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During the Song Dynasty (9601279). The statues of the Buddha and Bodhisattva were replaced by more secularized arhat statues. This change put more human feelings into the statues, making them look more like huHale Waihona Puke Baiduans than gods, which played a positive role in the spread of Buddhism.
初唐的造像一般仍保留着隋代遗风,造型体态 视为瑰宝的山西五台山 南禅寺唐代彩塑 丰肥,饱满壮硕,佛像的头部略显偏大,身体稍短, 面相丰满而偏方。盛唐可说是唐代佛造像的黄金时 代,此期的造像比例舒展匀称,结构合理,已完全 摆脱了隋和初唐时佛头部偏大,体态略僵板的感觉, 动态极为自由活泼。晚唐时受安史之乱的战祸影响, 社会动荡,造像技法呈现衰退。盛唐时的那种气势 恢宏,充满自信,自由发挥的作风逐渐消失,变成 较为拘谨,略显生硬的样子。坐佛下垂台座的大衣 角退缩,仅搭于台座边缘上。菩萨略欠自由感,衣 带帔帛等装饰亦稍显朴素,体型匀称有余,但气势 夸张不足。
Section 3 Buddha statues in China
Buddhism was introduced to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25220), during a time of great economic, political and cultural instability. With their economy struggling and their ethnic groups divided against each other, many Chinese people of all different social rankings embraced Buddhism as an alternative to a way of life that seemed to be crumbling before their eyes. With the spread of Buddhism, Buddhist art, particularly Buddha statues, flourished throughout ancient China. Buddha statues varied in figure and subject depending on the dynasty in which they were produced.
During the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911), the Buddha statues began to feature increasingly realistic clothes and ornaments.
The statues fall into two categories: ancient, and Ming and Qing dynasty. Generally speaking, The value of a Buddha statue lies in its craftsmanship and the inscriptions that reflect the artistic style and values of the ancient time in which it was sculpted.
宋代佛造像肉髻较平缓, 五官端正,体形较丰满, 反映出宋代佛造像倾向 于世俗化的高度写实风 格。
The Buddha statues of the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) were unique for the statues’ faces, figures, postures, costumes and lotus thrones (the Buddha’s seat, in the form of a lotus flower).
The statue of Sakyamuni, plated with gold and bronze Produced in Taihe reign of Northern Wei Dynasty(477-499)
S akyamuni Buddha a nd two a ttendant B odhissattvas Taihe r eign o f N orthern W ei D ynasty(477-499)