头部血管造影 Head MR Angiography颈部血管造影 Head MR Angiography盆腔血管造影 Pelvis MR Angiography。
(1)To prospectively evaluate the effect of heart rate, heart rate variability, and calcification dual-source computed tomography (CT) image quality and to prospectively assess diagnostic accuracy of dual-source CT for coronary artery stenosis. by using invasive coronary angiography as the reference standard.前瞻性评价心率、心率变异性及钙化双源计算机断层扫描成像质量的影响及对冠状动脉狭窄的双源性冠状动脉狭窄诊断的准确性评价。
(2)Chest radiography plays an essential role in the diagnosis of thoracic disease and is the most frequently performed radiologic examination in the United States. Since the discovery of X rays more than a century ago, advances in technology have yieled numerous improvements in thoracic imaging. Evolutionary progress in film-based imaging has led to the development of excellent screen-film systems specifically designed for chest radiography.胸部X线摄影中起着至关重要的作用在胸部疾病的诊断,是最常用的影像学检查在美国。
(1)To prospectively evaluate the effect of heart rate, heart rate variability, and calcification dual-source computed tomography (CT) image quality and to prospectively assess diagnostic accuracy of dual-source CT for coronary artery stenosis. by using invasive coronary angiography as the reference standard.前瞻性评价心率、心率变异性及钙化双源计算机断层扫描成像质量的影响及对冠状动脉狭窄的双源性冠状动脉狭窄诊断的准确性评价。
(2)Chest radiography plays an essential role in the diagnosis of thoracic disease and is the most frequently performed radiologic examination in the United States. Since the discovery of X rays more than a century ago, advances in technology have yieled numerous improvements in thoracic imaging. Evolutionary progress in film-based imaging has led to the development of excellent screen-film systems specifically designed for chest radiography.胸部X线摄影中起着至关重要的作用在胸部疾病的诊断,是最常用的影像学检查在美国。
医学影像学专业英语1Cardiovascular system
Cardio-thoracic Ratio
One of the easiest observations to make is the cardio-thoracic ratio which is the widest diameter of the heart compared to the widest internal diameter of the rib cage
Cardiac size
• The cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) is the ratio between the maximum transverse diameter of the heart and the maximum transverse diameter of the chest.
– RAO : right anterior oblique – LAO : left anterior oblique – LP : lateral view – PA : posteroanterior view
• Cardiac catheterization 心导管检查 • Cardiac contrast examination 心脏造影检查
dropping heart: long and thin type
horizocardia:view in obese type
All normal shape of heart and great vessels
oblique heart:middle type
Effect of age to the heart shape
Diagnostic radiology of Cardiovascular system
医学影像诊断学专业英语学习中的技巧包括:l 熟记常用的词根、前后缀和病名l 熟记常用的高频词和句型l 熟记全文阅读中的关键词l 结合专业知识进行阅读和猜测本文针对这几个方面提供了如下相关内容,供同学们参考。
常用的词根、前后缀和常见疾病病名Why Do We Study Medical Terminology?The number of Medical words are enormous. How many medical words are there in a medium-sized medical dictionary? The answer is around 100,000, which is only a conservative estimate. Moreover, like the jargon(行话)in all forward-moving fields, the number is expanding so constantly and quickly that it defies 藐视any memorization!Most medical terms are based on Greek and Latinwords, which areconsistent 一致的and uniform 统一的throughout manydifferent areas. These Greek and Latin parts of words are called the root, prefix, suffix, combing vowels and combining forms.The root, prefix, suffix can aid in learning and remembering medical terms and even help in making informed guesses as to the meaning of unfamiliar words.Furthermore, their numbers are limited, about 400 to 500 or so (the most active ones), but the combinations derived from them are enormous. From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably reach the conclusion that to learn the root, prefix, suffix is much more efficient and meaningful than to try to memorize every medical term.••adeno-腺•angio- 血管•arterio-动脉•arthro-关节•atrio-心房;•bi-双,生,生命•blastoma-胚细胞瘤•carcino-癌•card-, cardio-,心,贲门•centesis-穿刺术•cephal-, cephalo-头•chondr-;chondrio-软骨;•chromato-; chrom-; chromo-色•colon-结肠•cranio-颅•cyano-青紫,绀•cysto-囊肿,膀胱;•cyto-细胞•dendron-树突•derma-皮,皮肤•diplo-双,两•dys –不良,困难,障碍•enteric-肠•exo-外•fibro-纤维•ganglio-神经节•glio-:胶质;•glyco- gluco- 糖,甜•gon-精液,种子,膝;•graphy--书写,记录,摄影•hemi-半;•hemo-,haemo- 血•hepato-肝•histo-组织•hyper-高,多,超;•hystero-子宫,癔病•iatro-医师,医学•idio-自发,特异;•infra-在下;•inter-间;•intra--内,在内;•latero-侧,旁•leio-平滑•lingo-舌•lysis-;lyso-溶解• -megaly大;•meningo-脑膜,脊膜;•meno-月经•meta-变,转•meta-间位,偏位,变,转,后,旁,次•mito-线•mono-单,一•morpho-形态,形•muco-黏液•multi-多•myelo-, myel-,髓,脊髓•myo-肌•necro-坏死,尸体•nephro-肾•neuro/neur-神经•oligo-少;•osteo-骨;•-plasty 成形术•pneumo-气,气体,呼吸•poly-多•pseudo-假•pulmo -肺•pyelo-肾盂•pykno-致密•pyloro-幽门;•rectal-直肠的•renal 肾的•retro-后,向后,在后•salpingo-管,咽鼓管,输卵管•sarco-肉,肌•scope,镜•semi-半•sphero-球•sterno-胸骨•sub--下,在下,次,亚•supra-:上•supra-tentorial 幕上的•thoraco-胸•thrombo--血栓•-tomy,切开术•toxico- 毒•trans-经,越,横过,•tri-三•uni-一,单;•urino-, uro-, ur-,urono-尿•varico- 静脉曲张•vaso- 血管•veno-静脉•ventriculo-(脑,心)室•vertebro- 椎骨,脊柱•adenoma 腺瘤•adenomyosis子宫内膜异位症•adnexitis 子宫附件炎•air bronchogram 支气管气像•aortic regurgitation 主动脉关闭不全•aortic stenosis 主动脉狭窄•arteriovenous malformation 动静脉畸形•arthropathy 关节病•astrocytoma 星形细胞瘤•atelectasis 肺不张•atrial septal defect房间隔缺损•arteriovenous fistulae , AVF 动静脉瘘•bronchial foreign body支气管异物•bronchiectasis 支气管扩张•bronchiolitis 细支气管炎•cerebral Infarction 脑梗死•chondroma 软骨瘤•colonoscopy 结肠镜检查术•congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭•consolidation 肺实变•coronary heart disease 冠状动脉性心脏病•craniopharyngioma 颅咽管瘤•DWI 扩散成像•emphysema 肺气肿•ependymoma 室管膜瘤.•epidural haematoma 硬脑膜外血肿•filling defect 充盈缺损•four chamber subcostal view 剑突下四腔心•gastric ulcer 胃溃疡•giant cell tumor of bone 骨巨细胞瘤•glioblastoma 恶性胶质瘤•glioma 胶质瘤•hepatic cavernous haemangioma 肝海绵状血管瘤•hepatocellular carcinoma 肝细胞肝癌•hepatomegaly 肝肿大•inferior vena cava 下腔静脉•infertility 不孕症,•intraluminal crater 腔内龛影•mediastinal thyroid mass 胸内甲状腺•MIP: Maximum Intensity Projection 最大密度投影•MPR: Multiple Plannar Reconstruction 多平面重组•musculoskeletal 骨肌的•nephrohydrosis 肾积水•nephrolithiasis 肾石病•niche 龛影•Oligodendroglioma 少突胶质胞瘤•osteiod osteoma骨样骨瘤•osteochondroma 骨软骨瘤•osteomalacia 骨软化症•osteoma 骨瘤•osteoporosis 骨质疏松症•osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤•osteosclerosis 骨硬化•patent ductus arteriosus 动脉导管未闭•pericarditis 心包炎•pleural effusion 胸腔积液•pleural thickening 胸膜肥厚•pneumothorax 气胸•prostatic adenocarcinoma 前列腺癌•prostitis 前列腺炎•prostomegaly 前列腺肥大•pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺动脉高压•pulmonary artery stenosis 肺动脉狭窄•pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞•pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血•pulmonary valve stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄•pyloritis 幽门炎•pylorostenosis, 幽门狭窄•pylorus 幽门•renal cell carcinoma 肾细胞癌•rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病•sequestrum 死骨片•splenomegaly 脾肿大•SSD:Shaded Surface Display 表面遮盖显示•subarachnoid haemorrhage 蛛网膜下腔出血•subdural haematoma 硬脑膜下血肿•superior vena cava 上腔静脉.•Tetralogy of Fallot 法洛氏四联症•the lesser curvature 胃小弯•thromboembolism 血栓栓塞•thrombolysis 血栓溶解•thrombophlebitis 血栓性静脉炎•thymoma 胸腺瘤•ulcerating carcinoma 溃疡性癌•uterine leiomyoma 子宫肌瘤•VE: Virtural Endoscopy 仿真内窥镜•ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损•VR: Volume-Rendering Technique 容积再现―医学影像诊断学‖专业英语学习技巧(2)—高频词、短语和常用句型篇对病变描述常用的高频词和短语l 形态:round,oval , ovoid, tubular , lobulated , spherical shape 圆形,卵圆形,管状的,分叶的, 球形irregular configuration 形态不规则bulging 凸出的l 性质:cystic, solid , complex 囊性,实性,混合性l 质地:homogeneous/ heterogeneous/inhomogeneous 均匀,不均匀l 边界:界限清楚well-defined /well circumscribed(限制) / sharply delineated borders/ sharplymarginated 具有明显边缘的界限不清楚 ill-defined/ poor-defined /unsharp borders/边界不规则irregular border轮廓清晰smooth contour有囊包着的encapsulated•扫描的方位:axial / coronal/ sagittal 横、矢、冠状位与X线有关的常用高频词和短语•fluoroscopy X线透视检查•plain radiograph 平片•chest film 胸片•PA chest radiograph 后前位胸片•lateral chest radiograph 侧位胸片•the lateral film 侧位片•increased pulmonary vascular markings 肺纹理增多•reduction of lung markings 肺纹理减少•paucity of vascular markings ( 肺)纹理减少•on barium studies of the gastrointestinal system 胃肠钡餐透视•on barium esophagogram. 食道钡餐透视The most frequent feature of the plain radiograph is dilatation of the ascending aorta与CT线有关的常用高频词和短语密度的描述:•isoattenuating / isodense 等密度• hyperattenuating/ hyperdense / high attenuation 高密度• hypoattenuating/ low attenuation / hypodense/ 低密度•mixed densities 混合密度• attenuation close to that of water 近似水的密度•CT 平扫on precontrast CT/ unenhanced CT :强化CT contrast CT/enhanced CTC T扫描序列•The most widely used protocol实验设计,序列for bronchiectasis consists of 1 - 1.5 mm collimation scans every 10 mm from the lung apex to the diaphragm.与MR有关的常用高频词和短语信号的描述:l 高/低/等/混合/不均匀信号:hyperintense/hypointense/isointense/iso-hyperintens/ mixed density /mixed signal of hyperintensity /heterogeneously mass on T1WI/ T2WI ;l 信号流空signal voidl On MR the cyst is typically low signal on T1WI and high on T2WI.囊肿的磁共振典型表现是T1WI低信号、高信号T2WI与MR检查技术的评价有关的常用句型•The tumor is hypointense on T1WI and inhomogeneously hyperintense on T2 WI 肿瘤在T1WI 为低信号,在T2WI 为不均匀的高信号•Magnetic resonance imaging is the optimal 理想的technique for detecting abnormalities of the aortic sinuses, annulus瓣环, and ascending aorta associated with aortic regurgitationl MR angiography is now used for identifying coronary artery anomalies and determining coronary bypass graft 旁路移植术,搭桥术patency开放.l A tumor capsule may be visible in isoattenuating lesions与强化有关的高频词、常用短语和句型l 轻度/中度/明显/均匀/不均匀/斑片状/边缘-----强化mild /moderate/marked/ inhomogeneous /homogeneous enhancement. /patchy / rim enhancementl 轻到中度强化Enhancement is mild to moderate ;l 注入对比剂后无强化the absence of enhancement after intravenous injection of gadoliniuml 静脉注入对比剂后:following intravenous contrast medium administration./ Following contrast enhancement/ following contrast injection/ intravenous contrast / following gadolinium injection.l 选择性碘离子对比剂注射后after selective injection of iodinated contrast media• They may enhance homogeneously 它们均匀强化•Enhancement is mild to moderate and inhomogeneous. 轻到中度强化•The patchy enhancement may persist 持续for several minutes.斑片状强化可持续几分钟• A homogeneous marked enhancement is observed following contrast injection明显均匀强化与超声有关的常用高频词和短语US: 回声的描述l echogenic/ hyperechioc /echo-rich 强回声l echopenic /hypoechioc/ echo-poor 低回声l anechoic 无回声l isoechoic 等回声l mixed pattern of echogenicity 混合回声l dorsal acoustic shadowing 后方声影There is markedly hyperechoic lesion without dorsal acoustic shadowing(声影).超声检查方法评价有关句型• Echocardiography, two-dimensional and Doppler, are the most frequently employed modality for最常用的the diagnosis and assessment of severity of aortic stenosis.•It is also the preferred method for首选的monitoring the dimension of the sinus and ascending aorta in patients with aortoannular ectasia扩张as the cause of aortic regurgitation.与介入有关的常用高频词、短语和句型• DSA( Digital Subtraction Angiography) 数字减影• Seldinger technique Seldinger 技术• to be inserted percutaneously 经皮穿刺•Selective coronary arteriography is performed (行)using specially shaped catheters.•The most frequently used catheters are the Judkins catheters for the right and left coronary arteries.•These catheters are inserted percutaneously into the femoral artery employing the Seldinger technique.•Balloon dilatation of the valve is now the preferred procedure• A multihole catheter is introduced into the femoral vein and passed through the right heart using fluoroscopic guidance•Contrast media is injected into the main pulmonary artery for the diagnosis of congenital heart disease•Pulmonary angiography has long been recommended as the procedure of choice in the patient with a suspected diagnosis of PE描述CT/ MR/US―(可/不很好/清楚的)显示‖这类影像学表现的常用动词和句型有主动语态、被动语态和形容词三种形式•主动语态译法:― CT/MR/US可很好的显示….;‖例句:•Cine MR image in axial plane during systole depicts(显示)a signalvoid emanating 发出from the mitral valve. The signal void represents mitral regurgitation•被动语态译法:―(影像学的表现)显示为…‖例句:The HCC is depicted(显示)as a hyperattenuating, unsharply limited, multifocal lesion•形容词形式句型译法例句:However, it may be nondepictable (不显示)on chest radiography and only demonstrated on CT scans.如下是更多的常用于表示―显示‖的动词和主动、被动语态、形容词形式的例句•PA chest radiograph shows(显示)overinflation of the left hemithorax(半侧胸廓)•CT scan clearly shows(显示)the hyperdensity of the subarachnoid spaces…•Plain film radiographs can reveal (显示)widening of the internal auditory canal;•Ultrasound examination of the liver demonstrates (显示)a slightly hypoechoic lesion with sharply delineated borders, oval shape and no dorsal acoustic enhancement.•But in more central areas of the liver is not demonstrated (显示)well on CT•Tricuspid regurgitation can be demonstrated(显示)by colour flow mapping or Doppler echocardiography.• A substantial number, however, of cavernous haemangioma display (显示)a more "atypical" contrast enhancement pattern•Cirrhosis is well displayed on CT• A homogeneous marked enhancement is observed(显示)following contrast injection•Following contrast enhancement an inhomogeneous degree of enhancement of the liver parenchyma is observed(显示)in the cirrhotic liver.•On barium studies of the gastrointestinal system displacement of the stomach, duodenum and colon secondary to the changes in liver volume and morphology will be noted(显示)•Colour Doppler sonography visualizes routinely the high vascularization(血管化)of HCC•The enhancing walls of the thrombosed veins can be visualized (可被显示为…)• A tumor capsule may be visible in isoattenuating lesions•The intraventricular haemorrhage on the left side is well appreciated as(可被显示)hyperintense.•Contour deformity(畸形) may be detectable(显示)in lesions•An extracranial subgaleal(帽状腱膜下的)haematoma on the left side is also present. (显示/有)•Intrahepatic biliary duct dilatation can also be seen on precontrast CT .•Inhomogeneous enhancement (不均匀强化)of the solid components of the tumor is seen. (可被显示/可见)•The HCC is depicted(可被显示)as a hyperattenuating, unsharply limited, multifocal lesion•Cine MR image in axial plane during systole depicts(显示)a signalvoid emanating 发出from the mitral valve. The signal void represents mitral regurgitation•However, it may be nondepictable (不显示)on chest radiography and only demonstrated on CT scans.•Calcification is readily容易的identified on fluoroscopy but only dense calcification is recognized(显示)on plain radiography.•Grade II PVH is indicated by(显示)Kerley B lines and other signs of thickened interlobular septa•It also discloses (显示)a malalignment 排列错乱的type of ventricular septal defect.医学影像诊断学专业英语学习技巧(3)—―首先找出每段落的关键词‖篇全文阅读技巧:•在全文阅读中首先找到每段中的关键词,就知道该段落重要讲述的内容是啥。
一、部位location:同侧ipsilateral;对侧contralateral;患侧affected side;健侧intact side;近侧proximal side;远侧distal side;移位deviation,shift,displacement;无移位nondisplaced;抬高elevation;下降descent,fall;邻接abutting,next to,secondary to;二、范围extent:局限localized,regional;弥散diffuse;三、分布distribution:单侧unilateral;双侧bilateral,(in)both(lung fields);对称symmetric;不对称asymmetric;孤立solitary;散在scattered;融合confluence(confluent);中心性central;偏心性eccentric;周围的periphery,peripheral;主要predominantly,primarily;in a segmental or lobar distribution;(sth) on the left;in the left lower zone;稀疏;集中;四、数目number:单发solitary,single;多发multiple;增多increase;减少decrease;消失disappear;五、大小size:大large;小small;扩大enlarge/enlargement;扩张dilatation;膨胀distention;缩小shrink;体积缩小loss of volume;狭窄stenosis,narrowing;闭塞occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;生长速率rate of growth;倍增时间doubling time;直径小于3厘米less than 3cm in diameter;不超过1厘米(small nodules)10 mm or less in size;直径增长25% 25% increase in diameter;体积增大一倍doubling of volume;大小不同的of varying sizes;六、形状shape,morphology:点状dot(punctual,punctate);斑点状mottling,stippled;粟粒状miliary;结节状nodular;团块状mass,masslike;圆形circular,round,rounded;卵圆形oval;椭圆形ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状lobulated;片状patchy;条索stripe;线状linar;网状reticular;囊状cystic;弧线形curvilinear;星状stellate;纠集crowding,converging;舟状boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状dumb-bell;不规则形irregular;细致fine;粗糙coarse;变形deformity;增粗、增厚thicken;变细、变薄thinning;变平flattened;七、边缘border,margin(marginated),rim,edge(edged);轮廓(外形)outline,contour;光滑(smooth);清晰,锐利(sharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed,clear,distinct);模糊hazy,indistinct,blurred,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out (sth);不规则irregular;毛刺状、针状spiculated;分叶的lobulated,multilobulated;八、密度density(dense),densitometry,attenuation(X线成像):透亮lucency(lucent),transparent;病灶lesion:阴影shadow;不透光haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密density(dense);低密度hypodense,low density;高密度hyperdense,high density;混杂密度mixed density;solid,subsolid(part solid),ground-glass(nonsolid)回声echo(echoic)(超声成像):* 无回声anecho,弱回声poor echo,低回声hypoecho,low level echo;等回声medium echo,iso-echo,高回声hyper echo,high level echo,强回声strong echo;信号signal(磁共振成像):低信号hypointensity;高信号hyperintensity;九、程度:轻度mild;slightly;中度moderately;重度severe;grossly;十、变化:一过性的,短暂的ephemeral;fleeting;transient;稳定stability(stable);密度水样密度watery density等密度isodense均匀密度homogeneous density不均匀密度nonhomogeneous density信号等信号isointensity混合信号heterogeneous intensity信号强度减弱decreased signal intensity信号强度增高increased signal intensity流空现象flow empty phenomena增强enhancement静脉团注法intravenous bolus injection technique静脉快速滴注法intravenous rapid infusion增强扫描enhancement scan延迟扫描delayed scan动态扫描dynamic scan电影扫描cine scan增强前pre-enhancement pre-contrast增强后post-enhancement post-contrast动脉期arterial phase微血管期capillary phase静脉期venous phase延迟期delayed phase均匀增强homogeneous enhancement不均匀增强nonhomegeneous enhancement环状增强circular enhancement结节状增强nodular enhancement片状增强patchy enhancement脑回样增强gyriform enhancement边缘增强rim enhancement平片与体位常规位置:standard views;补充位置:supplementary views;前后位AP,anteroposterior;后前位PA,posteroanterior;侧位lateral;斜位oblique;轴位axial;切线位tangential;眼眶orbit鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位occipitomental,Waters;眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位occipitofrontal,Caldwell;视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位Rhese;颞骨temporal bone乳突侧位:15°侧位,劳氏位Law;25°侧位,许氏位Schuller;35°侧位,伦氏位Runstrom;斜位:后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位Stenvers;前后斜位、反斯氏位;岩部轴位:(仰卧45°)梅氏位Mayer;欧文氏位Owen;岩部前后位AP axial,Towne;拇指thumb拇指前后位Robert;手hand后前斜位pronation oblique;前后斜位supination oblique,ball-catcher's腕wrist舟骨位scaphoid;腕管位carpal tunnel;肘elbow小头位capitellum,鹰嘴位olecranon;髋hip侧位(蛙形位)frog-leg,侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;颈椎cervical spine第1、2颈椎前后位,张口位open-mouth,OMV;胸部chest侧卧位lateral decubitus,前凸位(前后位及后前位)apical lordotic;前弓位kyphotic;附:床旁portable;呼气像expiratory;高千伏摄影high kilovoltage radiography;腹部abdomen腹平片plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder (仰卧)前后位supine abdominal radiograph;立位upright abdominal radiograph;乳腺breast钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;。
影像专业英语词汇一、部位location:同侧ipsilateral;对侧contralateral;患侧affected side;健侧intact side;近侧proximal side;远侧distal side;移位deviation,shift,displacement;无移位nondisplaced;抬高elevation;下降descent,fall;邻接abutting,next to,secondary to;二、范围extent:局限localized,regional;弥散diffuse;三、分布distribution:单侧unilateral;双侧bilateral,(in)both(lung fields);对称symmetric;不对称asymmetric;孤立solitary;散在scattered;融合confluence(confluent);中心性central;偏心性eccentric;周围的periphery,peripheral;主要predominantly,primarily;in a segmental or lobar distribution;on the left;in the left lower zone;稀疏;集中;四、数目number:单发solitary,single;多发multiple;增多increase;减少decrease;消失disappear;五、大小size:大large;小small;扩大enlarge/enlargement;扩张dilatation;膨胀distention;缩小shrink;体积缩小loss of volume;狭窄stenosis,narrowing;闭塞occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;生长速率rate of growth;倍增时间doubling time;直径小于3厘米less than 3cm in diameter;不超过1厘米(small nodules)10 mm or less in size;直径增长25% 25% increase in diameter;体积增大一倍doubling of volume;大小不同的of varying sizes;六、形状shape,morphology:点状dot(punctual,punctate);斑点状mottling,stippled;粟粒状miliary;结节状nodular;团块状mass,masslike;圆形circular,round,rounded;卵圆形oval;椭圆形ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状lobulated;片状patchy;条索stripe;线状linar;网状reticular;囊状cystic;弧线形curvilinear;星状stellate;纠集crowding,converging;舟状boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状dumb-bell;不规则形irregular;细致fine;粗糙coarse;变形deformity;增粗、增厚thicken;变细、变薄thinning;变平flattened;七、边缘border,margin(marginated),rim,edge(edged);轮廓(外形)outline,contour;光滑(smooth);清晰,锐利(sharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed,clear,distinct);模糊hazy,indistinct,blurred,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out (sth);不规则irregular;毛刺状、针状spiculated;分叶的lobulated,multilobulated;八、密度density(dense),densitometry,attenuation(X线、CT):透亮lucency(lucent),transparent;病灶lesion:阴影shadow;不透光haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密density(dense);等密度isodense;低密度hypodense,low density;高密度hyperdense,high density;混杂密度mixed density;solid,subsolid(part solid),磨玻璃密度ground-glass(nonsolid)水样密度watery density均匀密度homogeneous density;不均匀密度nonhomogeneous density回声echo(echoic)(超声成像):无回声anecho,弱回声poor echo,低回声hypoecho,low level echo;等回声medium echo,iso-echo,高回声hyper echo,high level echo,强回声strong echo;信号signal(磁共振成像):低信号hypointensity;高信号hyperintensity;等信号isointensity混合信号heterogeneous intensity信号强度减弱decreased signal intensity;信号强度增高increased signal intensity 流空现象flow empty phenomena九、程度:轻度mild,slightly;中度moderately;重度severe,grossly;十、变化:一过性的,短暂的ephemeral;fleeting;transient;稳定stability(stable);十一、增强enhancement:静脉团注法intravenous bolus injection technique静脉快速滴注法intravenous rapid infusion增强扫描enhancement scan延迟扫描delayed scan动态扫描dynamic scan电影扫描cine scan增强前pre-enhancement pre-contrast增强后post-enhancement post-contrast动脉期arterial phase微血管期capillary phase静脉期venous phase延迟期delayed phase均匀增强homogeneous enhancement不均匀增强nonhomegeneous enhancement环状增强circular enhancement结节状增强nodular enhancement片状增强patchy enhancement脑回样增强gyriform enhancement边缘增强rim enhancement常规位置:standard views;补充位置:supplementary views;X线投射方位前后位AP,anteroposterior;后前位PA,posteroanterior;侧位lateral;斜位oblique;轴位axial;切线位tangential;眼眶orbit鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位occipitomental,Waters;眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位occipitofrontal,Caldwell;视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位Rhese;颞骨temporal bone乳突侧位:15°侧位,劳氏位Law;25°侧位,许氏位Schuller;35°侧位,伦氏位Runstrom;斜位:后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位Stenvers;前后斜位、反斯氏位;岩部轴位:(仰卧45°)梅氏位Mayer;欧文氏位Owen;岩部前后位AP axial,Towne;拇指thumb拇指前后位Robert;手hand后前斜位pronation oblique;前后斜位supination oblique,ball-catcher's腕wrist舟骨位scaphoid;腕管位carpal tunnel;肘elbow小头位capitellum,鹰嘴位olecranon;髋hip侧位(蛙形位)frog-leg,侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;颈椎cervical spine第1、2颈椎前后位,张口位open-mouth,OMV;胸部chest侧卧位lateral decubitus,前凸位(前后位及后前位)apical lordotic;前弓位kyphotic;床旁portable;呼气像expiratory;高千伏摄影high kilovoltage radiography;腹部abdomen腹平片plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder(仰卧)前后位supine abdominal radiograph;立位upright abdominal radiograph;乳腺breast钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;常用的后缀一、名词性后缀1,-age为抽象名词后缀,表示行为,状态和全体总称percentage百分数,百分率,voltage电压,伏特数,lavage灌洗,洗,出法,gavage 管词法,curettage刮除法,shortage不足,缺少。
(1)To prospectively evaluate the effect of heart rate, heart rate variability, and calcification dual-source computed tomography (CT) image quality and to prospectively assess diagnostic accuracy of dual-source CT for coronary artery stenosis. by using invasive coronary angiography as the reference standard.前瞻性评价心率、心率变异性及钙化双源计算机断层扫描成像质量的影响及对冠状动脉狭窄的双源性冠状动脉狭窄诊断的准确性评价。
(2)Chest radiography plays an essential role in the diagnosis of thoracic disease and is the most frequently performed radiologic examination in the United States. Since the discovery of X rays more than a century ago, advances in technology have yieled numerous improvements in thoracic imaging. Evolutionary progress in film-based imaging has led to the development of excellent screen-film systems specifically designed for chest radiography.胸部X线摄影中起着至关重要的作用在胸部疾病的诊断,是最常用的影像学检查在美国。
By 南方医影像-枝枝Chest plain film/plain chest radiography 胸部平片 Posteroanterior 后前位 Left-lateral 左侧位 Contour 轮廓Symmetric 对称 Lung field 肺野 Lung marking 肺纹理 Lesion 病变Lung hilar 肺门Mediastinum 胸廓Diaphragm 膈肌Rib 肋骨Round-shaped 类圆形的 Mass 团块 Post-basic segment 后基底段Lobulated-edge 边缘分叶Well-defined margin 边界清楚ill-define margin 边缘不清 vague margin Homogeneous attenuation 密度均匀 Thoracic vertebraes 胸椎 Obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张Sign of “recersal S” 反S征 Bilateral 双侧的 Cloud-shaped areas 大片密度增高区域Piece-like high attunuation 片状高密度Pulmonary edema 肺水肿Node 结节Acute miliary tuberculosis 急性粟粒性肺结核Anteroposterior abdomen plain film 腹部平片Supine overhead projection 仰卧前后位投照Radiopaque foreign body 不透光异物Stone 结石Liver 肝gallbladder 胆kidney 肾Bowel 肠Distension 扩张Free gas 游离气体Vertebrate and pelvis bone 腰椎和骨盆 Plain film of pelvis 骨盆平片 Acetabulun 髋臼 Hip joint 髋关节 Bone destruction 骨质破坏Femoral head 股骨头The left hip joint space 左髋关节间隙Osteoporosis 骨质疏松By 南方医影像-枝枝Anteroposterior elbow plain film 前后位肘关节平片Osteoslerosis 骨质硬化Hyperosteogeny 骨质增生Humerus 肱骨 Ulna 尺骨 Radius 桡骨 Periosteal reaction 骨膜反应 Periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生(骨膜反应) Dislocated 脱位Soft tissue软组织Tibia 胫骨Fibula 腓骨Cortex 皮质Oblique fissure 斜行骨折线Fracture 骨折There is no obvious angle formation or abnormal removing of the breaking ends.骨折断端未见明显错位 Femur 股骨 Metaphysis 干骺端 metaphyseal A longitude of 16 cm 长约16cm Slice-like 层状Linear 线状Epiphysis 骨骺 Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎 Lower end 下端 Septa 分隔Distend 膨胀、扩大Disrupted 中断Giant-cell tumor 巨细胞瘤Needle-like 针状Tumor bone 肿瘤骨Osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤Upper gastrointestinal barlum meal examination and photogragh 上消化道钡餐造影摄片 Folds 皱襞 Esophagus 食管 Peristalsis 蠕动Evacuation 排空Stomach 胃Niche 龛影crater Stenosis 狭窄Filling defect 充盈缺损 Duodennal cap and loop 十二指肠球及肠圈 Mucosal folds 黏膜皱襞By 南方医影像-枝枝 Gastric antrum 胃窦 Coarse 粗糙的 Nodular 结节状的Spasm 痉挛Antral gastritis 胃窦炎Pouch 囊袋Diverticulum 憩室Deformed 变形Barium filled spot 钡斑Mucous folds converging 黏膜皱襞聚集Palpation 触诊(加压)Peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡Duodenal bulb 十二指肠球部Lesser curvature of the stomach 胃小弯Barium-gas plane 气钡平面Penetrating gastric ulcer 穿透性溃疡 Lumen 管腔 Gastric body 胃体Antrum 胃窦Stiff 僵硬的Cardia 贲门、心脏Fundus 胃底Pyloric 幽门的Colon结肠Oppressing 压迫Excrete 排泄、分泌Interruption 中断Sigmoid 乙状结肠Transverse colon 横结肠Thorn-like 小刺状的 Ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎 Ascent colon 升结肠 Bowel obstruction 肠梗阻 Transverse image 轴位像 Plain CT scan CT平扫 Axial 轴位 8 mm slice apart 8 mm 层厚8mm,间隔8mm Brain parenchyma 脑实质Ventricle 脑室Subarchnoid cavity蛛网膜下腔 Midline structures 中线结构 Circumferential 周围的External capsule 外囊Hypo-attenuation 低密度Hyper-attenuation 高密度 axial area 横截面积By 南方医影像-枝枝 Deformed 变形 Adjacent 邻近的 Deviated 移位Hematoma 血肿Pre-contrast transverse image 平扫轴位像Post-contrast scan增强扫描 Kernel 中心(窗位?) Frontal part 额部 Predominantly 主要的 Wide-base 广基底 Cerebral flax 大脑镰Calcification 钙化Inner table 内板Meningioma 脑膜瘤Coronal 冠状的Orbit 眼眶MPR reconstruction MPR重建Isoattenuating 等密度Prominent 凸出的、杰出的、显著的On arterial phase images 在动脉期Spotted enhancement点状强化Progressive enhancement 渐进性强化 Cavernous hemangioma 海绵状血管瘤 Temporal bone 颞骨 Facial cannal 面神经管 Internal auditory meatus 内听道Benign 良性的Nasopharynx 鼻咽Pharyngeal recess 咽隐窝 Obliterate 消失、擦除 Parapharyngeal space 咽旁间隙 Ringed enhancement 环状强化 Invasion 发病、侵袭Metastasis 转移Sagittal image 矢状位Cervical 颈部的cervical vertebra 颈椎 vertebrae Alignment 排列 Curvature 曲度Disci 椎间盘 Nerve root 神经根 Sleeve 袖、套 Lumbar spine 腰椎Ligament 韧带 Disc herniation 椎间盘突出 Exceed 超出 Epidural 硬膜外By 南方医影像-枝枝 Isthmus 峡部 Mildly 轻度的 Surge forward 向前 Spondylolisthesis 椎体前移 Osteosclerosis 骨质硬化 Marrow lumen 骨髓腔Heterogeneous 均匀 Dysplasia 发育不良 Fibrous dysplasia 纤维异常增殖症 Sternum 胸骨 CT value CT值 Cyst 囊肿Compage of thorax 胸廓 Trachea 气管 Bronchi 支气管 Through 通畅 Lymphadenectasis 淋巴结肿大 Air bronchogram sign 空气支气管征 Carina of trachea 气管隆突 Pneumonia 肺炎 Apico- 尖、顶Lobular 分叶 Spicule 毛刺 Biopsy 活检 Orifice 开口 Occlusion 闭塞Thymoma 胸腺瘤Configuration 形态Proportion 比例Hepatic lobe 肝叶Hepatic parenchyma 肝实质Dilated 扩张Spleen 脾脏 Retro- 向后、后 Retroperitoneal 腹膜后 Artery phase、vein phase、delay phase动脉期、静脉期、延迟期Peripheral enhancement 周边强化 Portal vein 门静脉 Inferior vena cave 下腔静脉 Centripetally 向心性地 Cavernous hemangioma 海绵状血管瘤Heterogeneous 不均匀的Splenomegaly 脾大Hepatocarcinoma 肝癌Neoplastic 肿瘤的Thrombosis 血栓形成neoplastic thrombosis 癌栓By 南方医影像-枝枝 Cirrhosis 硬化、肝硬化 Cholecy 胆囊 Ectomy 切除术cholecyectomy 胆囊切除术Pneumo- 肺、呼吸、空气pneumotosis积气Common bile duct 胆总管Dilation 扩张Posterolateral 后外侧 Administration 行政、管理、处理 Contrast material 对比剂 Renal pelvis 肾盂 Renal calices 肾盏 Hepatorenal recess 肝肾隐窝 Nephric 肾的 Perinephric space 肾周间隙 Gerota 肾Fascia 筋膜Gerota’s fascia 肾周筋膜Pancreatitis 胰腺炎Mesenteric 肠系膜的 Superior mesenteric vein 肠系膜上静脉 CT endoscopy CT内窥镜 Greater curvature 胃大弯 Gastroscopy 胃镜colonscopy 结肠镜 MPR、SSD、VR、CTVE Cecum 盲肠 cecal 盲肠的Protrude 突出、凸出Tumor 肿瘤carcinoma 癌Urinary bladder 膀胱 Uterus 子宫 Appendage 附件 Ureters 输尿管 CTU VRT MIP Cystoscopy 膀胱镜 Aorta 主动脉 Ascending aorta 胸主动脉Cephalic 头部的brachio 臂brachiocephalic trunk 头臂干Proximal 近端的、基部的Carotid 颈动脉的Common carotid artery 颈总动脉 Endo- 内 endomembrane 内膜 Tortuous 扭曲的、迂曲的Collateral 侧支Dissecting 夹层aneurysm 动脉瘤dissecting aneurysm 夹层动脉瘤 Thrombosis 血栓形成 Takayasu arteritis 多发性大动脉炎 Give rise to 引起 Embolism 栓塞 Iliac 髂的、回肠的 ileum 回肠 Common iliac artery 髂总动脉 Femoral 股femoral artery 股动脉Popliteal 腘popliteal artery 腘动脉Peroneal 腓 peroneal artery 腓动脉By 南方医影像-枝枝Tibial 胫tibial artery 胫动脉Right coronary artery 右冠状动脉 Left anterior descending artery 左前降支 Left circumflex artery 左旋支 Plague 瘟疫、灾祸、斑块 soft plague 软斑块 Orientation 方位 High signal intensity 高信号 Gyrus 脑回Infarction 梗死、缺血灶Parietal lobe 顶叶Subacute 亚急性的subacute bleeding 亚急性出血Occupying effect 占位效应Posterior horn 后角 Calcarine sulcus 距状沟 In coincidence with 与...一致Gray matter 灰质Splenium/genu/body of corpus callosum 胼胝体压部/膝部/体部 Heterotopia 异位 Subarachnoid 蛛网膜下的subarachnoid cavites 蛛网膜下腔Tonsil 扁桃体Cerebellum 小脑 Occipital 枕骨的 Cistern 池 Cerbrospinal fluid 脑脊液Malformation 急性myelo-髓syringo- 瘘管、洞Myelosyringosis 脊髓空洞症 Sellae 鞍区 Pituitary 垂体、粘液的Optic chiasma 视交叉 Sponge sinus 海绵窦 Craniopharyngeal duct 颅咽管 Adenoma 腺瘤 Internal carotid 颈内动脉 Uniformly 均匀地、一致地Spectrum 范围、系列、波谱spectroscopy 波谱Cusp 峰Infra 以下Ento- 内entoplastron 内板Convexity 凸面Cranial 颅盖的、颅的Dural 硬脑膜的Dural mater硬脑膜Creatine 肌酸 Meningioma 脑膜瘤 Left sidedness 左侧 Peduncle 脚、根、茎 bridge cerebellar peduncle region桥小脑区 Cork sign 瓶塞征By 南方医影像-枝枝 Brain stem 脑干 Acoustic 听觉的 Pontine 脑桥cerebellopontine angle 脑桥小脑角(桥小脑区)anterior pontine cistern 脑桥前池 Extrude 突入 Embed 包绕 Vertebral 椎的、椎骨的 vertebral artery 椎动脉 Ventricle 脑室 Corona radiate 放射冠 Screen pore 筛孔 Mass effect 占位效应 Malignant 恶性Glioma 胶质瘤 Medullary 髓 velum 帆 inferior medullary velum 下髓帆Aqueduct 导水管Vermis 小脑蚓部Blastoma-母细胞瘤medullblastoma髓母细胞瘤hemangioblastoma 血管母细胞瘤Transparent 明显的、透明的 Mural 壁的 mural tumor nodule 壁结节Clouding 片状的Lenticular 豆状的、透镜状的lenticular nucleus 豆状核 Caudate 尾的 caudate nucleus 尾状核 Precuneus 楔前叶Cingulate gyrus 扣带回Binding the history 结合病史Manifestation 表现 appearence Hepatolenticular degeneration 肝豆状核变性Basiobasis 基底节Maxillary sinus 上颌窦Physio-curvature 生理曲度 Bulging 膨胀、突出 Strip 条状 Spinal cord 脊髓 Sclerosis 硬化 Melanoma 黑色素瘤 Project forward into 突入Sphenoid sinus 蝶窦Clivus 斜坡Herniation 突出、疝出Depletion 缺如Lumber lamina 腰椎椎板Spinous process 棘突Menigo-matter 脊膜 Infiltrate 浸润 Extensive 广泛的 Subchondral 软骨下的 Endplate 终板By 南方医影像-枝枝 Cone 锥 medullary cone 脊髓圆锥 Cork 塞住、抑制 Bifid 二分的、双裂的 bifid spine 脊柱裂 Menigomyelocele 脊髓脊膜膨出 Sacral 骶骨 Proton 质子 Blotch 斑点 Archo 直肠Chordoma 脊索瘤Foramen 孔intervertebral foramen 椎间孔Neurogenic tumor 神经源性肿瘤 Placing upside down 倒置 Spinal meningima 脊膜瘤Raindrops 点滴状Teratoma 畸胎瘤Cholecyst 胆囊Tumefacient 膨胀的、肿大的Uterine 子宫Lacuna 缝隙、陷窝、管道Metra-archo lacuna 子宫直肠陷窝Uterine myoma 子宫肌瘤 Split 分离 endometrium 内膜 Fundus 底部 Incisure 切迹 Cervix 宫颈 Septation 间隔 Metrodysplasia 子宫发育异常bicorbate uterus 双角子宫Femoral head 股骨头Cartilage 软骨 Weight-bearing surface 负重面 Acetabulum 髋臼、关节腔 Aseptic 无菌的 Necrosis 坏死 Meniscus 新月形、关节盘、凸透镜Lateral meniscus 外侧半月板Articular 关节的Fat-saturated 压脂 Cruciate 十字的、交叉的 cruciate ligament 交叉韧带 Tendon 腱 Bone matrix 骨质 Rupture 撕裂 Mammary gland乳腺 Axilla 腋窝 Quadrant 象限 Raio-hair sign 放射状毛刺征 Crab-feet sign 蟹足征By 南方医影像-枝枝Basilar artery 基底动脉Constriction 狭窄Dilatation 扩张 Spread area 走行区域 Initiation 起始 Siphon 虹吸Anastomosis 吻合Aneurysm 动脉瘤Void 无效的、空隙、排泄Flowing void effect 流空效应 Fog 烟雾 Moyamoya disease 烟雾病The lateral internal carotid artery angiogram 颈内动脉侧位像 The frontal internal carotid artery angiogram 颈内动脉正位像Angiography 血管造影Anesthesia 麻醉Catheter 导管Catheterization 导管插入术femoral ~股动脉插管Tip 尖端Decannulation 拔管 Hemostasis 止血 Ward 病房 Course 走行、病程Sigmoid 乙状结肠sigmoid sinus 乙状窦Occipital 枕骨Tributary 属支Vascular 血管的Iohexol 碘海醇Sign of string beads 串珠征Tortuosity 扭曲Misty模糊的、烟雾状的Ophthalmic 眼的 Meningeal 脑膜的 Collateral circulation 侧支循环The oblique vertebral artery angiogram 椎动脉斜位像The anterposterior vertebral artery angiogram 椎动脉正位像 Saccular 囊状的 Aforementioned 前述的 Derive from 起源于 Capillary 毛细血管Arteriae bronchiales 支气管动脉Ondansetron Hydrochloride欧贝Dexamethasone 地塞米松Regafur 方克carboplatin 卡铂 mitomycin 丝裂霉素(化疗药物) Malaise 不适Twisted 扭曲的Reticular 网状的 Compatible with 符合 ~ tumor vessels 符合肿瘤血管By 南方医影像-枝枝 Inflexibility 僵直 Encirclement 包绕 Stain 染色Draining vein 引流静脉Fistulas 瘘Interventional treatment operation 介入治疗术 Contrast medium 对比剂 Nidus 病灶 The signs of early filling and delayed evacuationon of contrast medium 早出晚归征 PV门静脉 Rim 边缘 Tenuous 稀薄的、空洞的、纤细的Interlobular artery 小叶间动脉Arcuate artery 弓形动脉Shrunken 萎缩的Superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉Iodinated oil 乙碘油 Sequentially 依次 Withdraw 撤退 Winding迂曲的Embolization 栓塞Iohexol deposits well 碘油沉积良好Dorsal 背部的stop bleeding bands 止血带Diluted 稀释的Meglumine diatrizoate 泛影葡胺 Superficial vein 浅静脉 Retain 保留 Successively 依次地 Valve 瓣膜 Reflux 反流 Varicose 静脉曲张的、迂曲扩张的 Dysfunction 功能不全。
医学影像学专业英语Medical Imaging in English for Medical StudentsMedical imaging plays a crucial role in the field of medicine, providing valuable information for diagnosis, treatment, and research. As medical students, it is essential to have a good understanding of medical imaging terminology in English to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and medical professionals around the world.1. Introduction to Medical ImagingMedical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representations of the interior of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention. There are various modalities of medical imaging, including X-rays, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, and PET scans, each serving different purposes and providing unique information.2. Common Medical Imaging Terminology- X-ray: A form of electromagnetic radiation used to create images of the inside of the body, particularly bones.- Computed Tomography (CT): A diagnostic imaging procedure that uses X-rays and computer algorithms to create cross-sectional images of the body.- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): An imaging technique that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of organs and tissues.- Ultrasound: An imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the body.- Positron Emission Tomography (PET): A nuclear medicine imaging technique that produces images of the body's metabolic functions.- Radiologist: A medical doctor who specializes in interpreting medical images and diagnosing diseases.- Contrast Agent: A substance that is injected into the body to improve the visibility of internal structures in medical images.3. Importance of English Proficiency in Medical ImagingHaving a good command of medical imaging terminology in English is critical for medical students for the following reasons:- Effective Communication: English is the universal language of medicine, and being able to communicate in English ensures clear and effective communication with patients and medical professionals worldwide.- Access to Resources: Many medical research papers, textbooks, and online resources related to medical imaging are in English. Proficiency in English allows medical students to access and understand these valuable resources.- International Collaboration: With advancements in technology, medical professionals from different countries often collaborate on research projects. Proficiency in English facilitates international collaboration in the field of medical imaging.4. Tips for Learning Medical Imaging Terminology in English- Use Flashcards: Create flashcards with medical imaging terms in English and their corresponding translations or definitions in your native language.- Practice Pronunciation: Practice pronouncing medical imaging terms in English to improve your speaking skills and communication with English-speaking patients.- Watch Educational Videos: Watch educational videos on medical imaging terminology in English to reinforce your understanding of key concepts and terms.- Participate in English Language Classes: Enroll in English language classes or workshops specifically tailored for medical students to enhance your English proficiency in the context of medical imaging.5. ConclusionIn conclusion, a good understanding of medical imaging terminology in English is essential for medical students pursuing a career in the field of medicine. By familiarizing themselves with common medical imaging terms and practicing English language skills, medical students can effectively communicate, collaborate, and contribute to medical research and practice on a global scale. Remember, learning medical imaging terminology in English is not just a requirement but a valuable skill that will enhance your professional development as a medical professional.。
3D Should Joint 3D Elbow Joint 3D Wirst Joint 3D Hip Joint 3D KneeJoint 3D Ankle Joint
纠集 舟状 哑铃状 不规则形 细致 粗糙 变形 增粗 增厚
变平 边缘 轮廓 光滑 锐利 清晰 模糊 毛刺状 分叶状 密度,回声,信号 密度 透亮 阴影 不透光 致密 低密度 高密度 混杂密度 信号
Keen Joint Routine Scan
Ankle Joint Routine Scan
Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Scan/Enhance
foot routine scan
Head CT Angiography
Coronal Artery Angiography Cardiac Calcium Scoring Scan Chest CT Angiography AbdomenCT Angiography Upper Extremities CT Angiography Lower Extremities CT Angiography 3D Facial Scan 3D Stomach CT Scan 3D Colon CT Scan
Axial Chest Puncture Scan
upper abdomen routine scan
mid- abdomen routine scan
upper abdomen enhanced scan
医学影像学专业英语X-RAY IMAGING
Digital subtraction imaging (DSI) is a process whereby a computer removes unwanted information from a radiographic image. It is particularly useful for angiography, referred to as DSA.
After an X-ray exposure is made the films are processed in a darkroom or more commonly in free-standing daylight processors. The resulting image is commonly known as an ‘X-ray’. The common terms ‘chest X-ray’ and ‘abdomen Xray’ are widely accepted and commonly abbreviated to CXR and AXR, respectively. More correct terms for an X-ray image are ‘radiograph’ or ‘plain film’.
Consolidated lung lying against the heart border will therefore obscure that border. A good example is consolidation or collapse of the right middle lobe causing loss of definition of the right heart boder. These comments apply to all radiographically visible anatomical interfaces in the body.
医学影像专业术语英文Medical Imaging Professional Terminology1. What is medical imaging?Medical imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of the human body for clinical purposes. These images are used by healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat medical conditions.医学影像是指用于临床目的的创建人体图像的技术和过程。
2. What are the different modalities of medical imaging?There are several modalities of medical imaging, including X-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and positron emission tomography (PET).医学影像学有多种模态,包括X射线、计算机断层扫描(CT)、磁共振成像(MRI)、超声波、核医学和正电子发射断层扫描(PET)。
3. What is the purpose of medical imaging?The purpose of medical imaging is to help healthcare professionals visualize the internal structures of the body in order to diagnose and treat medical conditions. It can also be used to monitor the progression of diseases and the effectiveness of treatments.医学影像的目的是帮助医疗保健专业人员可视化人体内部结构,以便诊断和治疗疾病。
医学影像学 英语
医学影像学英语IntroductionMedical Imaging is a branch of medicine that uses technology to capture images of internal organs, tissues, and structures inside the body. These images help medical professionals to diagnose, monitor, and treat medical conditions. Medical Imaging is a rapidly advancing field with new imaging technologies continually being developed to improve the accuracy, clarity, and speed of the images.Importance of Medical ImagingMedical Imaging plays a key role in modern medicine, allowing doctors and other medical professionals to see inside the body without the need for invasive procedures. The images produced by medical imaging techniques can be used to diagnose a wide range of conditions, including cancers, heart disease, brain disorders, and bone injuries. Medical Imaging can also be used to track the progress of treatment, monitor the development of a condition, and aid in surgical planning.Types of Medical Imaging TechniquesThere are several different types of Medical Imaging techniques, including:1. X-ray Imaging: X-ray Imaging uses electromagnetic radiation to produce images of internal structures in the body. The images produced by X-ray Imaging can be used to diagnose broken bones, pneumonia, tumors, and other conditions.2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of internalstructures in the body. MRI is particularly useful for imaging soft tissues and can be used to diagnose brain and spinal cord disorders, tumors, and joint injuries.3. Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: CT scan uses X-rays to produce detailed cross-sectional images of internalstructures in the body. CT scans are useful for diagnosing cancers, bone injuries, and brain disorders.4. Ultrasound Imaging: Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal structures in the body. Ultrasound is safe and painless and is commonly used to diagnose pregnancy, heart defects, and gallstones.5. Nuclear Medicine Imaging: Nuclear Medicine Imaging uses radioactive materials to produce images of internal structures in the body. This type of imaging can be used to diagnose cancers, heart conditions, and bone disorders.ConclusionMedical Imaging is an essential tool for modern medicine, allowing medical professionals to diagnose, monitor, andtreat medical conditions more accurately and efficiently. The field of Medical Imaging is an exciting and rapidly changing one, with new technologies continually being developed to improve the accuracy and clarity of the images produced. Today, Medical Imaging is an integral part of the diagnosis and treatment of many medical conditions, and its importance will only continue to grow in the future.。
(1)To prospectively evaluate the effect of heart rate, heart rate variability, and calcification dual-source computed tomography (CT) image quality and to prospectively assess diagnostic accuracy of dual-source CT for coronary artery stenosis. by using invasive coronary angiography as the reference standard.前瞻性评价心率、心率变异性及钙化双源计算机断层扫描成像质量的影响及对冠状动脉狭窄的双源性冠状动脉狭窄诊断的准确性评价。
(2)Chest radiography plays an essential role in the diagnosis of thoracic disease and is the most frequently performed radiologic examination in the United States. Since the discovery of X rays more than a century ago, advances in technology have yieled numerous improvements in thoracic imaging. Evolutionary progress in film-based imaging has led to the development of excellent screen-film systems specifically designed for chest radiography.胸部X线摄影中起着至关重要的作用在胸部疾病的诊断,是最常用的影像学检查在美国。
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(1)To prospectively evaluate the effect of heart rate, malignantlesions.Performance of needle aspirationand needle calcification variability, and dual-source localization procedures followed by heart rateexcisional biopsy is computed tomography (CT) image quality and to frequently necessary todetermine the origin of a mammographic finding. prospectively assess diagnostic accuracy ofcoronary artery stenosis. by for dual-source CTthe angiography coronary as using invasive 虽然摄影是乳腺癌的形态学标准,乳房可见检测相当reference standard.敏感,经常不足的恶性病变良性分化性能。
(4)Therefore,initiatives have been taken among plays an essential role in the Chest radiography(2)radiation protection authorities to give priority to most and diagnosis of thoracic disease is the investigations of dose levels and frequencies of the examination in radiologic frequently performed X-ray examinations among children. The main more Since United States. the X discovery of rays objective is to establish recommendation of upper have a than century in ago, advances technology dose limits for various diagnostic procedures and to yieled numerous improvements in thoracic imaging. implement minimum requirements for equipment Evolutionary progress infilm-based imaging has led standards. to the development of excellentscreen-film systems specifically designed for chest radiography. 因此,在辐射防护当局之间采取了主动行动,优先考线摄影中起着至关重要的作用在胸部疾病的诊X胸部虑儿童的剂量水平和频率的调查。
由于发现X 种诊断程序的上限的建议,并实施设备标准的最低要的一个多世纪前,技术的进步得到了大量的改进,在求。
电影为基础的成像的进化进展,导致了专门设计用于胸部放射摄影的优秀的屏幕膜系统的发(5)Thus, the aim of our study was to prospectively 展。
evaluate to what extent image quality in 16-detector row CT coronary angiography is a function of the heart rate and image reconstruction technique. 因此,我们的研究的目的是前瞻性评估在何种程度上的图像质量在16检测器行冠状动脉造影是一个功能mammography is quite sensitive for the (3)althoughcriteria that detection of breast cancer morphologic 的心脏速率和图像重建技术。
frequently are visible mammographically arefromthe for insufficient of differentiation benignmulti-detector row CT coronary angiography andinvasive coronary angiography in grading ofcoronary atherosclerosis was investigated with (6)The aim of our study was to prospectivelySpearman correlation analysis. The evaluate the effect of heart rate, heart rate variability, symmetry ofdata CT image quality distribution and any underestimation or and calcification on dual-sourceoverestimation with multi-detector and to prospectively assess the diagnostic accuracy row CT coronaryangiography were checked with the Bowker test. , by of dual-source CT for coronary artery stenosisusing invasive coronaryangiography as the reference standard. 多排螺旋CT冠状动脉造影和冠状动脉造影冠状动脉评分之间的相关程度进行Spearman本研究的目的是前瞻性评估心脏心率、心率变异性和相关分析研究。
(11)The quality of the images obtained with thedigital flat-panel detector system was ratedsignificantly superior to the quality of those obtainedwith the compare was this (7)The purpose of study to conventional film-screen radiographysystem . urinary of the observer performance for detectionwith radiographs system calculi using computedviewing and different formats different display 与数字的平板探测器系统获得的图像的质量被评为显systems.着优于那些获得与传统的电影屏幕摄影系统的质量。
(12)In conclusion , our results indicate that in16-row detector cardiac CT, image quality criticallydepends on the choice of a suited reconstructioninterval and reconstruction technique. In patientswith a high heart rate, the best image quality isobserved in end systole and early dual-source a with were studies(8)CT performed diastole ; inpatients with a without performed were patients all in scanner and lower heart rate, the best imagequality is observed in middiastole. of acquisition to complications.Prior the topogram,patients received a single dose of 2.5mg of idodine..总之,我们的研究结果表明,在16排探测器心脏断层,对像CT无并发症。
betweencorrelationofdegree10)The(数字乳腺X线摄影被认为是“在乳腺癌监控was sets in all data (9)Image reconstruction方面最具潜力”的技术。
在数字乳腺X线摄影中,retrospective using performed by影像获取、存储、及显示是独立完成的,且使每electrocardiographic gating, a technique that allowed步最优化。
data from volume continuous image reconstructionDigital mammography is...the X-ray energy sets during any phase of the cardiac cycle Digital mammography is considered to be the mostpromising technology in the field of breast cancer 采用回顾性心电门控技术在所有数据集surveillance. In digital mammography, imageacquisition, storage, and display are completed 进行图像重建,技术,允许从体数据重建independently, and make every step ofoptimization. 图像连续的心动周期的任何阶段采用心脏重建算法为16排CT(西门子)配数字系统提供了一个宽广的动态范围,这尤其备的标准心脏软件包进行图像重建。