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1.电子商务程序e-business process

2.在线营销online marketing

3.万维网接口World-Wide-Web interface

4.财务往来financial transaction

5. 商务模式business model

6.客户服务 customer service

7.解决争端 dispute resolution

8.客户关系管理 customer relationship management

9.电子兑帐与支付系统 electronic billing and payment system

10.运输单 shipping document


12.企业内部互联网 intranet

13.企业外部网 extranet

14.企业与企业之间 B2B

15.最终客户 final customer

16.清关 customs clearance

17.企业与消费者之间 B2C

18.信用卡鉴别 credit card verification

19.市场领域 market niche

20.软件模块 software module

21. 准时生产制Just-In-Time(JIT)

22.带宽 bandwidth

23.统一资源定位器 URL

24.电子现金 DigiCash

25.研究与开发 D&G

26.损益帐 profit/loss statement

27.现金周转;现金流量 cash-flow

28.资产负债表;资金平衡表 balance sheet

29.有利形势 tangible benefit

30.无利形势 intangible benefit

31.业务重组 business reengineering

32.全球市场 global marketplace

33.宽带技术 broadband technology

34.多媒体 multi-media

35.目标市场 target-market

36.在线订购 on-line online

37.网站 Web site

38.在线支付 on-line payment

39.网络服务器 Web server

40.形式发票;估价单 pro forma

41.经营单位 business unit(BU)

42.新经济 new economy

43.过程创新/流程再造 business process re-engineering(BPR)

44.分销渠道 distribution channel

45.最终用户 end user


47.企业对企业营销模式 business-to-business(B2B)

48.企业对客户模式 business-to-customer(B2C)

49.实体企业 brick-and-mortar enterprise

50.买进 buy-in

51.每股收益 earnings per share

52.市场份额 market share

53.净亏损 net loss

54.战略目标 strategic objective

55.折扣价格 discounted price

56.规划周期 planning horizon

57.整个企业范围的 enterprisewide

58.投资回报率 return on investment

59.市场分割 market segmentation

60.渠道效率图 channel effectiveness chart

61.自动再补给 automatic replenishment

62.通过邮购运作生意的方法 mail-order operation

63.当地商店定价 local store pricing

64.同类比较 apples-to-apples comparison

65.客户服务 customer service

66.商务自杀;生意自杀 commercial suicide

67.线上和线下/网上和网下/虚拟和现实 online and offline

68.及时的送货 timely delivery

69.现实生活中的商店 brick-and-mortar business

70.拖欠订货;延期交货 Backorder

71.总裁,首席执行官 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)

72.最佳价格保障 best-price guarantee

73.联合包裹快递公司 UPS: United Parcel Service

74.联邦快递公司 Federal Express

75.利润 profit margin

76.全国的商品目录 national catalog

77.邮购定价 mail-order pricing

78.产品回转 product return

79.保护隐私的措施 privacy policy

80.搜索引擎 search engines

81.线上信息/网络信息 online information

82.信息网 information network

83.站点访问量 site traffic

84.增长率 growth rate

85.顾客群 customer base

86.产品描述 product description

87.数据库 database
