
第二次世界大 战时期的lold Palmer; A. S. Hornby
20 世纪 50 年代 法国
模仿儿童学习母语 的“自然顺序”,即 先开始听,然后学 习说,最后才是读 和写。
Comeninus 提出语 言必须通过实践而 不是通过语言规则 来学习的主张
( 1)重视习得方式, 强调在自然交际情境中使 学生无意识地掌握运用语言的能力 ( 2)理解优先 ( 3)注重有意义的交际 ( 4)降低学生焦虑, 教学应在轻松友好的气氛 中进行,对学生错误不直接纠正 ( 5)汲取了其他各种教法的方法和技巧,如: 全身反应法,直接法 ( 1)强调外语的直接性,教学中禁用母语 ( 2)音声优先, 强调语音教学, 强调正确的发 音和语法的正确性 ( 3)学生模仿, 朗读和回答问题是直接法教学 的主要形式 ( 4)语法是以归纳途径去教授的 ( 1)听说领先,读写跟上 ( 2)大量反复操练使学生达到自动掌握语言材 料的熟练程度 ( 3)句型练习成为课堂中心任务和主要教学形 式 ( 4)将外语与母语对比, 找出异同, 确定教学 ( 5)严格要求学生口语的正确性, 及时纠正错 误 ( 1)重视语言点和情景连接 ( 2)总结归纳出最常用 2000 个单词,作为词 汇教学基础内容 ( 3)用外语教授外语 ( 4)语言教学从口语开始, 教学材料口头教后 再呈现书面形式,学生掌握一定词汇和语法后 再教读写 ( 5)按先简后繁, 先易后难的原则安排语法项 目的教学顺序 ( 1)先教听说后教读写 ( 2)课堂上不用母语 ( 3)用配有幻灯片的录音对应出语言点; 采用 操练的方法教授基本语法和词汇
结构主义语言观、 行为主义心理学
结构主义语言观、 行为主义心理学
语言是通过交际学 会的,在情境中教 授新的语言点可以 避免翻译;必须先 对所教语言进行详


如在学习book , pencil 等学习用品和apple ,orange 等水果时,就可以利用水果实物或图片进行教学,使抽象的单词直观化,使英语的学习过程更具趣味性。
4、儿歌说唱法对于中低年级的学生,我们可以根据其特点,将学习的内容编成一些顺口易记的歌诀,如:丁丁、丁丁真能干,学习思考用head,小小eye 看黑板,竖起ear认真听,mouth、mouth长得巧,讲起英语都说好,nose、nose嗅觉灵,foot、foot踢足球,arm、arm来举重,长长leg跳绳快,虽然比赛伤了toe,领奖face乐开了花,全班拍着hand,夸他为班争了光。
5、表演法如在“In the morning”这一单元后,我们的表演要求就是:把一天从早晨醒来到上学这一阶段的生活用英语表演出来。

小学英语教师 新课程教法专题培训
主要外语教学流派及其 在小学英语教学中的发展和运用.
主要外语教学流派及其在 小学英语教学中的发展和运用
1、主要外语教学方法 2、任务型语言教学 3、小学英语常用的教学技巧
1、语法翻译法The Grammar-Translation Method 2、直接法The Direct Method 3、听说法The Audio-Lingual Method 4、情境教学法The Situational Approach 5、全身反应法TPR, Total Physical Response 6、交际法The Communicative Approach
1、重视听说、兼顾读写.在学生打下一定的听说基础之后,再进行读写教学,使读写促进听说.要严格地按照听说读写的顺序教学,没听的不说,没说的不读,没读的不写. 2、强调变换操练,反复实践,养成语言习惯.听说法强调语言学习要靠大量的刺激-反应-强化的反复操练,通过模仿、记忆、重复、交谈等实践练习,形成自动化的习惯.听说法还主张从一开始就让学生确切地理解、准确地模仿、正确地表达,尽量避免错误,发现错误及时纠正,以避免错误形成习惯.
1、通过身体动作和其他直观手段创设语言环境,既有利于学生理解和掌握语言,又能活跃课堂教学气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣.让他们在身临其境的实际体验中学习英语. 2、强调学生学习语言的情感因素,认为学习第二语言要尽量降低学生学习的焦虑感,这同新课程中关注学生学习语言的情感态度是相一致的. 3、符合语言学习的规律.全身反应法认为语言学习要在大量的理解性听的输入基础上来培养说的能力,因为学生的理解先于表达,而且是在理解基础上才学会表达的. 4、主张以句子为教学单位,整句学、整句用,重视语言内容和意义,有利于培养学生实际运用语言进行交际的能力.


阅读教学的目的和重要性 阅读策略和技巧 写作教学的目标和要求 写作技巧和训练方法
教学目标:明确课程目标,确定教 学内容和教学方法
教学步骤:介绍教学流程,包括导 入、呈现、练习、反馈等环节
PPT,a click to unlimited possibilities
小学英语教学法是 针对小学生学习英 语的教学方法
旨在培养小学生 的英语语言能力 和兴趣
包括听说读写四 个方面的教学
注重实践性和互动 性,以游戏、活动 等方式进行教学
完善教材和教 学方法
加强教师培训 和交流
关注学生个体 差异和需求
小学英语教学法是小学教育的重要 组成部分
小学英语教学法对于培养小学生的 综合素质具有重要作用
小学英语教学法对于提高小学生英 语水平具有重要意义
小学英语教学法对于推动小学教育 的发展具有积极影响
直接法:通过直接呈现和操练英语,使学生直接理解和掌握英语 听说法:注重听力和口语训练,通过模仿和反复练习,提高学生的听说能力 交际法:强调语言交际功能,注重培养学生的语言运用能力和跨文化交际能力 任务型教学法:通过设计各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和掌握英语 TPR教学法:通过全身反应的方式,让学生在游戏中学习和掌握英语
教学资源的利用:充分 利用各种教学资源,如 多媒体、网络等,以丰 富教学内容,提高教学 效果。

如学习“who is...?is he/she/it...?”时,用“听音猜人”的游戏;学习“where is/are...?is it in/on/under...?”时,用“藏物猜地点”的游戏;学习“what’s this?it’s a...”时,用“蒙眼摸物”的游戏等。
如,学数字时教学生唱”one two three four five”;学家庭成员时教学生唱“my family”,再用录音机配上优美的曲调,对学生将有着无穷的魅力。
如,学句型“what’s this?it’s a...”时可采用歌曲“两只老虎”的旋律,让学生自己把词填上,不但可以增强学生的参与意识,还能减轻学生的负担,我们也可以收到事半功倍的教学效果。

● ●
第五节 认知法
认知法(Cognitive Approach)是一种经过改革的现代 语法翻译法,是把认知心理学的理论用于外语教学的 方法体系,即在外语教学中发挥学生智力作用,重视 对语言规则的理解,着眼于培养既实际又全面地运用 语言能力的一种外语教学法体系。认知法是在20世纪 60年代科学飞速发展,资本主义国家在科技领域竞争 更加突出,需要高水平的外语人才的背景下产生的。 认知法是针对听说法的缺陷提出来的。
第三节 听说法
1、强调以句型为中心进 行听说训练,围绕句型 安排语言内容,培养语 言技能。 6、语言材料的选编、训练的 方式都从语言的结构出发,缺 乏语言的真实性,不利于培养 学生连贯表达和灵活运用外语 进行交际的能力。 5、过分重视机械性训练, 忽视语音规则的指导作 用,造成教学过程枯燥 乏味。 2、主要操练方式是模仿 记忆,通过大量机械性 的句型操练以形成自动 化的习惯。
● 外语教学法的临近学科的发展,为直接法的产生和形成提 供里理论基础。以语言学家保罗(H.Paul)和心理学家旺 特(W.M.Wundt)为代表的理论认为语言心理中其主要 作用的不是思维,而是感觉。 ● 现代教学论的奠基人卡米尼厄斯(enius)强烈 主张“每种语言必须通过实践学习,而不应通过语言规则 来学习”,并提出了一系列教学原则,这也为直接法提供 了理论依据。直接法于20世纪20年代在法、德、俄等国 普遍试用。在20世纪30年代和40,我国一些教会学校也 采用直接法教学。直接教学法的产生,使外语教学法科学 的学术思想十分活跃,它在外语教学法史上起了积极的促 进作用。
3、排斥或限制母语,反 对用母语讲解和翻译。
三、教学特点 与评价: 4、重视语音、句型教 学,及时纠正错误,培 养正确的语言习惯。

二级 (小学)
1. 知道单词是由字母构成的。 2.知道要根据单词的音、义、形来学习词汇。 3.学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语,并能初步运用400个 左右的单词表达二级规定的相应话题。
五级 (初中)
1.了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配等形式。 2.理解和领悟词语的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义。 3.运用词汇描述事物、行为和特征,说明概念等。 4.学会使用1500~1600个单词和200~300个习惯用语或固定搭配。
词汇教学 内容
英语构词法 的新词,如care这个单词,可用构
词法,引申出care –careful-
对比教学法 近(同)义词对比,反义(相对)词对比,
同音(异形)词对比。如: gladhappy,hate- like,right-write 等.
八级 (高中)
1.运用词汇理解和表达不同的功能、意图和态度等; 2.在比较复杂的情况下,运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描述行为和特征、说明概念等; 3.学会使用3000个左右的单词和400—500个习惯用语或固定搭配。
词 的 读 音
词 的 拼 写
词 的 释 义
Байду номын сангаас
词汇教学 内容
水果、星期、季节、月份、交 通工具等都可以分类记忆。
直观教学法 音形结合 英语构词法
小学英语教学法— 说课稿

小学英语教学法—说课稿Lesson7 Let’s Go Swimming.(Part2)教材分析:本课的教学内容为EEC小学英语课本第四册Lesson 7 Let’s Go Swimming.第二课时,课文主要是学习Let’s…..引导的祈使句。
教学重点:1、I want to go down the slide.2、Touch your arms.3、Bend your knees.4、Let’s jump into the water.5、slide \exercise \touch\toes\bend\jump.教学难点:学会说游泳前做准备动作是的常用的句型。

第一节.外语教学法的主要流派问题:什么是教学法?为达到教学目的而采用的教学途径和理论;一种教学方法体系,曰:教学法(Teaching Approach)。
一、翻译法(Translation Method)翻译法又叫语法翻译法(Grammar-Translati Method),是指用母语来教授外语的一种方法。

强 已 成 为用 人 单 位 和 教 育部 门的 共 识 ,而产 学 合 作 对 于培 养 学生 的专 业技 术 能力 、解 决 实 际 问 题 的 能力 和 创 新 能力 有 着
和 技 术 , 高教 学 水 平 和课 堂效 率 。根 据 高 职教 育 的特 点 , 提 本
课 程 在适 当介 绍英 语 教 学 理 论 不 同流 派 的 同时 ,将侧 重点 放 在 语 言技 能 和 语 言知 识 的 实 际 课 堂教 学 上 .重 点 培养 新 课 标 . 生 的 教 学 实 践 能 力 。 结 合 本 课 程 教 学 大 纲 的 要 求 和 本 市 F学 小 学英 语 的 教学 与 教 改 情 况 , 从 课 程 实践 教 学 设 计 、 训 教 特 实 材 开发 、 学 研 结 合j 方 面 进行 教 学 方 案设 计 。 产 课 程 实 践 教学 方 案 ( ) 内实践 教 学 一 校 1 堂教 学 实践 。本课 程 每 周 课 时为4 共 计 6 学 时 , 中 . 课 , 4 其 理论 学 时 为3 实 践学 时 为 3 。 实践 内容 分 为 两 大类 : 为 观 0, 4 一 看示 范 课 录像 , 行 评 课 和 讨论 ; 为 教 学技 能 分 项 训 练 。 其 进 二 中 观 看 和讨 论 示 范 课 L ann a hn 共 1 学 时 .教 案 编 写 e rigt c ig O e L so ln ig 教 学 技 能 分 项 训 练 T ahn c nq e 、 课 esn pa nn 、 e c igt h iu s 说 e 等 l 学 时 , 讲T ahn rcie 2 时 。 2 试 ec igpa t 1 学 c 2设 置 实训 周 。将 第 四学 期 第 1 周 定 为 教案 编 写 技 能 实 . 5 训周 . 五 学 期 第 1 、4、5 第 3 1 l 周分 别 设 定 为课 件 制 作 、 师技 能 教 综 合 技 能 实训 周 . 证 实 践 教学 内容 的 训 练 时 间 , 中训 练 学 保 集 生 从 师 技 能。 3第二 课 堂 教 学 实 践 。定 期 组 织 具 备 专 业 特 色 的 学 牛 活 . 动 , 学 生 提供 锻 炼 和 展示 专 业 技 能 的平 台 。例 如 : 师 技 能 为 教


Collect feedback from students on their learning experience, including the effectiveness of the course in enhancing their English skills and knowledge
Encouraging active learning
promoting student participation in class ions, role playing, and other interactive activities
Assessing student progress
Evaluate one's own delivery of instructions, including language clarity, ability to engage students, and utilization of effective teaching techniques
Detailed description
Learning language by completing practical tasks, emphasizing the practical application of language and problem-solving abilities.
Teaching language by simulating real-life scenarios to help students understand and apply language.
Detailed description

1. 培养兴趣:小学生的学习兴趣相对较高,因此教师在教学中应充分利用游戏、音乐等趣味性的教学方式,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 听说读写并重:小学英语教学强调培养学生的听、说、读、写四个基本技能,注重培养学生的语言综合运用能力,注重口语的培养,同时培养学生的阅读和写作能力。
3. 情境教学:小学英语教学法注重创设真实的语境,通过情景模拟、角色扮演等方式让学生在真实的语境中学习和使用英语,提高学生的实际运用能力。
4. 个性化差异:小学生的差异性较大,教师应根据学生的个体差异制定不同的教学策略,灵活调整教学内容和方法,满足每个学生的学习需求。
5. 渐进性教学:小学英语教学应根据学生的认知发展特点,循序渐进地教授知识,螺旋上升,从简单到复杂,逐步提高学生的学习难度和深度。


《小学英语教学法》教学大纲一、课程说明1.课程代码: 108024641/1080246212.总学时数:68 ,其中理论环节学时数:20 ,实验实践环节学时数: 48 。
3.学分: 4学分4.适用专业:小学教育(英语方向)本科5.本课程的性质、地位和作用小学英语教学法是一门理论和实践相结合的小学教育英语方向学生专业必修课。

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1. How do we learn our first language?Socializing process Interaction and experimentingStimulating , involves Positive and encouraging2. Differences and similarities between L1 and L2(1) Rich context and input, opportunities for using the language ,interaction withothers, etc. are important in learning any language.(2) Teachers should create a nice environment and interesting activities for pupils touse the language to do things.3. Better help children learn a foreign language(1) Create a better environment for L2 learning—a supportive situation ---be tolerant to errors(2) Provide more opportunities for children to hear the language , give them more chances to experiment with the language(3) Design activities which are interesting and motivating and encourage children to use the language in context as much as possible4.The principles for designing activitiesPrinciple 1: Children learn best when feeling happy and secure.Principle 2: Children are naturally imaginative, active and creative.Principle 3: Learning is often a mutual accomplishment. Learning is collaborative, not adult driven. Children participate at their own level of understanding with the mother’s help.Principle 4: Children often learn through guided participation and they profit from the support and encouragement of more competent people.Principle 5: Children learn best when they are involved both physically and mentally. Principle 6: Children need plenty of opportunities to use similar language again and again.Principle 7: It is not interaction itself but the quality of interaction that contributes to better learning.Principle 8: Language is the means through which self-regulation of learning behavior develops.Principle 9: Learning depends upon the negotiation of meaning.Principle10: Children learn in a similar way as they acquire their mother tongue. They learn the whole language rather than through analyzing language rules.5. Children’s characteristics(1) It’s difficult for children to understand verbal instructions to begin with.Keep instructions very simple and support them with body language.(2) Children’s attention span is very limited.Use many short and simple activities instead of long activities.(3) Children do not often have a clear purpose for learning. They learn simply because happy and enjoy the activity.Make the learning enjoyable and pleasant.(4) Children like to do things with their hands, bodies and mindsOrganize some hands-on activities for children to do. Use Total Physical Response (TPR) if necessary.(5) Children like to do things with achievable targets because they want to feel sure that it is not something beyond their ability.Do not make tasks too difficult for children. Tasks should always have definite out-comes and repeated elements to ensure security and participation.(6) Children are imaginative, creative, and like new things and like participate in activities.Give children opportunities to imagine and create, e.g. invite them to draw a monster or imagine seeing something through a telescope and tell others about it. (7) Children are not good at analyzing language rules.Do not explain complicated grammar rules to children. Guide children to discover rules by themselves.6.Ways to nature children’s motivation(Phillips)•Provide a clear meaningful purpose•The activities should be simple enough•The task should be within their abilities•The activities should be largely orally based•Written activities should be used much less with young children--Learner difference is an important topic for language learning and teaching. The following are some of the factors that may influence learner difference in learning a language.--Altman(1980): age, sex, previous experience with language learning, proficiency in the native learning, personality, language aptitude, attitudes and motivation, general intelligence, sense modality preference, sociological preference, cognitive styles, learner strategies7. Children have some advantages over adults(1) in acquiring good pronunciation and intonation;(2)good at imitation;(3) not shy in trying things out;(4) curious and motivated to learn new things(5) Interested in learning and playing with their native language, reciting nursery rhymes, singing songs, listening to stories, recognizing and saying words and phrases for fun.8.The theory of multiple intelligenceLinguistic Intelligence (word smart)言语智力—story tellingLogical-Mathematical Intelligence (number/reasoning smart)数理智力-ordering Spatial Intelligence (picture smart)空间智力—listening and drawingBody-kinesthetic Intelligence (body smart)形体智力--actingMusical/Rhythmic Intelligence (music smart)音乐智力—changing lyrics Interpersonal Intelligence (people smart)人体交往智力—making a dialogue with apartnerIntra-personal Intelligence (self-smart)内省智力---Writing diaryNaturalistic-Physical Intelligence (nature smart)自然界智力—nature diary American psychologist Howard Gardenr’s theory on multiple intelligence helps teachers realize the different intelligence pupils have so that they would try differenttypes of activities or teaching methods that cater for the different needs .If a teacher can think of multiple intelligence when planning a lesson ,his pupils will definitely benefit a lot from it .Only when teachers realize the differences between their pupils are they able to teach according to the needs of the pupils and the language styles of the pupils.9. Learner differenceTeachers need to be aware of the differences and try to develop each student’s potentials and learn how to make good use of the theory of multiple intelligences to motivate students to learn.Teachers should try different types of activities or teaching methods to meet different needs. Teachers should take multi-intelligence theory into account when planning lessons.When designing output task teachers should try to design tasks of different type, giving everyone chance to demonstrate and use their potential to the fullest.▪People are born to be different.▪One cannot be good at everything, but everybody can be good at something. 10. Humanistic educationHumanistic education require teachers to treat children as human beings who have their own shoughts and needs.Teachers should never try to force their ideas into children’s minds and should always try to think the same level as children1.Humanistic education teaches a wide variety of skills which are needed to function in today’s world .2.huamanistic education is a huamne approach3.humanistic education deals with basic human concerns.11.Qualities of a good primary English teacher1) A very important quality of a primary school English teacher is obviously competence in English: having good pronunciation and intonation, being able to communicate with the language in oral and written forms and understand some basic English grammar2) Good at using different teaching techniques with children.3)Need to be versatile: able to act, sing, dance, draw and tell stories; able to organize games and activities (It doesn’t mean you need to be an actor or dancer to be able to teach in the primary school).4) Need to understand how children think and learn. Need to help children to develop in an all-round way: linguistically, intellectually, culturally, and mora lly. develop competence at least in 3 areas:▪the English language:knowing the language and knowing how to communicate with the language are essential to an English teacher▪the understanding of children:understanding how children think and learn is the key to undertake primary education.,▪and the methods and techniques for teaching children.are necessary skills fora primary school English teacher and they can be trained and developed.12. Views on language learning▪Behaviourist theory---Skinner—theory of conditoning—threestages(stimulus,response,and reinforcement)—audio-lingual method which involve endless “listen and repeat”drilling activities.The idea of this method is that language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected,and correcte utterance were immediately praised.▪Cognitive theory:language is not a form of behavior ,it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system .Chomskey’s famous question :if all language is a learned behavior ,how can a child produce a sentence that has never been said by others before? One influential idea is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.▪Constructivist theory:learning is a process in which the learner construct meaning based on his own experiences and what he already knows.John Dewey provided a foundation for constructivism. He believed that teaching should be built based on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities. Teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive ,creative, critical learner. Therefore ,teachers must balance an understanding of the habits ,characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousing learners’interests and curiosity for learning .▪Socio-constructivist theory Vygotsky emphasises interaction and engagement with the target language in social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development”and scaffolding .learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and betwee n learners.With the teacher’s scaffoldingthrough questions and explanations, or with a more capable peers’ support, the learner can move up to a higher level of understanding and extend his skills and knowledge to the fullest potential.▪Communicative competence is a term in linguistics which refers to a language user‘s grammatical knowledge of syntax(句法), morphology(构词), phonology(音位)and the like, as well as social knowledge about how and when to use utterances appropriately.▪CLT:Communicative Language Teaching▪The goal of CLT is to develop students’communicative competence,which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.13. What is communicative competence▪One language form may express a number of communicative functions and one communicative function can also be expressed by a variety of language forms. E.g.Why don’t you leave the door open?▪The speakers not only have to know functional meaning of the language but also the social context where the message is given.E.g.Flight CA937 is now landing.The train is leaving in ten miniutesShe is always complaining whenever you talk to her.He is making progress slowly.14. Component of Communicative competence▪Hedge’s discussionLiguistic competence(语言能力): is concerned with knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaningTeachers need to help learners· achiever accuracy in the grammatical forms of the language;· pronounce the forms accurately;· use stress, rhythm, and intonation to express meaning;· build a range of vocabulary;· Learn the script and spelling rules;· achieve accuracy in syntax and word formationPragmatic competence(语用能力): appropriate use:when to speak, when not, what to talk about with whom,when, where and in what manner--learn the relationship between grammatical form and functionsDiscourse competence(话语能力): the ability to express or to understand a topic logically and coherentlytake turns in speaking, use discourse markers and open and close conversations; appreciate and be able to produce contextualised written texts in a variety of genres; be able to use cohesive devices in reading and writing texts;be able to cope with authentic texts;Strategic competence( 策略能力):the ability to compensate for communication breakdown by searching for other means of expressionto take risks in using the language;to use a range of communicative strategies;to learn the language needed to engage in some these;Fluency (流畅性能力): the ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inapprociate slowness or undue hesitationdeal with the information gap of real discourse;process language and respond appropriately with a degree of ease;be able to respond with reasonable speed in ‘real time’15. David Nunan’s (1991) five features of CLT:An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language. (强调用目的语进行交际)The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.(在学习过程中模拟真实情景)The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the learning mangagement process. (学习者在学习过程中不仅注重语言本身的学习,同时注重学习管理过程)An enhancement of the learner’s own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning. 在课堂学习过程中重视学习者的个人经验An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities outside theclassroom. 课堂学习应与课外活动相结合16.Main features of communicative activitiesExample activitiesRole play Interviews Information gap Games Language exchangeSurveys Pair work Learning by teachingSix criteria for evaluatingCommunicative purpose Communicative desire Content, not formVariety of language No teacher intervention No materials control17. Task-based language learning (TBLL),I t’s also known as task-based language teaching (TBLT) or task-based instruction (TBI) focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language.Such tasks can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help.Assessment is primarily based on task outcome (in other words the appropriate completion of tasks) rather than on accuracy of language forms.Stress the importance of focus on form for L2 learning by drawing students’attention to linguistic elements, not as discrete items presented to the learner, but as they arise in a meaningful classroom context, only if it is done while maintaining emphasis on meaning, communication and fluencyPre-task The task cycle (Task, Planning, Report)Post task (The language focus, Analysis ,Practice)General characteristics a task involvesFocus on exchanging and understanding meanings, rather than on practice of form or pre-specified forms or patternsThere is some kind of purpose or goal set for the taskThe outcome of the completed task can shared in some way with others.Tasks can involve any or all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing The use of tasks does not preclude language-focused study at some points in a TBL lessonWhat is a task ( a language learning task )?an activity that has a non-linguistic purpose or goal with a clear outcomeand that uses any or all of the four language skills in its accomplishmentby conveying meaning in a way that reflects real-world language use18. The Primary School Teaching Methods◆Visual teaching method 直观教学法◆Situational teaching method 情境教学法◆Imitating practice teaching method 模仿练习法◆Song and chant teaching method 儿歌说唱法◆Lecture method 讲授法◆Demonstrative method 演示法◆Contest method 竞赛法◆Performance method 表演法◆Communicative approach 交际教学法◆Suggestive teaching method 暗示法◆Games teaching approach 游戏教学法◆Cooperative teaching method 合作教学法◆Activity method 活动教学法◆Total Physical Response 全身反应教学法◆Net Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction ( NMCAI) 多媒体辅助教学法19. Classroom ManagementWhat influence children's motivation?There are two kinds of motivations. intrinsic and extrinsic motivationsIntrinsic motivation: the extent to which individual works or strive to learn the language because of a desire to do so and the satisfaction experienced in this activity. Extrinsic motivation: comes frome outside the individual.Students are extrinsically motivatied when learning is done for the sake of rewards (such as grades and praise) that are not inherently associated with the learning itself.How can we motivate children in learning English?Participation, enjoyment,and success are three keys that will make all the differences to children in building up their attitude and motivation towards learning English. Bearing in mind the theory of multiple intelligences,we need to design a variety of activities that cater for different needs and provide different opportunities for children to exercise their different intelligences.Keeping a good discipline when teaching young learners is undoubtedly important and it is a way to guarrantee effective learning but teachers also need to protect learners; enthusiasm and try to create a nice and encouraging learning envionment for learners to enjoy the class.Both attach importance to teacher's attitude and behavior in the classroom and learners' i nvolvement in activities. Teachers need to be enthusiastic about the things they teach and be excited about the games to be played and need to take care of their pupils. They also need to think of ways to involve pupils more and train pupils to be active and take responsibility with their own learning. Rewarding is a good way but teacher also need to think how they can improve pupils’ intrinsic motivation so that they do not learn just for rewards.20. Why is lesson planning important?1. Teacher will get a clear idea about the lesson objectives.2. Teacher will will be in a better position to decide on the sequence of activitiesto enable lessons to go on smoothly.3. Teacher will be more confident if they know what they are going to do in their lesson, they can deal with unexpected things4. Teacher will know what teaching aids they need to bring with them when entering classroom.21.What basic components should a lesson plan have?1. background information: (教学内容/背景)Who are the students? How many are there in class?What age? which grade? What genders? what are they like?2. lesson objectives: (教学目标)Be one of the most important components in a lesson plan.Three Dimensional Teaching Aims(三维教学目标)①Ability Aims (语言技能目标)②Knowledge Aims (语言知识目标)③Emotion Aims (情感态度目标)3. Important and difficult points:(教学重点和难点)List some points that are important in the teaching procedures andsome points that are difficult for students to master.4. Teaching Aids:(教学准备)Teacher need teaching aids to plan carefully how they are going to use themto aid learning.5. Teaching procedures/stages:(教学过程)The major activities and steps that teacher go through in a lesson in order to achieve the lesson objects.6. Optional activities and homework:(选择性活动、作业)Teacher should always remember to prepare some optional activities and decide on the type of assignment for the students after the lesson.The optional activities can be used as backups in case lesson goes too fast.7. After-class reflection:(教学反思)This is the only part to be finished after a lesson.Once formed into habits,such reflections can contribute greatly to teachers' professional development.22. The principles for good lesson planning▪Clear aims or objectivesAmis should be focused on what the students are expected to achieve by the end of the lesson.Aims are best stated with”pupils can do”▪Enough variety:Variety means planning a number of different activities in one lessonPupils ‘attention spans are rather short so it is important to vary the activities in order to keep the pupils engaged and interested▪With flexibilityFlexibility means always leaving space for something unexpected.It is useful to build in some extra and alternative activities.23.Classroom instructionsby teaching through the target language,we are offering them the opportunity to see how the language they learned is used so as to bridge the gap between classroom-based controlled practice with thereal languageused outside the classroom.▪Become aware of your own instruction-giving.▪Use short clear sentences.▪Separate instructions clearly from others▪Demonstrate rather than expliain wherever possible▪Check that they have understood what to do .▪Questions should be wise and purposeful, contributing to the overallobjectives of the lesson, stimulate the development of knowledge and thinking, as well as helping to maintain effective interaction.24.closed questions and open questionsClosed questions: those only with one single correct answer.Open questions: may invite many different answers.display questions and genuine questionsDisplay questions: those that the answers are already known to the teacherand they are used for checking if students know the anwers too.Genuine questions: questions are used to find out new information and they often reflect real contexts therefore more communicative.Lower-order questions and higher-order questionsLower-order questions: those questions that simply recalling of informationor memorizing of facts.Higher-order questions: those questions require more reasoning, analysisand evaluation.Questions should be closely linked to the learning objective in the lesson. quesitons should be staged so that the level of challenge increases as the lesson proceeds.There should be a balance between closed and open, lower-order and higher-order questions.Wait time is important to allow pupils to think through their answers.Pupils should be provided opportunities to ask their own questions and seek their own answers.A secure and relaxed atmosphere of trust is needed and pupils' opinionsand ideas are valued.25. Dealing with disciplineShowing genuine interest in and responding positively to pupils' answer so as to motivate them to want speak.Encouraging attention to language accuracy but in a constructive way.Using English at a level that pupils can understand so that pupils are getting more input.Helping pupils to express their messages by promoting or cueing pupils to say more.Relating talk to familiar contexts which are meaningful for pupils ans so encourage them to want to talk.Working in partnership wiht pupils to achieve a common goal, both teacher and pupils want to produce a piece of news.Harmer(1983)Act immediately. Stop the class. Rerrange the seats. Change the activity. Talk to pupils after class. Create a code of behaviour.Ur(1996)Deal with it quietly. Don‘t take things personally. Don't use the threats. Vale and Feunteun(1995)●Establish an attention-getting code, e.g. clap hands.●Give a short series game instructions, e.g. everyone raise your hands,put down your right hands---●Cough and fold hands and give a heavy look.●Walking up to a noisy child or group and start talking to them quietly.●Always speaks quietly.●Use flash cards or symbols to help.●Ask all the children to rest their arms and heads on the desks with eyesclosed in complete quietness for one minute.●Stop the activity when it gets too noisy and introduce a new activitywhich settles children down a bit.●Discuss with the children and write an agreed contract with the wholeclass.●Observe closely, when children are being good, praise good childrenand also praise the disruptive child for his minor good behaviour.●Always speak in a normal voice.26. What kind of grouping is suitble to certain activities?A. For whole-class workreading aloud story-telling listening and doinglistening to the tape and repeating after it presenting new languagegiving instructions singing songs watching video checking understanding B. For pair or group workpaired reading question-and-answer practice role playingdrama performance information gap project workC. For individual workCopying reading aloud reading silently gap filling writing exercise Children only work when they know what to do and how to do it.Clear task-setting instruction is critical in organizing this activity. demonstration and modeling may help.27.How to start a lesson?singing a song. say a ryhme give duty report review words learned last timedo a guessing game daily exchange questions and answersmake self introduction watch a cartoon do a TPR activity act out a playWarm-up activities do not only arouse pupils' interests of learning, but also function as the preparation of an English class.Making the beginning a bit more interesting and unpredictable can also make pupils look forward to your lessons.Stirring activity can wake the children up and stimulate them.Settling activity can make the children calm down when they are over-excited and they can also bore the children as well.Stirring activitiespaired oral work competitions role play guessing games TPR activities sing songs drama actingSettling activitiesCopying colouring listening drawing dictation writing tasksTeacher need to adjust the use of these activities according to the situations.Too much shifting from one activity to another requires clear instructionsor otherwise causes confusion.mentally-engaged activities Guessing games Solving problemsImagination Telling one’s own experience puzzlesPhysically-engaged activitiesReading aloud Copying Colouring Repeating Drawing28.Errors are an inevitable part of the learning process.It is through leaners’errors that “we can see that they are struggling to master ,what concepts they have misunderstood and what extra work they might need.Objectives of correctionBuilding pupils’confidenceRaising awarenessAcknowledging achievement and progressHelping pupils to become more accurate in their use of languageThe important aim of teaching English to children at the beginning is to build up their confidence ,to provide motivation ,to show them that English Isfun and to encourage them just to use whatever English they have to communicate.It is important to build a non-threatening learning environmentforthe children to experience with the language and take risks in using the language.Correction of errors in the early stages of a language course may have negative effects,Makng children lose confidence from fear of making mistakes ,making them reluctant to take risks and they are likely to dependenton the teacher to correct theirs.Reapeating the problem sentence with an emphasis on the problem in a rising toneAsking a question to invite the pupils to say it again with a hint of a problemA repetition of a correct sentence as a modelUsing a facial expression or gesture to indicate a problemSelf-correction is encouraged before teacher correction or peer correctionThe whole class can be invited to corrected as well.29When teach vocabularies, we should not expect our learners to remember them at once. We need to provide but interestingand meaningful contexts for the newly presented words to be practiced through a variety of activities, such as listening,speaking, drawing,ordering, classifying, reading, acting and writing.An important principle that we should all bear in mind is that "students need to see words in context to see how they are used".The best way to presentnew words is to provide a meaningfulcontext and give children the chance to observe, to think, to act, and to activate their prior knowledge as doneby the teachers in the above examples.A word needs to be met five or six times before it has any chance of being remembered.We need to provide different but interesting and meaning contexts for the newly presented word through activities,such as listening ,speaking,drawing,ordering,classifying,reading,acting and writing/The best and most efficient way for young learners to actually learn and remember words is when they are involved in thinking and in constructing meaning.The more the learner has to think about a word and its meaning, the more likely they are to remember30.Grammar presentation ——deductive or inductive?◆teach grammar in an isolated way.◆little attention is paid to meaning.◆practice is often mechanical◆could be successful with selected and motivated students.◆could save time.◆may help to increase students' confidence in examinations.◆it's abstract for young learners.◆time-consuming.◆provide children more authentic situations.◆children do not need to know the grammar rules explicitly.◆children can imitate from teacher and learner to use grammar gradully.Grammar practice ——mechanical or meaningfulFilling in the blanks Doing substitution drills Changing the sentence structure Translating sentences Repeating after the teacher◆Identifying pictures with description/paragraphs Discovering identical pairs◆Finding and describing differences Following directions Using rhymes and songs◆Retelling stories Role-play Listening and speakingTIPS:Both mechanical and meaningful activities are needed for effective learning of grammar. Teachers should design more meaningfulactivities so that children can acquire the language by using it in real contexts. Only mechanical drilling cannot meet the needs.31.Listen and do▪Give children confidence▪Explain why children have to listen▪Help children develop specific strategies for listening.▪Set specific listening tasks▪Let children listen to authentic Englishas much as possible▪Let children be active in listening.The most important features of listening and speaking activities。