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M T I专业计算机辅助翻



当今互联网科技时代下计算机辅助翻译的优势和局限性探究Inquiry of advantages and limitations of CAT in today's

era of Internet technology


随着互联网信息技术的发展,国际国内市场交流与融合步伐的加快,翻译市场正以前所未有的速度迅猛发展。同时,计算机辅助翻译也成为推动翻译行业迅猛发展的又一有力武器。翻译是一项基于思维层次和语义层次的跨语言、跨文化的活动。机器翻译可以实现文字间的转换,但目前暂不具备识别文本复杂的心理认知能力。关键词:计算机辅助翻译 ; 机器翻译 ; 译员


With the development of the Internet information and the acceleration of communication between domestic and international markets, the translation market is going through an unprecedented developing period.

At the same time, CAT is also a great impetus on the development of translation industry. Translation is a cross-lingual and cross-cultural activity proceeded from thinking and semantic levels. Though Machine Translation (MT) is able to realize the conversion between words, it does not have complicated mental cognitive ability to recognize texts. Keywords:Computer Aided Translation (CAT) ; Machine Translation (MT) ; translators

With the development of the Internet information technology, CAT successfully step into the translation market, and compete with the human translation. However, is CAT really better than human translation In fact, the emergence of each new tool has its necessity of existence, but t the same time it still has some limitations. In this paper, firstly I will introduce the basic concepts of CAT; secondly I will give a comparison on CAT and human translation to show the advantages and limitations of CAT;

in the final, I will analysis the cause and enlightenment of those limitations.

1. The basic concepts of CAT

It is widely believed that " CAT is just a new way to improve the efficiency of translation. " However, it is very far from knowing CAT

very well. We must know that its most notable feature is machine translation (MT). Only automatic machine translation has the greatest speed but unsatisfactory quality. In such cases, the CAT technology has been gradually valued, and it makes up for the deficiency of the machine translation. CAT is mainly composed of translation memory (TM), management system of term base, and the alignment tool.

Translation Memory (TM)

TM is the core of the CAT technology, it is an important part in Workbench of interpreter and translator. Its working principle is to compare the being translated section with the existing translation pieces. If the being translated segments matching with the existing fragments

very well, the machine will provide translations in the database for reference. For provided reference, translators can completely copy,

modify to use, or abandon.(Qian Duoxiu, 2011)

According to the own experiences, the author have found that the quality of TM tool is measured by the the proportion of repeated content

in the paper. On this point, is greatly limited. Only materials with

lots of professional and technical words can be translated by CAT, especially to materials being constantly updated and have multiple versions. On the contrary, it is less suitable for a literary text which has complex changes in content and low rate in repeat.

Term Base
