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X-ray appearance time
横向位片 轴向位片 定位针
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 学习总结
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
Lefort Ⅱ
Lefort Ⅲ
Lefort Ⅲ fracture
Waters position
Right---lefort Ⅱ
left---lefort ⅡandⅢ
Waters position
Fractures of Zygomatic bone and arch
Alveolar fracture
Alveolar fracture company with tooth inlay
Maxillary fracture
Fracture Types of maxillar bone LefortⅠ Lefort Ⅱ Lefort Ⅲ
(horizontal fracture )
Diagnostic principle
1. position and number 2. types 3. displacement 4. relation between the fracture line and
teeth 5. differentiate from nutrition canal and
normal sutures 6. concrescence of fractures
position and number of fractures
relation between the fracture line and teeth
differentiate from nutrition canal and normal sutures
危险的颅内出血。 意识消失或神智模糊,呼吸困难,呕吐,抽
搐,手脚麻痹,口或鼻腔流血或透明的液体, 剧烈头痛持续不止等等。 原则:先处理颅脑症状,稳定全身生命体征, 后治疗颌面部损伤。
Applied radiology
The prescription of appropriate film can be made only after a careful clinical examination
Diagnostic Radiology Of Maxillofacial
Part of Injury
Most common responsible
Fall Automobile accident Blows from foreign bodies strking Others
Test technics
Water’s position (华氏位、鼻颏位) Panoramic 曲面断层片(全景) Cephalometric (X线头影测量片)or lateral film(侧位片) Occlusal film咬合片 Submentovertex (颅底位、颏顶位、颧弓位) Zygomatic bone-PA(颧骨后前位、顶颏位) Post–anterior position(下颌骨后前位) Obligue lateral projection(下颌骨斜侧位) Schullar’s position (薛氏位、颞下颌关节片) CT and MRI
1、双侧眼眶及上颌窦大小不一,窦腔积液昏暗 2、骨折线多样,骨折块移位,左右眶下缘不在
、同一水平 3 、牙弓不对称 4、颌间间隙形态不对称 5、张口受限是否由于喙突受压? 6、骨折是否波及颅及颅底?
Fracture of mandible
The most ommon fracture sites mental body angle condyle and it`s neck
After operation
Comminute Fracture of zygomatic arch
“M” type of submentovertex
Fracture of nose bone
Pay attention to the maxillary bone fracture!!!
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End 演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Post–anterior position(PA)
Post–anterior position
CT view
3D dimension reconstruction
Tomographic view and CT-3D
Pathologic fracture
Oriented from tumors ,Osteomyelitis, tooth extraction, operation etc.
Classification of the condyle fracture
Please look at book P158—P161
Panoramic view
Panoramic view
Panoramic view
Panoramic view
Panoramic view
Panoramic view
Radiology aids in identifying the location and orientation of fractures and indicates the degree of separation or displacement of fracture margins.
Radiographs are very useful after an injury