





英译汉语常用--成语,谚语,典故,歇后语常用汉语成语:(Common Chinese Idioms)按图索骥 Looking for a steed with the aid of its picture百发百中 A hundred shots, a hundred bull’s-eyes班门弄斧 Showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter杯弓蛇影 Mistaking the reflection of a bow for a snake闭门造车 Building a cart behind closed doors病入膏肓 The disease has attacked the vitals草木皆兵 every bush and tree looks like an enemy吹毛求疵 Blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect打草惊蛇 Beating the grass and flushing out the snake调虎离山 Luring the tiger out of the mountains东施效颦 Aping the Beauty’s frown对牛弹琴 Playing the lute to a cow负荆请罪 Bringingthe birch and asking for flogging功亏一篑 Running an enterprise for the lack of one basketful故步自封 Content with staying where one is含沙射影 spitting sand on a shadow-attacking by insinuation狐假虎威 Basking in reflected glory囫囵吞枣 Gulping down a whole date画饼充饥 Allaying hunger with pictures of cakes画龙点睛 Putting the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon 画蛇添足 Drawing a snake and adding feet惊弓之鸟 Birds startled by the mere twang of a bowstring精卫填海 Jingwei fills up the sea井底之蛙 A frog in a well刻舟求剑 Notching the boat to find the sword空中楼阁 A castle in the air滥竽充数 Passing oneself off as a member of the orchestra 狼狈为奸 A wolf working hand in glove with a jackal老马识途 An old horse knows the way梁上君子 A gentleman on the beam临渴掘井 Not digging a well until one is thirsty满城风雨 A storm enveloping the city盲人摸象 Blind men touching an elephant毛遂自荐 Mao Sui recommending himself门庭若市 A courtyard as crowded as a marketplace名落孙山 Failing to pass an examination南辕北辙 Going south by driving the chariot north怒发冲冠 So angry that one’s hair lifts up one’s hat披荆斩棘 Breaking open a way through brambles and thorns 蚍蜉撼树 An ant trying to shake a big tree破釜沉舟 Smashing the cauldrons and sinking the boats破镜重圆 A broken mirror made whole again骑虎难下 When one rides a tiger, it is hard to dismount杞人忧天 The man of Qi who worried that the sky would fall 黔驴技穷 The Guizhou donkey has exhausted its tricks日暮途穷 The day is waning and the road is ending如火如荼 Like a raging fire如鱼得水 To feel just like a fish in water入木三分 To enter three-tenths of an inch into the timber 塞翁失马 The old man of frontier lost his horse三顾茅庐 paying three visits to the cottage三人成虎 repeat a lie enough times and it will be believed 丧家之犬 A homeless dog杀鸡吓猴 Killing the chicken to frighten the monkeys甚嚣尘上 Making a great clamor势如破竹 Like splitting bamboo世外桃源 A heaven of peace and happiness手不释卷 Always with a book in hand守株待兔 Sitting by a stump, waiting for a careless hare 蜀犬吠日 A Sichuan dog barks at the sun.束之高阁 Putting it on a high shelf水落石出 when the water ebbs, stones will appear四面楚歌 songs of Chu on all sides谈虎色变 Turn pale at the mention of a tiger昙花一现 A flower that vanishes as soon as it appears螳臂当车 A mantis trying to halt a chariot天花乱坠 As if it were raining flowers天涯海角 The end of sky and the corner of the sea同舟共济 Crossing a river in the same boat偷天换日 Stealing the sky and changing the sun天衣无缝 Divine garments without seams图穷匕见 When the map is unrolled the dagger is revealed 完璧归赵 Returning the jade intact to Zhao亡羊补牢 Mending the fold after the sheep have been stolen 望梅止渴 looking at plums to quench the thirst望洋兴叹 Gazing at the ocean and sighing为虎作伥 helping the tiger to Pounce upon its victims卧薪尝胆 Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall笑里藏刀 Hiding a dagger behind a smile胸有成竹 Having a ready-formed plan削足适履 Cutting one’s feet to fit one’s shoes揠苗助长 Pulling up seedlings to help them grow掩耳盗铃 Plugging one’s ears while stealing a bell 偃旗息鼓 To lower the banners and silence the drums 叶公好龙 Lord She loves dragons夜郎自大 the conceited King of Yelang一鼓作气 Rousing the spirits with the first drum roll 一箭双雕 Killing two bids with one stone一鸣惊人 Amazing the world with a single feat一丘之貉 Jackals of the same lair愚公移山 The foolish old man who removed the mountains 鱼目混珠 Passing off fish eyes as pearls余音绕梁 The tune lingers in the house与虎谋皮 Borrowing the skin from a tiger鹬蚌相争 A snipe and a clam locked in combat朝三暮四 Three in the morning and four in the evening 趾高气扬 Stepping high and haughtily指鹿为马 Calling a stag a horse纸上谈兵 Discussing stratagems on paper自相矛盾 Contradicting oneself常用汉语谚语:(Common Chinese Proverbs)八字衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫进来 Theyamengate is wide open, yet with only right on your side but no money, don’t go inside.兵马未动,粮草先行 Provisions should be arranged before an army is mobilized.不经一事,不长一智 Wisdom comes from experience.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair?差之毫厘,失之千里 A little error may lead to a large discrepancy.长江后浪催前浪,世上新人赶旧人 Just as the waves of the Yangtze River behind drive on those ahead, so does each new generation replace the old one.常将有日思无日,莫待无时想有时 When rich, think of poverty, but don’t think of riches when you are poor.吃一堑,长一智 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.打蛇不死,后患无穷 Unless you beat a snake to death, it will cause endless大处着眼,小处着手 Keep the general goal in sight while tackling daily tasks.单丝不成线,独木不成林 A single thread can’t make a cord, nor a single tree a forest.当局者迷,旁观者清 The spectators see more of the game than the players.刀不磨要生锈,水不流要发臭 A knife will rust if not sharpened regularly, and water will stagnate if it is not allowed to flow.道高一尺,魔高一丈 The law is strong, but the outlaws are ten times stronger.灯不拨不亮,理不辩不明 An oil lamp becomes brighter after trimming, a truth becomes clearer after being discussed.读书需用意,一字值千金 When reading, don’t let a single word escape your attention / one word may be worth a thousand pieces of gold.读万卷书,行万里路 Read ten thousand books and walk ten thousand miles.儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫 A son never thinks his mother ugly, and a dog never shuns its owner’s home however shabby it is.儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙做牛马 The children can take care of themselves when they grow up, so the parents don’t have to work too hard for the future of their offspring.耳听为虚,眼见为实 What you hear about may be false, but what you see is true.凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 As a man cannot be known by his looks, neither can the sea be fathomed by a gourd.放下屠刀,立地成佛 The butcher who lays down his knife, at once becomes a Buddha.风无常顺,兵无常胜 A boat can’t always sail with the wind; an army can’t always win battles.逢人只说三分话,未可全抛一片心 Talking to a stranger, it is wise to be somewhat reserved.瓜无滚圆,人无十全 No melon is completely round, and no person is perfect.害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无 One shouldn’t have the heart to harm others, but must be vigilant so as not to be harmed.花有重开日,人无再少年 Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has the chance to be young again.画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心 In drawing a tiger, you show its skin, but not its bones; in knowing a man, you may know his face, but not his heart.火要空心,人要虚心 A fire must have space at its center to burn vigorously; a man。



英汉互译常考谚语成语及《论语》重点翻译第一篇:英汉互译常考谚语成语及《论语》重点翻译直译冷战:cold war 穿梭外交:shuttle diplomacy 武装到牙齿:Armed to the teeth 君子协定:A gentleman’s agreement 打破纪录:To break the record 特洛伊木马:The Trojan horse 门户开放政策:The open-door police 猫有九命:A cat has nine lives 吠犬不咬人:A barking dog never bites 滚石不生苔:A rolling stone gathers no moss意译法上当,被人利用:to be cat’s paws 很不自在:like a fish out of water 生在富贵之家:to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth同义习语套用法笑掉大牙:to laug h off one’s head 猫哭老鼠:to shed crocodile tears 捉襟见肘:to be out at elbows 花钱如流水(挥金如土):to spend money like water 乱七八糟:at sixes and sevens 直译加解释法没有不带刺的玫瑰(世上没有十全的幸福/有苦必有乐):(There is)no rose without a thorm 老狗学不出新把戏(老顽固不能学新事物):An old dog will learn no new tricks(you can not teath old dogs new tricks)膏粱子弟:the children from well-fed families 高屋建瓴:pour water off a steep roof 好狗应该得好骨头(有功者受奖):aAgood dog deserves a good bone直译联想法拙匠常怪工具差(不会撑船怪河弯):Bad workmen often blame their tools.笑别人驼背的人得自己先把身子挺直(己不正不正人):He who laughs at crooked men shouldneed walk very straight.路必有弯/世上没有直路(事必有变/瓦片也有翻身日):It is a long lane that has no turning.意译改造法一燕不成夏(一花不是春/一木不成林):One swallow does not make a summer.无火不起烟(无风不起浪):no smoke without fire对联增字法人有失手日,马有失蹄时/智者千虑,必有一失/老虎也会打盹,好马也会失蹄/再聪明的人也有糊涂时/伟人也不总是聪明的:Graet men are not always wise 好事不出门,坏事传千里:Ill news comes apace.近朱者赤,近墨者黑:He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.等值互借法山中无老虎,猴子称霸王:Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.英雄所见略同:Great minds think alike.趁热打铁:Strike while the iron is hot.有其父必有其子:Like father,like son.有志者事竟成:Where there is a will,there is a way.成语人生七十古来稀:The days of our years are three-score years and ten.掌上明珠:the apple of the eye 不露锋芒:hide one’s light under a bushel 旧瓶装新酒:new wine in old bottles 废物/无价值之物:a dead dog 以眼还眼,以牙还牙:eye for eye,tooth for tooth 进退两难/进退维谷/在魔鬼与深海之间:between the devil and the deep sea 死里逃生/幸免于死:escape by the skin of one’s teeth 偷偷摸摸/鬼鬼祟祟:hole and corner 不能依靠的人物/压伤的芦苇:a broken reed 有眼不识泰山/于不察觉中招待了天使:entertain an angel unawares 雷声大雨点小/叫得多,干得几乎没效果:much cry and little wool 拦路虎:a lion in the way 人不为己,天诛地灭/人人为自己,魔鬼抓到最后的:Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost 以卵击石/螳臂当车:kick against the pricks 一只老鼠坏了一锅汤:a fly in the ointment 一视同仁:no respecter of person 洗手不干:wash one’s hands of a thi ng 明珠暗投/对牛弹琴/把珍珠抛给猪:cast pearls before swine 心有余而力不足:The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.分辨良莠/把好人和坏人分开:Separate the sheep from the goats.聪明保险的办法是向大量谋士求计/谋士多,人便安居:In the multitude of counselors there issafety.百川归海而海不盈:All the rivers run into the sea;yet the sea is not full.赤条条来去无牵挂/因为我们没带什么来到世界上,也不能带什么去:For we brought nothing into this world,and it is certain we can carry nothing out.干徒劳无益的事(对月亮吠叫):bay the moon 既往不咎(事情干了就算了):What’s done is done.真相终将大白(纸包不住火):Murder will out.同床异梦:strange bedfellows 作法自毙(用炸药来炸翻自己):be hoist with one’s own petard 无事生非,无事自扰:much ado about nothing 情人眼里出西施(爱情是盲目的):Love is blind.在其位不谋其政(占着茅坑不拉屎):a dog in the manger 养虎遗患、姑息恶人,必将受害:cherish a snake in one’s bosom 笑面虎/披着羊皮的狼:a wolf in sheep’s clothing 朝三暮四:blow hot and cold 烽火戏诸侯(发假警报):cry wolf 杀鸡取卵,竭泽而渔:kill the goose that lays the golden eggs子曰:“学而时习之,不亦悦乎。





我们整理了318个中国成语和俗语的英文翻译,快快背起来吧!01一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳Once bitten, twice shy.02一言既出,驷马难追A word spoken is past recalling.03一见钟情to fall in love at first sight04笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start.05一寸光阴一寸金Time is money.06一失足成千古恨The error committed on impulsemay turn out to be the sorrow ofa whole life.07一将功名万古枯What millions died that Caesar might be great.08一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨Plan your year in spring and your day at dawn.09一人难称百人意You cannot please everyone.10一气呵成Never make two bites of a cherry.11一白遮三丑A white complexion is powerful enough to hide seven faults.12一知半解A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.13一心一意John is a person who always works with undivided attention.14一丘之貉These people are cut from the same cloth/are tarred with thesame brush.15一目了然His words just leapt to the eye.Do you need me to explain it?16一帆风顺His business has gone off without a hitch.17一刻千金You have to make good use of time.After all, every time counts.18一事无成I am happy to know thatall have ended in smoke about him.19一败涂地The outcome of the election just bit the dust.20一针见血His comment on the current affairsalways hits the right nail on the head.21一清二楚The accounts don't seem to be as clear as crystal.22一意孤行That boy is always going her own way.He won't listen to his parents' advice.23一落千丈My son's schoolwork has gone to pot.He really lets me down.24一鸣惊人His performance at school really comes as a bombshell.25一诺千金He never goes back on his word.He is as good as his word.26一时兴起Don't always do things by fits and snatches.27一蹴可就make it at one stroke28一筹莫展I really have no idea what to do.Now I am at my wit's end.29一览无遗If you stand here looking down at the city.The wonderful scene will be in full view.30一窍不通What you said is all Greek to me.31九死一生to have a hair-breadth escape32九牛一毛Compared with mine, his was simply a drop in the bucket.33人生如梦Life is but a dream.34人生自古谁无死Death comes to all men.35人生百岁古来稀It is seldom that a man lives to be a hundred years old.36人定胜天Man can conquer nature.37人不可貌相Appearances are often deceptive./ Never judge a look by its cover.38人山人海a sea of faces39人之常情It's human nature for me to help those who need help.40人云亦云Don't echo others' words. Sometimes you've got to find outthe truth.41人去楼空Regretful to say, when the master was absent, his mansion wasdead.42人面兽心He's really a wolf in sheep's clothing.43人言可畏Opinion rules the world.44十年风水轮流转Every dog has its day.十全十美The show just leaves nothing to be desired.46十拿九稳We have winning the game in the bag.47十万火急I am writing in hot haste to let you know that I will be there ontime.48了无瓜葛That politician claimed that he had nothing to do with thatscandal.49力不从心my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.50力挽狂澜He tried to stem the tide, but in vain.51入乡随俗Do in Rome as the Romans do.52入木三分It actually gave a vivid picture of cut the quick.七上八下Don't talk to me now because I am greatly upset now.54七窍生烟in a great fury(fuming with anger; in a great rage; terribly furious)55七零八落go to rock and ruin.56八面玲珑dances and sings all weathers57三思而后行Look before you leap.58三句不离本行to talk shop59三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮Two heads are better than one.60三番两次time after time.61三缄其口hold one's peace62千钧一发to hang by a hair thread63大智若愚He who can not play the fool is not a wise man.64大海捞针look for a needle in a haystack65冰冻三尺,非一日之寒Rome was not built in a day.66山穷水尽at the end of one's resources67山中无老虎,猴子称大王Among the blind the one-eyed is king./When the cat's away, the mice will pay.68小题大做Make a mountain out of a molehill.69小洞不补,大来吃苦A stitch in time saves nine.70小不忍则乱大谋Patience is a virtue.71工欲善其事,必先利其器You cannot make bricks without straw.72不要厚此薄彼Don't make fish of one and flesh of another.73不畏艰难Take the bull by the horns.74不要不自量力Don't put a quarter into a pint pot.75己所不欲勿施于人Do unto others as you would be done.76仁者无敌The benevolent have no enemy77亡羊补牢Better late than never./It's never too late to mend.78上气不接下气I got out of breath when I climbed those stairs.79不辞而别to take French leave80不要不自量力Don't put a quarter into a pint pot.81不要厚此薄彼Don't make fish of one and flesh of another.82不畏艰难Take the bull by the horns.83不战而屈人之兵The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy withoutfighting.84不入虎穴焉得虎子How can one obtain tiger-cubs without entering the tiger's lair.85少年老成to have an old head on young shoulders不经一事,不长一智Experience is the mother of wisdom.87不舍昼夜(24小时)Some convenience stores offer around the clock service.88不胜其烦Your little brother is a pain in the neck.89夜以继日day and night90少不更事Although she is 20, she was still wet behind the ears in someways.91天无绝人之路God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.92天下乌鸦一般黑Crows are black all over the world.93天助自助者Heaven helps those who help themselves.94天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福It is the unexpected that always happens.95毛遂自荐to recommend one's own person96心正不怕雷打A good conscience is a soft pillow.97心满意足The little boy sat there smiling, as happy as a clam.98化干戈为玉帛Bury the to mahwak(hatchet).99美中不足a fly in the ointment100今日事今日毕Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.101文胜于武The pen is mightier than the sword.102以身作则to practice what one practices103以毒攻毒to set a thief to catch a thief104以怨报德to bite the hand that feeds one105以逸待劳To wait at ease till the enemy is exhausted.106以寡敌众to fight against longer odds107以德报怨to render good for evil108以其人之道还治其人之身Set a thief to catch a thief.109以子之矛,攻子之盾to turn a person's battery against himself110四大皆空All is vanity.111四海之内皆兄弟All are brothers within the four seas.112未雨绸缪Keep some extra money for a rainy day.113目不识丁not know A from B114失败为成功之母Failure is the mother of success.115失之毫厘,差之千里A miss is as good as a mile.116水滴石穿Little strokes fell great oaks.117毛遂自荐to recommend one's own person118打落水狗to hit a person when he's down119打铁趁热Strike while the iron is hot.120犯错是人之常情,宽恕是超凡的.To err is human; to forgive divine.121白费唇舌to waste your breath on him122改过自新to turn over a new leaf123生于忧患,死于安乐Adversity spurs vitality, while comfort breeds sloth .124任劳任怨to bear hardship without complaint125自作自受As you make your bed so you must lie on it.126自讨苦吃to make a rod for one's own back127自力更生to shift for oneself128自扫门前雪After us the deluge.129回头浪子the return of a prodigal130先下手为强Offence is the best defence.131同甘共苦to share one's joys and sorrows132因地制宜act according to circumstances133有勇无谋more brave than wise134有备无患Good watch prevents misfortune.135有志者事竟成Where there is a will, there is a way.136有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the world go around. /Money talks.137有其父必有其子Like father, like son.138江山易改本性难移The child is father of the man.139百无一失Not a single miss in a hundred times.140百依百顺She expects us to jump through hoops for her.141百闻不如一见To see is to believe.142吃得苦中苦,方为人上人If you wish to be the best man, you must be prepared to sufferthe bitterest of the bitter./No gain without pain.143每人一生中皆有得意之日Every dog has his day.144色是假,美是空Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty.145吉人自有天相The good are protected by Heaven. /All's well that ends well.146如愿以偿The mayor finally got his way with the city council.147如人饮水冷暖自知Only the wearer knows where the shoes pain.148英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.149早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm.150弄巧成拙Overreach oneself151忍无可忍to be at the end of one's patience152忍一时之气免百日之忧patience for a moment; comfort for many years153忘恩负义to kick down the ladder154走马看花a flying visit155防患于未然to nip a thing in the bud156佛要金装,人要衣装Fine feathers make fine birds.157兵精不必多Too many cooks spoil the broth.158身在福中不知福The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.159你敬我一尺,我回你一丈You scratch my back, and I will scratch yours.160别狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心Don't bite the hand that feeds you.161志在千里Hitch your wagon to a star.162初出茅庐/一窍不通He was a babe in the woods163否极泰来After a storm comes a calm.164奇装异服a fantastic garb165忠言逆耳Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear166明辨是非to distinguish right from wrong167知足常乐Happy is he who is content168知足者富He who feels contented is rich169知人知面不知心It's easy to know men's faces, but not their hearts.170知己知彼百战百胜Know your enemy and know yourself.171空中楼阁castles in the air172金科玉律the gold rule173奇装异服a fantastic garb174明辨事非to distinguish right from wrong175雨后春笋like bamboo shoots after a spring shower176雨过天青After a storm comes a calm.177秀才不出门能知天下事A scholar does not step outside his gate, yet he knows the happenings under the sun.178事实胜于雄辩Facts are most convincing.179来得容易去得快Easy come, easy go.180金玉其外败絮其中All that glitters is not gold.181兔子不吃窝边草The fox preys farthest from his hole.182若要人不知除非己莫为If you would not be known to do anything, never do it.183没有笑脸不出门A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.185往者不可谏,来者犹可追A mill cannot grind with the water that is past.186见异思迁Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.187适者生存Survival of the fittest.188物以类聚Birds of a feather flock together.189于事无补Complaining is of little(no) avail.190姻缘天注定Marriages are made in heaven.191逆来顺受to make the best of a bad bargain192流芳百世a niche in the temple of fame193为虎作伥to act as guide to a tiger194孤注一掷to put all one's egg in one basket195勇者不惧A brave man will not shrink from dangers.196背道而驰to run counter197赴汤蹈火to go through fire and water198风烛残年to have one foot in the grave199风声鹤唳,草木皆兵to apprehend danger in every sound200活到老学到老It's never too late to learn./Live and learn.201前事不忘后事之师Remember the past and it will guide your future.202星星之火可以燎原A single spark can start a prairie fire.203待人宽容如待己Live and let live.204按部就班Learn to walk before you run.205南辕北辙at cross purposes with207病从口入,祸从口出Illness comes in by mouth and comes out by it.208笑里藏刀a smile to hide one's hate209留得青山在,不怕没柴烧Where there's life, there's hope210海底捞月to fish in the air212既往不咎Let the dead bury their dead.213杀身成仁to sacrifice one's life to preserve one's virtue complete214杀鸡焉用牛刀Take not a musket to kill a butterfly.215饥不择食A good appetite is a good sauce.216害群之马black sheep217家丑不可外扬Don't wash your dirty linen in public.218恩威并济alternate weakness with severity219旁观者清The outside sees the best of the game.220时运不济to have a bad time221殊途同归All roads lead to Rome.222疾风知劲草Adversity reveals genius.223旁观者清,当局者迷Lookers-on see most of the game.224莫惹是非Let sleeping dogs lie225得意忘形to leap out of one's skin226捷足先登The early bird catches the worm.227欲速则不达Haste makes waste/More haste, less speed.228欲加之罪,何患无辞Give a dog a bad/an ill name and hang him.229混水摸鱼to fish in troubled waters230贪小失大penny-wise and pound foolish231习惯成自然once a use forever a custom232挂羊头卖狗肉cry up wine and sell vinegar233贫无立锥之地as poor as a church mouse234患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed.235异想天开to give loose to one's fancy236得过且过to live from hand to mouth237情人眼里出西施Love is blind.238情有独钟have eyes only for239冤家宜解不宜结Better remove enmity than contract it.240眼不见为净Out of sight, out of mind.241脱口而出a slip of the tongue242设身处地in someone's shoes.243智者千虑,必有一失Homer sometimes nods.244胜不骄败不馁to be not elated by success nor disturbed by failure245富贵在天Riches and honors come from heaven.246智者不惑A wise man is free from perplexities.247无风不起浪There is no smoke without fire. /Where there is smoke, there is fire.248画蛇添足to paint the lily249趁火打劫to fish in troubled waters250量入为出to cut one's coat according to one's cloth/make both ends meet251阳奉阴违ostensible obedience252跑了和尚跑不了庙The monk may run away, but the temple can't run with him.253万物之灵the lords of creation254万事开头难Everything is difficult at the start255万无一失not a single miss in a thousand times.256落井下石to hit a person when he's down257隔墙有耳Pitchers have ears/walls have ears.258挑灯夜战Burn the midnight oil.259开诚布公open one's heart to260盗亦有道Dog does not eat dog.261善有善报One kindness is the price of another.262损人利己to enrich oneself at others expense263置之死地而后生Put the troops in death ground and they will live.264道高一尺,魔高一丈While the priest climbs a foot, the devil climbs ten.265预防胜于治疗Prevention is better than cure.266新官上任三把火New brooms sweep clean.267塞翁失马,焉知非福Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise.268路遥知马力,日久见人心A distant journey tests the strength of a horse anda long task proves the character of a man.269沧海一粟a drop in the bucket270盖棺论定Judge none blessed before his death.271岁月不饶人Time and tide wait for no man.272经验即良师Experience is the teacher.273勤能补拙Diligence can make up for lack of intelligence.274寿终正寝to die a natural death (to die in one's bed)275寡不敌众There is no contending against odds.276对牛弹琴to cast pearls before swine277祸不单行Misfortunes never come single.278饱食终日无所事事to eat the bread of idleness279慷他人之慨to be free with other's money280远亲不如近邻Distant kinsmen mean less than close neighbors.281种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆You must reap what you have sown.282乐极生悲After joy comes sadness.283说曹操到曹操就到Talk of the devil and the devil comes.284团结就是力量Union is strength.285需要为发明之母Necessity is the mother of invention.286满招损,谦受益Haughtiness invites ruin; humility receives benefits.287恶有恶报He that does evil shall find evil.288恶事传千里Bad news travels quickly.289熟能生巧Practice makes perfect.290缓兵之计a fabian policy291缘木求鱼to get water from a flint292适者生存the survival of the fittest293穷寇莫追A cornered animal is a dangerous foe.294积少成多Every little makes a mickle.295钱可通神Money can move even the gods.296谋事在人成事在天Man proposes and God disposes.297学问无捷径There is no royal road/shortcut to learning.298机不可失Opportunity seldom knocks twice.299优胜劣败The weakest goes to the wall.300声东击西to look one way and row another301南辕北辙at cross purposes302脍炙人口in everyone's mouth303螳臂挡车to kick against the pricks304鞠躬尽瘁to give the last measure of devotion305聪明反被聪明误to suffer for one's wisdom306老调重谈to harp on the same string307礼尚往来Courtesy on one side cannot last long..308礼多必诈full of courtesy, full of craft309声嘶力竭He was talking at the top of his voice.310覆水难收What's done cannot be undone./There is no use crying over spilt milk.311转石不生苔A rolling stone gathers no moss.312转败为胜to convert defeat into victory313鞭长莫及beyond one's grasp314关公门前耍大刀There's no need to teach a fish to swim.315严以责己宽以待人to be severe with oneself and lenient with others316铁石心肠a heart of steel317听天由命to be guided by destiny。



英译汉语常用成语谚语典故歇后语Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】英译汉语常用--成语,谚语,典故,歇后语.txt小时候觉得父亲不简单,后来觉得自己不简单,再后来觉得自己孩子不简单。


英译汉语常用--成语,谚语,典故,歇后语常用汉语成语:(Common Chinese Idioms)按图索骥 Looking for a steed with the aid of its picture百发百中A hundred shots, a hundred bull’s-eyes班门弄斧Showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter杯弓蛇影 Mistaking the reflection of a bow for a snake闭门造车 Building a cart behind closed doors病入膏肓 The disease has attacked the vitals草木皆兵 every bush and tree looks like an enemy吹毛求疵 Blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect打草惊蛇 Beating the grass and flushing out the snake调虎离山 Luring the tiger out of the mountains东施效颦Aping the Beauty’s frown对牛弹琴 Playing the lute to a cow负荆请罪 Bringingthe birch and asking for flogging功亏一篑 Running an enterprise for the lack of one basketful故步自封 Content with staying where one is含沙射影 spitting sand on a shadow-attacking by insinuation狐假虎威 Basking in reflected glory囫囵吞枣 Gulping down a whole date画饼充饥 Allaying hunger with pictures of cakes画龙点睛 Putting the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon 画蛇添足 Drawing a snake and adding feet惊弓之鸟 Birds startled by the mere twang of a bowstring精卫填海 Jingwei fills up the sea井底之蛙 A frog in a well刻舟求剑 Notching the boat to find the sword空中楼阁 A castle in the air滥竽充数 Passing oneself off as a member of the orchestra 狼狈为奸 A wolf working hand in glove with a jackal老马识途 An old horse knows the way梁上君子 A gentleman on the beam临渴掘井 Not digging a well until one is thirsty满城风雨 A storm enveloping the city盲人摸象 Blind men touching an elephant毛遂自荐 Mao Sui recommending himself门庭若市 A courtyard as crowded as a marketplace名落孙山 Failing to pass an examination南辕北辙 Going south by driving the chariot north怒发冲冠So angry that one’s hair lifts up one’s hat披荆斩棘 Breaking open a way through brambles and thorns 蚍蜉撼树 An ant trying to shake a big tree破釜沉舟 Smashing the cauldrons and sinking the boats破镜重圆 A broken mirror made whole again骑虎难下 When one rides a tiger, it is hard to dismount杞人忧天 The man of Qi who worried that the sky would fall 黔驴技穷 The Guizhou donkey has exhausted its tricks日暮途穷 The day is waning and the road is ending如火如荼 Like a raging fire如鱼得水 To feel just like a fish in water入木三分 To enter three-tenths of an inch into the timber 塞翁失马 The old man of frontier lost his horse三顾茅庐 paying three visits to the cottage三人成虎 repeat a lie enough times and it will be believed 丧家之犬 A homeless dog杀鸡吓猴 Killing the chicken to frighten the monkeys甚嚣尘上 Making a great clamor势如破竹 Like splitting bamboo世外桃源 A heaven of peace and happiness手不释卷 Always with a book in hand守株待兔 Sitting by a stump, waiting for a careless hare 蜀犬吠日 A Sichuan dog barks at the sun.束之高阁 Putting it on a high shelf水落石出 when the water ebbs, stones will appear四面楚歌 songs of Chu on all sides谈虎色变 Turn pale at the mention of a tiger昙花一现 A flower that vanishes as soon as it appears螳臂当车 A mantis trying to halt a chariot天花乱坠 As if it were raining flowers天涯海角 The end of sky and the corner of the sea同舟共济 Crossing a river in the same boat偷天换日 Stealing the sky and changing the sun天衣无缝 Divine garments without seams图穷匕见 When the map is unrolled the dagger is revealed 完璧归赵 Returning the jade intact to Zhao亡羊补牢 Mending the fold after the sheep have been stolen望梅止渴 looking at plums to quench the thirst望洋兴叹 Gazing at the ocean and sighing为虎作伥 helping the tiger to Pounce upon its victims 卧薪尝胆 Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall笑里藏刀 Hiding a dagger behind a smile胸有成竹 Having a ready-formed plan削足适履Cutting one’s feet to fit one’s shoes揠苗助长 Pulling up seedlings to help them grow掩耳盗铃Plugging one’s ears while stealing a bell偃旗息鼓 To lower the banners and silence the drums叶公好龙 Lord She loves dragons夜郎自大 the conceited King of Yelang一鼓作气 Rousing the spirits with the first drum roll 一箭双雕 Killing two bids with one stone一鸣惊人 Amazing the world with a single feat一丘之貉 Jackals of the same lair愚公移山 The foolish old man who removed the mountains 鱼目混珠 Passing off fish eyes as pearls余音绕梁 The tune lingers in the house与虎谋皮 Borrowing the skin from a tiger鹬蚌相争 A snipe and a clam locked in combat朝三暮四 Three in the morning and four in the evening趾高气扬 Stepping high and haughtily指鹿为马 Calling a stag a horse纸上谈兵 Discussing stratagems on paper自相矛盾 Contradicting oneself常用汉语谚语:(Common Chinese Proverbs)八字衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫进来 Theyamengate is wide open, yet with only right on your side but no money, don’t go inside.兵马未动,粮草先行 Provisions should be arranged before an army is mobilized.不经一事,不长一智 Wisdom comes from experience.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair?差之毫厘,失之千里 A little error may lead to a large discrepancy.长江后浪催前浪,世上新人赶旧人 Just as the waves of the Yangtze River behind drive on those ahead, so does each new generation replace the old one.常将有日思无日,莫待无时想有时When rich, think of poverty, but don’t think of riches when you are poor.吃一堑,长一智 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.打蛇不死,后患无穷 Unless you beat a snake to death, it will cause endless大处着眼,小处着手 Keep the general goal in sight while tackling daily tasks.单丝不成线,独木不成林 A single thread can’t make a cord, nor a single tree a forest.当局者迷,旁观者清 The spectators see more of the game than the players.刀不磨要生锈,水不流要发臭 A knife will rust if not sharpened regularly, and water will stagnate if it is not allowed to flow.道高一尺,魔高一丈 The law is strong, but the outlaws are ten times stronger.灯不拨不亮,理不辩不明 An oil lamp becomes brighter after trimming, a truth becomes clearer after being discussed.读书需用意,一字值千金When reading, don’t let a single word escape your attention / one word may be worth a thousand pieces of gold.读万卷书,行万里路 Read ten thousand books and walk ten thousand miles.儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫 A son never thinks his mother ugly, and a dog never shuns its owner’s home however shabby it is.儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙做牛马 The children can take care of themselves when they grow up, so the paren ts don’t have to work too hard for the future of their offspring.耳听为虚,眼见为实 What you hear about may be false, but what you see is true.凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 As a man cannot be known by his looks,neither can the sea be fathomed by a gourd.放下屠刀,立地成佛 The butcher who lays down his knife, at once becomes a Buddha.风无常顺,兵无常胜 A boat can’t always sail with the wind; an army can’t always win battles.逢人只说三分话,未可全抛一片心 Talking to a stranger, it is wise to be somewhat reserved.瓜无滚圆,人无十全 No melon is completely round, and no person is perfect.害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无One shouldn’t have the heart to harm others, but must be vigilant so as not to be harmed.花有重开日,人无再少年 Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has the chance to be young again.画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心 In drawing a tiger, you show its skin, but not its bones; in knowing a man, you may know his face, but not his heart.火要空心,人要虚心 A fire must have space at its center to burn vigorously; a man must be modest to make progress.见怪不怪,其怪自败 Face odd things fearlessly and their fearsomenesswill disappear.江山易改,本性难移 Rivers and mountains may be changed, but it is hard to alter even a single person’s nature.近水楼台先得月,向阳花木早逢春 A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first; spring comes early to plants exposed to the sun.近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音 Near to rivers, we recognize fish; near to mountains, we recognize the songs of birds.近朱者赤,近墨者黑 Near vermilion, one gets stained pink; near ink, one gets stained black.酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多 If you drink with a bosom friend, a thousand cups are not enough; if you argue with someone, half a sentence is too much.老当益壮,穷当益坚 Old but vigorous, poor but ambitious.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行 It takes bitter medicine to cure adisease properly, and it takes blunt advice to put us on the right track. 两虎相斗,必有一伤 When two tigers fight, one is sure to lose.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧As long as the green hills remain, there’ll beno shortage of firewood.。



birds of feather.一丘之貉
black sheep.害群之马
break a butterfly on a wheel.小题大做
cast peals before swine.明珠暗投
the cat among the pigeons. 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉
even a worm will turn.狗急跳墙
go to the dogs.江河日下
love me love my dog.爱屋及乌
take a hair of the dog that bite you.以毒攻毒
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.杀鸡取卵
kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕
wake a sleeping dog.惹是生非
look a gift horse in the mouth.吹毛求疵
neither fish nor fowl.不伦不类
put/set the cart before the horse.本末倒置
look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.惊慌失措
birds of feather.一丘之貉
black sheep.害群之马
break a butterfly on a wheel.小题大做
cast peals before swine.明珠暗投
the cat weeping over the dead mouse猫哭老鼠
a narrow winding trail羊肠小道
even a worm will turn狗急跳墙
black sheep害群之马。

英语成语和谚语 中英文对照

英语成语和谚语 中英文对照

英语成语和谚语中英文对照谚语:⒈Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩.⒉Knowledge is power.知识就是力量.⒊An idle youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.⒋Better late than never.晚做总比不做强.⒌Better pills may have wholesome effects. 良药苦口.⒍Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得容易.⒎Look before you leap.三思而后行.⒏Well begin is half done.好的开始是成功的一半.⒐Speech is silver,silence is gold.雄辩是银,缄默是金.⒑All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的宴席.⒒Even Homer sometimes nods.智者千虑,必有一失.⒓It's dogged that does it.世上无难事,只怕有心人.⒔Live and learn.活到老,学到老.⒕All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马.⒖Opportunity seldom knocks twice.机不可失,失不成语:⒈What's done can not be undone.木已成舟.⒉In prosperity think of adversity.居安思危.⒊Pride will have a fall.骄者必败.⒋Practise what you preach.言行一致.⒌Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧.⒍Every man has his faults.人孰无过.⒎You cannot clap with one hand.孤掌难鸣.⒏No pain,no gain.无劳不获.⒐Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成.⒑Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见.⒒I am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. 进退维谷.⒓All corners of the land.五湖四海.⒔Blazing with colour.五彩缤纷.⒕Take in everything at a glance.一览无余.⒖Round the clock.日以继夜.⒗Justly and forcefully.理直气壮.⒘It rains cats and dogs.大雨滂沱.⒙Walls have ears.隔墙有耳.⒚Heart and soul.一心一意.⒛Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗.再来.中高级口译谚语精选(1)2007-09-12教育人生网浏览:205进入论坛>>A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 一着不慎,满盘皆输.All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的未必都是金子。


汉语成语、俗语 谚语与歇后语 英译
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• hearing what has never been heard before; rarely or seldom heard of
• 闻所未闻 为动宾结构,字面意义是听到 了从未听到过的,通常用于指事理或论 述的新鲜、奇特。 •
• so arrogant as to impose oneself upon others; arrogant or domineering in manner
• don’t judge a man by his appearance and don’t measure the sea with a dou or bucket; he may be more capable than he looks; a man may have more potential than you know
• pretending to be a fat man by slapping his own face swollen; pretending to be a wealthy man
• a new comer isn’t familiar with either pots or the kitchen range; a new comer has to familiarize himself before starting work
• unable to accomplish anything but likely to spoil everything; impossible to achieve but possible to ruin



成语俗语一臂之力lend sb. a helping hand一点一滴every little bit一目了然be clear at a glance一视同仁treat sb. equally一无所知know nothing about一心一意heart and soul三番五次again and again, repeatedly 三三两两in twos and threes四面八方(from)all directions十全十美be perfect in everyway不厌其烦take great pains/ be patient不分胜负come out even不甘落后be unwilling to lag behind不可思议unimaginable不速之客uninvited(unexpected) guest 不言而喻it goes without saying that不由自主can'thelp不足为奇not at all surprising迫不及待can't help不知不觉unconsciously举世闻名be world-famous举足轻重occupy a decisive position名不符实unworthy of one's name名不虚传deserve the reputation井然有序be in good order井井有条be in good order全面发展develop in an all-around way 义不容辞one's duty to do sth.全力以赴go all out for/ spare no efforts 千方百计by every possible means持之以恒persevere家喻户晓widely known, known to all 默默无闻unknown to thepublic树立榜样set a good example for理所当然naturally,of course数以万计tens of thousands of世世代代from generation to generation 梦想成真come true,become a reality 迫在眉睫extremely urgent刻不容缓be of great urgency 无时无刻all the time毫不犹豫without hesitation急功近利in one’s eagerness to draw quick profit茁壮成长grow with vigor毫不犹豫never hesitate to do ...without hesitation不知所措be at a loss不负众望not let anyone downlive up to the expectation of thewhole (nation)刮目相看look at sb. with new eyes无济于事no use doing...受益匪浅benefit a lot / greatly benefit引人入胜be attractive自力更生support oneself半途而废give up halfway一事无成achieve/accomplish nothing虚度年华idle away one’s time不得而知remain unknown诚实为本Honesty is the best policy.毫无疑问There is no doubt that...不尽人意be far from satisfactory大为惊叹be greatly amazed鼠目寸光short-sighted留连忘返(so...that ) we forget to leave/go home出尔反尔break one’s word/promises百看不厌be worth reading for hundreds of times置若罔闻turn a deaf ear to ...不可思议/难以置信unimaginable/unbelievable欢欣鼓舞cheer ... up生动有趣,清晰明了(in a) lively and clear (way)众人皆知well-known开阔眼界broaden one’s horizon一意孤行be going on one’s own way /persist in doing一举一动every move陷入困境get into trouble一帆风顺(life) always smooth听之任之have sth. going on略胜一筹have an advantage over ...错失良机miss good chances出人意料more ... than expected我行我素do exactly what he wants全神贯注give full attention to sth.肃然起敬be admirable发扬光大carry forward知恩图报repay anothe r’s kindness不眠之夜white night不遗余力spare no effort; go all out; do one’s best大开眼界open one’s eyes; broaden one’s horizon; be an eye-opener脚踏实地be down-to-earth名利双收gain in both fame and wealth茅塞顿开be suddenly enlightened时不我待Time and tide wait for no man.实话实说speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena无中生有make/create something out of nothing循序渐进step by step与时俱进advance with times以人为本people oriented; people foremost欲速则不达Haste does not bring success.优胜劣汰survival of the fittest致命要害Achilles’ heel众矢之的target of public criticism过犹不及going too far is as bad as not going far enoughbeyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little。



常用汉英成语、谚语、古语百闻不如一见Seeing is believing.爱乌及乌Love me,love my dog.本未倒置put the cart before the horse改邪归正mend one’s ways不入虎穴,焉得虎子Nothing venture,nothing have.得寸进尺Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.吃一堑长一智 A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.骄兵必败Prides goes before a fall.患难与共share weal and woe既往不咎Let bygones be bygones.光明正大be fair and square孤注一掷put all one’s eggs in one basket 画蛇添足paint the lily见风使舵to steer according to the wind良好的开端,成功的一半 A good beginning is half the battle. 空中楼阁 a castle in the air对牛弹琴cast pearls before swine破釜沉舟burn one’s boat势均力敌diamond ut diamond;Greek meet Greek旁观者清The onlooker sees most of the game.美中不足之处 a fly in the ointment转弯抹角beat around the bush情人眼里出西施Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.入乡随俗When in Rome,do as the Romans do.黔驴技穷be at wit’s end如履薄冰be on thin ices熟能生巧Practice makes perfect水涨船高When the river rises,the boat floats high.巧妇难为无米之炊One can’t make brick without straw.时不我待Time and tide wait for no man.条条大路通罗马All roads lead to Rome.新官上任三把火New brooms sweep clean.未雨绸缪provide for a rainy day小题大做make a mountain out of a molehill五十步笑百步The pot calls the kettle black.无风不起浪There is no smoke without fire.胸有成竹have a card up one’s sleeve英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.以其人之道还治其人之身pay sb. Back in his own coin天助自助者Heaven helps those who help themselves.欲速不达More haste,less speed.雨后春笋to spring up like mushrooms有志者事竟成Where there is a will,there is a way.有钱能使鬼推磨Money talks.有其父必有其子Like father,like son.鹬蚌相争,渔人得利Two dogs fight for a bone,and a third runs away with it.左右为难be in a dilemma作茧自缚,玩火自焚fry in one’s own grease;stew in one’s own juice覆水难收Don’t cry over spilled milk.胜者为王Might makes right.事与愿违The road to hell is paved with good intentions.趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot.星星之火,可以燎原A single spark can start a prairie fire.闪光的并不都是黄金All is not gold that glitters.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒Rome was not built in a day.三思而后行Look before you leap.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲Lazy youth,lousy age.物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather gather together. 人无远虑,必有近忧He who gives no thought to the future is sure to be beset byworries at hand.礼尚往来Courtesy calls for reciprocity.天网恢恢,疏而不漏Justice has a long arm.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎Isn’t it a delight when friends come from afar?以牙还牙eye for eye,tooth for tooth人靠衣装,佛靠金装Fine feathers make fine birds.江山易改,本性难移Y ou can’t make crab walk straight.不要打草惊蛇Let the sleeping dog lie.谋事在人,成事在天Man proposes,God disposes.笨鸟先飞The early bird catches the worm. 有失才有得Y ou can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.路漫漫其修远兮,My way ahead is long;I see no ending;yet high and low I’ll吾将上下而求索。

高考英语 中国成语谚语翻译(考纲—中国情怀、文化自信))(共26张PPT)

高考英语 中国成语谚语翻译(考纲—中国情怀、文化自信))(共26张PPT)
12、Fine feathers make fine birds. 人 要衣装马要鞍
1 .Trojan horse 特洛伊木马 比喻暗藏的敌人或危险
2.Tower of ivory 象牙塔 比喻世外桃源
3.Sour grapes 酸葡萄 得不到的东西就说它不好
4.Sphinx's riddle 斯芬克斯之谜 比喻难解之谜
4. They that know nothing fear nothing.
5. Too wise to live long.
6. Courtesy costs nothing.
课堂互动1: 翻译下列习语(参考译文)
7. A bird may be known by its song.
8. He knows most that speaks least.
课堂互动1: 翻译下列习语(参考译文)
9.Old friends and old wine are best.
【译文】姜是老的辣,酒是陈的香。/ 陈 酒味醇,老友情深。
an idle youth,a needy age.
while there is life, there is hope.
留得青 在,不怕没柴烧。
课堂互动1: 翻译下列习语(参考译文)
1. Wealth is best known by want.
8、don't put all your egge in one basket. 勿孤注一掷



高三成语及谚语背诵三心二意/心不在焉:absent-minded大相径庭:be totally different不折不扣:extremely, completely粗心大意:careless, carelessness不计其数:countless引人入胜:attractive焕然一新:take on a new look置之不理:take no notice of /turn a deaf ear to/ turn a blind eye to 固执己见:stubbornly stick to one’s own opinion不顾一切:throw all caution to the wind忍无可忍:can no longer put up with蹑手蹑脚:on tiptoe不得而知:remain unknown因人而异:depend on the individual/ vary from person to person 一箭之遥:within a stone’s throw of some place别无选择:have no choice but to do情不自禁:can’t help doing迫不得已:can do nothing but do迫不及待:can hardly wait to do化险为夷:turn danger into safety安然无恙:safe and sound全心全意/一心一意:heart and soul/ whole-heartedly奋不顾身:have no thought for one’s own safety视而不见:turn a blind eye to充耳不闻:turn a deaf ear to三言两语:in a few words鼎力相助:do whatever one can to help刮目相看:look at sb. with new eye百听不厌:be worth listening to a hundred times欣喜若狂:be wild with joy不辞而别:take leave without saying goodbye兴趣相投:share the same hobby反之亦然:vice versa不知所措:be at a loss坚守岗位:stick to one’s post坚持不懈:persevere in doing半途而废:give up halfway一事无成:achieve nothing梦想成真:one’s dream come true一无所有:have nothing一无所获:gain nothing一鸣惊人:surprise the world with one’s first success不辞辛苦:take time and trouble, take pains跋山涉水:travel over mountains and waters不遗余力:spare no efforts不能自已:can’t control oneself一见钟情:fall in love with sb at first sight受益匪浅:benefit a lot from爱莫能助:be powerless to help鞭长莫及:too far away to reach熟能生巧:practice makes perfect勤能补拙:diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence入乡随俗:When in Rome, do as Romans do趁热打铁:Strike while the iron is hot骄兵必败:Pride goes before a fall所见所闻:what someone has seen and heard言行一致:What one does agrees with what he says众所周知:as is known to all若无其事:pretend as if nothing unusual had happened开卷有益:Reading does you good.无济于事:It’s no use doing…事与愿违:Things turned out to be against one’s will.各抒己见:Everyone expresses his own opinion.爱不释手:love something so much that sb. doesn’t want to put it away良药苦口,忠言逆耳。



1、Barking dogs seldom bite. 善吠的狗很少咬人。

2、Beauty is but a blossom. 美丽只是盛开的花朵。

3、Beauty is but skin-deep. 红颜易变。

4、Beauty is in the eye of the gazer. 情人眼里出西施。

5、Beauty is potent; but money is omnipotent. 美丽是有力量的,但金钱更有权威。

6、Beauty is truth, truth beauty. 美就是真,真就是美。

7、Beauty lies in lover's eyes. 情人眼里出西施。

8、Beauty may have fair leaves, but bitter fruit. 美丽的花或许长好叶,结苦果。

9、Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume. 美而无德犹如花之无香。

10、Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creature of man. 并非时势造人,而是人造时势。

11、Man is the artificer of his own happiness. 人之幸福,自己创造。

12、Manners make the man. 礼貌造就人。

13、Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在天,成事在人。

14、Man's best plans often miscarry. 神机妙算,常常失算。

15、Man's best possession is a loving wife. 男人最可贵的是有一个贤淑的妻子。

16、Man will conquer nature. 人定胜天。



口译达人必“背”:中国成语英译(共240个)资料来源:沪江英语/口译达人必“背”:中国成语英译01一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳Once bitten, twice shy.一言既出,驷马难追A word spoken is past recalling.一见钟情to fall in love at first sight一箭双鵰/一举两得Kill two birds with one stone.一寸光阴一寸金Time is money.一失足成千古恨The error committed on impulse may turn out to be the sorrow of a whole life. 一将功名万骨枯What millions died that Caesar might be great.一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨Plan your year in spring and your day at dawn.一人难称百人意You cannot please everyone.一气呵成Never make two bites of a cherry.小Car笔记:on impulse:一时冲动,一时心血来潮turn out:结果是,证明是口译达人必“背”:中国成语英译02一白遮三丑A white complexion is powerful enough to hide seven faults.一知半解A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一心一意John is a person who always works with undivided attention.一丘之貉These people are cut from the same cloth./are tarred with the same brush.一目了然His words just leapt to the eye. Do you need me to explain it?一帆风顺His business has gone off without a hitch.一刻千金You have to make good use of time. After all, every time counts.一事无成I am happy to know that all have ended in smoke about him.一败涂地The outcome of the election just bit the dust.一针见血His comment on the current affairs always hits the right nail on the head.小Car笔记:undivided attention:一心一意go off:进行,响起,入睡,变质without a hitch:顺利无阻地(轻易地)bit the dust:倒下死去(一败涂地, 受辱)comment on:对... 评论口译达人必“背”:中国成语英译03一清二楚The accounts seem to be as clear as crystal.一意孤行That boy is always going his own way. He won't listen to his parents' advice.一落千丈My son's schoolwork has gone to pot. He really lets me down.一鸣惊人His performance at school really comes as a bombshell.一诺千金He never goes back on his word. He is as good as his word.一时兴起Don't always do things by fits and snatches.一蹴可及You should know that it is impossible to make it at one stroke.一筹莫展I really have no idea what to do. Now I am at my wit's end.一览无遗If you stand here looking down at the city. The wonderful scene will be in full view.一窍不通What you said is all Greek to me.小Car笔记:wit's end:技穷口译达人必“背”:中国成语英译04一视同仁He treats everyone across the board.一模一样These twins look as like as two peas.一时兴起He does everything on the spur of the moment.九死一生to have a hair-breadth escape九牛一毛Compared with mine, his was simply a drop in the bucket.人生如梦Life is but a dream.人生自古谁无死Death comes to all men.人生百岁古来稀It is seldom that a man lives to be a hundred years old.人定胜天Man can conquer nature.人不可貌相Appearances are often deceptive./ Never judge a book by its cover.小Car笔记:across the board:包括一切地, 全面地on the spur of the moment:一时冲动地, 立刻a drop in the bucket:沧海一粟conquer:征服,占领,战胜,得胜。





英译汉语常用--成语,谚语,典故,歇后语常用汉语成语:(Common Chinese Idioms)按图索骥 Looking for a steed with the aid of its picture百发百中 A hundred shots, a hundred bull’s-eyes班门弄斧 Showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter杯弓蛇影 Mistaking the reflection of a bow for a snake闭门造车 Building a cart behind closed doors病入膏肓 The disease has attacked the vitals草木皆兵 every bush and tree looks like an enemy吹毛求疵 Blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect打草惊蛇 Beating the grass and flushing out the snake调虎离山 Luring the tiger out of the mountains东施效颦 Aping the Beauty’s frown对牛弹琴 Playing the lute to a cow负荆请罪 Bringingthe birch and asking for flogging功亏一篑 Running an enterprise for the lack of one basketful故步自封 Content with staying where one is含沙射影 spitting sand on a shadow-attacking by insinuation狐假虎威 Basking in reflected glory囫囵吞枣 Gulping down a whole date画饼充饥 Allaying hunger with pictures of cakes画龙点睛 Putting the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon画蛇添足 Drawing a snake and adding feet惊弓之鸟 Birds startled by the mere twang of a bowstring精卫填海 Jingwei fills up the sea井底之蛙 A frog in a well刻舟求剑 Notching the boat to find the sword空中楼阁 A castle in the air滥竽充数 Passing oneself off as a member of the orchestra狼狈为奸 A wolf working hand in glove with a jackal老马识途 An old horse knows the way梁上君子 A gentleman on the beam临渴掘井 Not digging a well until one is thirsty满城风雨 A storm enveloping the city盲人摸象 Blind men touching an elephant毛遂自荐 Mao Sui recommending himself门庭若市 A courtyard as crowded as a marketplace名落孙山 Failing to pass an examination南辕北辙 Going south by driving the chariot north怒发冲冠 So angry that one’s hair lifts up one’s hat披荆斩棘 Breaking open a way through brambles and thorns 蚍蜉撼树 An ant trying to shake a big tree破釜沉舟 Smashing the cauldrons and sinking the boats破镜重圆 A broken mirror made whole again骑虎难下 When one rides a tiger, it is hard to dismount杞人忧天 The man of Qi who worried that the sky would fall黔驴技穷 The Guizhou donkey has exhausted its tricks日暮途穷 The day is waning and the road is ending如火如荼 Like a raging fire如鱼得水 To feel just like a fish in water入木三分 To enter three-tenths of an inch into the timber 塞翁失马 The old man of frontier lost his horse三顾茅庐 paying three visits to the cottage三人成虎 repeat a lie enough times and it will be believed丧家之犬 A homeless dog杀鸡吓猴 Killing the chicken to frighten the monkeys甚嚣尘上 Making a great clamor势如破竹 Like splitting bamboo世外桃源 A heaven of peace and happiness手不释卷 Always with a book in hand守株待兔 Sitting by a stump, waiting for a careless hare 蜀犬吠日 A Sichuan dog barks at the sun.束之高阁 Putting it on a high shelf水落石出 when the water ebbs, stones will appear四面楚歌 songs of Chu on all sides谈虎色变 Turn pale at the mention of a tiger昙花一现 A flower that vanishes as soon as it appears螳臂当车 A mantis trying to halt a chariot天花乱坠 As if it were raining flowers天涯海角 The end of sky and the corner of the sea同舟共济 Crossing a river in the same boat偷天换日 Stealing the sky and changing the sun天衣无缝 Divine garments without seams图穷匕见 When the map is unrolled the dagger is revealed 完璧归赵 Returning the jade intact to Zhao亡羊补牢 Mending the fold after the sheep have been stolen望梅止渴 looking at plums to quench the thirst望洋兴叹 Gazing at the ocean and sighing为虎作伥 helping the tiger to Pounce upon its victims卧薪尝胆 Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall笑里藏刀 Hiding a dagger behind a smile胸有成竹 Having a ready-formed plan削足适履 Cutting one’s feet to fit one’s shoes揠苗助长 Pulling up seedlings to help them grow掩耳盗铃 Plugging one’s ears while stealing a bell偃旗息鼓 To lower the banners and silence the drums叶公好龙 Lord She loves dragons夜郎自大 the conceited King of Yelang一鼓作气 Rousing the spirits with the first drum roll一箭双雕 Killing two bids with one stone一鸣惊人 Amazing the world with a single feat一丘之貉 Jackals of the same lair愚公移山 The foolish old man who removed the mountains鱼目混珠 Passing off fish eyes as pearls余音绕梁 The tune lingers in the house与虎谋皮 Borrowing the skin from a tiger鹬蚌相争 A snipe and a clam locked in combat朝三暮四 Three in the morning and four in the evening趾高气扬 Stepping high and haughtily指鹿为马 Calling a stag a horse纸上谈兵 Discussing stratagems on paper自相矛盾 Contradicting oneself常用汉语谚语:(Common Chinese Proverbs)八字衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫进来 Theyamengate is wide open, yet with only right on your side but no money, don’t go inside.兵马未动,粮草先行 Provisions should be arranged before an army is mobilized.不经一事,不长一智 Wisdom comes from experience.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair?差之毫厘,失之千里 A little error may lead to a large discrepancy.长江后浪催前浪,世上新人赶旧人 Just as the waves of the Yangtze River behind drive on those ahead, so does each new generation replace the old one.常将有日思无日,莫待无时想有时 When rich, think of poverty, but don’t think of riches when you are poor.吃一堑,长一智 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.打蛇不死,后患无穷 Unless you beat a snake to death, it will cause endless大处着眼,小处着手 Keep the general goal in sight while tackling daily tasks.单丝不成线,独木不成林 A single thread can’t make a cord, nor a single tree a forest.当局者迷,旁观者清 The spectators see more of the game than the players.刀不磨要生锈,水不流要发臭 A knife will rust if not sharpened regularly, and water will stagnate if it is not allowed to flow.道高一尺,魔高一丈 The law is strong, but the outlaws are ten times stronger.灯不拨不亮,理不辩不明 An oil lamp becomes brighter after trimming, a truth becomes clearer after being discussed.读书需用意,一字值千金 When reading, don’t let a single word escape your attention / one word may be worth a thousand pieces of gold.读万卷书,行万里路 Read ten thousand books and walk ten thousand miles.儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫 A son never thinks his mother ugly, and a dog never shuns its owner’s home however shabby it is.儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙做牛马 The children can take care of themselves when they grow up, so the parents don’t have to work too hard for the future of their offspring.耳听为虚,眼见为实 What you hear about may be false, but what you see is true.凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 As a man cannot be known by his looks, neither can the sea be fathomed by a gourd.放下屠刀,立地成佛 The butcher who lays down his knife, at once becomes a Buddha.风无常顺,兵无常胜 A boat can’t always sail with the wind; an army can’t always win battles.逢人只说三分话,未可全抛一片心 Talking to a stranger, it is wise to be somewhat reserved.瓜无滚圆,人无十全 No melon is completely round, and no person is perfect.害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无 One shouldn’t have the heart to harm others, but must be vigilant so as not to be harmed.花有重开日,人无再少年 Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has the chance to be young again.画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心 In drawing a tiger, you show its skin, but not its bones; in knowing a man, you may know his face, but not his heart.火要空心,人要虚心 A fire must have space at its center to burn vigorously; a man must be modest to make progress.见怪不怪,其怪自败 Face odd things fearlessly and their fearsomeness will disappear.江山易改,本性难移 Rivers and mountains may be changed, but it is hard to alter even a single person’s nature.近水楼台先得月,向阳花木早逢春 A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first; spring comes early to plants exposed to the sun.近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音 Near to rivers, we recognize fish; near to mountains, we recognize the songs of birds.近朱者赤,近墨者黑 Near vermilion, one gets stained pink; near ink, one gets stained black.酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多 If you drink with a bosom friend, a thousand cups are not enough; if you argue with someone, half a sentence is too much.老当益壮,穷当益坚 Old but vigorous, poor but ambitious.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行 It takes bitter medicine to cure a disease properly, and it takes blunt advice to put us on the right track.两虎相斗,必有一伤 When two tigers fight, one is sure to lose.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 As long as the green hills remain, there’ll be no shortage of firewood.。



中文常用习语俗语常用成语英文翻译明枪易躲,暗箭难防It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding.城门失火,殃及池鱼 A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat.路遥知马力,日久见人心As a long road tests a horse’s strength, so a long task proves a pers on’s heart.初生牛犊不怕虎New-born calves make little of tigers.口蜜腹剑to be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted声东击西to shout in the east and strike in the west刻骨铭心to be engraved on one’s heart and bones引狼入室to lead a wolf into the house(cf. to set the wolf to keep the sheep)打落水狗to beat the dog in the water重见天日to see the daylight again百川归海All rivers flow into the sea.画饼充饥to draw cakes to allay hunger所以这李纨虽青春丧偶,且处在膏梁锦绣之中,竟如“槁木死灰”一般,一概不问。

(《红楼梦》)So this young widow living in the lap of luxury was no better off than withered wood or cold ashes, taking no interest in the outside world.他一家子在这儿,他的房子、地在这儿,他跑?跑得了和尚跑不了庙。



汉语成语英译四法I. 直译法直译法(literal translation)能够保留原文的巧喻及形式,是翻译成语的最好方法。


例如:川流不息→flowing past in an endless stream犬马之劳→to serve like a dog or a horse易如反掌→as easy as turning over one's hand触景生情→the scene brings back memories无可救药→ beyond cureII. 意译法有的成语用直译法无法表达其意,我们只好忍痛割舍原文的巧喻,改以意义(free translation)来翻译。

例如:木已成舟→What's done is done.杞人忧天→unnecessary anxiety东施效颦→ blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩→Willingly fall into the snare.III.同义成语借用法有的汉语成语在内容和形式上都能够与英语成语相通,这时我们可以用同文的英语习语或成语来翻译汉语成语。

例如:隔墙有耳→ Walls have ears.绞尽脑汁→to rack one's brains一文不名→ without a penny to one's name谋事在人,成事在天→Man proposes, God disposes.说曹操,曹操到→Talk of the evil and he is sure to come.对牛弹琴→to throw pearls before swineIV. 注释法翻译汉语成语时,我们还可采用注释法(explanation),运用该种方法的好处是能介绍本国成语的特色,并能兼顾比喻、形式、清晰各方面。




Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.2. 搬石头砸自己的脚。

Lifting a rock only to have his own toes squashed.3.宾至如归。

When the visitor arrives,it is as if returning home.4.不到黄河心不死。

Until all is over ambition never dies. 5.不管三七二十一。

No matter what you may say.6.不人虎穴,焉得虎子。

How can one get tiger cubs even without entering the tiger's lair.7.趁热打铁。

Strike while the iron is hot.8. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。

There's no rose without a thorn.9.成则公侯败则寇。

People may become princes or thieves,depending on whether they're successful or not.10.大智若愚。

He knows most who speaks least. 11.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moon- light,even though miles apart.12. 独立自主,自力更生。

To maintain independence and keep the initiative in our hands and rely on our own efforts.13.独木不成林。

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第三章名词的抽象和具体译法第一节名词的抽象译法(p68)另如:粗枝大叶to be crude and careless(with big branches and large leaves)海阔天空to talk with random( with a vast sea and boundless sky)灯红酒绿dissipated and luxurious(with red lights and green wine)纸醉金迷of life of luxury and dissipation(with drunken paper and bewitched gold) 单枪匹马to be single-handed in doing sth(with a solitary spear and a single horse) 赤胆忠心ardent loyalty(with red gut and heart)无孔不入to take advantage of every weakness(to get into every hole)扬眉吐气to feel proud and elated(to raise the eyebrows and let out a breath) 开门见山to come straight to the point(to open the door and see the mountain)大张旗鼓on a large and spectacular scale(to make a great array of flags and drums)风雨飘摇(of a situation) being unstable(the wind and rain are rocking)二.翻译下列句子(1)这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去插一脚干吗?That’s a business of their own, between husbandand wife. Why should you get involved in?(2)别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊!You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of otherfamilies. You are really well informed.(3)这消息让我出了一身冷汗。

I’m extremely terrified by the news.(4)她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。

She volunteered for the teaching post in thisprimary school.(5)我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。

I dare not show off in the presence of(在……面前)an expert. I hope you would be kind enoughto enlighten(启发,启蒙)us on this matter.(6)敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。

The enemy troops threw the whole village intogreat disorder.(7)敌军军官听说后路已被切断,吓得目瞪口呆。

The enemy officer was stunned by the news thatthe route of retreat had been cut off.(8)这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。

These problems are too complicated to beexplained clearly in a few words.(9)今天下午的球赛,棋逢对手,一定很精彩。

This afternoon’s ball game is sure to be anexciting one, for the two sides are well-matched. (10)他们为敌人效尽犬马之劳。

They worked faithfully in the service of theenemies.(11)真正的朋友应该是雪中送炭。

A real good friend should be one offering timelyhelp.(12)他们和群众血肉相连,休戚与共。

They maintain the closest relations with themasses and share their weal(福利,幸福) andwoe( 悲痛,苦恼).(13)他这几天心里七上八下,老是安静不下来。

His mind was in a turmoil these days and he wasquite unable to think straight.(14)我们要重视沿海与内地的贫富差距问题。

We must pay close attention to (the problem of) the gap between coastal and inland areas.(15)我们必须与腐败和各种不公正现象作斗争。

We must fight against corruption and injustice. (16)你必须提出一些解决方案。

You must work out some solutions.(17)不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。

Who has never tasted bitter knows not what issweet.(Who has never tasted Chinese goldthread which isbitter will never know honey is sweet.)(18)他等着她来,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。

He waited for her arrival, with a frenzied agitation.(19)妈妈非常激动,我感到她的背在颤抖,就在那一刻,我第一次明白妈妈也有脆弱的一面。

In that moment, feeling mother’s back racked with emotion, I understood for the first time her vulnerability.(20)他们的乐观主义精神令我们大为感动。

Their optimism moved us greatly.(21)目前公司的经营状况已经有所好转。

At present, the business in our company isturning for the better.(22)我明白许多家庭今天都意识到他们家中少了人.I knew that many families today were consciousof absences.(23)我知道我会碰到严寒酷暑。

I knew I would encounter extremes of weather.(24)只要你嫁给我,鸡鸭鱼肉,绫罗绸缎,一辈子享受不尽。

If you are willing to marry me, you will enjoy theluxuries all your life.(25)我们都来自五湖四海。

We are from all corners of the country.第二节名词的具体译法具体译法是指在翻译过程中把原文中抽象或比较抽象的单词、词组、成语或者句子用具体或比较具体的单词、词组、成语或者句子来进行翻译,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失,使译文产生与原文同样的效果。



He has many hot potatoes to handle every day.(2)他新雇来的女佣人懒得出奇,饭量倒很大,真是一个无用而又累赘的的东西。

His newly employed servant woman wasextremely lazy and ate a lot, no more than a whiteelephant.(3)我不敢肯定我能赢得这个荣誉,这还是未到手的东西。

I’m not sure whether I can win the honour; it’s abird in the bush. (A bird in the hand is worth twoin the bush. 一鸟在手胜过两鸟在林。


Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.The real difficulties still lay ahead.(5)我们决不能姑息坏人。

We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.(6)至于那些苹果,我们就对半分吧。

As for the apples, let’s go fifty-fifty with them.(7)他们的见解非常相似。

Their ideas run in the same groove(沟,槽).(8)我知道你现在是进退两难。

I know you are holding a wolf by the ears.(9)他这个人只管自己的事。

He is a man who hoes(n. v. 锄,锄头)his ownpotatoes.(10)你真是说话不看对象。

You are really casting pearls before swine.(11)空谈不如实践。

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.(12)他出身在富贵之家。

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译第一节翻译中的选义翻译包括理解和表达两个过程。





英国语言学家Firth曾经说过:Each word is a new word in a new context(每个词在一个新的语境中就是一个新词)。

